*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @tru - trying to not let them get me down - doing what I can in the hours that I have then coming home to all that is so much more important to me. I refuse to work stupid hours just so that I can be seen to be doing so! The frustration is that I enjoy the work that I do - but it just a case of not letting it get to me. Great job with the weeding - that's a marathon session. So rewarding though to see your lovely fruit and veg coming through - I've been harvesting strawberries and rhubarb for supper and to make jam over the past week - so nice. I've even got a proper jam preserving pan ordered - hoping it arrives for the weekend and the rather nice sounding peach and raspberry jam recipe that I have! Camping round Iceland sounds like fun and you should definitely come to the UK - don't expect much on the weather front though! Not sure about how pricy we are in comparison to Iceland - I thought Iceland was far more expensive, but living in the UK so I may be immune to it. Whereabouts in Canada are you?

    @steph - keep plodding and trust me - I'm not doing much more right now though for very different reasons. People commenting on your loss is great - and being hit on is also a shot in the arm:tongue: Good news about things being better with your husband - keep the boy on track and make sure he looks after you! Pamper session sounds nice.

    @ron - have fun in Germany and good luck staying off the beer :smile: Your evening meal today sounded delicious!

    not much to add from my end beyond my mini work rant above. Just battling on and having a lazy evening while husband catches up on paperwork in the other room. No tv, no music, no nothing - just me and a cat on the bed!! And my kindle to read - which I have to say, although I will always love proper books, is just such a fabulous gadget!

    Sleep well all - particularly to your little one Steph! And happy Wednesday - halfway through another week.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Jane, yes, surprisingly enough, my boy made it home with all his stuff. Congrats on proper pushups! They are tough! Hoping work goes better for you. Have you finished the project where the deadline was moved up?

    @Tru - The "dead" bunny story is great! I think though, that I will never have one as a pet. When I was really little my older sister had one, and that thing was vicious! Bit me till I bled...
    I'm surprised you're able to type after all that weeding. I need to go do some, but I'm totally dreading it. I'm always so sore afterward.

    @Ron - no, I did not blindfold my babies! Silly man. As far as running in that heat goes, I think it's part of why I was so exhausted yesterday. I just had NO energy at all. Sat around and did nothing all day. But I'm up and at it again today, and extremely thankful that it's only in the 70's today. By the way, congrats on your awesome NSV for your trip to Germany! In India, take lots of pictures of cool stuff and share them please.

    Today is a not crazy day. Love it. Tomorrow, craziness picks up again. Going to see my husbands latest play, and taking our children (should be interesting, 4 year old has never been to one). Hoping my parents come to see it so I can have a little help with him.
    Thursday, Independence Day! Yes, I still celebrate it, even though I'm an honorary Brit. Spending the entire day out at my in-laws tribal firework stand (where you can get the good stuff that's illegal elsewhere).
    Friday, driving down to Oregon, Mt. Hood National Park, overnight camping & and hike to Ramona Falls on Saturday with about 20 other people from my family. Four plus hours driving each way.
    Sunday, probably a trip to Tacoma with my sister and mom, Babies-R-Us! We'll probably help her get a registry started.
    Monday. Hm. I think I'll do nothing on Monday. That sounds good to me. LOL

    So with all this madness going on, I'll probably not be commenting here for a few days! Hope you all have a good rest of your week, and good weekends!
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    @Steph – Trafalgar Square sounds like fun! Happy Canada Day to you as well! Getting hit on in the grocery store – love it! Great confidence boost for sure! Nicely done! Glad to hear that things are better with the Hubby. Enjoy your pamper sessions. Sounds delightful! Sending normal-sleepy-pattern vibes to the little one!

    @Jane – On the job front, I feel for you. I have been there and it's not fun. But you definitely have your priorities straight! My grandmother used to make the most lovely strawberry and rhubarb pie. Mmmm... I have not had peach and raspberry jam, but it sounds delightful! I will make it to the UK at some point! My cousin and I travel together once every 2 years and she will have first dibs on our next adventure, but eventually we'll get there! I live in Ottawa, Ontario. The nation's capital. Although, Toronto would have you believe otherwise. lol

    @Meg – Yes, bunnies can be vicious. Sorry your sister's didn't agree with you. Ouch! Typing seems to be about the only things I can do after all that weeding. Actually I am pleasantly surprised that I am not super sore, except for my left hamstring. But that one tends to bother me on a good day. What play is your husband performing in? Something we would know? Happy (early) Independence Day! Your camping & hiking trip sounds really fun! Enjoy!

