Today Show Club! (Everyone Always Welcome)



  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    I think this is the first day I've had that has been perfect food-wise. Not just staying within cals, but making really healthy choices and not rationalizing anything.
  • Shari - We get housing allowance and separation pay. I think things have changed a bit. As long as we get housing allowance, we will be fine if I move up for school. Great job on calories and making good food choices. That is awesome.

    Time for my run with Tamara. Wish me luck. Have a great night.

  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    Ok so I think Im gonan wing it on the tracker but figured I would ask how you all do it. We are going out to eat at this little family owned restuarant. They actually just got a webstie recently but they dont have any nutrition info on it. I think (its been a while) that they have the little icon next to the healthier choices or something. Its all (from my understanding) homemade stuff. The fries are to die for, liteerally. Anyways how would I do that. I have no idea how they cook things. Im gonna go with anything grilled like probably the grilled chicken sandwhcih or something. Maybe just eat half lol. I do have alittle over 600 regular calories left for the day (I dont normally eat my exercise calories but I have 300 of those)
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Jessica, just go with generic equivalents. There seem to be a lot of those in the data base. It may be off, but it's better than nothing. One inexactly recorded meal is not gonna kill you. One idea is to try to preplan roughly what you might eat and log it ahead of time just to see the cals. That might be a reality check and help you watch portion control. I am living proof that you can eat out and socialize and not be perfect and still lose a little weight each week. Just have a plan and "try" :) to follow it. Enjoy!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Morning Faithful Friday'ers!!

    I was up 6 oz in my weigh this morning, But I am ok with this.. I have up'ed my calories for the week and I was also up 1.2% in muscle this week and that is exactly where I wanna be, gaining muscle!!

    I am running late this morning, better get a move on it, drinking my coffee and eating my french toast!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    sheri- yep thats what I did. Though I know I ate more fries then I put onmy tracker BUT I was below my calories for the day anyways. Ive been planning ahead when I know we will be eating out and it works great and makes for a quicker restuarant stay and we know that kids can get antsy when waiting for food so why make them wait longer while Im looking at the menu. Luckily this place had the menu online so I got to look at it before we went
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    sheri- yep thats what I did. Though I know I ate more fries then I put onmy tracker BUT I was below my calories for the day anyways. Ive been planning ahead when I know we will be eating out and it works great and makes for a quicker restuarant stay and we know that kids can get antsy when waiting for food so why make them wait longer while Im looking at the menu. Luckily this place had the menu online so I got to look at it before we went
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    sheri- yep thats what I did. Though I know I ate more fries then I put onmy tracker BUT I was below my calories for the day anyways. Ive been planning ahead when I know we will be eating out and it works great and makes for a quicker restuarant stay and we know that kids can get antsy when waiting for food so why make them wait longer while Im looking at the menu. Luckily this place had the menu online so I got to look at it before we went
  • Good morning and Happy Friday! Where is everyone this morning? It seems like it was pretty quiet last night. Is everyone okay?

    Today is a great day! All of my hard work has paid off. I lost 4 pounds this week. I have finally reached goal weight. I am even a half pound under. I am so excited. I even took a picture of the scale to have proof. It is hard to believe that I am finally there. I even reached my goal with 5 days to spare. That takes a lot of pressure off me, but I am not going to slack off. I am so excited and happy to be where I am. It is such an amazing feeling.

    I had a great run with Tamara last night. We shaved 4 minutes and 18 seconds off our last time. She was not letting me quit no matter what. I got up this morning and went for a run outside. It felt amazing at 5:00 AM and it was so beautiful. There were tons of stars out and the moon was still so bright. I really enjoyed my run today. I did 3 miles in 35 minutes. I shaved about 3.5 minutes of my time for that route. I was trying to push myself to keep going when I wanted to stop running and walk. My runs used to be about a 50/50 ratio on run/walk. Now it is about a 75/25 ration of run/walk. I actually feel like a runner now and that is so strange to me. Anyways I got my workout in and then I did my 25 sit ups before getting ready for the day. This mornings workout makes 5 for this week and I have done that 4 weeks in a row.

    Tamara - Thanks for the great workout. I really appreciate you trying to kill me, oh I mean pushing me. :laugh: I am glad that you gained muscle this week. The change in your calories has really helped you. Keep it up my friend. Your marathons will be here very soon.

