New - Only 1,2000 calories!



  • mathstudent
    From my dieting experience, it's hard to do such low calorie defecits. I tried 1500 per day, being a man, and found that very hard. I've been trying 2000, so 500 less than my RDA, and that's much easier. So i would suggest you go for about 1600, to be honest. So about 500 cals per meal.

    I think you should still use this website, even if you ignore the 1200 and go for 1600 (or whatever), because, i have found out from experience that fat and sugar can be highly addictive, so you need to stay under your RDA of those. This website is the best way i have found of doing that.
  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    I picked one pound a week with 20 pounds to lose and sedentary lifestyle and MFP gave me 1200 calories. I upped it to lightly active and it gave me 1350 calories. If I want to eat more I exercise. Easy enough - you want to lose weight - do the work.
  • Susanthecatwhisperer
    Susanthecatwhisperer Posts: 141 Member
    I've been at 1200 calories for several months. I'm down about 47 pounds. Almost at my goal. The way I see it, if I go over, the only one who suffers is me. It's about making different choices. For instance, 2 slices of wheat bread for a sandwich is about 200 calories, but a low calorie wrap is only 80 calories. For me, it's SNACKING. I love food, I love to snack. Slowly, instead of chips & dip for a snack, I'll take some raw veggies or fruit. A serving of chips is about 150 calories, but a cup of baby carrots is about 10. Yes, I'll still eat some dip with those. :) If you're really struggling with the 1200, just eat what you normally would for a set period of time(maybe a week), and log it in. Then, you can choose a number between that and 1200 to start. Good luck on your journey!
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    Oh I also said my activity level is non existent. I currently do not exercise.

    Is exercise something you are willing to start doing?

    If I may ask, outside of wanting to see 135 lbs on the scale, what are you hoping to achieve?
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member

    I am new to MFP. I'm only looking to lose about 10-12 lbs by mid-October for a beach vacation. I currently weight 146.5 and I'm 5'3". I would like to get down to 135. I know I don't have much to lose but 1.2000 calories per day seems really low! I tried doing it about a month ago for a couple of days and I was starving!!! I've done weight watchers before and it allows you extra bonus points so you don't feel guilty when cheating. Is there such a thing as "bonus points" for MFP? Any tips on meal planning for 1,200 calories per day?

    It depends on what you are eating. 1200 a day is doable, but if you are used to eating 1800 a day, you will feel like you are starving. My first week I only logged what I normally ate and then decided one or two things I could cut or replace to help me meet my goal.

    I am 5'3" MFP gave me a goal of 1200 when I started.
    *Fresh fruits and vegetables are low in calories. You can eat a lot of them.
    *Chicken is low in in calories and high in Protein.
    *DRINKS are a big part of calories if you drink anything other than water. I have a friend that drinks 4 bottles of MtnDew a day and can't figure out why she can't lose weight.

    I work nights my meals are....
    12am an Apple
    2am an apple or some Carrot sticks
    3am "lunch"... Special K chocolaty Delight + Special K oats & honey cereal ( this gives me most of my Iron I have a problem with)
    Jello with fruit is 25 calories and has no sugar
    Zumba days I add some Chicken and a Steamer

    Dinner is Chicken or fish with a veggie usually Green Beans or Corn. (When I get up around 4pm)

    A snack around 8pm usually a fruit or Vegetable..... sometimes Ice Cream after Zumba.

    Your "Bonus Points" are the exercise calories you burn each day because MFP plans on you eating them back. A lot of people say the estimates are too high so I don't log things like cooking or cleaning unless it takes at least an hour.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member

    What activity level did you choose? The sedentary one is very low.
    Also as I mentioned above, MFP expects you to log exercise and eat those calories n

    And with 10 lbs, .5 lbs a week is the ideal goal. The less you have to lose the less deficit you should have.

    Hi - I chose sedentary because I have a desk job and sit all day. It said low activity is someone who is on their feet all day like a sales person. Should I change mine to "low" if I plan to exercise?

    NO- you log your exercise every day.
    A Previous poster is right... Everything we do burns calories. Cooking, Cleaning, Giving the kids a bath, Shopping, I just choose not to log those. I did in the begining though.