    Nothing new to report at the moment. But, hey, the day is young! Haha!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday!!!
  • srwinks22
    srwinks22 Posts: 1
    Just joining to see if I can finally motivate myself to eat right and get rid of this weight. I have 70lbs to lose. Gosh it's tough to have to admit that. Got a walk this AM and had a good breakfast. Now if I can only avoid the 2pm munchies and after dinner dessert cravings. ;)
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @srwinks22 - welcome to the thread! Stay with us and you'll find motivation and support.

    What a blah week - I will report in properly later but I'm so over this week already now. Happy Thursday all!
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    @srwinks - Welcome aboard!

    Hope everyone is having a great Thursday!
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    I know everyone is super busy right now, so not much conversing going on, but I do hope that everyone is well and having a blast with whatever activities are keeping you busy!

    Have a fabulous Friday and a spectacular weekend!!!!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @tru - yep super busy - but not too busy to come on the board and say 'yay, it's weekend'!!!!!

    I'm back on track - have done my session on the cross trainer this evening and will back with the ferocious Jillian Michaels workout tomorrow. Going to pick up some Friday fish and chips in a bit then we are going to the cinema in Brighton to watch the new Superman film. I'm spectacularly unexcited about it as a film but husband wants to see it and there is nothing wrong with a friday evening cinema trip. Have my parents coming round on Sunday - we offer them tea and cake and in exchange I get a couple of hours work in the garden from my dad - and advice on what else I can do with it. Seems like a fair deal!

    Have a good weekend all:smile:
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good Morning All :flowerforyou:

    Well I'm feeling more positive the last couple of days. A session with my trainer always does that and this beautiful dose of sunshine and hot weather doesn't hurt things either. I am determined to get out of the 270's in the next week or so and that is going to mean making demands on my husbands time about the gym and sucking it up and running outside which I am not a huge fan of (we live in a hilly area of London and it just about kills me and then I feel really deflated). The school year is starting to wind down (2 weeks and 2.5 days to go!) and it means lots of just lounging about in the staffroom which in some ways is nice but there is also lots of munching and I'm rubbish at will power at work for some reason.

    I'm off for a pamper session today and hopefully the gym (not in that order!). I've been invited to attend a 5 hour training session next sunday with a friend. Not sure about it though...

    Well the sun is shining and little one is fussing so I best go, hope you all have a great weekend!! :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    @Jane - It's great to hear that you are back on track! And doesn't it feel great? I always find when I am in a funk I kind of half-heartedly make my way through workouts, but when I am back in the groove, it feels AWESOME!! I'm actually starting to love that Jillian. Who would have thought?! Glad to hear you are back with her as well! How did you like "Man of Steel"? I have yet to make it out to see it, but have heard very good things. Agreed, tea and cake in exchange for garden work is a spectacular deal!

    @Steph - So glad to hear you are feeling more positive! Great goal! I am not a runner, so any running is very impressive to me. Throwing in hills? You are a rock star! Please don't ever feel deflated for attempting a challenge. That's why it is called a challenge. It is suppose to be something that you have to work at and eventually conquer. Imagine how great it will feel when one day you run the hills as though they are flats!!! Were you are at now is just a starting point. What level you take your fitness too is completely up to you. You just need to commit. You can do it! As for the munching, just make sure you keep plenty of healthy snacks on hand. I've recently re-discovered baby carrots and hummus. Easy to travel and very tasty! How did the pamper session go? 5-hour training session sounds awesome! I hope you go for it! :)

    I spent 2.5 hours at the garden yesterday. It was 36C (96F). So, I must be doing something right to have lasted that long. Although I must remember to bring along more water. Thirsty was an understatement! The tomatoes and beans are blossoming. Is blossoming the correct term? Anyways, the peas are climbing higher and higher and then lettuce is out-of-control (in a good way). The carrot tops also look good, but I'm not really sure how you know when the carrots themselves are ready. So much to learn!

    As far as challenges go, I thought I add a little note. Never be afraid to try. If you fail, so be it. Make that your starting point and progress from there. The important thing is to never give up. Try again. There are no rules on how quickly you have to progress nor how quickly you need to conquer a challenge. And sometimes you learn your limits and realize you can't conquer said challenge, that's okay too. But trying your best is what matters. So please, always have faith in yourself, listen to your body, and aim for your personal best!

