Friends trying to stay in the 1200-1500cal range

ctabs8 Posts: 13 Member
Hey I would love to exchange meal idea's with friends(open diaries pls) in the same calorie range as me. It can be tough to stay under 1200, thank goodness I workout so I can eat a little more, lol. Add me:)

I will add any friends no matter what your calorie range as well. Thx.


  • SmartDataGirl
    SmartDataGirl Posts: 10 Member
    hello! :D
    Well honestly I have been eating a lot more than I should have- I mean today I ate 1,400 calories. It's fine though, because I burn off 500 calories a day, so if I stay under that range I'll be fine.
    My breakfast is ≈ 100-200 calories
    My lunch is ≈ 200-200 calories (exception: today)
    My dinner is ≈ 200-300 calories
    I have 2 100 calorie snacks...
    I burn ≈250 calories using an elliptical trainer, and 233 calories hiking uphill, (35 mins) then downhill (20 mins)
    Sometimes (most of the time) I splurge to make my food-exercise ≈ 1,000 calories. So just eat my meals without the splurge snacks.
    I can give you some quick ideas now:
    1 egg cooked with PAM ≈70 cal
    1 light wheat bread slice w/ 1/2 WW cheese wedge w/ 1/2 tsp cherry preserve ≈60 cal
    1 70 cal tortilla w/ 1/3 cup trader joe's beefless ground beef w/ 5 leaves spinach ≈100 cal
    1 whole can of progresso light vegetable noodle soup ≈ 120 cal
    1 clif bar z honey graham bar ≈ 110
    1 medium banana ≈ 100 cal
    Eat the Trader Joe's reduced guilt mac and cheese or fillet of sole... those are good. Also Amy's light and lean black bean enchiladas are angelic.

    I have a whole bunch of ideas... and recipes too (good if you have a sweet tooth: I bake with truvia instead of sugar and applesauce instead of butter)...
    Just ignore Saturday, unless you eat 8 oz of frozen yogurt for lunch.... yep that's what my mom, my brother and I do.
  • jenbob944
    jenbob944 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey, feel free to add me. I try to stay under 1200. I started up on Monday and i log everyday....and keep my diary open!
    Happy to share ideas :)
  • ctabs8
    ctabs8 Posts: 13 Member
    Wow, Thanks. Yes I guess you have to stay pretty plain to keep under 1200 cals. I love to cook so I'm used to adding a bit of this or that for flavour. But I will have to go plain for awhile. The good part of that is everything is quick and easy. I wish I had a trader joes close by. Closest one is an hour away :( Thx for all the great ideas.
  • Hi I'm Sarah :)

    I'm trying to establish a healthier diet since I got so used to my college foods like pizza and hot dogs. Its really a huge learning experience for me, I'm trying to get back to 115 by diet alone, then adding exercise once I get used to my new diet routine. Its only a 10lb loss goal but its really the lifestyle I want to adapt to and life with from here on out, as often as possible.

    Today I learned that a cup of peanuts (as a breakfast/snack) is like 700 calories... I know they're healthy for you in other ways but it's amazing what I've learned from this little app. Bread, nuts, beef, pasta, dairy, so much out there I need to try to cut back on and its so hard when it's everywhere in my kitchen haha.

