Cross fit - yay or nay?



  • wapan
    wapan Posts: 219 Member
    Try out to see what the workouts look like. Also check out Zuzka Light on youtube. Actually just search crossfit workouts on youtube and there's a lot of stuff on there. I used to work out using only cross fit videos and it kept me in great shape. I prefer gym based weight workouts but I still do my own crossfit workouts when I'm on the road.
  • rbear713
    rbear713 Posts: 220 Member
    If you are serious about fitness and exercise, then Crossfit is the SINGLE BEST thing you can do for yourself. Changed my body in 6 weeks or less - not my weight - my shape. IF you can justify the expense, you will NOT regret it!!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Yay or Nay is going to largely depend on your fitness goals. I'd definitely recommend doing your due diligence on a few different boxes. It's like have good ones and bad ones...good coaches and bad coaches. It's definitely a fun way to work out, but largely depends on our fitness goals. Currently, cross-fit and my fitness goals don't really jive...
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    If you are serious about fitness and exercise, then Crossfit is the SINGLE BEST thing you can do for yourself. Changed my body in 6 weeks or less - not my weight - my shape. IF you can justify the expense, you will NOT regret it!!

    Wait... So, people who enjoy running or powerlifting or body building or tennis, etc are just faking it and only Crossfitters are the ones who are doing it right? Comments like this is why CF gets the elitist mentality attached to it.

    ETA: The single best thing you can do for yourself is to find something you enjoy!
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    I have been quite interested in it but like others have said it is pricey. The cheapest I have found is $500 for 6 months. That is too much for me.

    I am keeping my eye out on wagjag and groupon. I did also see one just yesterday that was $50 for 10 sessions. I would have signed up if it has actually been in my town (it was about 30 minutes away).

    I like the idea of doing something intense and someone pushing me to do it! (I have self motivation problems I am not going to lie).

    I am SUPER cheap though, My gym membership is $10/month (where I can do my lifting and strength training), and I do free work out videos off youtube.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Seriously asking: when people say a thing is expensive, what are they using to justify that word? Expensive compared to what, and expensive to whom?

    This. In my area it's approximately $275+. I am about to join a training facility that is $200 a month. It's annoying to hear how people would never pay that for exercise. It's more than worth it for me. I'd rather skip a few dinners/happy hours out and spend my money where it will benefit me more. If Crossfit was my thing, I'd do it in a heart beat.

    This is way too much of a generalization. If you want to spend the money, have at it. If you think $275 for crossfit is worth it, then more power to you. Me? I won't pay that. And just because I won't pay that doesn't mean that I'm not willing to pay for exercise. As with everything, there is a limit to what a person is willing to pay. I workout at least 5 days a week, and I spend a fraction of what it costs to do crossfit, which means I can spend or save that money for other things I enjoy.

    How is this way too much of a generalization? I said what I do; and I don't even do crossfit dude, I just said it costs $275+ in my area. I pay $200 for my trainer a month, it's no one's business how I spend my money or what other's spend their's on.
  • stephenszymanski
    stephenszymanski Posts: 114 Member
    Seriously asking: when people say a thing is expensive, what are they using to justify that word? Expensive compared to what, and expensive to whom?

    This. In my area it's approximately $275+. I am about to join a training facility that is $200 a month. It's annoying to hear how people would never pay that for exercise. It's more than worth it for me. I'd rather skip a few dinners/happy hours out and spend my money where it will benefit me more. If Crossfit was my thing, I'd do it in a heart beat.

    This is way too much of a generalization. If you want to spend the money, have at it. If you think $275 for crossfit is worth it, then more power to you. Me? I won't pay that. And just because I won't pay that doesn't mean that I'm not willing to pay for exercise. As with everything, there is a limit to what a person is willing to pay. I workout at least 5 days a week, and I spend a fraction of what it costs to do crossfit, which means I can spend or save that money for other things I enjoy.

