guilt trip



  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    What everybody except for that one crazy person said. *nods* true story

    Good luck with it!
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    hmm. I'm only 5 ft tall and can lose on 1800. So no I don't feel guilty. Neither should you.

    You need to fuel your workouts. And your hair, skin, nails, and organs are pretty important to maintain too ya know.

    At 5' you should be eating 1200 calories per day or you will get bulky
    I only have one place thats bulky. And thats cause I squat. TYVM whierdoh :tongue:
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I think your instincts are correct.

    Instincts are what cause humans to naturally eat as much food as is available to them. Instincts, developed over millions of years by every animal to take advantage of every food source they can access is exactly why people, and any other animal given access to easy food, become overweight to begin with.

    Following instincts is what got a lot of us to where we are and are what we work to subvert each day.

    TL;DR Don't follow your instincts, try logic instead.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    hmm. I'm only 5 ft tall and can lose on 1800. So no I don't feel guilty. Neither should you.

    You need to fuel your workouts. And your hair, skin, nails, and organs are pretty important to maintain too ya know.

    At 5' you should be eating 1200 calories per day or you will get bulky
    I only have one place thats bulky. And thats cause I squat. TYVM whierdoh :tongue:

  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Remove guilt from the equation. This is about diet and food, not religion.

    Besides, if you have completed your calculations correctly then there is no reason to worry.
    This. Many people get caught up in the idea that enjoying food is some sort of sin and the only way to be healthy is to make yourself miserable by eating foods that suck and/or feeling hungry and miserable all the time. (And then they come on the forums and sneer at all the people who eat good foods in moderation and enjoy life.)
  • bspikes86
    bspikes86 Posts: 61 Member
    If you are working out, and calculating your exercise burns using a hrm, Op, then there is no reason to feel guilt.
    Also, I suggest ignoring the 98 Ib troll who suggested your instincts are correct, and follow the general consensus. I lose weight eating 2000 calories, because I am very active, the same way plenty of others on here have lost weight eating 1800-2000, because they are very active or weight train.
    If you would be more comfortable eating the same amount daily, then just find your TDEE(which figures in your overall activity) and take off 15-20%.

    i think that is the problem, i am not using a HRM i am entering it into the MFP. i am going to get my bodybugg up and running so that it will be accurate. thanks
  • rebeccabrennan90
    rebeccabrennan90 Posts: 2 Member
    I used to feel the same way and when I did eat something I wasn't supposed to I would end up just eating everything in sight because I thought "What the heck. I'll restart monday." My mom actually ended up being a distributor for a health company called It Works and I bought a supplement called Fat Fighters. What they are supposed to do is soak up fat and carbs after you eat so it doesn't actually enter your system. It's not like Alli, where you crap your pants. When I get the occasional urge to eat something bad, I just pop a fat fighter afterwards and I dont feel nearly as guilty. Ive been taking them for about 3 months and Ive lost a good amount of weight considering I have slipped up a couple of times.
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    if you have completed your calculations correctly then there is no reason to worry.
    Indeed. I will say that I am not confident in MFP's calculations, so sometimes I leave room. *(I am also not confident in my level of OCDness, so my calculations are probably wrong too!). But I definately eat back a chunk of them unless I'm just not that hungry that day.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I think your instincts are correct.

    I'd say that, considering the OP has lost 30 pounds while, I assume, eating back her exercise calories you'd be just as wrong as her guilt.

    OP: If it ain't broke, don't doubt it.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I used to feel the same way and when I did eat something I wasn't supposed to I would end up just eating everything in sight because I thought "What the heck. I'll restart monday." My mom actually ended up being a distributor for a health company called It Works and I bought a supplement called Fat Fighters. What they are supposed to do is soak up fat and carbs after you eat so it doesn't actually enter your system. It's not like Alli, where you crap your pants. When I get the occasional urge to eat something bad, I just pop a fat fighter afterwards and I dont feel nearly as guilty. Ive been taking them for about 3 months and Ive lost a good amount of weight considering I have slipped up a couple of times.
    You should probably see someone about that. It's not a healthy way to deal with food and sounds like it could lead into more dangerous territory.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    hmmm anyone else find it funny that the OP is complaining about "how can i lose weight" when the ticker shows "30 lbs lost"?:bigsmile:

    If it's working, don't mess with it.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I've been eating 1800-2000 calories a day including exercise calories-I'm 5'2" and I've gone from 138 down to 122 in just a few months. I'm eating a variety of good food and wine, feeling great and like how I look. Went from a size 10/12 to 8/6. Never suffered at all! No "diet"-just eating well-within my allotted calories and working out.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    But the calories you earn through exercise are the tasty ones!

    By your "logic" I should feel 1.5 times as guilty as you as I've eaten over 3,000 calories today. As I'm still in deficit for the day I'm more likely to feel proud that I've burned a whole stack of calories by hard work rather than sitting on my backside watching TV.

