I really need relationship advice...please help



  • KristaPetraitis
    KristaPetraitis Posts: 38 Member
    Watch the movie He's Just Not That Into You. That movie changed my life! I'm happily married to the man of my dreams because I finally taught myself how to let go of the ones who weren't worth the tears. And this movie helped me see that.
  • *hugs*
    I think you should:
    1. Find this guy, and make him tell you what happened in March to make him stop talking - was it something you said? Did he find another woman? Was he scared? Tell him, the reason doesn't matter, you just want closure (which I think you need).
    2. Talk to your friends; apologize for not being there for them, if they needed you, (they sound a bit like rubbish friends though, so I would consider finding/making new ones) ^__^
    3. Focus on yourself; do things that make you happy!
    4. Love yourself; because you know you are loved very much ^__^
    5. Don't give up; just because this guy was frightened away (maybe he realised how much he cared for you, maybe that frightened him) there is someone out there who will make your heart race twice as fast, who will make your head go dizzy and will make you write THE soppiest poems, ever!! (trust me, I know :p )

    Chin up, cherub! And I hope I helped, even a little bit ^__^ Feel free to add me/message me if you want to talk about this more :)
  • wadedawg
    wadedawg Posts: 315
    If you knew the guy for as long as you say and he never made a move to take the relationship beyond where it was, then he wasn't interested. That is just my perspective as a guy. He wasn't interested in you in that way, probably knew you wanted more and decided to remove himself from the situation rather than deal with it. It sucks, but we do stuff like that. Girls do too, all the time.
  • Stump_Likker
    Stump_Likker Posts: 2,059 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice. I know I really should get over him, but it is so hard. I just miss him...even just being his friend I miss. Shouldn't he be able to talk to me even if he found someone else who he has feelings for? Can't we just be friends? Is there any way I could at least get my friend back?

    No "friend" would walk out of your life without explanation. We've all been down this road. He isn't worth it. You're young. Go live your life girl. And don't be afraid to be alone until the right guy comes along. Good luck.
  • carolkoepke
    carolkoepke Posts: 1 Member
    I hate to say this but guys really aren't that complicated.......don't get me wrong - I love men but as I tell my girlfriends daily as they sit and wait for their phones to ring .... If he wanted to be with you he would call.

    You will never know what caused the sudden change of heart but like others have said if you haven't talked to him since March, it's over. You have to pick up and move on as difficult as that is. Think about why you would even want to be with someone who doesn't have the decency to tell you he's moving on?

    An old adage that I live by every day is "Don't make anyone a priority who thinks you're an option".

    Good luck to you. We've all been there and know how bewildering it is as we try to find rational explanations for emotional issues.
  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    do u brush your teeth?
  • Stump_Likker
    Stump_Likker Posts: 2,059 Member
    do u brush your teeth?

    She just made the mistake of giving her attention to someone who didn't deserve it.
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    You're 18 years old. Now is the time to get your wild on.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Watch the movie He Just Not That Into You. That movie changed my life! I'm happily married to the man of my dreams because I finally taught myself how to let go of the ones who weren't worth the tears. And this movie helped me see that.

    Actually yes...this is great advice...(also one of my favorite movies...one that changed my life too.)

    Get some light ice cream, a box of tissues and this movie...you will see, young grasshopper.

    Don't beat yourself up about this one instance...I know that I felt a lot of things that I thought were love...I could have sworn it was love...I didn't realize until you meet someone that loves and respects you the way that you love and respect them that what I'd been feeling wasn't real love...it really can't be if the other person treats you this way. I know what I'm trying to say but it's not coming across right...oh well.
  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    do u brush your teeth?

    She just made the mistake of giving her attention to someone who didn't deserve it.

    oh could be that too...or bad breath or deoderant issues or he's gay.
  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice. I know I really should get over him, but it is so hard. I just miss him...even just being his friend I miss. Shouldn't he be able to talk to me even if he found someone else who he has feelings for? Can't we just be friends? Is there any way I could at least get my friend back?

    I had a situation VERY similar to yours when I was 19 or so. I found this awesome guy at a campus church group who was so sweet and we would hang out, go on dates, cuddle, text, talk on the phone for hours and then one day, absolutely nothing from him. It hurt like hell and I still saw him all of the time in the group and he would flat out ignore me. Saw him a year or so ago for the first time in forever and he greeted me very warmly and we caught up, but none of those butterflies I used to have were there anymore. I had completely moved on and had been in a wonderful relationship with my current boyfriend for a year.