    Tonight I am going to dinner with a friend and then shopping. I think we are going to Chili's and they have the Guiltless Carribean salad that I love. It is 440 calories and I know that is what I am going to have. I have already planned ahead and figured that into my calories so I am good for the day. I am goign to look for some new jeans. I said I would reward myself with a pair of Buckle jeans when I hit goal weight. They are pretty pricey, but it is a reward that I have earned. I am so excited to go shopping and try on some new clothes and in places I have never been able to shop before. Today is a fantastic day.

    Today I looked in the mirror and I really liked the person I saw. This is not to sound cocky or anything like that. Please do not take it the wrong way. I just felt really good about myself. I was checking myself out from each angle and I did not see a single flaw this morning. I feel good on the inside and out. I really feel blessed to have all that I have and to be able to accomplish the things I have. It made me feel really good to finally hit goal weight. I set that goal a long time ago and now I am there. Today I do not have any negativity in my system. Life is great. God is good. My heart is full of love and I am surrounded by people who love me. Today really is a wonderful day.

    I hope that everyone has a fantastic day!
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Bobbie, what a wonderful post! Congratulations on making your goal! And thank you very much for sharing your feelings. For those of us just starting, it seems slow, but we need to remember that if we just persevere we WILL reach our goals, and the great feeling we will have then will make it all worth it.

    Last night my son came home with a big basket of goodies that was given to him by the pool where he has been a lifeguard & swim instructor all summer. I have a really hard time with goodies in the house, so I ate two things - m&ms and cookies. I logged it this mornning and it came to an extra 500 cals. Interesting that 500 cals a day for 7 days = 1 lb! Something to think about. In hindsight it wasn't worth it. I will try to remember that next time.

    Well, this morning I took my two guys to the airport. They are leaving on a 9 day, 2 city, roller coaster vacation. They will be going to 6 Flags Great Adventure in NJ, and King's Dominion in VA. It will be up to me to decide how I will live my life in their absence. In the past it would have meant "spoiling" myself with treats and movies/tv. This time I plan to live super healthfully. Just think, I don't have to make them dinner or have their junk food in the house! I started well this morning by passing up Starbucks for the drive home. I would usually have a latte and scone to kick-off my mini vacation, but instead I came home and made myself an almond milk latte.

    Today is my C25K day, and I'm looking forward to that. I got the jogging stroller last night for my little dog, but I have to retrofit it so I can harness him in, and train the other dog to run alongside it. (She's a bit scared of it.)

    After my boys come back from their vacation, I will be leaving on mine. I'm going to Guadalajara Mexico for 2 weeks for a total immersion Spanish language school! I'm very excited, as it is something I have wanted to do my whole adult life. I will be staying with a Mexican family and attending classes 4-6 hours a day. I will not be allowed to speak one word of English the whole time, and they cannot speak English to me. I will have internet access there, and Marcie has graciously volunteered to translate any updates I'm able to send you guys. (She is fluent in Spanish) I will try to keep them brief, but it will be fun to report how i'm doing since I'll be there two weeks.

    Bobbie, I just want to say again, that you have inspired me today. I'm really going to make my 9 days alone count! This is my time - a wonderful opportunity to focus on myself!
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I have been a lurker on this post for the past couple of days.:noway: Sorry I had not posted anything. I'm trying to hang in there. I have stayed on track with calories and excercise. Last night I fell asleep on the couch, so I did not do my sit-ups, but I will be sure to do 50 tonight. Tonight I go for my W2D3 of C25K, so I'm on track with you Shari. Well even though the scale doesn't say what I want it to say....I have on some jeans today that two weeks ago I could not zip fact I would wear them with a big shirt so you couldn't tell they were not zipped or buttoned! :ohwell:

    Bobbie....OMG....all that you have written on here has got me on a high. Especially the comments about your husband and now exceeding your goal. I can just feel the love you guys have for each other! I have to admit I've gotten misty-eyed. :cry: in a good kind of way! You know that my son is serving in Afghanistan and I miss him terribly, so on a different level....I know what you mean.

    Tamara...I don't know how you do it getting up so early in the morning. I need my beauty rest :bigsmile: You are an amazing person.

    Shari....what can I say about are just our cheerleader....this post would not be the same without you!! I will do my best not to let you down and translate anything you post while you are in Guadalajara.

    Deneen, Jessica, Gail....all of you really inspire me when I read about your challenges and how you all are rising above them. Makes me want to keep going.

    I almost don't want to weigh-in on Monday for fear of disappointment....I may just start measuring to see if I'm losing inches.