    I recommend planning on taking the kids to the park or a walking path and just walking for 30 minutes a day. Nothing strenuous until you are used to it. Feel free to send a friend request or message if you have any questions. I'd love to help you.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Oh I also said my activity level is non existent. I currently do not exercise.

    Then you will either need to eat 1200 to lose 1 pound a week, or change your goal to 1/2 pound a week and eat 1450 cals a day.
    Sorry, but there is no magic pill that will make you lose weight without a deficit.

    You may have a higher metabolism than average, if you are used to eating more than 1700 and maintaining. If so, then try eating more and see if you lose. MFP doesn't hold a gun to your head to make you eat 1200.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    If you exercise you "win" extra calories. Changing weight loss to .5 lbs will get you only 50 extra calories so it's not a solution. My limit is also 1200 calories but I eat 100-150 more because I move my butt around (my profile should be open). At the same time I burn from 400-600 calories per day sometimes even more.
    One solution is switching to mainteinance mode which is probably still less than your average daily intake. But don't expect to loose wight in short time.

  • Rusureyet
    Rusureyet Posts: 6 Member
    I also am only allowed 1200 calories a day. You may earn extra calories by exercising however most of the time MFP does a negative adjustment and takes it away. I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and normally can stay within my allowable calories. It is not always easy.
  • ohkabash
    ohkabash Posts: 8
    I am on a 1,200 calorie a day and find it extremely doable. My biggest issue was boredom snacking and drinking my calories away. Once I eliminated soda and switched pretzels for celery/grapes/etc. etc. I saw a difference. I also found that when I ate lower calorie snacks like celery I was eating just as much as I was previously with my boredom snacking but not gaining any where near the amount of calories I previously was. The most interesting thing I found was that I didn't have to give up the foods I loved, I just needed to be aware of the portions I was giving myself.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    One of the biggest pet peeves on MFP and the cause of lots of controversy is the 1200 cals a day eating (not 12,000 I wish lol as in the topic header)

    If you sign up with MFP and put your stats in and it gives you a goal, then why complain about it?

    You can exercise and earn calories to eat more. It really is not rocket science.

    Lot`s of people, including myself, have eaten at 1200 cals a day. Believe me, you can eat a lot of food.

    I ate 1200 cals a day at MFP goals + exercise cals. I have been in maintenance 8 months or more and my MFP goal now is 1560 + exercise cals.

    I have never cut out any food from my eating habits.
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    1200-1400 is probably pretty close if you are planning on losing 10-12 pounds in 3 months. There is no way around one simple mathematical fact: one pound is 3500 calories so to lose 1 pound a week means you need to average a 500 calorie a day deficit. Weight loss boils down to a simple mathematical equation.

    I did 1200 calories/day for most of my weight loss and honestly I wasn't hungry. Unlike others, I don't like fruits and veggies so I had to do it another way. First off, one key is oatmeal in the morning. A low calorie, slow burning carb that will fill you up for hours. The next is eat 200-300 calories 5-6 times a day. If you eat frequently, you don't get hungry. And your body will adjust and learn that you will be feeding it soon and quiet some of those hunger pangs. That takes just a little while I had lots of small sandwiches on sandwich thins (which are half the calories of 2 slices of bread). A PB sandwich every morning, ham, turkey, roast beef. All about 200-300 calories per "meal". You can do it any number of ways. But for me, the key ingredient is planning. I always logged my food at the beginning of the day before I ate to see what I had room for, where I had extra room for a treat. It takes some getting used to, but it can be worth it.
  • ohkabash
    ohkabash Posts: 8
    Yes, yes, yes ^^^^.

