Pleas help!! My protein intake!

Ok I'm not a veggiterian but I could possibly be borderline.
I just don't like meat, I do but, I don't. I guess I'm picky about the meat I eat.
I like tuna, and crab. And chicken depending on how it is cooked. I love jerky too.
But I need more protein and I need to know how I can achieve that without having to
Eat meat every day. I'm a brest feeding mother. So I need protein for that reason too!
I have a small beef allergy so I'm limited on what beef products I can eat.

How I get my protein now
Chicken every other day or few days
And lunch meats ( not processed)
And peanutbutter
Tuna n crab once in a while

Some days ill go with very very little protein
I need a way to get more protein, any suggestions.

I used to drink whey protein shakes but I'm breast-feeding my daughter so
Ill have to ask her pediatrician before I go that route.


  • I am also not a vegetarian, but I just don't eat much meat. I would suggest Quinoa (which is a seed that you can cook up like cous cous - it is fairly flavorless, so will take on the flavor of whatever you cook it with - there are tons of recipes out there - if you throw in some nuts, that will also provide extra protein.) Spinach has a surprising amount of protein too. And of course, tofu is high in protein too and takes on flavors pretty well if you prepare it with other items.........
  • Oh, and if you like seafood, shrimp and lobster also are high in protein!
  • Thank you! I may try the tofu and the quinoa!
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    I'm not a big meat eater either - and I can't eat any of it if it is on the bone. No bones for me, thanks. I use a protein powder to get more protein in my diet. I also eat one egg with spinach and a 1/2 serving of cheese each morning. I have a small amount of chicken or fish (salmon) with my lunch time salad and for dinner, it varies from day to day. I find without the protein powder, I can't get anywhere near my daily protein macro. I just mix it with 1/2 c water, 1/2 milk, 1 tbsp peanut butter, handful of frozen strawberries, ground flax seed and cinnamon - all zooped up in my Magic Bullet after I workout. I love Quinoa, hate tofu, like most fish etc. Protein is tough to get when you don't eat a lot of meat and if you can't use a protein powder - definitely ask the pediatrician the next time you're there about that one.

    You can always add beans to your meals - I don't know #'s, but it's certainly something that vegetarians add to their meals as a protein source. I was a vegetarian for about 2 years. It was not difficult for me to cut out meat, but then I got pregnant and started craving hamburgers, LOL. Figured it was best for my baby to eat some meat, so I started eating it again. My ds, on the other hand, could eat meat all day long. He'd gladly survive on meat alone.....
  • ghostrider1970
    ghostrider1970 Posts: 127 Member
    Milk, yougurt, cottage cheese... and protein powder if you really struggle to eat enough protein, shouldn't be a problem it's still a dairy product after all
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Milk, yougurt, cottage cheese... and protein powder if you really struggle to eat enough protein, shouldn't be a problem it's still a dairy product after all

    I forgot about Greek yogurt - I have one of those a day too - protein is higher in Greek yogurt than in regular yogurt.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    greek yogurt. its prob twice the protein of regular and i know some of them have up to 20g of it! try pb2 also. like pb but without the fat, I had a cup of egg whites this morning with three slices of canadian bacon and a slice of 40 cal cheese and it was 30g of protein if you like ham
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Eat greek yogurt, cheeses, milk, beans, nuts, legumes, etc.

    Edamame has a decent amount of protein. So do most beans. Make hummus out of chickpeas for dipping veggies in or spreading on sandwiches/wraps/crackers.

    Eat peanut butter or another nut butter. Peanut butter on celery or on apples is great. Make your own protein smoothie by blending some milk, greek yogurt, and berries together. Or skip the berries, add in a banana and some peanut butter.
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    I make a delicious shake.

    With cottage cheese, chocolate hemp protien power (trader joes, organic, no crap in it) cocao power a few ice cubes and almond milk. blend and be amazed!!