    Good luck guys! Add me if you want! I'm doing the 1200/day goal. I log in every day in an OCD-like fashion lol.
  • ctabs8
    ctabs8 Posts: 13 Member
    It is a journey for sure. One that I have been on for years now. This app is really helping me to bring it all home and tweak what I have already been doing to get results. My biggest suggestion is to read all you can on diet and health and try things out to see what will work for you. If you have the knowledge it is really hard to go back to your old ways knowing what it is doing to your body.clean eating, the omnivores dilemma and live to eat are a few good ones to start with. Good luck with your lifestyle changes.
  • CarlaNeverGivenUp
    CarlaNeverGivenUp Posts: 108 Member
    Great idea! I'm at 1200. Always looking for new things to try!
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I'm between 1200 and 1400 and workout twice a day! Request sent! :D
  • Jengland09
    Jengland09 Posts: 4 Member
    Almost all seasonings have zero calories and I love flavorful food so I load up on spices. I stay around 1200 calories and sometimes it is hard for me to get 1200.
  • eslonlineteacherguy
    eslonlineteacherguy Posts: 67 Member
    My diary is open to all, I'm in the same boat, combining the insanity workout as well. I'm so jazzed right now, just lost my first week of pounds (3). I asked the pharmacist if their scale was right, he said yes. I can't believe it... IT'S WORKING!!!!
  • superwalrus417
    superwalrus417 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey everyone, feel free to add me! My suggested limit is 1270, and that seems to be enough food for me, but I am still struggling to stay under because I have zero self-control :p it would be great to have some more support from people in the same boat!
  • nikki412
    nikki412 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi guys! My suggested calorie range is 1200. I had lost weight and kept it off. Then I went on vacation for two weeks and packed on 9 lbs. I knew I was doing bad, but didn't know it was that bad! At first I thought I was retaining some fluids because of increase in sodium, but no...I have gained it. It's hard to get back to that LOSE WEIGHT mentality and I am struggling.
  • SusanKKO
    SusanKKO Posts: 45 Member
    Hi there, my daily goal is 1230 calories, but initially was 1200 and I was losing weight sticking to it. I've been working out a lot over the past week or so and although my eating has not been perfect, I'm up about 3 pounds from my lower point in late June. My plan is just to stick with it and over the long run will get to where I want to be. I've lost weight many times, but never tracked calories, I just cut back and "ate healthy," but I like seeing the numbers. I tend to overindulge in my Russell Stover's sugar free chocolates, but they make me happy :smile:
  • fitkymz
    fitkymz Posts: 1
    I've been logging everyday since March and would love to add some friends for motivation and support!
    I go from 1200-1500 depending on what is going on in my life, trying to lose 20-25 lbs in the next year or two and learn a lifestyle I can maintain.

  • l_clc
    l_clc Posts: 126 Member
    Hey! I try to stay between 1300-1400, log in everyday religiously and have an open diary. Feel free to add me.
  • My base is 1200 plus whatever exercise I do for the day... Been doing pretty good at staying with in my allowance even though this is only my second week back. DId this several years ago, lost about 25 pounds, got lazy, gained it back. Decided I had to make changes so here I am. Add me if you would like...:smile:
  • pattypraises
    pattypraises Posts: 10 Member
    I'd like to join this discussion, need all the ideas I can get! I've been between 12 - 1500 since April 2013, also taking the food supplement that Dr. Oz calls "the holy grail of dieting" - I believe it is helping. Not a fan of diet aids, but this one has no side effects yet.
  • vec2013
    vec2013 Posts: 30 Member

    I am new and try to stay below 1400. I do a lot of cooking and am not a firm believer in low fat/ diet foods. That is what changed my body in the first place. I will maintain my log religiously. Would love to share ideas.
  • amykathleen2005
    amykathleen2005 Posts: 79 Member
    I'm at 1,550, open diary. Add if you want.
  • smmorri
    smmorri Posts: 44 Member
    Hey I would love to exchange meal idea's with friends(open diaries pls) in the same calorie range as me. It can be tough to stay under 1200, thank goodness I workout so I can eat a little more, lol. Add me:)

    I will add any friends no matter what your calorie range as well. Thx.

    I'm Sarah. I just turned 22. :wink:

    My NET Calorie goal is 1,000 calories. Which, with exercise, puts me between 1200 - 1500 kcal.

    I just recently changed my goal to these settings, which seems to be working much better me! Previously, I wasn't getting enough calories......

    I have been using mfp for a few months now. Previously, I was using another site, similar to mfp.

    I usually log 6 days a week. I would love the support of other mfp'ers with the similar calorie goals as me!!

  • anjani_009
    anjani_009 Posts: 511 Member

    Also, note to some people in this thread :/ it's not healthy to eat below 1200 kcal, look up your TDEE (kcal you need on a day), and remove about 20% of that (when trying to lose weight), that's how much you should be eating. And if you burn calories through working out on a day, you'd have to add the lost calories to your daily calorie intake. If you fall below 1200 kcal on a day, your body will go in a lower metabolism and you won't lose weight.