    How is this way too much of a generalization? I said what I do; and I don't even do crossfit dude, I just said it costs $275+ in my area. I pay $200 for my trainer a month, it's no one's business how I spend my money or what other's spend their's on.

    You said it's annoying to hear how people won't pay for exercise. I didn't see anyone saying they won't spend money on exercise. I saw people saying they found crossfit expensive.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Seriously asking: when people say a thing is expensive, what are they using to justify that word? Expensive compared to what, and expensive to whom?

    This. In my area it's approximately $275+. I am about to join a training facility that is $200 a month. It's annoying to hear how people would never pay that for exercise. It's more than worth it for me. I'd rather skip a few dinners/happy hours out and spend my money where it will benefit me more. If Crossfit was my thing, I'd do it in a heart beat.

    This is way too much of a generalization. If you want to spend the money, have at it. If you think $275 for crossfit is worth it, then more power to you. Me? I won't pay that. And just because I won't pay that doesn't mean that I'm not willing to pay for exercise. As with everything, there is a limit to what a person is willing to pay. I workout at least 5 days a week, and I spend a fraction of what it costs to do crossfit, which means I can spend or save that money for other things I enjoy.

    It's like you're arguing with air. She says specifically what she would do and somehow that's a "generalization". I'm not sure that word means what you think it means
  • SueSlick
    SueSlick Posts: 268 Member
    A lot of people are saying cross fit is expensive, but if you're looking to give it a try, continually check up on Groupon, Living Social, or any other discount website. I see cross fit classes pop up on there every month or so, and at a great price.

    For example, just today a cross fit Groupon came on in my area. $35 for 10 classes, or $65 for 20 classes. I'd say that's pretty affordable for what the program offers, especially for someone who wants to give it a try before wholly committing.

    I absolutely agree!! This is how I tried it a Groupon that was like $40 for 1 month, so I hit every on ramp class I could. Unfortunately, I ended up getting hurt, as I think I was not coached correctly. Since I was already lifting (NROL4W) my form was pretty good for most of the moves, then one day we did these clean & squats, and the guy added weight to my bar. I ended up pulling a tendon or something in my elbow. At the end of the month, I decided that Crossfit is for people younger than me, and just not my cup of tea. At least I didn't spend a butt load of money to find that out!
  • stephenszymanski
    stephenszymanski Posts: 114 Member
    Seriously asking: when people say a thing is expensive, what are they using to justify that word? Expensive compared to what, and expensive to whom?

    This. In my area it's approximately $275+. I am about to join a training facility that is $200 a month. It's annoying to hear how people would never pay that for exercise. It's more than worth it for me. I'd rather skip a few dinners/happy hours out and spend my money where it will benefit me more. If Crossfit was my thing, I'd do it in a heart beat.

    This is way too much of a generalization. If you want to spend the money, have at it. If you think $275 for crossfit is worth it, then more power to you. Me? I won't pay that. And just because I won't pay that doesn't mean that I'm not willing to pay for exercise. As with everything, there is a limit to what a person is willing to pay. I workout at least 5 days a week, and I spend a fraction of what it costs to do crossfit, which means I can spend or save that money for other things I enjoy.

    It's like you're arguing with air. She says specifically what she would do and somehow that's a "generalization". I'm not sure that word means what you think it means

    She also says that it's annoying to hear people complain about paying for exercise. Does she enjoy that? Look, I'm not arguing with anyone. I'm stating that because people think xfit is expensive, doesn't mean they don't want to exercise or aren't willing to pay for it. If someone wants to pay x amount for xfit or a trainer, good for them. I hope they get their money worth.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Seriously asking: when people say a thing is expensive, what are they using to justify that word? Expensive compared to what, and expensive to whom?

    This. In my area it's approximately $275+. I am about to join a training facility that is $200 a month. It's annoying to hear how people would never pay that for exercise. It's more than worth it for me. I'd rather skip a few dinners/happy hours out and spend my money where it will benefit me more. If Crossfit was my thing, I'd do it in a heart beat.

