Polar FT4 & FitBit

Hey guys! I am really excited and decided to share that I just found a Polar FT4 for $69 and a FitBit Zip for $59 on Best Buy's website. Does anyone have any reviews to share on the 2 items?Which do you think is more accurate or better for Insanity?


  • Tflowers34907
    Tflowers34907 Posts: 51 Member
    Bump. Anyone?
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    Hi. I have a FT40 and it does great for high cardio and strength workouts like turbofire or insanity. The fitbit is more to track your entire day to better undrstand your TDEE.
  • sophie_wr
    sophie_wr Posts: 194 Member
    just to say that I got a groupon for Brookstone few weeks ago (you spend $25 and you get $50) so I got my pinkfitbit for $30 :), maybe it's still available ?
    so far so good....
  • bigalfantasy2004
    bigalfantasy2004 Posts: 176 Member
    For Insanity, get the Polar FT4. I used it for Insanity and it worked great. My understanding is that the fitbit is just a glorified pedometer. I'm sure the fitbit has its fans but the FT4 is actually a heart rate monitor which actually helps you know if you're working to hard or to light. The calorie burn IMO is much more accurate than the fitbit.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I have both, and like the first reply, the HRM is for cardio exercises and fitbit is pretty much to calculate how much you burn in a day (tdee). I love my ft4! The zip is good, I just stopped using it cause I got tired of obsessing over the numbers lol. I loved that it was affordable. I didn't need all that sleep tracker and other things the other fitbits had so the zip was a great deal. :)
  • faceoff4
    faceoff4 Posts: 1,599 Member
    fitbits are just glorified pedometers in my opinion. For pure fitness and accurate calculators of your cals burned, HRM's like Polar that has a chest strap are the only ones that will give you accurate results. So I would go that route. Good luck!
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    *bounce bounce bounce* i Just got my new Polar FT4 TODAY!
    The chest strap is comfy and the watch fits well, so easy to set up and for the first time ever i got to check my HR accurately instead of holding my breath and standing like a statue and checking the sensor on the treadmill. UGH. all this time i thought my HR was around 130 something....and today the Polar told me it was close to 173!!! eeeeh

    it made me feel like a BOSS
  • Tflowers34907
    Tflowers34907 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi. I have a FT40 and it does great for high cardio and strength workouts like turbofire or insanity. The fitbit is more to track your entire day to better undrstand your TDEE.

    Aaaahhh, ok. Thank you all for clearing that up. I don't quite understand the TDEE thing yet so I'll just stick with counting calories. I am really excited I found the FT4 so cheap. I think being able to see my estimated calorie burn will give me another motivating factor.

    @faceoff CAYUTE BABY!!
  • Tflowers34907
    Tflowers34907 Posts: 51 Member
    *bounce bounce bounce* i Just got my new Polar FT4 TODAY!
    The chest strap is comfy and the watch fits well, so easy to set up and for the first time ever i got to check my HR accurately instead of holding my breath and standing like a statue and checking the sensor on the treadmill. UGH. all this time i thought my HR was around 130 something....and today the Polar told me it was close to 173!!! eeeeh

    it made me feel like a BOSS

    I don't know why but after I read "it made me feel like a BOSS" I just started cracking up. I'm happy you don't have to stand like a statue either. I'm horrible. I figure if I get a good running sweat going I'm in the game. *shrug*

    Did y'all find it was easy to set up?
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I have my polar FT60 & my Fitbit One. I use both when working out, HRM for the burn during workout, fitbit for the whole heap extra i get from walking. We are talking about 1000cals extra a day I get to eat & I'm losing. Fitbit is more than just a 'glorified pedometer" (that will come from those who don't have or understand how it works. My Fitbit is NEVER off me, I do 30,000 steps a day & get to eat close to 3000 cals by the end of the day cause of the extra fitbit gives over. I'm betting that most people who don't have one dont get to see that part about it.

    Get both...you wont regret it.
  • klnor88
    klnor88 Posts: 28 Member
    I love my fitbit and my polar FT4! The fitbit is on me at all times EXCEPT when I do a workout, that's when I wear my HRM. The two are totally different, best weightloss investment.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    I have ah FT7 (slightly bigger brother to the FT4) and a FitBit One - I use the readings from the Polar to put in MFP - I let Fitty do it's thing for the rest of the day and let MFP and FB sync back and forth throughout the day.

    I used to just use the timer function on the FB for everything (except swimming as it's not waterproof) and it was great for the treadmill/elliptical but useless for a lot of necessary low impact stuff given my knee injuries, so spin bike. rower and swimming was not great.

    So I got an FT7 for Christmas - and that has helped for the lower impact stuff and where FB is great is the more "everyday" burn - so ambling around the house and largely 24hour calorie burn coverage.,

    For me (and what I use them for) it is a perfect combo... but I often have to "defend" my choice to the Fitbit KoolAid Drinkers who seem to think that owning a FB means you should walk and climb stairs for the achievements with reckless abandon.
    You do NOT need to do any of that so long as you exercise, have fun doing it and burn less cals than you consume.
    How you achieve that.... really down to you.

    I think you have the right combo of toys, myself - good luck with your journey!
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I bought an FT4 from Amazon after getting annoyed at the large calorie numbers on MFP. I know circuit training is good but 3-400 for 20 minutes? I don't think so.
    I do JM 30 day shred and 200 seems better, sometimes less, it is only 20 minutes. I also like how it lets me know when I go too high or low, but with Jilian's DVD's its a pain, because she lifts weights a lot and her planks don't keep my heart rate up. I sometimes will do something else to "stay in the zone". : )
    I think it was 60 well spent and after you know what you are doing, you don't really have to wear it every time.
  • fuzzball01
    fuzzball01 Posts: 105 Member
    I have the fitbit and I love it. I also have the Garmin Forerunner 10 (no heartrate moniter) but its pretty awesome and user friendly
  • CurvaciousBeautyToBe
    CurvaciousBeautyToBe Posts: 100 Member
    I absolutely love my FT4! I STRONGLY suggest getting one! :)
  • mkmerrill
    mkmerrill Posts: 74 Member
    LOVE my FT4. It keeps me on track. Very accurate and I am more in control of my workout. I can't take it easy anymore..I have to push it or my cute HRM beeps at me :)
  • cdcooper321
    cdcooper321 Posts: 157 Member
    LOVE LOVE LOVE MY POLARFT4! It gives you accurate calories burned and helps you keep your heart rate in range
  • cdcooper321
    cdcooper321 Posts: 157 Member
    I absolutely love my FT4! I STRONGLY suggest getting one! :)

    ^^^^^ THIS x10000
  • Tflowers34907
    Tflowers34907 Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks y'all! I decided to get the HRM. I think long term it might be my better option.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Thanks y'all! I decided to get the HRM. I think long term it might be my better option.

    Both would have been. The HRM you cant wear 24/7 anyway cause it simply wont pick up normal activity properly. Fitbit would give you the extra motivation to keep moving regardless & the extra calories you get awarded (I don't & cant eat all mine back) are worth it.