How much water do you drink a day?



  • ronaldlaslo
    ronaldlaslo Posts: 4 Member
    Does anyone have an easy way to remember water when your on the road at work?
  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    About a gallon, a tad more at times.
  • memubo99
    memubo99 Posts: 58 Member
    1-2 litres a day, I find its enough
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    10 glasses
  • angelatjones16
    I drink from 8-10 glasses per day, I start the day off with lemon water.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    About 3 pints of water, and 2 pints of tea
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I drink 14-20 cups/day
  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    120+ ounces a day! And yeah, I can DEF tell when I don't get my water in.
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    100+ oz most days. I keep a camelbak groove .6l (20oz) bottle at work and at home and fill them up at least 5 times a day
  • AA1ex
    AA1ex Posts: 223 Member
    I have a 32oz water bottle and I normally drink 3-4 (it has gotten up to 8 though).... But I love water. I think you should just do your best because the more you drink it the easier it becomes.
  • NualaTW
    NualaTW Posts: 205 Member
    I have one of the Camelbak bottles (750ml). I fill it up and empty it 3 times/day. That comes out to around 2 liters. I find that is plenty. And that doesn't include additional water from fruits and veggies or the seltzer water I sometimes drink with dinner.
  • smirf1972
    smirf1972 Posts: 93 Member
    i aim for 68oz :drinker: but often only get to 51oz :blushing:
  • wendamabelle
    wendamabelle Posts: 25 Member
    80 oz a day. I am peeing 24/7 even after months of drinking this much. How does everyone else not need to get up 1-2 times a night? It can't be healthy to lose sleep to water.
  • emAZn
    emAZn Posts: 413 Member
    I drink anywhere from 130-140 ounces a day. Chris Powell from Extreme Weight Loss Edition says to drink 1/2 your body weight in water a day.

    In ounces?
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Usually about a gallon. I was in the bathroom constantly when I first upped my water intake, but I've adjusted now, and don't spend quite as much time in there. And I don't usually wake up at night to go, but very early morning will (5-6 am), and head back to bed for a while...
  • Hollypop725
    I drink a gallon just while I'm at work. I'll have a glass (mixed with Crystal Light) for breakfast, and then a few glasses at night for during my workout , and with dinner. At first I was in the bathroom like crazy but now my body has adjusted and it's not too bad haha. That's the only downfall to drinking a lot. :-)
  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    10-13 glasses a day
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    1 - 1.5 gallons a day, I may have slacked off on that a little since I started a different job and haven't been paying as much attention. I need to carry a gallon jug around with me.
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    I LOVE water. Sometimes I go well over a gallon. I average about a 16-20 cup minimum.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    I find I bat roughly 8