Today Show Club! (Everyone Always Welcome)



  • Marcie and Shari, I've heard that when you first start exercising like gangbusters, you're going to start building muscle while burning fat. Muscle is denser than fat, meaning it takes up less space but weighs more. Maybe you're building muscle, and losing inches, even if you're not losing pounds right now?

    Either way, keep it up! Losing inches and having comfier jeans is a wonderful thing :) ~Butterfly
  • Oh no, just saw your recent post Marcie! I hope your mom is alright... hopefully the throat swelling goes down and she gets stable. Swelling is usually something managed well by medication... hoping she's alright!!!

    A few years ago my mom wound up in the ICU as well after an accident at her bowling league. (We all laugh about it now: She crashed her bowling ball through the glass door, then fell through the door onto broken glass - missing the pins by about eighty feet.) But at the time, it was very scary and I dropped everything to be with her.

    Good luck driving out to visit, and best of luck to your family!
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Marcie, I'm sorry about your mom! I hope she is better asap! Thanks for your message agreeing to my challenge. Wow, now that I hear about your family troubles, I'm very impressed you accepted a challenge for this weekend! I think it will be a good thing for both of us. We need a jumpstart or booster shot or something. I know it will pay off Monday.

    Since Marcie agreed to my weekend challenge, I will throw it out there for anyone else who wants to join us. The idea is that from now until Monday morning we commit to do some extra things above and beyond what we have been doing. This hopefully will be the little extra added help we need to move the scales on Monday morning. The challenge is personal so you pick what extra things you are going to do.

    For my personal challenge I pledge to be absolutely perfect on my food all weekend, something I have not acheived yet. For me this means making all healthy choices, logging everything, and staying at 1200 net cals. I will drink all my water each day. I will also do extra exercise every day. I will report what I'm doing.

    Who else is in?
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Oh I forgot to say my positive about myself today: I am VERY PROUD that I have seriously studied Spanish ON MY OWN at home all summer. In June I finished 1st year Spanish at the local community college. I then purchased the curriculum (texts, online workbook, & audio labs) used by the University of Washington for 2nd year spanish. I've studied hard all summer and have completed the equivalent of Spanish 201 on my own. (That's the first quarter of 2nd year spanish) My upcoming trip to Mexico is to help me with speaking and understanding. This fall and winter I will continue to study 2nd year Spanish and hopefully take another trip to a different Spanish speaking country next year.
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Just completed C25K w2D3! Yay, I can't believe I've kept it up two weeks! For my something extra I pushed myself harder than usual. I actually tried to jog during the running parts instead of just shuffling along (lol), and during the walking parts I marched vigorously and pumped my arms. What a sight I must have been, but I didn't care. They won't be laughing at me in 7 more weeks when I can run a 5K! yee haw! So far today I am perfect on food and I intend to keep it that way.

    I hope everyone is doing great. Post if you're lurking. I need company!
  • GLW1969
    GLW1969 Posts: 23
    i do the best i can everyday and it's not energy that i have to clean my house it is an obsession i picked up from being a manager of a McDonald's for 5 yrs and having to clean every minuet of everyday it carried over to home and stuck once i left that job and moved on to being a nurses assistant for 5 more years of more cleaning but different types of it.

    the kids are back in school and we play games and do other things besides work out can't make it all work since they started back the 19th . have to have play time we still work out they just don't realize it yet.

    still on the quest for locating a durable scale and working out next months menus before i restock the cupboards again.
    thanks for all the support and big thanks to Tammara for being brave enough to go on the today show!

    have a great weekend !!!!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Morning yalll busy day on tap today..running then daughter has gymnsatic then son has baseball practice, what a busy day, I will pack my lunch and roll with the punches..

    I will post more later., gotta get outta here its already HOT outside!!!
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Good morning, everyone! YAY! I was perfect on my food yesterday. I think that was the first time, honestly. The fun part was when I closed out my food journal for the day MFP said if I ate like that every day I would weight 10 lbs less in 5 weeks. That 10 lbs lighter number sounds really exciting.

    Today is a busy day for me and could be challenging. First thing this morning I have to Fed Ex my son's contact to him. He forgot them on vacation. There goes my morning relaxing time. Oh well... Then at 10 AM I am visiting a friend who had hip replacement surgery. I will help her with a few chores, then make us smoothies to enjoy as we do some needlework together. Then at 3 PM I have the baptism of my little grand niece. She is my brothers first grandchild. There will be a party afterwards with lots of food. I will be trying a NEW STRATEGY. Instead of trying to make healthy choices, I'm simply not going to eat anything there! I will have lunch beforehand, and dinner after. No food whatsoever at the party. Black and white. No grey. I'm gonna try this and see if it works for me.

