Over 50 Ladies?

Any over 50 women looking to be friends? Gosh, this sounds like the opening to a personal ad! Seriously, there are so many young, energetic people posting on this site. While I'm inspired by their energy and stamina, I know in reality my body will never be that young again, and I'll never have their manic approach to fitness.

I'm menopausal, work three jobs, and I'm tired all the time! Having lost 10 pounds so far logging my food and exercise in MFP, I'm beginning to notice a wee difference in how I feel. If I'm lucky, I find three opportunities a week to walk my dog, or to walk at lunchtime. I also teach yoga one night a week and work the weekends at my family restaurant (which is where I get most of my exercise).

It would be nice to find some like-minded and like-aged women to interact with. Along with weight loss and getting (or staying) in shape, we also have the unique situation of seriously changing bodies that seem to have minds of their own. Let's share inspiration and ideas and help each other stay sane through this process!


  • mggriso
    mggriso Posts: 35 Member
    Feelfree to add me, I am over 50 and understand about the body changing!
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    me too. I am 58. It is tough losing for us old birds! It has taken me 1 1/2n years to get this far and I'm not done yet! I'm vocal, so if you eat crap, you might not like this Texan....we can be outspoken....but never RUDE (we are Southern, after all) !

    oh my...just checked you profile. I love WA state. So beautiful. Mt Ranier is my favorite mountain on the planet and I've been to the Alps! Also love hiking, camping, river rafting, and scuba diving (of course), But your beaches are too cold for my blood! Maybe I'll see you someday for a hike. Hubby and I intend to hit the road with our trailer when he retires. And WA, OR, and ID are on our list (been there already and wanna come back).
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I'm 47 and only "Peri-menapause" Full time job, and a second job and two little kids and husband. I'm a tad busy but determined to be in the Best Shape of my life heading into 50.

    All those jobs - no wonder you're tired!

    Add me if I'm not too young. :wink:
  • You can add me to the over 55 group and post-menopausal. Weight sure doesn't come off the way it used to!
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member

    What you are saying ticks the boxes in my life haha....... I am 53, peri menopausal and am all over the place as it hasn't decided quite what to do with me yet. That change of body shape and feeling very frumpy brought me to MFP last year. I have managed to lose some weight but have been chasing the same few pound for months now. Exercise and fitness are certainly the way to go, even if it does happen slower than you want it to, oh and friends of course:happy: :happy: :happy:
  • fishbarn
    fishbarn Posts: 90 Member
    Hi I'm 51 & in the middle of making some life changes. Hopefully for the better. Maybe we can make them together.
  • fizzy123
    fizzy123 Posts: 220 Member
    I'm 49 this July and yes you've described a lot of my issues. I think the slow to no weight loss, despite keeping to my targets [mostly] is the hardest thing. My fitness is good but my body wants to do its own thing regarding weight and shape. Please feel free to add me :-)
  • dloggans
    dloggans Posts: 6
    Oh please, count me in! I am 56 and have struggled with yo yo weight loss for 20 years. Now, with the threat of diabetes, high blood pressure and more, weight loss is not longer about feeling good about myself, it is about living!
  • Donna6017
    Donna6017 Posts: 176 Member
    Oh please, count me in! I am 56 and have struggled with yo yo weight loss for 20 years. Now, with the threat of diabetes, high blood pressure and more, weight loss is not longer about feeling good about myself, it is about living!
    ^^This^^ Except I just turned 50. Feel free to add me
  • barbz2119
    barbz2119 Posts: 124 Member
    Feel free to add me.
    I'm 57, 4 grown up children and a 3 year old grandchild that I help out with. I work full time, am a volunteer police officer and spend spare time on the computer doing geneology.
    With a family history of heart disease, and type 2 diabetes I really wanted to make changes before something happened to me. I started my MFP journey just over two months ago, have lost nearly 20 lbs, feeling SOOOOOO much better for it which is encouraging me to try harder.
    I used to go to the gym daily until a couple years ago, but never lost just maintained. I now know that diet DOES pay a big part. So fitness-wse it was like starting out again as i have little time with work, hobbies and home, I now get up at 4.30 every morning and go for a 2 mile walk. Hoping eventually to turn that into a job, but if not maybe increase the walking.
  • bubblybabeuk
    bubblybabeuk Posts: 216 Member

    Add me too I was 50 this year but refuse to give in, I have been trying to lose the same 7-10lbs for forever!

    Mandy x
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    I am 42 and hubs is 54, anyone can add me!
  • Cerylia
    Cerylia Posts: 1
    Add me if you like. I'm a 58 year old woman with alot of weight to lose. I started here in april.
  • Add me to the list. I am 54 & am experiencing the same metabolic sluggishness as the rest of you mentioned. But, it is more than weight loss... it is feeling better, getting healthier, and stronger. It is critical that we get & retain muscle strength as we move forward. The physical change that has hampered our weight loss.... well, it will hit our muscles in the next decade. It is NOW or never, I think. So, it is a life-style change.... a mental change.... and we must be looking toward the future, and building our future as we want it to be. Happy to hear from all of us that are in the same boat!!! Good wishes on your journey!
  • I'm in the 1/2 Century Club, too. Started her earlier this year and have lost 34 lbs. I have so much more energy and loose clothes are so much better than tight ones. Feel free to add me.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm 60, work 2 jobs. My diary is open. Been here about 2 years.
  • conile55
    conile55 Posts: 1
    Over 50, just south of 60 and ready to make a change in my life. Tried this a year and a half ago and gave up too quick. Quit smoking 3 months ago and now I am ready to work on the weight. A girl in my office who is 50 just lost 65 pounds doing this. If she can do it, so can I.
  • ksb1957
    ksb1957 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in.......!!!!!!!!! I'm 56......post menopausal......hypothyroid.................work a full time job...........a widow.........keep up a 3000 sq ft house......and 5 acres......up.......plus i have 5 horses.....2 giant old dogs and a couple of kitties.................and.............I try to make zumba at least two times a week......three if my knees hold out.........it's been tough.......but am making some progress...Been at it since January 7. I gained about 60 lbs thru my spouses illness (cancer), subsequent death.............and my hypothyroid discovery.
  • Hi There: I'm almost 52-feel free to add me as your friend.
  • ksb1957
    ksb1957 Posts: 12 Member
    wow!!!!!!!!!!! you hit the nail on the head with that one.......it is now or never!!!!!!!!!!