Hanging out with my husband at...a strip club?



  • FearAnLoathingJ
    FearAnLoathingJ Posts: 337 Member
    I just don't see this ending well.

    3rd, you sound really uncomfortable with this and the fact that you think you'll have to get drunk to tolerate it just screams disaster

    she also sounds really interested. Of course she might be nervous going in having never been to one the only ideas she probably has about them come from tv ect.

    That really is it. In general, I'm not an uptight person-- but I really feel like I'm going to stick out like a sore thumb. I just want to know the ropes before I dive in. I think I'm going to take multiple peoples' advice and just visit for the first time and get a feel for the place and how things work. I'm only uncomfortable when I don't understand how things work. Observing will help to make that all better. Then, if I feel like it, I'll go in a second time. I really think I just have first time jitters. :)

    just don't throw loose change at the strippers,and you will be fine.:wink:
  • sixibabey
    sixibabey Posts: 80 Member
    lol at u guys cheering her on. i bet her husband is thinking "we're gonna go have fun looking at hot girls" not "my wife is gonna get shtty drunk and yell at girls trying to sell me lap dances "
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    I should also add that a lot of what I was saying had an intentional humorous, dramatic spin to it. No, I'm not going to pull out my cellphone. I'm not that dumb. LOL

    Also, I'm kidding about the being so drunk I'll be unconscious thing. I was being silly. I mean I will need a few drinks to calm my nerves. I don't really think I'm going to get arrested for being drunk in public. I was just joking.

    Clarifying for those who needed clarification. lol
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    I just don't see this ending well.

    ROFL... I kind of see this with me ending up getting arrested for public intoxication as I run down the road with a bottle still in my hand screaming and crying for some reasons that I really can't put my finger on. Bahahaha...

    I'll be OK. I think I'll just have to be really drunk. Alcohol will be an integral part of my stripper induction evening.

    I'm certain this is not going to end well.
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    lol at u guys cheering her on. i bet her husband is thinking "we're gonna go have fun looking at hot girls" not "my wife is gonna get shtty drunk and yell at girls trying to sell me lap dances "

    I'm not going to get ****ty drunk. I plan on being completely passed out by the time lap dances occur. Hopefully I won't choke on my own vomit. Thanks!
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    I just don't see this ending well.

    ROFL... I kind of see this with me ending up getting arrested for public intoxication as I run down the road with a bottle still in my hand screaming and crying for some reasons that I really can't put my finger on. Bahahaha...

    I'll be OK. I think I'll just have to be really drunk. Alcohol will be an integral part of my stripper induction evening.

    I'm certain this is not going to end well.

    It will end just fine. Hopefully my husband won't get the stripper pregnant. I hate it when that happens.
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    how funny you posted this topic ;D My bf and I have been playing with the same idea for ever now. I really rehhheheheally wana go to one, I'm just afraid that instead of having a good time I'll start feeling all insecure and get sad lol. Just go and have some fun I think it'd be an awesome experience, some pretty girls, special attention, and a cool experience for you both. And at the very least you'll have a funny story to tell people ;D Let us know how it went :wink:
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    how funny you posted this topic ;D My bf and I have been playing with the same idea for ever now. I really rehhheheheally wana go to one, I'm just afraid that instead of having a good time I'll start feeling all insecure and get sad lol. Just go and have some fun I think it'd be an awesome experience, some pretty girls, special attention, and a cool experience for you both. And at the very least you'll have a funny story to tell people ;D Let us know how it went :wink:

    Thanks! :) It'll be a learning experience, that's for sure. :)
  • FearAnLoathingJ
    FearAnLoathingJ Posts: 337 Member
    I just don't see this ending well.

    ROFL... I kind of see this with me ending up getting arrested for public intoxication as I run down the road with a bottle still in my hand screaming and crying for some reasons that I really can't put my finger on. Bahahaha...

    I'll be OK. I think I'll just have to be really drunk. Alcohol will be an integral part of my stripper induction evening.

    I'm certain this is not going to end well.

    It will end just fine. Hopefully my husband won't get the stripper pregnant. I hate it when that happens.

  • kkclif
    kkclif Posts: 155 Member
    I just don't see this ending well.

    ROFL... I kind of see this with me ending up getting arrested for public intoxication as I run down the road with a bottle still in my hand screaming and crying for some reasons that I really can't put my finger on. Bahahaha...

    I'll be OK. I think I'll just have to be really drunk. Alcohol will be an integral part of my stripper induction evening.

    I'm certain this is not going to end well.

    It will end just fine. Hopefully my husband won't get the stripper pregnant. I hate it when that happens.

