Calling all petite women 5'3" and under Friends needed!

Hello everyone! I'm looking to add some people around my height and possibly weight for support. I'm 5'2", 165lbs. I'm hoping to get down to 125-130. I eat at or less than 1500 calories per day and and work an active job 4 days a week on average and exercise 4 days a week usually on my days off from work but some on days I do work. I'm also vegetarian and trying to get better about logging my food intake. I have tried various methods and eating less than 1500 cals per day seems to work best for me in addition to exercising less as I was exercising 90mins a day for 5 days a week with no results even with I upped and lowered my calorie intake.


  • I'm 5'3" tall and have been obese my entire life. I am 54 and post-menopause & have the metabolism of a snail. I dropped from 280 to 174 in about 18 months to two years. (I stopped eating out (too much fried foods) & cut almost all fats from my diet.) At that point, the weight loss stopped, even though I did periodic workouts, in an effort to kick-start it. My weight slowly rose to 191 (17 pounds) over a couple of years of being less restrictive.

    During the past year, I have really watched my carbs,and fats. Ate as much as I wanted of reasonably calorie light foods, but restricted fats & carbs pretty severely. My weight has dropped from 191 to 157. I would like to get to 140 or so.

    It is amazing how LITTLE food I actually need. My self-image was never of a petite person, even though that is obviously what we are! Because we need so few calories, it is imperative that our calories count. They have to bring nutrition. They have to satiate our hunger.

    Keep me posted, as you work out a solution that works for your metabolism and life-style!
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I am hoping to connect with some small women, I try and post for help and everyone tells me eat more like 2200 calories a day. My stomach literally hurts if I try and eat as much that much. I have tried that EM2WL crap and it hurt and I gained weight. Smaller bodies don't need as many calories, I completely agree.
  • jess6742
    jess6742 Posts: 146
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I stopped using mfp for a few months and am now back to lose those last few pounds. I'm 5'1 and 109lbs. I've lost about 30 pounds over the past 2 years. I definitely think that I tend to underestimate my calories consumed so I try to set my calorie goals on the low end. Good luck with your weight loss goals!
  • spendsitwell
    spendsitwell Posts: 59 Member
    I am 5'2" and currently 135 and a size 8. My HW was 190 while I was pregnant. After my daughter was born I got down to 160. Being short and 160 didnt work for me. I was pushing a size 12. I have done lots or reading on the amount of calories I should be eating and I have come to the conclusion that about 1300 works for me. I workout 6 days a week and I do not eat back my calories burned unless I burn over 500 calories. My goal weight is 115. I have tried 1200 and that is too little for me and I have tried 1400 and that seems like too much. I really think its about trial and error and seeing what works best for your body.
  • jmarsh9
    jmarsh9 Posts: 12 Member
    Go ahead and add me as a friend if you'd like!

    I'm 5'3", and am around 125 pounds (although that fluctuates to 130). I'm trying to get down to 115-120. I try to eat around 1300-1400, but if I'm under my calorie goals and am full (which is rare :P) I don't force myself to eat more. I agree-2200 seems pretty excessive for 5'3". and definitely don't eat that much if it physically hurts you!
  • A2Zscents
    A2Zscents Posts: 34 Member
    I'm 5'3 and now weight 134. My highest weight was 162 after my second daughter. I went on WW and got down to 127 but wasn't working out. I am now working out and put on about 7 pounds but feel great. I hope to get down to 130 again soon!
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I'm 5'2" and my starting weight was 164 (only down 2 lbs, but it's a start), with a goal of 127, and I actually go vegetarian (cheaper and healthier) a few nights a week. Sounds pretty similar so I'm here if you want encouragement or to share recipes! :D
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i am 5.2 ft and i started at 142lbs and now 117-118. It took me a whole year just to lose 20 lbs. it was so slow, i thought it was never going to happen. i never lost more then 1.5 lbs a month! I eat around 1600 cals a day, i find the tdee method works better for me, i used to do 12-1400 and ate back all my exercise cals when i was trying to lose , so the days i didn't exercise i wasn't over eating.. now that i am maintaing, i only eat 10% from my tdee and it is working, i have maintained my weight since jan. my goal now is to lower my body fat!
  • patchesmany
    patchesmany Posts: 4 Member
    Add me. I am 5"1". My high weight was 245 after my son was born. In 2 years I lost 70 pounds, by restricting calories and exercising 2 days a week. Then I got a job and got lazy at the gym.

