I'm new, and this is so hard!



  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    You don't have to stop eating the food you like.
  • Mom2QJandT
    Mom2QJandT Posts: 23 Member
    I ate an Egg White McMuffin this morning for breakfast and it didn't kill me or ruin my day. If you really love that habit, make it healthier. You have to have a lifestyle that you can live with, not a "diet" that you can quit. Hang in there!
  • leannerae40
    leannerae40 Posts: 200 Member
    NO WAY could I lose 70lbs - but I lost 5lbs . . . 12 times.

    I wish you every success!

    ^^THIS^^...is just about the best thing I've ever heard. That's the way to do it...one day at a time. :flowerforyou:
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    I wouldn't try to quit all of your diet vices cold turkey! That is a sure way to fail. If you ate at McDonald's 7 days a week, eating there only 3-4 days is progress. You have to whittle away at the bad and gradually work in the good. It will get easier, you'll get momentum from noticing small improvements in the way you look and feel. If you aren't exercising, start going for walks as often as possible and go from there, walking a little farther and faster as you feel comfortable.

    It took you years to get to this point and you won't be able to undo it over night! Give yourself realistic short and long term goals and do your best.
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    I want to congratulate you. You're here, and it's a good step in the right direction.
    It's going to be hard, but deep down you know you want to do it otherwise you wouldn't be here making the decision.

    I can't give you much advice beyond what's already been said, but just taking those baby steps will mean it'll get easier with each step closer to that goal you've set.
    As well as having the ultimate goal, set smaller mini-goals that'll make you feel more accomplished and keep you on track.

    You can do it :D
  • brixtonbanner
    brixtonbanner Posts: 71 Member
    Three days! Good start.
    Can I ask
    Are you using your computer or the phone app?
    If the computer try the app
    I started off "testing out" the phone app as my wife needs to count carbs but not really meaning to do any weight loss myself.
    Then the "angry birds effect" kicked in
    Nibble something, log it, weigh myself, log it the weight once that graph starts to trend down you're hooked
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    You are more than welcome to join my group":Food and feelings". Emotional eating is sometimes difficult to get under control,but possible. It's important when making lifestyle changes,that you get support. I would be happy to help you in anyway possible and share what I have learned in my "get healthy" journey. You have taken the most important step,coming on MFP and wanting to get healthy. I wish you the best.
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    I made it Monday and Tuesday but had to have it today. I'm sore from the exercise and depressed by my lack of will power. When I get depressed, I want to eat more stuff that is even worse for me, like chocolate in mass quantities!......I just don't know what to do to make myself not eat the things I want.

    As someone who has struggled with emotional eating for 20+ years I want to give you some encouragement.
    Slipping up isn't the end of the world. MFP is a great tool because you are "allowed" to eat a specific amount of calories every day...instead of feeling like you have to deprive yourself.

    I agree with those who say to save up calories to have a "treat" at the end of the day...or if you eat something bad early in the day, just make better choices on your next meal.

    DON'T listen to the people that are saying or implying that you aren't emotionally ready to do this. YOU CAN DO THIS! :D
    Find things to distract you.

    OR if you are having a bad day buy something cute instead of fast food! Even when I was BROKE I could manage $1 bottle of nail polish to make me feel better..instead of a donut. (my kryptonite.)

    Don't put too much pressure on yourself...and you will see results.
  • cherio256
    cherio256 Posts: 219
    To me it's not about what you eat, it's how MUCH of it you eat. I still eat all the foods I like, just less of it. For example I love pizza. I eat it all the time. I just eat 2 pieces instead of 4 and make it fit into my calories for the day. Like today I had fries for lunch! Then I will have a salad for dinner and still have snacks. All within my calories of course.
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    I recommend you just keep eating as you normally do BUT log in all the food that you eat--fast food, sodas, chips, candy--eat it all, but log it. Two things will happen:

    (1) you'll get tired of logging and continue on with an unhealthy and fattening lifestyle--but at least you'll know why in the future you're obese and sick, OR

    (2) the rational side of your brain will kick in you'll WANT to employ the tools and techniques to live a healthy lifestyle.

    In my opinion, I believe in your case, you first need to find out if a healthy lifestyle is REALLY what you want. If that's not your priority, then doing many of the suggestions above will be a total waste of your time, money and effort.

    The true success of the MFP system is LOGGING...start doing that and see how it works for you. And it DOES work--I can give you over 85 reasons if you look at my ticker below.

    Best of luck to you--now just start logging with your next bite.
  • pennyanne55
    Three days! Good start.
    Can I ask
    Are you using your computer or the phone app?
    If the computer try the app
    I started off "testing out" the phone app as my wife needs to count carbs but not really meaning to do any weight loss myself.
    Then the "angry birds effect" kicked in
    Nibble something, log it, weigh myself, log it the weight once that graph starts to trend down you're hooked
    I totally agree I use my phone and its become like a game of numbers for me if I want to eat something "extra" I do the exercise to have the extra calories. I have deliberately not CHANGED my lifeI'm too old for that but the "game" means I have to play hard to enjoy those extras. However now I find that if I do the exercise I don't want the "treat " anymore.
    Just keep track and it becomes addictive and don't look at the day but the week at the calories left if you go over. Best of luck.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I recommend you just keep eating as you normally do BUT log in all the food that you eat--fast food, sodas, chips, candy--eat it all, but log it. Two things will happen:

    (1) you'll get tired of logging and continue on with an unhealthy and fattening lifestyle--but at least you'll know why in the future you're obese and sick, OR

    (2) the rational side of your brain will kick in you'll WANT to employ the tools and techniques to live a healthy lifestyle.