    ^^^ THIS

    I don't look at total calories burned, I look at how many are left at the end of the day which I can either use or save for the weekend. I burned 'em I earned 'em :bigsmile: This is why I use the MFP method rather than the TDEE, because I know it would be too easy for me to skip a workout or do a short one and still eat the same calories. Works for me, might not work for everyone. Sometimes I "cathc sight of" the total calories and :embarassed: then I look at all the exercise I've done to get those and its back to :happy:

    Feeling guilty about food is a sign that you might need to consider whether your relationship with food is healthy - are you heading for an eating disorder? Is there a reason why you shouldn't eat the calories you've earned?

    ETA I've gone with MFP calculations for calories burned since the beginning, and the weight came off fine so I'm happy to stick with them and spend the £50 for a fitbit on a new dress:smile: . But I'm also obsessive about weighing food so I know I'm not taking in more calories than I think - therefore I'm still likely to be at a deficit even if MFP is slightly out.
  • bspikes86
    bspikes86 Posts: 61 Member
    thanks everyone
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    If you are working out, and calculating your exercise burns using a hrm, Op, then there is no reason to feel guilt.
    Also, I suggest ignoring the 98 Ib troll who suggested your instincts are correct, and follow the general consensus. I lose weight eating 2000 calories, because I am very active, the same way plenty of others on here have lost weight eating 1800-2000, because they are very active or weight train.
    If you would be more comfortable eating the same amount daily, then just find your TDEE(which figures in your overall activity) and take off 15-20%.

    i think that is the problem, i am not using a HRM i am entering it into the MFP. i am going to get my bodybugg up and running so that it will be accurate. thanks

    This is a great idea! I lost 36 pounds and kept it off by doing just what MFP said. (of course I learned about weightlifting, cardio, foods and such also along the way.........) I only put in for 1/2 pound given an injury, my size, and age. I was given the requisite 1200 calories and told I would lose less than the 1/2 pound (which makes sense) That was fine with me, as I never once felt deprived or hungry.

    I exercised for my heart. I lifted weights for my strength. I ate back my calories for my mental health (and physical, but the mental part was awesome because well..............I DID IT!!!!!)

    No Guilt allowed here at MPF. I think it is in the Guidelines :wink:

    My heart rate monitor let me know exactly how much I burned, then I subtracted 20% for what I would have burned anyway.

    Good luck:drinker:
  • bspikes86
    bspikes86 Posts: 61 Member
    hmmm anyone else find it funny that the OP is complaining about "how can i lose weight" when the ticker shows "30 lbs lost"?:bigsmile:

    If it's working, don't mess with it.

    I lost that 30 pounds over 2 years ago before I had uncontrollable seizures by cutting calories and excersising excessively 2-3 hours a day. It almost killed me. I was having 20-40 seizures a day. I am trying to find a healthy balance that will not trigger seizures than I already have. As I said they are uncontrollable with meds
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    OP, the only way to know is to eat, track, and see how your weight loss (and general health given your other medical issues) follow.

    Frankly since according to what you said undereating seems to trigger your seizures I would err on the side of eating too much and not losing as much as you want as fast as you want. I'd eat all of them for a month, then see how much (According to your deficit) you should have lost and how much you did lose, and adjust from there.
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    I had uncontrollable seizures
    I'm so sorry to hear that. Is it realted to epilepsy? You don't have to answer me, I only ask because I've heard that ketogenic diet (very low carb) is used to treat epilepsy so you might want to ask your doctor.

    If not, definately don't do whatever made you sick before. Stay on the higher side of acceptable calories.
  • jillianbeeee
    jillianbeeee Posts: 345 Member
    When I first got back on here and got serious about tracking, I asked a similar question. i got a few responses. My problem was that I just wasn't hungry at the end of the day to finish up those calories because I work out in the heat all day now. I got my but chewed from someone. At the time I thought it was mean and rude, however, since no one else was telling me what I wanted to hear, I decided to try it. I suddenly have more energy then I ever had in my life. I since have remodeled two rooms in my house, my yard looks better then it ever has, I stuck with my diet and exercise and I am on my 9th day of the 30ds! I have lost 4 inches around my tummy! I don't always eat back ALL my calories but I at least shoot for half. I am the first person to admit I have no idea how this works, but it does. There is one other thing I learned from all this, if I am gonna stick with this as a lifestyle change and not a diet, I cannot go hungry. Knowing I have a party to go to or a dinner to attend MAKES me work out so I can have a few extra calories. This works. I am convinced. And to the women that was so freaking hard on me, thank you.
  • bspikes86
    bspikes86 Posts: 61 Member
    I had uncontrollable seizures
    I'm so sorry to hear that. Is it realted to epilepsy? You don't have to answer me, I only ask because I've heard that ketogenic diet (very low carb) is used to treat epilepsy so you might want to ask your doctor.

    If not, definately don't do whatever made you sick before. Stay on the higher side of acceptable calories.
    Yes it is epilepsy. It came in during my second pregnancy 6 years when I was 20. I have a rare kind. I am in a pharmaceutical study for a medications for my type of seizure.the meds have helped but I have beentold by several doctors that I will never be seizure free, I'm hoping to prove them wrong, but so far they are winning.