Did my first day of Couch to 5k :)



  • Added in a Pilates class the other day and it just clean wiped me out lol! Was not able to run yesterday so completed week 1 day 3 today instead. I plan to begin weights at the gym tomorrow, then day 4 of C25K on thurs!
  • Ghlt4
    Ghlt4 Posts: 241 Member
    I've completed week 1, but feel I need a few more days before moving to week 2.
  • suzanneism
    suzanneism Posts: 15 Member
    I'm on W2D3, which will be tomorrow. Not doing it as prescribed per the website, but my aunt is a running coach and she is walking me through a variation of it. Making it happen one week at a time!!! :)

    I signed up for my first 5K, which will be June 15th.


    I ran my first 5k on June 15th. My time was SO much better than I thought it was going to be. 47:20. I was elated! AND I got a finisher's medal!!! Now training for a 10k for September! You can do it!
  • dailytammy
    dailytammy Posts: 49 Member
    What app is this? is it computer app or phone? would love to try it out
  • GeraldMar
    GeraldMar Posts: 6
    Good for you! Couch to 5k is a great program!
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    What app is this? is it computer app or phone? would love to try it out
    Phone app. You can also find the program/schedule online if you don't have a smartphone to use the app. Just do a search for Couch25K.
  • RTDice
    RTDice Posts: 193 Member
    I did Day One on Thursday and it kicked my fat butt. I did it although the I couldn't jog the whole period for the last two. I did however extend the cool down walk so I covered 5Km. Work has been a bit full on since - but this week I'll have another go and will keep doing so until I finish day one properly then hit the next day (which is the same as day one).

    Well done to everyone who is going for it. :)
  • DCaffrey
    DCaffrey Posts: 19 Member
    I just started last night. Completed W1D1 using the 5k Trainer app. I was getting a bit tired towards the end but I managed it easier that I thought.

    Do I need to have a rest in between each day? I'd like to try W1D2 tonight but can just go for a walk if I need to.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I did my first day today, intervals of 1 min run, 1 /12 min walk, 5 mins warm up and cool down. Managed to fall flat on my *kitten* over some brambles (note to self - pick less wild ground for next time!) and cut my leg OUCH! Felt a bit breathless after my 3rd run minute, but altogether was not at all bad. It doesn't seem like much, and feel a bit of a wuss starting at such a low level, but overall am proud I got out there and did it :D Looking forward to my next session the day after tomorrow.

    Anyone else start today or recently? x

    congrats on starting c25k!

    And bigger kudos for doing it outdoors..and it does get steadily more challenging, just stick with it and trust in the programme!!

    Also, if you havn't already, invest in decent fitted running shoes. I went from day 1 of c25k to a full marathon in a year..anybody can do it, just train hard and with a good conscience and don't be afraid to repeat any portions of the course that were challenging!

    Good luck, and run, run, run!

    P.s..don't forget to take rest days, your muscles will thank you for it :-)
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    Well done

    I'm on Week 5 d2 of the Zombie version. One thing i have found out about is the free Parkruns (mainly in the UK) which are on every week and are 5K. I did my first one a couple of weeks ago and came in at 40 mins and i had to walk quite a bit.
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    I started C25K last week. I completed Week 1 Day 2 Saturday. I am doing Day 3 tonight after work. Good luck to you. I have muscles I haven't used before screaming at me!!!
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    love reading all these stories! I am training right now for my first 5K in September. We have made it a family event, my 6 year old goes with me on her bike to cheer me on with my husband.

    What I love is that these events have kid fun runs so my DD is running her first race with me as well! She is so excited and keeps asking me daily if it is run day!

    On the weekend I ran for 4.5K straight in 30 minutes as it was pace day to run for 30 minutes and that is what I ran.

    Not sure about the C25K program but the program I am doing promotes cross training so I run 3-4 days a week, cross train 2x a week and rest for one from all workouts to give my body a rest day.