    :laugh: too funny
  • mrsburghart
    mrsburghart Posts: 166 Member
    Just relax! Have a couple of drinks beforehand and all will be fine. My first time I was reallllly nervous, so I just ended up critquing their performances on stage and trying to decide which one looked the most bored! Some of the ladies are pretty impressive dancers...focus on that instead of the nekkidness and you'll be fine!

    As for the lapdances thing....I giggled EVERY time. The dancers were cool with it. I think they think it's endearing or something. They also direct you what to do, just let them know it's your first one! Or, just try to have an actual conversation with them while they are giving you the dance. It gets the attention off of you, and you might learn something interesting. I've learned quite a few tricks of the trade that way. They LOVE talking about themselves, or about a made-up version of themselves.

    A word of caution though....you will probably get a bit of attention. I don't know how many times I have had my chesticles (as you called them) grabbed as the dancer is just randomly walking by...just don't sit in an aisle and I think you will be ok! This may happen while tipping, too, so be prepared!
  • delaniecastillo
    I love going to stripclubs! The girls I usually point out are usually the fun ones and have a great attitude. I haven't gone with my husband yet but I have with previous relationships and male friends. Going to them never had any effect on our relationship. Relax and have fun and don't do anything you don't want to do. And YOU pick the girls for dances. Don't let him. He should be glad that you are agreeing and going along with it if you are a bit uneasy.

    And laughing is alright! It is supposed to be fun. The only time I had a bad time at a strip club was some weird meth head stripper was telling me she would give us half off dances because her house burned down and needed money. WTF? I declined and we skedaddled the hell out of there.
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    I have been to male and female strip clubs and I will take the females any day of the week. I was more uncomfortable with the male lap dance than I was with the female lap dance. The men actually put your hands on their bodies. That was uncomfortable. The females (at least in the clubs I have been to) ask you to sit on your hands so that helps with the touching aspect. And the woman who danced for me actually told me that SHE was uncomfortable. That put me at ease a lot. I think you should go. You might like it.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Jeez, if you are so uptight about going, why don't you just stay home and leave the strippers for the people who want to be there?

  • sxy_nerd
    sxy_nerd Posts: 5
    OK, so say I say "honey, let's do this. But let's skip out on the lap dances for the first time so that I can get a feel for the place."

    I think he'll be OK with that. I think. That is, until some chick with giant chesticles (I sound like I'm 5, but I'm trying to keep this PG... lol) is all like "hey, baby, you like these?" Then he's going to look at me like "please, mommy? can i pleaseeeee have the candy?" Haha....

    OK, let's say that doesn't happen. How do you tip? I thought you put money in their underwear or something? And how do you tip? Is it like... here's a dollar? Here's a five. Here's a ten. Like... is there a percentage or something? LOL... What's considered to be an average tip for a non-lap dance? What about for a lap dance? How much is a lap dance?

    If I WERE to get a lap dance, am I supposed to like... stare at the chick? Look at my husband? Am I supposed to be all looking at him like, "look, honey, a threesome! imagine yourself with us!" Or am I supposed to be like, "Well golly gee, ma'am, you sure do have some pretty long acrylic nails. And those clear shoes are just gorg--where did you get them?"

    I'm realizing right now at this very moment that I sound like I've been quarantined in a church bell tower for the last 29 years of my life.

    I'd personally put the money in my cleavage and make the stripper take it out with her teeth, make them work for it, but that is just me :drinker:

    Go have some fun, don't over think **** :)
  • tallvesl99
    tallvesl99 Posts: 231 Member
    1. Why is he pressuring you to do something you are OBVIOUSLY very uncomfortable with...what kind of love is that?
    2. If you are that uncomfortable about it, DON'T GO...NEVER DO ANYTHING because you feel pressured into it.
    3. What kind of advice would you give your daughter if she asked you the same question? Give that same advice to yourself.
    4. I dated a guy once that was into that...I actually went with him and DID NOT enjoy it at all..afterward, he began to try to pressure me into a THREESOME....I WAS DONE!!
  • MrsSenecal
    MrsSenecal Posts: 312 Member
    I went with my Ex Husband and we always had a great time. Dont knock it till you try it!
  • tallvesl99
    tallvesl99 Posts: 231 Member
    Interesting...he's your EX-HUSBAND.
  • Athf2011
    Athf2011 Posts: 2
    Me and my girl just went last night for the first time. It was different at first for her but my friend had his girlfriend there too so she helped her get adjusted. She liked it. Don't worry about anything, just go and have fun. They might put their titties in your face or whatever so just be cool and have fun. I was gonna buy my girlfriend a lap dance but ran outta money, but she wants one next time we go. As long as your husbands respectful, just go have fun that's what it's all about. Maybe have a girlfriend there with you for your first time.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Interesting...he's your EX-HUSBAND.

    How incredibly judgmental of you. You have NO idea why they broke up. Just because you're a prude doesn't mean you have to talk down to others, sweetie.