    In my opinion, I believe in your case, you first need to find out if a healthy lifestyle is REALLY what you want. If that's not your priority, then doing many of the suggestions above will be a total waste of your time, money and effort.

    The true success of the MFP system is LOGGING...start doing that and see how it works for you. And it DOES work--I can give you over 85 reasons if you look at my ticker below.

    Best of luck to you--now just start logging with your next bite.

    A 3rd thing happens when you log. The observer effect kicks in. All of a sudden you're conscious of what you eat. You start having thoughts like "oh man, if I eat that I'm going to have to LOG it *shudder*"

    Just by the virtue of logging, you start making different choices - without even really trying hard.
  • daniellew2009
    It's def hard but you can do it I've been super obese my whole life and I've been working out and it's tough but I just find things that encourage me to keep going
  • kimdyj
    kimdyj Posts: 224 Member
    You can do it! My first week was the hardest too and i went over my calories and craving sweets all the time but after that week the craving was gone. I didn't realize I had a lot more self control and will power, sitting next to the breakroom with cakes, cupcakes and goodies all the time, I was able to resist the temptation. What gets me through is I have one cheat day where I still log my calories but I eat what I want but still controlling my portions. This site has so many people to guide and motivate you that will help you with your weight loss goal. Don't give up, it will get easier!

    Feel free to add me! My diary is open and I'm always on here!
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    you're not depressed. you are probably suffering from withdrawl from the fast food, and your body wants it.

    give it push ups instead.

    Truth! Push Ups cure all! And drink water.
  • mnflame
    mnflame Posts: 24
    Almost everything you will ever do, or have done, is not easy at first. You get better with practice. Being healthy is not supposed to be about going on a diet, something that has an end; it's a process that will last for the rest of your life. With that in mind, know that every day isn't going to be perfect, but every day is also not going to be bad. I completely agree with the people who say to try to make your own egg mcmuffins or other "fast food type" breakfasts. I made these oatmeal muffins that I put in the freezer. I take one out at night and grab it on my way out in the morning. As for the exercise, once your muscles get used to the work, you will not be as sore all the time. I do NOT, however, agree with the people who are trying to tell you that you're not ready, or that are trying to make it sound so easy. It's not easy and it will be an every day struggle, but you can do this. We all can do it.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Here are things that have worked for me

    1) Save calories up all day for the thing you want most. Have it at the end of the day. WHen you want to eat transgressive bad foods all day, remind yourself the treat is there and you will get it at 7 pm or whenever.

    2) BE FULL. Eat a lot of food. You can eat a lot more fruits and vegetables than chips. Put fat on your vegetables to make them savory and the fullness will last longer -- Buttered squash or green beans in Buitoni reduced fat pesto are not a lot of calories, and the pesto or butter makes them wonderful. Add 4 ounces fo lean protein and you will stay full a long time.

    3) Drink a crap ton of water. Have a water cup with you alla time and drink it. Keeps you full and makes your skin pretty because you are nicely hydrated.

    3) Creep on other people's diaries. A huge part of getting HWO TO EAT AND LOSE WEIGHT through my head was to look at real people who were succeeding and see that they DID blow it -- go WAY over on tequila or cake -- and then see them get back on the horse immediately, next meal, not even next day but immediately, and seeing their success over time. Like I had always HEARD about YOU CAN HAVE TREATS AND STILL LOSE WEIGHT but to look at what actual successful peopel were doign and emulate it was VERY helpful.

    I hope this helps!

    I agree. Looking at some of my friends' diaries has really helped. For some reason, I am still not "brave" enough to make my own diary public, in part because I then feel guilty about my bad choices (even though they are fewer and further between lately) and if it was public, I think I'd have this desire to lie and/or please others...which is basically the opposite of what MFP is about, for me! But I am SO glad others share theirs. I guess in my mind, I originally thought anyone who is having success at or above my own level must be eating 100% perfectly all the time...it's nice to see that just about everyone has treats and processed food at SOME TIME!
  • denisedavis1976
    denisedavis1976 Posts: 7 Member
    you can do it!! one day at a time - add me ;)
  • sarahmirf
    sarahmirf Posts: 1
    I had the MFP app on my phone for a while before I got into "the Zone" as it were! I measure out my lunch so it's already to take to work and I plan my breakfast the night before too then I am not tempted.
    On a weekend I may splurge a little but then I make sure that my exercise regime is increased so I deserve what I have to eat.
    Once you see the weight dropping off it will motivate you even more!
    Good Luck and post on here how you are doing as we are all behind you! :smile:
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    It does get easier! I just sent you a FR, but what I forgot to mention is that you already started feeling deprived as soon as you thought of calling your new lifestyle a "diet"! Never ever say that word again!! lol