    All the best! Have a wonderful Sunday!! xo
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @tru - sounds like you had a good time in the garden. I think carrots are ready when you can see the top of them coming out of the ground. Doing on with JM - getting into the swing of it now! Unfortunately Man of Steel lived down to my low expectations - the second half of the film is pretty much just blowing everything up. No depth to the storyline and maybe I'm getting old but all the blowing up just bored me!

    Lovely day today - lots of sun and time in the garden. Made raspberry and peach jam as well - really tasty! Back to work again tomorrow - have a great Monday all!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Hello lovely people! I'm back from the wilderness. Literally. Friday morning, after running and yoga, and packing up my car, I drove myself and the boys 3.5 hours southeast to Mt. Hood in Oregon. Set up my tent, helped my aunt set up hers, built a fire, herded cats (children), roasted hot dogs & marshmallows, inhaled too much smoke, explored the campground, went to bed, and stayed awake half the night. It was fun until that last part. I am not built for sleeping on the ground!! I even stole my boys sleeping mats to add to mine (they're young, they can handle it!), and it was still 3 a.m. before I fell asleep. Woke up at 5:30, had to go to the bathroom of course. Then couldn't get back to sleep, and my older son woke up shortly after I did, so we got up and made a fire, heated up water for hot cocoa & coffee (lots of coffee!) and had our breakfast. It felt somewhat weird, but I did yoga outside while waiting for my hot water. All standing poses so I wouldn't get dirty. After a while, boy two woke up, and had breakfast, and spilled his hot cocoa and cried, ate a marshmallow and was happy. Sent boys one and two to hang out with my aunt and cousins while I broke down camp, then drove to the Ramona Falls trailhead. Most of the rest of my family who had planned on being there was there first, and we headed out at about 10:45 a.m. About a quarter mile in, I realized I had forgotten the Northwest Forest Pass in my purse, so had an impromptu half mile run. Then we continued with the hike. Boy two is 4 years old and 37 lbs fully clothed, and I spent about 1/3 of the hike carrying him on my back. It was incredibly difficult! But between my dad and I, he made it up to the falls. I'd say the hike is relatively easy, if you're already in shape. 7.2 miles round trip. But not being in the best shape of my life, and adding herding and carrying my children to that, on not nearly enough sleep, it was not easy! But it was fun, because I did it with my family, specifically my aunt, who has recently lost 66 lbs, and my brother in law who is lighter now by 80 lbs.
    I did not get home until 10 p.m. yesterday, and I was originally planning on a shopping day with my mom and sister today. That did not happen. I got up at 8, put pics of the hike on facebook, went back to bed for an hour, got up, had some toast, planted my backside in the recliner, and didn't really get out of it until 2:30, at which point I went to bed and slept for an hour. While my husband used the weedeater beneath our open bedroom window! lol, I am really tired! The rest of my plans for today include sleeping some more, and maybe sleeping again later. I'll catch up with you all later!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @meg - your hike sounds like exhausting fun! Like you, not a great fan of sleeping on the ground - give me a comfy bed any day! But all the rest of it sounds lovely! Are you through your madly busy period now - does life slow down a bit?

    Sorry I've been quiet on here guys - work continues to be insane and shows no sign of slowing over the next couple of months. At least it keeps me out of mischief but I haven't worked out since Sunday and likely wont get to until Friday - sigh! I think it's just going to be one of those weeks. Out for a meal with a friend from work tonight which will be fun. Have a great Wednesday all and keep up the good work.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Hi all,

    Don't have a lot of time to post, but I've written my first impressions of India into my blog - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/ron2e - more to come later plus pics.

    Keep going you wonderful people!!
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    @Jane – I agree. I’m not really into movies that just involve a lot of violence. I find the more “blowing up” there is, the less substance to a movie. Although, with that said, I am a sucker for a good horror movie. (Yes, Ron, women are complicated! lol) No need to apologize for being busy. Life happens. Just do you best to keep your sanity!!!

    @Meg – Sounds like a wonderful trip, despite the impromptu runs, hard ground, and marshmallow-necessities. Love that you get to do such wonderful things with your family!! I hope that you have now caught up on all of you sleep. I haven’t been able to catch up on the feeds, but I have no doubt you have already run a marathon between this post and now.

    @Ron – As my best friend says, “Pics, or it didn’t happen!”. :tongue: I loved your post and can’t wait to read more.

