C25K--Starting August 1



  • charmwhite
    charmwhite Posts: 30 Member
    We did w2d1 again tonight. Just to be sure we're ready for the longer run sections. Felt good!! Hoping to get new running shoes this weekend too! Anything to make the k's go by faster :)
  • sherri79eaton
    sherri79eaton Posts: 34 Member
    Just finished #c25k week 4 run 1 with #getrunning – 33 minutes of exercise and 16 minutes of running. Next run: Thursday 26th. My run went like this: a 5-minute brisk warm up walk-3 min run-1.5 min walk-5 minute run-2.5 minute walk-3 min run-1.5 minute walk-5 minute run-5 minute cool down walk!!
  • shrublet
    shrublet Posts: 42 Member
    I just finished week five, day three- the dreaded 20 minute run that's been psyching me out for weeks now. It was challenging but more mentally than physically. If you are worrying about it, don't- the anticipation is worse than actually doing it.

    Stay with it, everyone.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    W5D1 last night. It should've been Monday, but my ankle was YET AGAIN hurting for no darn reason! :grumble: And it's already hurting a little today too! :explode:

    Anywho, W5D1 not so bad. I actually was thinking at one point that the recovery (walking) time was too long! :tongue: Crazy, I know. I AM sorta dreading the 20-min run at the end of this week, so good to know it's not as bad as my crazy head is making it.
  • charmwhite
    charmwhite Posts: 30 Member
    Have been laid up for the last few days with bronchitis. Not able to run again till Wednesday... Not happy!! I just want to run!!
  • sherri79eaton
    sherri79eaton Posts: 34 Member
    finished #c25k week 4 run 2 on Thursday with #getrunning – 31½ minutes of exercise and 16 minutes of running. Next run: Saturday 28th.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Squeezed in an extra run this weekend, so back on track to run w6d1 tonight :)
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Ran w7d1 this morning. Still hate running in the mornings, but sometimes it's a necessary evil. It's getting cold out there at 5:30am too, so hopefully that'll be more motivation to run at 7pm instead. Last night, though, I was still digesting a large angus burger from my boyfriend's parents' delicious labor day dinner. :)
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    w7d2 down! only 7 more c25k workouts left!!
  • mvlaurel
    I'm psyched to find this group! I am on W2D3 today. I have done the program before, but never got all the way through it. I did get pretty far though (through the dreaded 20 minute run in week....5?) Anyway, the last time I did this, I was running on a treadmill, but this time I am running outside. I used to have an itouch and I LOVED the app, but now I just have an mp3 player so I'm using Robert's podcasts. Not as good as having my own music, but definitely better than nothing.

    I just wanted to jump in and say hi :-)
  • sherri79eaton
    sherri79eaton Posts: 34 Member
    Will be picking up where I left off a couple of weeks ago!! Its been a crazy two weeks and I can't wait to run tonight!!! I have missed it! SO i will be on Week 4 Day 3 and If it goes well will go on to week 5
  • mvlaurel
    Question: How many are running outside vs. how many run on a treadmill? Why do you prefer what you prefer?

    I like the treadmill because it shows my calorie burn and how far I've gone, but I am really starting to like running outside because I can change my pace easier, and the sights and smells are so nice. None of that "hamster on a wheel" feeling.

  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I run outside. My reasons...

    Pace: I've had bad experiences with not being able to find a good pace on treadmills, so I really just don't like them now. Outside, I can run however fast or slow I want, not 0.2 faster or slower, and I can change pace whenever I want, etc etc. It's nice. :smile:

    Air Quality: Nice fresh air outside. My apartments' fitness center is usually warm, stuffy, and humid b/c it's right by the pool. :sick:

    Environment: I enjoy the changing scenery outside, even if I do run the same route, and I kinda enjoy being lost in thought or completely thoughtless. The TV in the fitness center might be a better distraction, but that's assuming that I have any desire to watch it. If there's anyone else in the fitness center, I'm stuck with whatever's on (sometimes good, sometimes terrible) because I'm too darn polite to change it. Also, I've been in there before when someone had cranked up the TV volume so that I could STILL hear it even with my headphones turned ALL the way up! RUDENESS! :angry: :explode: :grumble:

    Company: See above and know why I prefer to run alone outside! :flowerforyou:

    So except for pacing, I guess I wouldn't mind running on a treadmill if I had my own, but I'm cheap. :glasses:
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    W8D1 this morning. Pushed myself, ran about 2-1/3 miles at 12mm even. Pretty proud of myself. :)

    Only 5 more!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member

    I hope everyone else is still chugging along....?
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member

    Good luck with your journeys, everybody! Keep on running!
  • charmwhite
    charmwhite Posts: 30 Member
    Congrats Pixie!!

    i'm still back at w5 but running each week... hope to get to 5km in a few more weeks :)
  • charmwhite
    charmwhite Posts: 30 Member
    Question: How many are running outside vs. how many run on a treadmill? Why do you prefer what you prefer?

    i run outside at the foreshore near my house. i love getting out since i spend all day in the office and its lovely to see the sun set over the ocean!

    last week though i did my run in the streets around home for the first time and started by doing the warm up 5 minutes on my elliptical machine (which has sadly been abandoned since i started c25k). it felt good and was probably the best warm up i've had since i started :) but i think i'll stick with the foreshore.

    its also a chance for my partner and i to catch up at the end of our day and talk about things... and with summer sneaking up on us there will be the chance for late evening swimming post run!! cant wait for that!