    I started back to myfitpal in february of this year. I now work out 4 days a week, and eat around 1600 calories a day, I don't eat back my calories burned either. I am nearly done with cutting out all processed foods and have never felt better. Although the pounds are coming off slowly, I am loosing inches at a great pace, replacing fat with muscle. Over 16 inches in 5 months.

    I currently weigh 178. I would like to get in the 130's.

    It's difficult as I truly think that weight loss is a little different and harder when petite.
  • patchesmany
    patchesmany Posts: 4 Member
    typo- my high weight was 245
  • LoveSynn
    LoveSynn Posts: 1
    I'm 5'4 130 pounds. I was always pretty think. I gained 20 lbs in a year after a emotional breakup. Caused me to feel sluggish, I got horrible acne and I just have low self-esteem. I have tried diets and exercise programs before and haven't kept to anything. I would love some friends on here. I need motivation, tips, recipes, work-out plans and I love reading other peoples success stories. Please add me as a friend :) .
  • Currently 5'3" and 203. Was close to ONEderland, but gained a few pounds back after having a little too much fun with food. Feel free to add!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    5'3" and I started out at 164lbs.

    You can do this! I'm now 123.7lbs and counting. Feel free to add me as friend for support. =)
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    You can add me - I can work out 4 days a week and can only eat 1400-1500 cals. I have a chronic injury so I have to eat well I can't always exercise more to "burn" it off
  • Stlarenas
    Stlarenas Posts: 90 Member
    I am 5'3" started at 175 and now weight 160. I would love to get to 130.

    Right now I am sticking to 1200 cal/day and eating back some of my exercise calories. I do better looking at the weekly goals/averages as some days I'm just not hungry and other times I like to splurge with things like wine or chocolate :) so far it is working for me.

    I log everything and am active...feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Hi - I am around 5 feet tall and my starting weight was 188 lbs. My daily goal is set at about 1800 calories but I have been eating between 1100-1500 per day since I started earlier this week. I'm trying to exercise (mostly walking right now until I can afford a gym) for 30 mins per day. My goal weight is 120lbs. I am a diabetic, insulin resistant and suffered from severe PCOS. I've had trouble sticking to diets in the past due to my living arrangements/other food in the house as a stay at home mom plus a lack of motivation and results due to the PCOS interfering with my efforts. Feel free to add me.
  • Hi , I'm 5ft 1 and currently am 174 lbs :( I need support as well, I'm a mother of 2 and Grandmother of 2 and am 41 . YES I know I am young to be a mother/grandmother, But things happen in life . I too am looking for some form of support. I'm a house cleaner and a people pleaser:smile: according to my Dr and it's time I started looking after myself for a change.
  • jksdadams2
    jksdadams2 Posts: 11 Member
    I am 5' and at my highest weight of 280 right now. I could also use the support of friends. I keep slacking and not tracking here but as of today I am trying hard again. I would like to get down to 140 eventually. Right now I have a small goal of losing 40 lbs. Then i will take it from there.
  • Hollywoodm55
    Hollywoodm55 Posts: 155 Member
    Hi, you can add me if you like. I am 5'1 and weigh 135. I am trying to get down to 120, and I try to eat between 1200-1500 calories a day. I just started lifting heavier weights, but I also do bootcamp style cardio a few times a week.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member

    It is amazing how LITTLE food I actually need.