    I have not made it back to the gardens, so hopefully the weeds aren’t too unruly. I have been dealing with an inflamed eyeball. Yes, it is as painful as it sounds. The pain started on the weekend and kept getting worse until Tuesday-ish. I snagged an appointment with my family doctor and then the opthamologist and now have many drops to put in. The good news is, I finally slept through the night last night and I can almost use my eye without strain. Yay!

    I was thinking about Meg’s comment, “I was not built for camping”. Made me laugh. I LOVE camping. I spent three weeks in October of 2011 camping around Quebec with a short stop in New Brunswick and PEI. There was only two nights where I stayed in a hotel and it was the worst sleep I have ever gotten. Sleeping in the tent, however, was the best night sleep I ever got. I had an air mattress and it seemed to do the trick except for the cold nights. When it dipped to -12C (10F), the air compressed and I awoke to a flat bed. Oops. I will be camping again this year in September and can’t wait!!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Tru, I used to be built for camping, did it many time growing up. And on into adulthood. I think it's the part where I had to sleep on the ground, instead of using an air mattress. I drive a really small car and was trying to be economical with the space I had to pack. That's not happening again! lol
    Glad to hear your garden is growing well, and I hope it's not too weedy when you get back to it. And you're right, the eye thing sounds painful! I hope you heal up quickly.

    @Ron, pics please! Read the blog, sounds like an interesting place to be...

    @Jane, I'd like to try your peach jam! Sounds yummy :happy: Hopefully your weekend was relaxing enough to make the work week bearable! Hope things get better at work soon.

    @Steph, you may not like running outside, but it makes you a stronger runner! I have only once run on my treadmill since January when I got started with this. I just hate using it. How was your pamper session, good I hope? And did you go to the 5 hour (!) training session? That sounds intense btw.

    So here it is Thursday afternoon. Spent Sunday recovering from my hike on Saturday. On Monday, I baked 8 loaves of bread, paid my bills, went to the grocery store, and ran 4 miles. And my husband came home with a 32" flat screen tv for our bedroom. Not sure what I think of that one yet...
    The rest of the week has been pretty mellow. Other than hitting a major goal in weight loss! Now officially 1/3 of the way there. 50 lbs gone forever.
    And yesterday, I ran 5.65 miles! I did the first 5 without stopping, but I was getting pretty tired that last little bit, and stopped about 4 times! lol! But I should be able to make it through the 8K I have coming up on the 20th. I plan on doing another long run on Saturday morning.

    Been thinking about the changes made in my life in the past 6 months (tomorrow is my 6 month mark), and I think just a year ago I would have laughed out loud if someone told me I'd be running 5+ miles on a regular basis. Or planning on running a marathon before I turn 36 (which is 2.5 years out still). Glad I'm sticking with it this time!!
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    As usual this week, not a lot of time as I'm off to Delhi an about half an hour's time. Pics to follow, the company connection in India won't allow me to upload to photobucket and the hotel wifi kept dropping out, so it will have to wait until I get home Sunday afternoon. Had a great week, very enjoyable, and tomorrow get some 'me time' in Delhi before leaving Sunday morning to fly back.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Just a quick check in to see how everyone is doing. Had a nice weekend - didn't get up to much - far too warm!! Got a man coming round this morning to talk to us about wood flooring - all good but he's late so I've had to go to work. Left my husband at home grumbling about the fact that the guy is stuck in traffic - why didn't he leave earlier etc etc!!

    Anyway will check in later properly - have a lovely Monday all!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    I'm here for a quick check in as well. Busy but fun weekend, 2 birthday parties, eating out at a pizza place for one, bbq for the other. Sent boy 1 off to camp yesterday for the week. Boy 2 is not feeling well, so may end up at the pediatricians today. And hopefully I can run this evening.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Another quick check in - pics from my India visit on my blog - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/ron2e

    Great trip back, got an upgrade to Business with air miles so had a seat that converted to a lie flat bed, the best way to travel long haul! I weighed myself when I got back Sunday afternoon and was the same as when I left which was great news as I knew, if I followed the normal pattern, I would lose over the next two or three days, and sure enough, as of this morning I'm down 1.8 lbs since Sunday 7th, with hopefully more to follow tomorrow!! Thinking at the moment I should get a body fat analyser scale, first I must persuade my wife to get rid of her ancient scales (non electronic!) and put my current 6 month old ones in her bathroom!