Do you "hide" your dieting in public/with friends?



  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Everyone I know is on a diet. I sometimes hide the fact that I eat whole milk dairy products, red meat, and have calories allotted to treats, to avoid getting a lecture.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Nope, infact I proudly consume the pizza and beer infront of my friends. Sometimes they will give me a hard time about it. I just point out how much I've lost and haven't gained anything back. It's all about moderation. I am bad but not everyday bad.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I'm the opposite. I told all my friends. That way, I'm sure to stick to it out of pride alone. :) Actually it's been well over four months now and I'm having no trouble with the program, eat well, good results, I look and feel great. It's been easy and fun.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    If you don't want to listen to the nonsense you could always just say you've been having some sort of digestive health issue- acid reflux or something like that. For some reason people are more able to MYOB with those things than a simple I watch what I eat.
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    Im not dieting, I made a lifestyle change a year ago and all of my friends now just think Im a healthy eater.

    Everyone knows that I seldom eat high calorie and fatty foods and they are so used to it that they never comment. I do get asked questions though...."How many calories do you think is in this meal" etc.
    Im proud of the change I made and I never hide it.
  • feathernaut
    feathernaut Posts: 66 Member
    I can be shy about it, but if someone notices I won't hide it. I also don't like the term 'dieting.' I always say I'm trying to eat healthier. If they ask why I'll say I want to lose weight and feel better. That simple for me.

    I like the idea of bringing prepared meals when you go out to eat, but wouldn't the restaurant be mad about that? I've had a movie theater make me throw out my takeout before I could get into the movie, and coffee shops tell me I can't eat food from outside there. Just a thought.
  • trodney1104
    trodney1104 Posts: 48 Member
    I don't tell them I'm on a diet because I'm not. I'm changing my lifestyle. Many of my friends are overweight & eating is ALWAYS included in the fellowship/hangtime. I've simply learned to adjust . I find the healthiest options on the menu wherever we go. I look up the menu online & plan for the calories. If there are no healthy options (very rare), I eat before hand and have an iced tea while they eat. Occasionally someone will make a comment about my choices but then I gently remind that person that the choices I'm making are for the improvement of MY life. They are free to do what they want.

    What I have learned is that people make weird/ poor comments because you are doing what they would like to be able to do. Their lack of conviction, will power, etc makes them uncomfortable so to feel better about their poor choices, they say things. Push past it & keep going. If the folks you're hanging w/ are always critical & unsupportive, maybe you should consider new & improved friendships as well.

    We (Your MFP Family) will support & encourage you as you work to improve your life!

    Peace & blessings be yours today!:happy:
  • PosterPens
    PosterPens Posts: 172 Member
    yes, here in nyc we have calorie counts on everything. BEST INFORMATION TO HAVE EVER when making decisions on what to eat.
  • egnirysbust
    egnirysbust Posts: 27 Member
    I eat almost a full meal beforehand and then order something small from where ever I am. If any one says anything about it, I say that I'm not that hungry. There are a few friends that I don't feel self-conscious about mentioning that I'm on a diet around because they're in the same boat as me. I try to keep it to myself most of the time, though.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I refuse to tell anyone IRL when I'm cutting. No one wants to hear about anyone else's diet and everyone wants to simply enjoy a good time around food. The trick there is portion control, and no, one slice of pizza absolutely will not kill your diet. When I'm out with the guys, I'll still eat what everyone else is eating and enjoy a couple of beers. I just keep it down and prepare for it earlier in the day. Maybe go for a run first for extra calories and/or have a protein shake or meal before going out so I'm not hungry.
  • mjrkearney
    mjrkearney Posts: 408 Member
    Nope. Nada. Not at all. I am out loud and proud with my weight loss. I'm not going to pack my own lunch if I know we're going out, but I will stick with moderation and try to find something delicious and healthy on the menu. I don't always go with the perfect option, but I've also been known to forget to eat or to be too busy, in my own mind.

    Besides, eating off the wagon once in a while is better than starving your body and risk eating the entire wagon later.
  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    Told hubby and he said I'm insane, like anyone cares if I'm on a diet! But I know women and women talk!! And you always get the comments "one slice of pizza isn't going to kill you" from the skinniest person there.
    Even I think I'm crazy but I would like to know if I'm the only one who doesn't like to say I'm dieting to people outside my close family and friends?

    If you want to fit in, there's NOTHING WRONG with having a slice of pizza. Are you going to avoid pizza forever in the future? Maybe skip the chips, but your hypothetical people are right - one slice won't kill you. Get a veggie or mushroom slice and it doesn't have to be the greasy filled calorie bomb. Go for an extra 30 minute walk...

    To your other question, I don't tell co-workers that I'm a food martyr... I still eat with them if we go out, and I find something that fits my plan... This is how I plan to survive this weight loss long-term, by making better choices and changing the way I do things. You can't always have dry chunks of pita to choke down instead of pizza...
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I don't mention dieting with my friends, because I usually get, "Oh one cookie won't hurt!" or "You're so tiny already!" If it's a matter of eating what you packed or buying something, budget can be a good excuse. "I packed my lunch, trying to cut down on money spent eating out." That should be a pretty acceptable reason to anyone you're with and leaves out the word "diet".

    This is a good way out! I bring my own food into work so I'm not tempted by the yummy cakes in the canteen, but if someone brings round cake at work I usually say "I'm really trying to be good, but if there's some left later I might cave in!" (I'm completely safe here -ever seen a bunch of teachers round food?:bigsmile: :laugh: By the end of break there's only crumbs left).
  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    I refuse to tell anyone IRL when I'm cutting. No one wants to hear about anyone else's diet and everyone wants to simply enjoy a good time around food.

    OR they all have tips about what they heard Dr. Oz say... and they have a friend who swears by green coffee pills... Who needs to have that conversation in real life?
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
  • Marigoldie
    Marigoldie Posts: 15 Member
    Next time tell them you're in training and eat your own, healthy lunch. You can be training for anything, a 5k, a half marathon, a century ride, or a healthy old age. I don't ever say I'm dieting. To me it's just the way I choose to live my life.

    I really like this. I have to watch what I eat because of a thyroid issue, I gain very easy. I am also training for a half marathon so this works well for me!
  • lripson28
    lripson28 Posts: 213 Member
    If I felt that I had to hide that from my "friends", then they wouldn't be my friends. I share everything with them, including my trying to eat healthy. So much more support that way also, as many are also trying to eat better and be healthier. I also wouldn't deprive myself of something if I really wanted it. I would plan my day in a different way then.
  • weightlossforbrian
    weightlossforbrian Posts: 38 Member
    I don't hide that I am on a diet. I also do not go around and tell everyone I know though either. If someone happens to see that I am eating healthier than I used to eat and they ask I just tell them yes I am on a diet.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Lol, if I'm gonna prepare a lunch and go as far as taking it to the party, I'm going to eat it regardless of the looks and talk. That said, I'll also eat some of the party food so as not to be a total outcast and because it doesn't hurt every now and then. Eating is a social thing sometimes and if it makes me antisocial, then it's not so fun. Anyway, you could've ate BEFORE attending the party and that would avoid the whole 'embarrassment' issue and you could've honestly told them you're not hungry.
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    I'm super guilty of this. I used to avoid going out, and I realized that was unhealthy. So, my fiance and I compromised and I usually eat something filling before I go, and once I'm there I'm happy ordering a salad or something small.