    This is way too much of a generalization. If you want to spend the money, have at it. If you think $275 for crossfit is worth it, then more power to you. Me? I won't pay that. And just because I won't pay that doesn't mean that I'm not willing to pay for exercise. As with everything, there is a limit to what a person is willing to pay. I workout at least 5 days a week, and I spend a fraction of what it costs to do crossfit, which means I can spend or save that money for other things I enjoy.

    It's like you're arguing with air. She says specifically what she would do and somehow that's a "generalization". I'm not sure that word means what you think it means

    She also says that it's annoying to hear people complain about paying for exercise. Does she enjoy that? Look, I'm not arguing with anyone. I'm stating that because people think xfit is expensive, doesn't mean they don't want to exercise or aren't willing to pay for it. If someone wants to pay x amount for xfit or a trainer, good for them. I hope they get their money worth.

    Sweet Jesus, I meant that it's annoying to hear people question why people pay so much just because others won't. Didn't realize someone would get that invested. Crossfit really does piss people off around here. Should have backed out at Dav's GIF.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    If you are serious about fitness and exercise, then Crossfit is the SINGLE BEST thing you can do for yourself. Changed my body in 6 weeks or less - not my weight - my shape. IF you can justify the expense, you will NOT regret it!!

    Wait... So, people who enjoy running or powerlifting or body building or tennis, etc are just faking it and only Crossfitters are the ones who are doing it right? Comments like this is why CF gets the elitist mentality attached to it.

    ETA: The single best thing you can do for yourself is to find something you enjoy!

  • TX_Aggie_Dad
    TX_Aggie_Dad Posts: 173
    It's expensive, in most places. That's the biggest reason I haven't tried it. Make sure you go to a box that has couches with knowledge beyond just taking the Crossfit courses. They do a lot of big lifts for reps and time which can be dangerous if you let your form go. That being said, they do seem to like to encourage other members and the workouts are intense. You won't focus on any one thing, though. I've always been a bit curious about it, but I'm also a bit lazy and that stuff seems a bit intense for me. ;) There can be a bit of an elitist attitude as well, but you can find that anywhere.

    Let me get this straight. You "haven't tried it" yet you seem to have a pretty strong opintion about it being "dangerous" and having an "elitist attitude". Your opinion on this topic is garbage.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    It's expensive, in most places. That's the biggest reason I haven't tried it. Make sure you go to a box that has couches with knowledge beyond just taking the Crossfit courses. They do a lot of big lifts for reps and time which can be dangerous if you let your form go. That being said, they do seem to like to encourage other members and the workouts are intense. You won't focus on any one thing, though. I've always been a bit curious about it, but I'm also a bit lazy and that stuff seems a bit intense for me. ;) There can be a bit of an elitist attitude as well, but you can find that anywhere.

    Let me get this straight. You "haven't tried it" yet you seem to have a pretty strong opintion about it being "dangerous" and having an "elitist attitude". Your opinion on this topic is garbage.

    I said "can be" dangerous and "can have" an elitist attitude. I also acknowledged that can be found anywhere. The OP wanted pros and cons, that's what I gave. I don't see saying something "can be" something as having a strong opinion. I also mentioned that people who CrossFit seem to be very encouraging of other people, but clearly you skipped that . I've seen workouts of the day, if form is let go, as I posted, it could be dangerous. If you reread my post, you'll see NOWHERE did I say, "Crossfit is dangerous and they all have an elitist attitude." I don't want to argue semantics, but I don't feel like you really read my post the way it was intended, and being told my opinion is "garbage" when you clearly didn't comprehend the tone of the post is irritating. I have actually considered joining a CrossFit box, despite what I posted above, knowing I'd have to be careful. It is a bit intimidating to me, I admitted that, and, the biggest thing is, for me, it's cost prohibitive. I was trying to convey the things I have weighed when considering CrossFit.
  • nataliesarazyn
    nataliesarazyn Posts: 24 Member
    I know a lot of people who say that the expense is worth it no matter what. I'd like to add my opinion that "If you have the money, then it doesn't hurt to try it." If you're maxing out credit cards, or taking on a second job to do crossfit, then that's just pure stupidity. However, if you have extra money after paying the bills, then by all means, go for it. It never hurts to try something new. If you find that it's not your cup of tea, then that's ok too. Everybody is different.