    I'm 5'2" and 100 or a little under. This has become increasingly clear the older I get.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    I'm 5'2", currently 124lbs. Trying to get down to 120 and then possibly 115 after that.
  • sonia291
    sonia291 Posts: 4
    Hi I am new at this and first time at mfp, I started in june weighing in at 190. I am also 5'3" . I now weigh 182 lbs. I work out everyday on treadmill for 60 mins. Sometimes I eat what I burn off and stay under 1200, but lately I've been stuck, no more, no less. So I am going to see if I can add another hour of cardio because I feel the need to lose fat first before I can go into strength training. So yes, I need friends too. Add me as yours.
  • southernmom3
    southernmom3 Posts: 181 Member
    I am 5'3" and currently weigh 163 - starting weight in March was 186 - down 23 pounds so far.(yes) I try to eat the 1200 calories as the site suggests and some days I have to add a snack to make it reach 1200 calories. I don't think I under eat I think my body doesn't need 2000 calories or more like others have suggested but to each his own. Do what your body tells you to - what it needs to work is what it needs.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I have a ways to go - my next goal is to be in the 150s by the end of July and reach the 30 # mark sooner than later. I am doing this slowly but surely to make it stick - make it a permanet life change - I don't want to rush this and then gain it all back.

    oh, I am a single mother of two kiddos - my daughter just moved out is 18 and my son is 11. Making time for me is hard to do but I do my best to get some exercise in each day.
  • songthennes
    songthennes Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! Feel free to add me if you like! I'm 5', 101lbs. I lost about 12lbs in 3 mos. I did my normal workout routine but started tracking all my calories. It's been an eye-opener to me to see what a portion really is, and how we can easily underestimate. I was the type who would work out, but ate a lot more calories back than what I earned. I enjoy keeping track of what I eat. Now I am able to maintain and according to MFP, I can eat up to 1500 cal/day, so I'm in the experimental mode to see where my calorie level is for maintaining. Good luck and keep up the work! It's well worth it in the end. It can be a long journey sometimes, but I think it also helps train us to have healthy habits for life.
  • mjkanaan
    mjkanaan Posts: 78 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me, too. I'm 5'3", current weight is about 163 or 164. I had started to lose for a couple of weeks and then just hit a plateau again and am very frustrated. I agree that it is tougher on us petite folks, and especially on those of us who are a little older. I'm 43, with two kids, and trying to make time for myself. I'm looking for more friends, as I just started on MFP again a little over a month ago. Really want to make this work and the more motivation we can all get from each other, the better!

    My goal weight right now is about 140. I am fairly muscular, so I really don't want to get too "skinny." I do Zumba a couple of times a week, and started doing the C25K running program about 5 weeks ago, so hope to be able to run a 5k straight through in a few weeks. Right now I do the running thing three days a week (walk/run combination), and I do some light weights. Overall, I usually work out 6 days a week, allowing my body one day to rest.

    I really want to lose the fat and build some muscle and just feel more healthy and able to keep up with my teenage kids. If you feel like adding me, that would be great.
  • betseyjane
    betseyjane Posts: 18 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'd love to have people around my same height and weight goals! I'm 5'3, and my all-time high was 160lbs. Current weight is 155. Goal is 135!!
  • Hey I'm Brittany! I'm 5'3 and weight 145 right now trying to get down to 120! I log in everyday and love to talk to people, so feel free to add me :)
  • happyhaunt
    happyhaunt Posts: 180 Member
    Me! I'm 5'1 and I weigh 116 but my goal is 105. Add me! :)
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    5'2 130lbs looking to loose another 20-30 I eat between 1400-1800 depending on my workout for the day feel free to add me. I'm down 65lbs over the last 11 months
  • littlelouis
    littlelouis Posts: 54 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'3 and went from 127 to 109 pounds. I alternate between strength training and cardio daily and I'm currently in the process of upping my calories from 1,200 to 1,500 and maybe even more, if I can handle it without gaining. Anyone can feel free to add me; I'd love to have some new friends!