    I cant wait to get home and make one now. some times i add a little instand coffee (mocha creamy cold goodness) sometimes pb or pb and banana.. OOOOh num.
  • allisonrinkel
    allisonrinkel Posts: 224 Member
    Proteins I love: Peanut butter ( high in fat, watch your portion!), Greek yogurt, Milk, Eggs, Chicken, Salmon, Tuna, Cheese (high in fat again), Tofu, and I basically have a protein shake each day because I like a quick breakfast.
    I hear it's not a great idea to eat too much Tofu, because of estrogen stuff ( I don't know all the facts but the internet does!).
    I like red meat, but I rarely ever eat it, or any meat really, because my fiancee is a vegetarian. I just don't buy it much for myself. Luckily he eats eggs and dairy, so we don't have vegan worries!
    I think you'll find there are a lot of protein powder recipes online that may be useful to you as well.
    Good luck!! ;)
  • allisonrinkel
    allisonrinkel Posts: 224 Member
    I make a delicious shake.

    With cottage cheese, chocolate hemp protien power (trader joes, organic, no crap in it) cocao power a few ice cubes and almond milk. blend and be amazed!!

    I cant wait to get home and make one now. some times i add a little instand coffee (mocha creamy cold goodness) sometimes pb or pb and banana.. OOOOh num.
    You just made me drool a little! I couldn't believe how great cottage cheese was in a shake the first time I had it. Amazing!!
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Greek yogurt
    Oatmeal (I was surprised to realize it has 5g of protein per 1/2 cup serving)
    Green, leafy veggies
    Nuts/nut butters
    beans and lentils (I've been making summer bean salads and they're good! Google some recipes)
    Cheese (I bring cheese sticks or the Cabot cheese squares for lunch)

    Have you ever had chicken sausages? I get the Al Fresco brand and they are really good. My favorite is spinach and feta.

    I've heard conflicting things about whey protein shakes while breastfeeding so definitely talk to your doc.
  • allisonrinkel
    allisonrinkel Posts: 224 Member
    greek yogurt. its prob twice the protein of regular and i know some of them have up to 20g of it! try pb2 also. like pb but without the fat, I had a cup of egg whites this morning with three slices of canadian bacon and a slice of 40 cal cheese and it was 30g of protein if you like ham
    I am OBSESSED with PB2!!! Just saying
  • erikkmcvay
    erikkmcvay Posts: 238 Member
    Quinoa, which I love, is NOT high in protein. I see that a lot and it's a fallacy. It has 8 of the essential amino's yes, but not a great quantity of them.

    Can't imagine why drinking a whey protein mix would hurt breastfeeding? In fact I find that a strange concept.

    Look at Legumes and nuts etc that the vegans use to get their protein and consider a protein bar like 'Premium Protein' (30g) or a protein shake like Cryosport (27g for 8oz).

    I would think a lack of protein when breastfeeding would be worse then taking a shake.
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member

    Per serving:

    Calories 45
    Fat 1.50g
    Dietary Fiber1g
  • lizzzylou
    lizzzylou Posts: 325
    bumpity bump! Same problem :flowerforyou:
  • leroyizzy
    leroyizzy Posts: 55
    Cottage cheese in a shake?! You all just!
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    I make a delicious shake.

    With cottage cheese, chocolate hemp protien power (trader joes, organic, no crap in it) cocao power a few ice cubes and almond milk. blend and be amazed!!

    I cant wait to get home and make one now. some times i add a little instand coffee (mocha creamy cold goodness) sometimes pb or pb and banana.. OOOOh num.
    You just made me drool a little! I couldn't believe how great cottage cheese was in a shake the first time I had it. Amazing!!

    I couldnt believe it either!! so gorgeous!!
    *sings "a whole new world" from Aladdin*
  • presbyreformed
    presbyreformed Posts: 36 Member
    Beans and rice make a complete complex protein and has the added benefit of high fiber. Lots of ways to cook beans and rice in the same meal, not necessarily together. Be creative.

    Beware of protein powders or bars as they can really pound in the protein and give your kidneys and liver a workout they don't need. Get your nutrients from real food, not processed stuff.

    Your imagination is the only limiting factor in how to get the nutrition you need, and as others have said, protein is found in other things besides red meat (which I love!).
  • darkpath0010
    darkpath0010 Posts: 9 Member
    Given the limitations that you mentioned, you may want to consider protein powder derived from whey isolate. I use Primal Fuel which also includes healthy fats from coconut (20% calories from carbs, 40% from protein, & 40% from fats); but there are a number on the market. Additionally, unlike soy, there are no issues with phyto-hormones that you might be concerned about passing on to your child. I hope that helps.