

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Hello to all and Happy July and Happy Canada Day! June seemed to be a very long month and I'm glad it's over.

    My goal for June was to lose 2 lbs. I only lost 1 and then gained 2 last week. I think that was because I had started doing one of the 30 day squat challenges and also worked out in the yard for almost 3 hours on Thursday. I read today that when your muscles are very sore you tend to gain. Now I'm back down again and hope to continue to lose.

    It's supposed to rain here all week. Bummers for the 4th as we are supposed to have a large family cookout to welcome our young friend's love from Australia (who is visiting the US for the first time). Actually, our young friend is my DIL's brother. Our family and hers have become very close and I just consider them extended family. Would that be the right term for it? They plan to go to NY while she is here and see The Lion King. That should be fun for her. Then, there are close by attractions like the Stone Mt laser show and fireworks on the 4th.

    My goal for July is not to get discouraged and to keep on keeping on with what I hope is a lifelong commitment.
  • karlajotj
    karlajotj Posts: 46 Member
    Hello Ladies! I can't believe July is here already! It's been several months since I've posted anything on here, I was new then I guess got busy with life!
    Last month my workouts were pretty sporadic, I wasn't on my bike very often and I love riding. Been experiencing pretty bad fatigue which I'm pretty sure is due to the lovely Menapause! Oh, Joy!

    This month it's going to be different! Today I got up early and walked my dog (he loves our morning walks)
    for an hour, rode my bike for approx 2 1/2 hrs, then did some yard work. I feel so much better after doing so, especially after my bike ride. I love my morning rides! Puts me in a better mood.

    My July goals -
    *to get on my bike at least 4 days a week if not more and ride a minimum of 25 miles.
    *walk my dog 4 - 5 days a week
    *Get my two spare Bedrooms organized and decorated, including ainting.
    *Start straightening and organizing the storage room. (A lot to do here).
    *Would like to at least get started on painting the front entry way and Living Room.
    *Continue to Log all of my food
    *Drink more water!

    Everyone enjoy the rest of your day!

  • altygirl
    altygirl Posts: 57 Member
    Kay - thank you, I'll look at those socks. I get blisters on the back of my heels when I run/walk, even though my sneakers are good. I think it's the repetitive motion, so now I put large band aids on before every workout, which is a nuisance.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy July 1st!!
    Amanda,prayers for your upcoming surgery.
    Welcome any newbies.
    July goals-eat better
    exercise more
    Be positive.
    Don`t get down on me,if I have a bad day.
    log everyday.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,968 Member
    bump so I can find this later!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Just back from the Y. I didn't go yesterday because I was so sore. It is so important that I go every day this week because it is closed for the 4th, we are going to oldest daughters on Friday, come back Saturday evening. With my MS I will sleep a good bit on Sunday. I wish there was a Y where she lives. We will be eating out probably all the time while we are there. I'll make sure I have the pedometer with me and try to take some walks. I hope the weather cooperates of not I will go to Walmart and walk.

    I love 'my' bike. There have been two times when I have gotten to the Y that 'my' bike has some one sitting on it: noway: Today it was a mentally challenged young man that was with some one on the bike next to him. He wasn't really riding it, just slowly pedaling. But you can't ask him to get off. So I stayed busy until I could get it. The time before it was a young lady who was with some one on the treadmill next to it. Since it has a comfortable seat I guess she was sitting there with him. So I waited for it. So I guess one of my goals for forever is to learn more patience.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,891 Member
    happy Canada Day to the Canadians among us and happy July to everyone! Well each day is a little better since the surgery but getting to sleep and staying asleep continue to be challenging.

    June goals: walk 30 min per day 6x per week - did great until the surgery
    learn to use fitbit : I have figured out how to use it but need to figure out how to sync it with computer.
    keep carbs below 200: no but have managed to keep them lower than before most days
    end the month lighter and stronger: didn't get this done due to surgery

    July goals: begin walking 30 min per day again, work up to it
    Physical therapy as prescribed by doctor for shoulder
    have my son help me sync fit bit to computer while he is here visiting

    Finish July lighter and stronger.

    Amanda: Hope your surgery goes well and you have a quick recovery but don't rush it.

    Janemartin: I take magnesium for muscle cramps and it works, it was prescribed by my doctor some time ago.

    Great July goals everyone and such positivity! Sue in SD
  • TheNewLorrain
    TheNewLorrain Posts: 138 Member
    For the Month of June...I did not make my weight goal of twenty pounds down but am making strides towards it I am almost done with my crafts for my fair in twelve days! woohoo! I am paying it forward EVERY day in some way. I am drinking my water can do better.