    I'm glad now looking back at everything because 3 of my friends in that group eventually pursued something with him and the same thing happened to all of them. He just had major commitment issues along with others and wasn't ready for anything involving another person. Plus now I have a seriously amazing boyfriend of almost 2 years who would do anything for me if I asked (and is soooo much better looking too!)

    It hurts now, but it will get better, I promise. My heart was broken a lot, because I loved easily. One day you'll find someone worth your love.
  • Stump_Likker
    Stump_Likker Posts: 2,059 Member
    do u brush your teeth?

    She just made the mistake of giving her attention to someone who didn't deserve it.

    oh could be that too...or bad breath or deoderant issues or he's gay.

    Yeah, that's it.
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    You are 18. It was a high school fling. Get over it and move on. Kids are dumb and this guy was a kid.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    The truth is, for whatever reason (and it really doesn't matter what it is) he's not interested in you romantically or as a friend. It sucks, but you need to move on. If you cannot seem to do that, particularly after 3-4 months to grieve the loss, you need to see a therapist and really talk out your feelings.

    I suspect that this guy was probably freaked out. The way in which you describe him is a bit off to me - like everything he did was just the best, sweetest EVER. Probably freaked him out. Not that he should just stop talking to you and drop off the face of the Earth, but dude was probably immature.
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    I have a daughter your age. This kind of thing has happened to her. It's tough, real tough. I try to be a dad and tell her to move on but emotionally women's make up is different from a man's and women don't move on as easily as men do. so here's my best 'DAD' advice that I've given to her -

    first, it's really not you, it really is him. I know that for a fact. I was a guy that age once and I know how thoughtless and loopy I was.
    second, do start the process of moving on. I don't know what that involves but I know it usually involves being with people who support you and it doesn't involve more than about 24 hours with ice cream.
    third, start the process of feeling ok about yourself. you might want to not call yourself a monster on your screen name.
    fourth, can you get that you are pretty and attractive?
    fifth, know that god has a great plan for you and life is going to be great.
  • rosellasweet
    rosellasweet Posts: 163 Member
    I've been in your situation. I call it getting "Buddy-Dumped". I had this great friend that I really clicked with & we tried dating, but no sparks for him. We tried to stay friends, but he met someone else who wasn't keen on him having Gal-Pals and that was it. The awkward thing was that he decided to tell me all this over the phone while I was on a layover at an airport surrounded by fellow passengers at my gate! He tried to leave it open by saying that if it didn't work out with this person then he'd love to be friends again. I was really sad about it, but then, I figured if someone finds my friendship so disposable, then that's not a real friend.

    Getting rejected just sucks and it hurts. However, in time you'll find that you are much better off my dear. Take some time to be your own best friend and keep moving forward. You'll knock someone's socks off one day!

    This! This pill is hard to swallow but it's the truth. People who want to be around you, will be around you, simple as that. You don't have to fight for them or constantly question what they're thinking. Crazy, right? I remember (I'm only 24 but my late teens seem so far away) the drama of relationships of friendships. I thought that was the way it was and would always be. You know what I found out? Any relationship without drama is awesome! You'll start asking yourself what you're going to do with all that free time that you spent worrying and crying.

    Something happened with this guy, but it doesn't matter. Don't worry yourself over why he quit talking to you. I used to do this and when I finally found answers, they were really dumb. You don't need to carry that on with you to the next relationship. If he loved you and wanted you, he would have asked you out. In my experience, if a guy liked me, he straight up told me and I didn't have to wait long. Just because it didn't happen in this case, doesn't mean you aren't loveable.

    I was Buddy-Dumped or rather finally did the dumping. I met this guy and we were very much into each other, but the circumstances were not good (we were both cheating.) We decided to be friends. Well, we kind of weren't for a while, and then he broke up with his girlfriend. Suddenly I was his new best friend again. Oh, how I wished I would have just learned. I had no romantic interest this time and neither did he, but I'm really starting to think I was his pseudo-girlfriend or mother. I fed him, listened to his problems, bought clothes occasionally. Everything your girlfriend does minus sex and romantic cutesy talk. He got a new girlfriend and she did not like me very much. My husband loved this guy friend too so naturally he was the best man (my best man, I called him my "Wingman of Honor") and even got ordained to marry us. I moved 1,000 miles away to be with my husband and he never really called me after that. I kept calling, he would answer, but the only way we would talk was if I called. I found out he got engaged through my husband's Facebook! He didn't even call and his girlfriend blocked me so nothing showed up. He said he called just family which again, pissed me off. I considered him a brother like my own flesh and blood. Then when it came to the wedding, he said his new bride only wanted male groomsmen. So he obliged. I stopped talking to him right there. I was just fighting a losing battle. If my husband had told me that my friend couldn't be in our wedding, then there would have been hell. My husband accepts that we were like family. It actually saddens him that I don't talk to my friend anymore.