    I've been doing it for about 2 months now. A local corssfit gym in my area offers a special college student session. The class is made up entirely of college students, and the instructors are recent college grads who have degrees in physical fitness (and a bunch of other trainer certifications). I really like working out with people my own age. I pay $90 a month, which is much cheaper then the normal classes.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I know a lot of people who say that the expense is worth it no matter what. I'd like to add my opinion that "If you have the money, then it doesn't hurt to try it." If you're maxing out credit cards, or taking on a second job to do crossfit, then that's just pure stupidity. However, if you have extra money after paying the bills, then by all means, go for it. It never hurts to try something new. If you find that it's not your cup of tea, then that's ok too. Everybody is different.

    I've been doing it for about 2 months now. A local corssfit gym in my area offers a special college student session. The class is made up entirely of college students, and the instructors are recent college grads who have degrees in physical fitness (and a bunch of other trainer certifications). I really like working out with people my own age. I pay $90 a month, which is much cheaper then the normal classes.

    I don't think anyone means at all costs. A lot of people complain because it is more expensive than a regular gym, but usually not by much. That is what I am talking about when I say it's worth it. But there are some things I would cut to save money to put towards crossfit instead if I had too.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    It's expensive, in most places. That's the biggest reason I haven't tried it. Make sure you go to a box that has couches with knowledge beyond just taking the Crossfit courses. They do a lot of big lifts for reps and time which can be dangerous if you let your form go. That being said, they do seem to like to encourage other members and the workouts are intense. You won't focus on any one thing, though. I've always been a bit curious about it, but I'm also a bit lazy and that stuff seems a bit intense for me. ;) There can be a bit of an elitist attitude as well, but you can find that anywhere.

    There are some heavy lifts, but never for time. We just did seven sets of 3 overhead presses every minute on the minute. Took me about 8 seconds to do the reps, then I'd adjust the weight and recover.

    I would agree that some boxes are not well run and push time over technique. Mine (and most that my friends have joined) are not like this, and the boxes like that generally don't last long.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    It's worked for me. I go twice a week. I've never been in a spot where I've gotten hurt based on the 'competitive' nature of the sport.

    It's expensive, yes. But it's also very close to what you'd get for paying a personal trainer.

    Jeff, this was my take as well. I'm essentially paying my normal gym membership plus getting a ton of coaching for $100/month. Well worth it to me.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Seriously asking: when people say a thing is expensive, what are they using to justify that word? Expensive compared to what, and expensive to whom?

    Sorry, I guess it's expensive to me, relative to what I spend now. $130 a month is the cheapest you can get around here. I work out at home, for free. Obviously, there was a fairly hefty start up cost to purchase the necessary equipment, then my recent upgrade (new Oly bar & more plates for my birthday!) since I outgrew my old bar. My husband pays $35 or $40 a month (that is a discounted rate, I will admit) a month for his gym membership, so $140 9and at one place, that's for only 2 session a week!) seems like a lot to me.

    You are getting a lot more than just a place to work out for that money. It's not a matter of expense so much as it is if you think you are getting value for the money.

    You could afford it, you just don't see the value in Crossfit because you do well with your home setup. Nothing wrong with that IMO.
  • Juelz2013
    Juelz2013 Posts: 33
    I've been interested in cross fit for a while, but haven't tried it. Now you made me want to :)