    Well got to get back to work now....You all have a wonderful weekend!
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Marcie! you and I are going through the same thing. I have been peeking at the scale and it is not impressive, lol! I will be lucky to lose .2 lb. However, like you, I am definitely thinner. I think the jogging and sit ups have something to do with that! We need to remember that we have lost 3 lbs in 2 weeks, which is actually quite good! Even if we don't lose this week, we will still have lost 3 lbs in 3 weeks, which is excellent! (Patience, Grasshopper) Now, I will admit I have not been perfect. I am usually eating somewhere between my "to lose" cals and maintenance (500-1000 over). I have an idea - would you be up to a three day challenge with me to be super good this weekend and both of us actually try to LOSE something?! I'm feeling really strong right now due to Bobbie's post. My goal feels more real. I'm motivated enough to go for it. ARE YOU IN? JUST 3 DAYS, WE CAN DO IT!

    ps. Marcie, I really miss you when you don't post!
  • Good afternoon ladies. I have to say that I really enjoy this group. Everyone on here is so nice and supportive and encouraging. It really helps when you have a bad day to see that you are not alone. I know how easy it is to get discouraged and be afraid to get on the scale. Your weight fluctuates on a daily basis. Maybe you had too much sodium or too much water, so the next day you are the same or up. Please do not torture yourself that way. I know it is easier said than done. I am very guilty of torturing myself with the scale. The best thing to do is weigh once a week at the same time. It will help you to get your true weight. Your body is going through a lot of changes right now. You have changed your eating habits and are excercising and drinking water. Your body has to adjust and it may take time. You will see the results. Please do not get discouraged or give it. You can do this and it is for yourself. If you do not take care of you, then who will. I know somedays it seems like a lot and giving up would be easier, but don't do it. Fight for yourself. Fight for your weight loss. Look at it like this. You are fighting the bigger version of you so that the world can see the skinner version. It is all a mental game. It is an internal struggle and unless you have ever had a weight problem, then you won't understand. A lot of people cannot relate to it, but all of us on this site can. We are all here to show each other support and to help each other reach their goals. Think of this too. There was a reason you saw Tamara's segment on the today show and joined this site. That meant it was time for you to take control and kick the big girl's butt so the whole world can see you shine. I promise all the feelings you are having are normal and it will get easier. You are not dieting. You are changing your life. It is all worth it! My advice to all of you is to take it one day at a time. Each day will start to feel normal. You will actually start looking forward to your workouts and even start craving healthy foods. I have complete faith in all of you.

    Shari - Thank you. I am very happy to share my story and if I can help someone in the process, then that is amazing to me. Keep your mood positive and always look for the brighter side of things. You did so good by skipping Starbucks. Have you looked at the calories in them? It is crazy. My favorite one has 600 calories or so. I am very glad that you have found a healthy alternative to Starbucks. I hope you enjoy your 9 days to yourself. Each day you need to so something just for you. Take a nap or a time out or whatever it is you wnat to do. This will help you feel refreshed. Also set mini goals for yourself. Things like today I will stay with in my calories, tomorrow I will work out for XX amount of time, or I will make sure I eat all my fruits and veggies today. If you start setting goals, they will become a part of your routine. The mini goals have really helped me. I hope you have a great trip to Mexico. It sounds like you are going to have a blast. Make smart choices and enjoy every minute of it. We will keep everyone going on here. Maybe Marcie will become your fill in cheerleader since she is your twinnie! :bigsmile:

    Marcie - Shari is right. We miss you when you don't post. We will come and find you if you try to disappear on us. :wink: I think all of the posts help everyone. It lets people know that they are not alone in their feelings. Weight loss is a very difficult battle and we all need support during it. We are here for you whenever you are frustrated and I am sure that either myself or Tamara has had that same emotion. There were times before that I would get up on Friday and weigh. Then if the scale did not say what I wanted it to, I would go back to bed and cry instead of holding my head up and working out. Then I would get over it and promise myself that next week would be better. All you can do is hold your head up and push forward. This is for you. I think taking your measurements is a great idea and also try to set the mini goals like i suggested for Shari. I bet it felt great when you zipped up those jeans. Your work is already paying off! Keep it up and stick with us!
    Thank you for the comment about feeling the love between us. I am sure that Tamara could testify that there is definitely so much love. I believe that we were made for each other. I have been very blessed in that area and I was also lucky enough to become a part of his wonderful family. I call his parents Mom & Dad and I am actually staying the night with them tomorrow. His sister is now my sister and we talk about 4 days out of 7 each week. She told me today that I was her inspiration and she is trying to get my drive. She even sent me a card for hitting my 100 pound mark last week.
    I did know your son was deployed. I can only imagine how much you miss him, since I do not have kids yet. I know the types of love are different, but still the same. We both miss a loved one and pray for their safety. I am here for you anytime you ever need to talk.

