5'3/5'4 best weight?



  • This is me at 5'3 and 115 lbs last summer. I just had baby #3 and I will aim to get back to that weight in the next 6 months (I'm nursing a baby so these last 8 lbs won't come off too quickly). It depends on your body, but I definitely don't think I looked too thin.

    You looked great, good luck!:)
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    That sounds about right to me. I'm 2 inches shorter than you and naturally fall at 102-103 when eating healthy. Add about 5 lbs for every inch and a couple pounds cushion for differences and anywhere between 112-118 sounds pretty fine.

    Most importantly, do you know where your body naturally falls in weight when you are eating regularly and healthy? If you were thin around 18-22 that is usually the time we figure it out. You shouldn't fluctuate too much from that weight as you get older. It is still your norm.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    There's no one right weight for anyone. It depends on your build, your age, your activities, how you carry your weight and how you like to look. I'm 5' 2" with a small build. I think I look good in the 90 to 104 pound range, although I haven' been below 98 in many years. As I've gotten older, my metabolism has slowed down.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    This is me at 5'3 and 115 lbs last summer. I just had baby #3 and I will aim to get back to that weight in the next 6 months (I'm nursing a baby so these last 8 lbs won't come off too quickly). It depends on your body, but I definitely don't think I looked too thin.

    You looked great, good luck!:)

    Agreed. That's a good weight for you.
  • That sounds about right to me. I'm 2 inches shorter than you and naturally fall at 102-103 when eating healthy. Add about 5 lbs for every inch and a couple pounds cushion for differences and anywhere between 112-118 sounds pretty fine.

    Most importantly, do you know where your body naturally falls in weight when you are eating regularly and healthy? If you were thin around 18-22 that is usually the time we figure it out. You shouldn't fluctuate too much from that weight as you get older. It is still your norm.

    I'm not that old yet so I don't know, but I have lost some weight pretty quickly from eating healthy for about 3 weeks:)
  • This is me at 5'3 and 115 lbs last summer. I just had baby #3 and I will aim to get back to that weight in the next 6 months (I'm nursing a baby so these last 8 lbs won't come off too quickly). It depends on your body, but I definitely don't think I looked too thin.

    You looked great, good luck!:)

    Agreed. That's a good weight for you.

    Yeah I think so too!
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    I'm 5`4 128 right now and I wear a size 3. There really is no "right weight " on a person. it depends on body fat as well as how much muscle you are carrying.

    I was once 108lbs and I was sick..I'd rather be at a healthy weight so that when people look at me, they know I eat.

    I wouldn't worry too much about what the number on the scale is. I personally don't want to be a "number" for the rest of my life. I just go by how I feel and how strong I am.

    just my opinion. =)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Hi:) Im just wondering what would be the best weight for a 5'3 and a half girl to weigh. I am 128 pounds but I want to get down to about 115. Will this be too thin? If any of you are around my height what is your goal weight?
    It's different for everyone. If you have the frame size, 115 is reasonale.
  • rosellasweet
    rosellasweet Posts: 163 Member
    Completely agreeing with "no right weight for height" camp. My goal is 140 and I am 5' 4". I weighed that in high school and looked great despite many opinions that I was fat. I was fat like Jennifer Lawrence is fat.

    Weight is very odd and I think going with your body fat percentage would be better. For instance, many women in my family are my height or about an inch shorter than me. They weigh what I used to (180) and they have very large stomachs. However, they wear pants four sizes smaller than me.

    I also went to college with someone else who was two inches shorter than me. She now weighs 170 (after losing 75 pounds) and still looks like she could lose 70 more. We weigh almost the same thing but our body fat percentages are obviously different.
  • megabyt23
    megabyt23 Posts: 580 Member
    I'm 5'4, and I started on MFP at 126. I now weigh about 118, but I was aiming for 115 before I started trying to gain some muscle. Just depends on your long term goals and your build I think. I'm not really a curvy person with or without weight lol.
  • I'm 5`4 128 right now and I wear a size 3. There really is no "right weight " on a person. it depends on body fat as well as how much muscle you are carrying.

    I was once 108lbs and I was sick..I'd rather be at a healthy weight so that when people look at me, they know I eat.

    I wouldn't worry too much about what the number on the scale is. I personally don't want to be a "number" for the rest of my life. I just go by how I feel and how strong I am.

    just my opinion. =)

    Yeah I agree:)
  • auria17
    auria17 Posts: 94 Member

    I go by measurements not weight.

    I am 5'4
    Shoulders: 40
    waist: 26
    Hips: 36

    Shoulders 40
    waist: 25

    Overall feminine shape with firm curves and some visible abs is my overall goal. My goal fat % is between 18 - 22 % sitting at 26% right now.
  • That's a great goal, good luck:)
  • talisamb
    talisamb Posts: 65 Member
    I am 5'4 and 134 in my profile pic...was aiming for 125 but my body loves holding on to the last 10 pounds
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    I go by measurements not weight.

    I am 5'4
    Shoulders: 40
    waist: 26
    Hips: 36

    Shoulders 40
    waist: 25

    Overall feminine shape with firm curves and some visible abs is my overall goal. My goal fat % is between 18 - 22 % sitting at 26% right now.
    The problem with using measurements is that you have exactly zero control over your bone structure or where your body will let go of fat. It isn't a particularly useful method.
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    This is too complicated to have a straight answer.
    Not all 5'3/5'4 girls are created equal.

    I used to say I wanted to be 125 lbs. But really for me it's more about body composition/fat %. So if I end up looking amazing at 140-150 lbs, I'll be just fine with that.


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  • TNBelle35
    TNBelle35 Posts: 21 Member
    I am currently 120 at 5'4" and can wear a 6 or 8 but still jiggly in a semi flat belly and very jiggle in my thighs and butt, so I am working on getting in shape and getting more toned. At my worst was a size 14 at 140 and just felt awful.
  • You look great in this picture. Just take it one step at a time and see what weight you feel comfortable staying at during this stage of your life.
  • There's no one "right" weight for any given height. It depends on your body composition (eg. how much muscle you have), your bone structure, where you naturally carry your fat, as well as personal preference. You are well within the healthy range for your height, so I would forget about chasing a particular number and go by how you look.

    Keep working on getting those calories in, and you'll probably find that you get the look you want at a higher weight than if you go very low calorie again.

  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    I'm 5'3" and 42 years old with a very small build. I am at my goal weight of 110 pounds and plan to stay here.