    For the month of July ......
    I will make more realistic goals.... Five lb loss
    continue to work on home improvements
    try new recipes or healthy food idea at least once a week
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,814 Member
    evening ladies,
    sorta tired today stayed up to late last night and woke up early..
    Yes the DH and I have to step back out of the situation with my FIL so as we can still be able to see him.If we went and said something than we wouldn't be allowed to see him, waiting for DH's aunt's and uncle to go over there Weds and if his hand and arm are still in bad shape then they will call elder services right from the house..now we are talking of there older brother.
    the reason she hasn't gotten in trouble yet, is because the last time was in Florida and this is Ct. probably different laws. but im sure if this gets into the system,they can contact florida and get the info about her there too.
    It would please me to no end, to have them thrown out of the house, or her locked up, but I doubt that will happen..
    How in God's creation can you get so angry at a 86 yr old man that you harm him? She isn't right in the head,neither is her oldest son that lives there now. and the only reason my BIL re-married her is because he didn't want to get arrested for elder abuse himself.If his father was lying on the floor he would walk right over him.Alot of this has to do with my MIL ,she created alot of flack over the years..
    ok enough of the rant..
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    Sunny hot PNW
  • Mollybesweet
    Mollybesweet Posts: 80 Member
    Good evening Ladies :flowerforyou:
    Wanted to pop in with GREAT :happy: NEWS.
    My daughter,by some miracle,does not need the surgery or pacemaker at this time or at all.
    Medication and lifestyle changes -huge turn around.
    I really hold to Faith and prayers now.
    Thank you all for the kind words
    Jan :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: You are tops.
    Brought me back to reality.

    A grateful Mom in WV
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    YAY Robin!! Hope you start soon!

    To those with family illnesses and problems, I continue to pray for you. Life can be so hard sometimes.

    Amanda, Hope your surgery went well and your recovery is quick.

    Eileen near San Diego
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    Sunny hot PNW

    Yeah. Congratulations, robin! I am so happy for you!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    Sunny hot PNW

    Yay! Congratulations! I am so happy for you. :bigsmile: When do you start? :flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Robin,congrat`s on the job.When do u start.
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Congratulations Robin! I hope you really enjoy the new job :flowerforyou:

    Congratulations Mollybe that your daughter doesn't need surgery :flowerforyou:

    Today was a beautiful day. I got a lot accomplished around the house. Tomorrow I am cleaning out my closet, time to get rid of the clothes that are too big :happy:

    I hope everyone had a great day.

    Sandy in ON
    "Sweat is fat crying"
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    so i don't have details because the "c" was out of the office today and my move date has to be negotiated between managers. I am just so relieved that there is an end to the torture soon. I will keep you all posted.

  • TonicSapphire
    Hello Ladies,

    I'm new to MFP. My goals for July are simple. To read my copy of "Precision Nutrition" and plan meals. I will be on holiday until the 15th, so I will begin my diet, weigh-in and exercise then. I will try to get to the gym 2x a week for body pump class and do yoga whenever I have time.

    Health and happiness to all:smile:

  • Dodiemae
    Dodiemae Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all: I just joined myfitnesspal June 25 2013. So glad to have found this group I am 57 years old, married to a truck driver which means I am home alone a lot. I have 3 grown children and 6 grandchildren. I started walking with my sister last week we walk a little over a mile which takes us about 30mins. five days a week. My goal for July is to increase our distance and speed. We are both morbidly obese and she has had both knees replaced.

    Dodiemae South Central Pennsylvania
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening, ladies!

    Robin.......fabulous news, congrats!!! May the new job be all you want it to be.

    Jo in Wales......laughed at your cow experience; I once had the same thing happen with horses; my solution was to step behind the person I was with---don't know what I would have done if they didn't stop, but I knew I couldn't out run them

    Jodios......those scones sound delicious........I made scones once but they came out too crumbly

    Amanda.........hope surgery goes well and recovery is swift

    Kay........congrats on your progress and one year anniversary!!!

    Michele.........you inspired me to have beets tonight (and they were good!).......I think you are smart to keep the cats confined in one room

    Tigress....love my beach cruiser; hate the bike with all the gears etc.

    Brooke.........great quotes, as usual

    Molly........so glad it turned out much better than you were anticipating

    Dee Dee..........you are not allowed to stop; we would miss you too much!!! Hang in there, please........

    Pat........heard about the awful fires and loss of life out where you are..........when I lived in Mi., I dated a real sweet guy who went to MSU and went out to Az. and Ca. every summer to work as a forest fire fighter; good thing I was pretty much in the dark about the danger

    Started an elephant lift challenge at the gym this am. Can't wait till I can say I lifted an elephant! Went back to the gym tonight for a restorative yoga session and did 20min. on the eliptical too.

    g'nite all,