What foods don't agree with you?



  • I don't have any allergies but Pineapple's give me really bad reflux. So do citrus fruits, some apples, strawberries if they are a bit sharp and sometimes bananas.

    It's a shame though because I love Pineapple :-(
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Flying fat assed cupcakes that spit tobacco, those never agree with me.
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    There are plenty of food that I dislike, but after reading most of these responses, I'm very happy to say that I haven't run into any foods that disagree with me.
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    I could write what DOES agree with me, it might be a shorter list.....

    I cannot eat tree nuts or peanuts, dairy, vegetable oil, anything greasy like fast food, corn, rice, oats, gluten (Celiac) seeds of any type, most raw veggies and caffeine bothers me but I drink things with it anyway. But I have Crohn's, if I didn't I imagine I could eat like a real person.
  • brainzap
    brainzap Posts: 145 Member
    Gluten, oats (even the gluten free ones), peanuts, rice, and beets all make me bloated and have stabbing stomach pain
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    Anything with sodium nitrates in it.. like a lot of cured meats... just goes in one end and .. well you get the idea ☺
  • PrettyGirI
    PrettyGirI Posts: 10
    Cows Milk(yuck),peanut butter (makes me break out if I eat it too much!ahaha) and wheat products make my stomach bloat,which sucks because I love them!:x
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    White potatoes
    Processed sugary foods
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I'm starting to think sweetners don't agree with me - headaches. But only certain 1's.

    I can't have anything with too much oil/fat in it or it just kills my stomach.

    White bread, rice & the likes make me SUPER bloated.
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Milk!! I want to die IMMEDIATELY after!

    BUT- Not with any other dairy products. Just milk.
  • theundead
    theundead Posts: 51 Member
    Oily fried foods, or just cooked with a lot of oil. Sometimes bread.
  • 00sarah
    00sarah Posts: 621 Member
    Any fast food... We won't go into the nasty details.
  • bonnieyode
    bonnieyode Posts: 21
    Diet products give me headaches, including sugar free gum.
  • evg1972
    evg1972 Posts: 3 Member
    I have to follow the Low FODMAP guidelines. There are lots of foods I have to avoid but it is possible and it is well worth it. I have to avoid Wheat, lactose, onions, sweeteners, lots of fruits and veggies.
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    Apparently Seafood Marinara.

    I've always eaten it. Always loved shellfish.

    A few weeks ago i had some, and my lips began to dry out.

    Thought, 'Na, no way! I don't have reactions to anything'.

    Had another serve the following day, and my top lip split open.

    Its taken the last 3 weeks to heal.

    :( .......Not happy.