Any short ladies(under 5ft4in) under or goal is under 130lbs



  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    I'm a fellow shortie! 5 feet 1.5 inches! 39 yrs old, had a kid. Last time I was "healthy" was in college, I was 135 but was in dance team so I was more toned.

    start weight was 226.4, down 16 lbs so far, ultimate goal weight, to be honest I don't know! I haven't seen the scale below 185 since my 20s! I was aiming for 150 and seeing what I look like then and feel like then and reassess, but I honestly have no idea how to decide!

    Feel free to add me!
  • Samson20011
    Samson20011 Posts: 36 Member
    Only 5 ft. and need to be 120, currently 147.
  • Samson20011
    Samson20011 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Heather,
    I am a retired teacher and it wasn't until I retired that I realised that I was over weight, silly I know but true. I have spent the last two years walking the moors and the coastal paths here in Devon and Cornwall with my husband and we are both really fit now but I still need to lose another 2 stone to be really happy.
  • cleanandlean2012
    cleanandlean2012 Posts: 71 Member
    I am 5' 3", started out at 245lbs, now I am 200lbs, target goal by March 2014 is 125lbs.
  • jessicadawn1978
    jessicadawn1978 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm 4'10 and currently around 121 lbs, i'm 34 years old and the heaviest I've ever been but I've made a good start over the last month and am now training consistently and watching calories, so I feel I'm getting back under control. I've done lots of endurance sports in the past, including marathons and triathlons, but work/life got in the way and I couldn't maintain the level of training or indeed any training, however with a new job and house move I've rearranged my schedule to get back to working out.

    Good luck to fellow shorties with your goals
  • furrina
    furrina Posts: 148 Member
    It's harder when you're smaller it's true. I am very small-boned too. I'm 5' 4", never weighed more than 105 lbs my entire life, even through most of my 30s (always ate whatever i wanted though always ate pretty healthy and worked out). My high weight was 132 a couple of years ago (and i looked really porky, it's just my frame I swear, i have no waist or hips, i looked kind of pregnant). I'd jumped from 120 (already too heavy) to 132 after a whirlwind romance, and, horrified, I got serious and lost the weight by keeping track, creating a deficit, lifting, exercising, straight by the book, 1-2 lbs a week. Current weight fluctuates between 105 and 110, maintaining for about 3 years now. Current bf % is 21.5 (based on those hand held things which arent very accurate). This weight is totally perfect for me, I strength train so I'm not "skinny fat." I really want to stay under 110, I don't mind hitting the low range of 105 or below because it's pretty easy for me to happily devour some snacks ; ) plus I eat well overall.

    My mom is about 5 foot (in her mid 70s and has been fit all her life and I feel for her, you really have to restrict the calories to lose at that height/age. Whereas my six foot one boyfriend...@%$@!@#!
  • JavaSparrow
    JavaSparrow Posts: 51 Member
    5'4" here. Goal weight is 115-125 and strong. I wear weight pretty well because of my frame, but that doesn't mean I don't want to lose weight. The lowest I've ever been was 138 for a brief period at the start of highschool, but overall I've been between overweight and obese since I was 9. I gain weight back pretty easily, which is why this is so hard... But! I'm optimistic :) I know I can lose it. feel free to add me if you want ^_^
  • princesspea234
    princesspea234 Posts: 182 Member
    It's harder when you're smaller it's true. I am very small-boned too. I'm 5' 4", never weighed more than 105 lbs my entire life, even through most of my 30s (always ate whatever i wanted though always ate pretty healthy and worked out). My high weight was 132 a couple of years ago (and i looked really porky, it's just my frame I swear, i have no waist or hips, i looked kind of pregnant). I'd jumped from 120 (already too heavy) to 132 after a whirlwind romance, and, horrified, I got serious and lost the weight by keeping track, creating a deficit, lifting, exercising, straight by the book, 1-2 lbs a week. Current weight fluctuates between 105 and 110, maintaining for about 3 years now. Current bf % is 21.5 (based on those hand held things which arent very accurate). This weight is totally perfect for me, I strength train so I'm not "skinny fat." I really want to stay under 110, I don't mind hitting the low range of 105 or below because it's pretty easy for me to happily devour some snacks ; ) plus I eat well overall.