    Marcie, I hope your mom is doing ok. My thoughts are with you. Try to stay strong during this difficult time and take care of yourself.

    Gail, I have a digital Tanita scale from either Target or Fred Meyer. It is extremely durable and accurate and only cost about $35 if I remember correctly. (A few years ago) It goes up to 330 lbs and weighs to the nearest .2 lb.. The thing I love most about it is that it is so accurate. You can get on and off it 5 times and it will give you the same weight each time. That is a good feature if someone is a bit OCD about their weight, lol!

    Tamara, thanks for being such a faithful poster no matter how busy you are. I really really appreciate that!

    How is everyone else?
  • Good Morning Ladies - Oops Good Afternoon... ;)
    Whew - where to start?!?!? Yesterday was an absolute horrific day - personally, professionally, emotionally - I would really like a do over on it...:frown: but in the midst of all of that - i had a good day with my calories. i ended up being over somewhat because my DH and I had Chinese for dinner... :ohwell: Who KNEW that Chinese had Soooooooo many calories!??!? (rhetorical question) Anyway, right after dinner, I managed to get out for a 20 minute walk - would have made it longer but as I rounded the corner close to my house, I hear this little voice going Mommy, Mommy, come home, Mommy... :laugh: So thus ends my exercise for the evening..

    Well, today is a new day and I started Jilian's 30 day shred!!!! And I actually did it - I don't think I am going to be her new poster child or anything, but I muscled through AND I did half of the situps with a 30 lb child sitting on my stomach - I figured that can't be a bad thing... :tongue:

    Right this second, I feel very good - i've been jogging the steps in my house and feel like I have a bundle of energy. Today's challenge - being stuck at home... I have to find a way not to snack myself to death!!! I think my biggest problem has always been eating out of boredom - it seems I eat cuz it gives me something to do... :cry:

    Shari - you are such a motivation and I LOVE your challenge for the weekend! Good for you and good luck at your party. Also - thanks for the advice on the scale (as methinks I have a bit of OCD myself... tee hee hee)

    Tamara - Thanks for continuing to check in - you have an incredibly busy schedule and thanks for continuing to teach and motivate.

    Bobbie - have I said "yay for you" - well even if i have- yay for you! 4 1/2 more days for you...I bet you have all you can do with yourself, huh??? :happy:

    Gail - way to keep getting your exercise and I wish I had some of your cleaning bug today :tongue:

    Marcie - I will keep your mother and you in my prayers. Hope she is doing better and I will pray for strength for both of you through these tough times.

    Hope you all have a wonderful Saturday!

    I'm going to go drink some water and take a vitamin!
  • Rumph1
    Rumph1 Posts: 8
    Just clicking around. Lost 13, gained 3, have a wedding in Jan - wanted to loose at least 20 - was 7 away and then vaction hit. I am struggling to stay motivated. Feel like it is always uphill as I watch others eat. I am 59 and my metabolism is just not like it used to be. Lifting light weights in the morning before work (5:30) - doing upper body one day and then lower the next but only 30 minutes. Want to work in some cardio..that will kick start everything but where is the time and what about all the other stuff I have to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????? I am usually the one I am just too down.
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Hi All,

    Welcome Rumph! You are very welcome to join our thread for motivation. We are doing pretty well!

    Deneen, good job on the cals yesterday in spite of a hectic day and chinese food! Now be a good girl and no boredom eating today! Way to go with the 30 day shred. I might have to try that. People are raving about it.

    I'm back from my friends and proud I did not eat any of the pie or lemon bars she had sitting out. I was soo tempted when she offered, but no! I finally had to ask her to put them out of sight and she nicely did. I am so cue oriented and suggestible with food. So I just ate my healthy lunch and I'm gonna stick to my no-food policy at the party tonight. Wish me luck. I don't think I've ever done that before.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    so the last three months I took a picture at the same time each month( or around). they are posted on my profile. Now I didnt realize untill looking at my reports that it was only a 5 lb difference between the first two months and I was alittle sad that I couldnt really see a difference. though other ppl said they have. Well I uploaded the new pic (whihc isnt too good since I used a cam wtihout a flash, gonna retake it soon) And I can totally see a difference in my hips for sure from june to now which is ten lbs difference about. the profile shot though looks like IM bigger now then before but I think it was the lack of flash ;) or so im telling myself lol. I really wish I had a picture like this from when I started almost 40 lbs ago. Now that would be a HUGE difference but I wasnt thinking I was going to stick with this. Im going to try and find some pics of me from last summer on family members facebook pages so I can really see the difference since I dont feel any differnce.
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Wow, I did great at the baptism party! they had TONS of delicious food there, but all I ate was a little bit of fresh cantaloup and a few fresh strawberries. I know I said I was not going to eat anything, but I figured a teeny bit of fresh fruit would be ok. I think that is the first social situation in my life where i didn't pig out! Driving home I was really proud. Now to be good the rest of the night. With the family gone I'm a bit lonely. Gotta stay busy.