    So it's been 6 months since I last spoke with him and I don't really think about it. Unless I read a post like this.

    Also, concerning your "friends", I agree with the poster who said they were lame. Like romantic relationships, if friends want to be there for you, they will! I had a friend I completely discounted, but she always kept in touch and listened to me when I needed someone. She even called as soon as she got engaged and we're taking a vacation together later this month. She was the real friend, not this other guy.

    Just find a way to make yourself happy outside of relationships for the time being and as time goes on, you'll learn these truths also. It's not so bad :)
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice. I know I really should get over him, but it is so hard. I just miss him...even just being his friend I miss. Shouldn't he be able to talk to me even if he found someone else who he has feelings for? Can't we just be friends? Is there any way I could at least get my friend back?

    No "friend" would walk out of your life without explanation. We've all been down this road. He isn't worth it. You're young. Go live your life girl. And don't be afraid to be alone until the right guy comes along. Good luck.
    i beg to differ. we're all flawed and we all screw up. you'd be hard pressed to find a person who has always been without sin.

    in her situation, once i was absolutely over him, i made contact and recovered the friendship. but that only works if you can get over them and forgive them. i got... an apology, an explanation, a sense of closure and a happy ending.

    in her case though, she way too hung up on him. still.
  • britttttx3
    britttttx3 Posts: 458
    Don't let it get to you! Youre young and beautiful, and it happens to the best of us.I would just let it go, his loss. One day you might be friends again but that's something that comes with time, if it's meant to be, it'll be.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    unless he says why he stopped talking to you, then you may never know.
    something similar happened to me, but i was dating him. we were together 2 years, he had moved upstate to columbus i was living in cincinnati at the time, it's about an hour and a half north. we still saw each other on weekends, and on a thanksgiving break after being together 2 years i had scheduled to take a bus up there during the thanksgiving break to spend the weekend with him. I arrived at the greyhound station Friday night, I had called him that morning to verify what time I’d be there. Friday night comes and goes, and he never answered the phone or came to get me. Saturday rolls around, I called first thing in the morning after sleeping at the bus station all night, still no answer. A few of my friends who knew his friends tried getting a hold of him, but no luck. I left that Saturday evening, and didn’t hear from him for almost a year (apparently that was our breakup). Turns out he was cheating on me with a girl up there and he was visiting her all weekend. About a year ago (this happened in 2008) he sent me a long message that he missed me and loved me still and that he was miserable with his girl (the one he was cheating with me on) because she was constantly cheating on him all the time. I spent all that time, in the back of my mind, wondering what I had done and what went wrong.
    I know that you would feel better having closure about why he is not talking to you, and it hurts when to feel rejected. I was hung up over it for years until I got some closure when I found out why he ditched me and stopped talking to me. It wasn’t my fault, he’s a total *kitten* that doesn’t deserve the love of an amazing person.
    So if your friend cant give you the decency to so say why he isn’t talking to you (maybe he met a girl or something), it’s hard to move on, believe me, but don’t let it get to you and just forget about him. Its not worth it and its not fair to you. It really sucks that you love him so much, but he doesn’t deserve your love. You deserve someone who loves you just as much unconditionally, don’t waste your time on someone that can’t give you that. I hope things work out for you <3
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Ok close your eyes and try to imagine the perfect guy. I know, I know, it was him right? No remember that one time he did that thing that was kind of weird and made you so happy no one was around to see how embarrassed you were? Remember that time you wanted to see that other movie but maybe didn't say so and let him choose what he wanted and you pretended to like it, or ended up getting a few giggles? Or maybe you did say which movie you wanted to see but he chose a different one anyway? Well this imaginary perfect guy, he picks the right movie. And the right time, and the right popcorn. Are your eyes still closed? Can you see him? Can you imagine him? His way of talking, the interests he has? The dreams you might share? The way he might hold you? The funny things he might say when you feel it's appropriate? The way he is brave to say the things that need to be said? Where is he? Where do you think he is? He is someplace else waiting to meet you and when he closes his eyes he is thinking of a girl Just. Like. You. Only he can't find you because when you pass him at the coffee house or when you're sitting at the library and obsessing over this one or sitting at home or online talking about this one, he can't meet you. There is no room in your life for him. You are not making the space for him. And he would just want to say hello. If he could. If you could just not think about this one anymore.