    My mom is about 5 foot (in her mid 70s and has been fit all her life and I feel for her, you really have to restrict the calories to lose at that height/age. Whereas my six foot one boyfriend...@%$@!@#!

    Yes!!! This! I am really small-boned and any extra weight shows up. I had always been incredibly tiny. I hovered right around 100 in high school and ate like a boss. I was also dancing for a couple of hours a day at that time as well.

    I stayed between 105-110 until I met my husband 6 years ago and all those romantic dinners, wine and late night karaoke sessions added up! I weighed 132 pounds by january 2012.

    I basically cut way back and got done to 114 by October 2012 and then Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas came. :( All that hard work was basically gone in a matter of two months! I was back up to 129ish.

    I decided at the end of April to get serious about weight loss again. My goal is to be at 115 by the end of the summer. I'm at 124 now... It's going to be a LONG LONG summer.

    Ultimately, I'd like to be between 106-110 sometime in 2013 and maintain. Any tips??

    As a side note, my mom is also little bitty and in her late 60s. What a life the small live. I wish we could lose 10 pounds in a week just by walking a bit and not eating out.
  • tigsi
    tigsi Posts: 36
    I'm 5'1 and I'm currently between 118 and 116 lbs (53-54 kg), I started logging at 57 kg (126 lbs), but I was 62 kg ( 136 lbs) back in January. I would like to be 110 or 105 lbs, but I like the way I look right now, I'd like to be a little more fit, I'll just wait and see. It's harder for some reason for me to loose these 8-6 lbs , and If I stay at my current weight I would be pleased.
  • giveMEbeauty
    giveMEbeauty Posts: 192
    4ft 11
  • meg516
    meg516 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm 4'11" here, weighed in at 146 lbs 4 years ago, am currently 123 lbs, and hoping to get down to 105!
  • jonesy1028
    jonesy1028 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'2" and started at 210 and have lost 65 lbs. I'm now at 145 and want to get to 125. Keep the faith!! It took me 1 1/2 yrs to get to this point, but its worth the wait.
  • LadyQue25
    LadyQue25 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm 5'2" and hover around 152-154. My goal weight is 128. Seems like its gonna ake forever but I'll keep trying.
  • ApocalypticFae
    ApocalypticFae Posts: 217 Member
    5'1", super petite frame, and my goal is 97 lbs.
  • dlrfit
    dlrfit Posts: 16
    I'm 5'4'' and my GW is 110. I'm 40 and have 2 young kids. I've always been on the smaller side but gained weight due to medication (20+ lbs). Working on losing it now. Anyone feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • leeshanique
    I'm 5'2 & I wiegh 170...I wear a size 9,pretty goal is 135
  • gretapass
    gretapass Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5/3" and used to weigh 157. I have been maintaining between 130-135 for the past three years. I got down to 120 on Jenny Craig 2 years ago, but bounced back up to 130. I want to get back to 120, in fact 119. Seeing a metobolic specialist. Turns out all my years of dieting and lots of exercise without proper fueling has made me hypometobolic, hypoglycemic, hypothyroid, low leptin, and other problems. I thought I had done everything right. On some meds and doing what doc says.
  • laurenk08
    laurenk08 Posts: 89 Member
    I am 23, 5'1, starting weight was about 170ish I think? I have been at this for awhile now! currently I am about 140, my goal weight is 120! Its taking forever to lose these last 20 pounds so I can use all the motivation and support possible! Feel free to add me if you have similar goals.
  • phytogurl
    phytogurl Posts: 671 Member
    Another 5'3" gal here currently at 150lb, but started here at mfp in April at 162lbs. 1st goal is get down to 130 and reassess when that happens. I'm pretty muscular and so if I'm lean at that'll be fine. If I'm not, my second goal may be 120ish. I'm not in a big hurry because I want to lose weight in a sustainable way, and i don't want to have to do this again. Hopefully, I'll have learned this time!
  • eblee42
    eblee42 Posts: 1 Member
    4'11, CW137, GW110-115. I really have trouble with losing weight! Inches come off, just not the pounds...well at least not as fast as I want them to!!
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