    Jessica, you can definitely see your weight loss. Way to go! I bet it feels great! you are an inspiration to me.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    WTG sheri- I actually was never one to pig out at parties. I felt awkward eating everything since I didnt pay for it lol sounds so silly but yea and I am leary of some peoples cooking lol.
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    LOL Jessica! I guess my standards aren't so high!!! (Which is a big part of why I'm overweight, lol)

    Shout out to Kim who messaged me and who also joined because of the Today Show. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Get in here and start posting. You're one of us! Come join your people Girl!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    hahaha if you met my husbands family you would totoaly know why Im iffy about eating thier food lol
  • Jessica - LOVE the new pic - you are a striking, beautiful lady.

    Shari - WHOOO HOOOOOO!!!!! Can you hear me clapping and cheering from there???? Way to go - I would NEVER be able to go into a grazing situation like that and walk away unscathed - Yay for YOU!. You deserve a long bath and a treat of YOUR favorite movie or quilt yourself up a storm! Congrats again!

    Bobbie - where is our little ray of sunshine and happiness today? You've been pretty quiet... ;) Everything ok?

    As for me - made it through the day - UNDER my calorie count and alive after day 1 of 30DS... :)

    Everyone - Marcie, Sharon, et al - have a wonderful Sunday!

  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I found MFP on Today, too! I thought, "It couldn't really be that easy, could it?"

    Well, I'm already 7 lbs. down. Woo hoo!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Sunday Morning ya'll..Catching up from the weekend.. Real quick seems like no matter how early I get up these days I am still running behing.. Have to be at work at 530 this morning still need to do my hair my makeup pack my lunch and make my breakfast.. However yesterday I had planned for an 8 mile run bright and early to get it outta the way, but decided to spend some much need alone time with hubby taking his new( to us) used boat out on the lake to see if it floated.. I said well I will run this evening... So about 4 pm came along and I was like I need to run but I dont wanna but I need to, So finally at 415 I was like ok tamara get up off this sofa and go run evening if it just 5.73 miles and not 8 its better then nothing...So I got out an ran and I even did m 8 mile..not my best time ever but you know what I did it and I murned 690 calories.. So I was proud about that!! I didnt give up or give in!!!

    Ok productive weekend for me.. I had an awesome dinner with daughter and hibby friday gorging just enjoying..

    Bobbie- Is doing ok, she hardly gets on here on the weekend, becasue she spends all week in front of computer at her job..

    Jessica- Love the new picture..

    Shari- I am so proud of you.. That is an accomplishment you should totally be proud of..If you anything like me, I am good until I take the first bit.. The first turns to the second the second to the third and so on and so forth..

    Deneen- I am so glad you got a walk in, and your little one made you smile, thats what its all about..

    Ikm111- welcome you are welcome to join in our group.. tomorrow I willpost a new challange may be exercise may be something different!!

    Marcie- I am continuing to pray for your family right now!!!

    Anyone I forgot I am sorry, getting better on names and will continue to do better..

    Off to make my lunch now, after work home eat dinner then grocery shop for kids school lunches and my food for the week..

    I hope everyone has an awesome day!! I know I will becasue why...I chooose to!!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    Tamara- wtg getting off the couch. I know I would have just sat there. I have no clue how you do it all and getting up so early. I would be a zombie all day lol.

    friday at dinner hubby says he wants to take mommy (me) out to breakfast sunday. lo. I knew what he was hinting at. He has been wanting to go to this little restuarant a town over for the sunday breakfast buffet for a while. It is an awsome buffet but luckily for me lately we havent been able to afford it since it can be expensive, mainly because they charge so much for kids. Anyways I compromised and told him the restuarant up the street had a sign on the door for a breakfast bar too on sundays so we could go if we walked. Yep he had me up at 8 to get the kids dressed and walk to it lol. Luckily it was a much much much smaller buffet with no french toast (my weakness) . i did end up with more then I wanted. I was planning on just one small plate but then my son (like always) wanted some of what I had without gravy so I got him a plate and he ate less then half so I figured I would just get some more gravy and eat his. but it wasnt too bad and didn't screw up my day mjuch. just am gonna eat alot less for lunch (though I wont be hungry by then) and have a nice salad for dinner. And today can be leftover nightfor the hubs and kids. O and just had a htought. he wants to go get his back looked at so we can do what we planned last weekend, but rain messed it, I can take the kids on thier bikes on the trail while he goes to the urgent care up the road. I will work off all that busciut gravy lol.

    I hope everyone enjoys thier sunday.
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