    While I love fruit and veggies and found that easy to incorporate into my meals. I am 100% a planner and found it super easy for me to see what I was going to be eating for the day ahead of time.
  • firecat918
    less then 1200 cals is super easy if you think about what food has carbs in it. Eat fruits and veggies with low carbs such as, apples, peaches, oranges, cantelope, and mango, cabbage, asparagus, mushrooms, cauliflower, onion, and tomato. Cut out carbs by eating just a few low carb crackers as snacks, Eat only lean meats. Drink diet soda, and LOTS of water. Chew gum if you get really hungry and take vitamins!
    If you want to exercise add a little more foods with carbs in it. You will be able to do this if you set your mind to it. MFP is a wonderful tool to help you decide if the food is worth eating.
    I'm only 5'3" too but set my weight goal at 120lbs. Go here to help you set a realistic goal for yourself. That site explains calories, and %fat in our bodies. I too set my lifestyle as sedentary because I sit at a computer all day. I choose to not be as active and eat less. I do exercise on days I want to indulge.
  • shortyboom
    shortyboom Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the advice! You guys are great! I do plan to add exercise into my routine so I think that will help. I did Weight Watchers a year ago and lost 20 lbs but then I fell off the wagon and gained 10 lbs back :(

    Someone asked what I want to gain from losing weight...

    I want to feel good about my appearance and have more energy to play with my 4 yr old.

    Any tips on food or meals that will fit into my 1,200 limit? I have a huge sweet tooth (anything except chocolate). I do not drink soda. In fact, I don't drink very much. I can go an entire day with only coffee for breakfast and a bottle of water at lunch.

    Thanks everyone!
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I am trying to maintain between 130 and 140 lbs and am also 5'3". I eat 1200 when I go over 140. Yes I feel a bit hungry, but I lose on that and when I get to my low weight I re-adjust to 1400-1500cal. You are welcome to check out my diary
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    I can go an entire day with only coffee for breakfast and a bottle of water at lunch.

    Don't do that. That's the worst thing you can do. Spreading your meals out throughout the day is the best, easiest way to do it. I use bodybuilders as the example because they have nutrition down. I know some people who eat 5-10 thousand calories a day because their body burns so fast with the muscle and metabolism. And they eat 5-6 meals a day, at a minimum. If your body knows it is being fed regularly, it won't try to go into shutdown and preserve fat. Eat regularly and your metabolism will speed up gradually. I had my resting metabolism tested. My RMR as about 2250 calories/day. One way I did it was by eating 5-6 times a day in small meals. My body knows it will be fed so it can just burn away. And I almost never get hungry. Most times I have to force myself to eat because I know I need to. Eating very regularly in small amounts will do that.

    I suggested on thing earlier that is a staple: oatmeal. Others suggested fruits and vegetables which are great. Lean meats. Fish is great. Just read labels of processed foods or avoid them as much as you can. And plan, plan, plan. And you can do it.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    1,200 calories is not that low, it's not unhealthy if you eat a balanced diet, but if you can't do it, don't.
  • shortyboom
    shortyboom Posts: 21 Member
    Let me clarify.... I only drink average of 2 beverages per day. I know i need to drink more water. Below is my normal meal plan for the day

    Coffee with fat free vanilla creamer and one packet of Splenda
    Dannon light and fit yogurt
    (Sometimes a thin bagel)

    Smart Ones frozen entree
    Bottle of water
    (I'm usually still hungry and will walk around the office looking for candy or leftover food from meetings)

    Afternoon snack
    Fruit or something with carbs

    Lately I haven't been planning out my dinners so I'll just eat whatever is around. Bowl of Cheerios with milk, or pasta, or hot dogs.
    *I plan to get back to my normal routine of planning my weekly dinners in advance
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    My calories are set at 1450, I raised it myself from 1200 by decreasing my loss to 1lb per week. According to my diary I eat anywhere from 1200 to 1400, and I do not eat back my exercise calories. I keep under the 1450 because I don't weigh and measure EVERYTHING, I kind of estimate now that I know what a healthy portion is. I eat healthy and I'm usually not hungry, although some days I'm hungry no matter what I eat (probably hormones).

    I am steadily losing about 1.5lbs a week (I lost 7 the first week), and I'm in my 9th week. Give yourself a chance and see what feels comfortable for you, and change you goal in MFP if you need to. Healthy food is filling and you can get the nutrition you need at 12-1400 calories per day.

    BTW - if you do more then just walk (which is all I am able to do), you may want to add at least 1/2 of your exercise calories back in, it is totally up to you. If you're hungry use them, if not don't.