    Where is everyone else at today?

    Sorry for the long post. I can get carried away. I need to see something positive about yourself today ladies.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good afternoon my postive for the day, Hubby calls and says hey I am not gonna be able to go out to dinner tonight I have something to do at 430..ME I get upset and wanna cry because friday is the only night that I eat what I want I pretty much stay right on track through the week and the weekend, I said cant we go with you and then eat at golden corral( buffet) after you get done doing what you need to do..Hubby I am already in nashville./ Me " ok," about ready to cry I hang up and say why why me, he knows the only time I go out to eat in friday evening. but what he is doing is important he is just not messing around, so I said to myself..ok tamara think postive, I said I could wait for my son to get home go for a 6 mile run and then by the time I got done with my run and shower and makeup my hubbie woul;d be home and we could resume dinner plans as orginially scheduled.. So that my friend is my postivie for the day I didnt let his plan interfer with mine, I wanted to go out to dinner around 4 so I could run when I go home, I will loook at it on the bright side at least I will run on a empty stomach not a full one and be miserable..

    Shari - I hope you doggie gets used to running along jogging stroller

    Marcie- As long as you are logging you food and stopping by every once in a while.. I am good we just need to see your smiling face..

    Jessica- How is home schooling going?

    Bobbie- I am so proud of you for hitting your goal weight, you are simply amazing!!!

    Deneen, gail, I am so glad ya'll are here and know you ar every important to this team.. I am gonna go get daughter off the bus here in a few and head out for my run!!! I will enjoy dinner as planned!!
  • Tamara - I am very proud of you. I know how you like your routines and you like sticking to your plans. Great job turning something negative into a positive. I am super proud. You have done a fantastic job this week. Keep it up girlie.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    tamara- its going good. The lessons are super easy for Alivia so shes saying tis boring but is still very much excited and she wants to keep doing school all day, which wouldnt be an issue IF I didnt have a demanding 2 year old lol. It doesnt seem much different yet then just what we do everyday. Next year will be a bigger challenge since it will be full day and not half day.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Tamara - I am very proud of you. I know how you like your routines and you like sticking to your plans. Great job turning something negative into a positive. I am super proud. You have done a fantastic job this week. Keep it up girlie.

    Awww ma am dont make me cry!!! I love you and thanks for all the support, really thinking I can do anythig at this point think I am gonna run the hills even if its only 5 miles, of I burn 500 calories it will be almost 1300 calories burned!! For the day ... go me!!
  • Tamara - Apparently I am really good at making people teary eyed today. You know I love you girlie. You can do anything you set your mind to. You need to come to my house one day. There are monster hills on that 5 mile route. I swear at it every time I do it. 1300 burned for the day is fabulous! Enjoy your run and then dinne with the hubby. You should get all dressed up and go somewhere nice!
  • Tamara and Bobbie, you guys are an inspiration! I have a five-mile run that I do near my place in Washington DC, with a lot of hills. Next scheduled run is tomorrow morning! I'm the sort of crazy type, and when I start running up a hill, I won't stop, even if I have to collapse at the top :)

    Tonight it's dinner and dancing with a date... (That's another story: We've been seeing each other for four months, and he is a ridiculously romantic man, and one hell of a dancer!) I've been saving up calories for a restaurant meal throughout today, eating an ultra-light salad for lunch and light toast for breakfast. Staving off hunger by glugging tons of water. Hope I burn some calories on the dance floor!

  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Ok....what the heck....last week my sister....this week my mom....My mom went in for a gall bladder surgery today, but there were complications with the anesthisia and now she is in ICU. Apparently when she was being intubated her throat swelled, so they had to stop the procedure. She is not in critical condition, but has to be under observation. They have to be careful because she has high blood pressure. Of course my mommy comes first and I need to be with visiting time is 8-9pm and it's a drive away, so no running for me tonight. I know it should be the least of my worries. But I want so much to succeed at this. I am an emotional please send good and happy thoughts my way. I know this is just a test and I need to overcome it! Life does go on!

    Thank you for listening to me.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
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