Struggling to go to the gym



  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Is it possible your not a gym person?....more of an outdoors activity kinda person?...The weather is much nicer now at least where I am ...I can totally relate to not wanting to be inside a gym...maybe not the answer your looking for and perhaps it your a nice bike enjoy the weather...hike and cycle ...go to the gym when the weather is much colder and you don't have the option of being outside....maybe that's the issue....not everyone "loves" being inside the gym environment...when they can find active things outside...
  • lenkearney
    lenkearney Posts: 116 Member
    A) make an appointment in your calendar
    b) buddy up - go with a friend and lean on each other
    c) working out does a lot for you = like
    gives you more energy (work with a trainer and don't kill yourself day one)
    relieves stress- I am much calmer when I use the gym regularly
    improves your overall health.
    once you are into it - gives you a change to show off
    Gives you an excuse to buy spandex pants- no wait- that's cycling.

    d) make an appointment with a trainer - best money you can spend just starting up - get a program that works you but doesn't burn you out. Rome was built in a day (or was that Constantinople?) whatever..

    e) write your self a promises- every 6 gym workouts - you will schedule a massage ( or whatever turns you on..)

    your here! You are already ahead of most people - not just take one more baby step - then another ....

    Then- pull up your big boy pants and post a picture and a commitment. Commit to you - you're worth it...
  • inspirem
    inspirem Posts: 182 Member
    Umer, think of it this way...You don't have to go to the gym, but you GET to go to the gym! Think of all the people that want to go but can't due to physical difficulties, or financial hardship, or unable because of time constraints. Just remind yourself that it is a privilege to have the ability to walk into the gym and you love being able to do it because it makes you feel healthy and strong! ;)

    Or, just suck it up man and get your butt back it the gym!!! :wink:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    This frustrates me because I deal with back issues and have for 12 years.

    I struggle when I CANNOT GO to the gym because I am forced to rest my back.

    I WANT to be there, and it is so hard when I MUST not.


    because you CAN

    Wow. Puts it into perspective. OP, just do it.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Is it possible your not a gym person?....more of an outdoors activity kinda person?...The weather is much nicer now at least where I am ...I can totally relate to not wanting to be inside a gym...maybe not the answer your looking for and perhaps it your a nice bike enjoy the weather...hike and cycle ...go to the gym when the weather is much colder and you don't have the option of being outside....maybe that's the issue....not everyone "loves" being inside the gym environment...when they can find active things outside...

    Exactly this. I use the gym for bad weather or when I want a weights session, but if I can, I am out there working out in the park or going on a long cycle ride or hike, or running. Grab some rackets and balls, and create your own workouts... running backwards trying to balance a ball on a bat is one good workout, as it challenges stability, concentration, control, and works the legs very nicely. Jump on and off a park bench. There is no end of what you can create by yourself that can be just as efficient as the gym, and more natural to boot.
  • AndiGirl70
    AndiGirl70 Posts: 542 Member
    I get it, I really do. The one thing I have learned from all my times spent "falling off the exercise wagon" is no matter how many supportive family/friends you surround yourself with to be your cheerleader (although fantastically helpful) if you don't pull the motivation to go from within it won't happen. You need to spark the desire within yourself. For me I juggle our home with 4 kids, a husband,a live in father-in-law, and volunteer work and countless calendar commitments for all yet each week I look at my calendar and I schedule my gym time in like a would a dental appt. I made a decision to commit and I make it a priority and I don't think, I just do when that calendar reminder pops up. I hated it in the beginning but I made myself go (dragged my *kitten* there a few times) and now, guess what? I like it! I look forward to going. So dig deep, decide, and do! Good luck.
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    Does your routine need changing? Are you going to the gym to do the same old workout you've been doing for ages? If the answer is 'yes', then change it up! If your gym offers program reviews, get one! If not, perhaps see if there's somewhere you can get ideas for new routines. Make it exciting and it might help a bit!
  • chocolateluvr80
    chocolateluvr80 Posts: 64 Member
    Just GO! Think of it as an appointment, or work. You wouldn't miss work for six weeks straight, would you? You wouldn't schedule a doctors appointment and miss it, it's the same thing. I don't always feel like going to work, but I HAVE to!

    This. ^^

    Also, I find that going to classes help me get to the point where I want to go to the gym from where I have to go to the gym (having fun, making friends and all that).
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Find something you like. If I had to run on a treadmill or spend time on an elliptical, I'd never work out. On the other hand, I'll run in a downpour because I love to run outside. This past week, I ran a 10k with a hangover because I didn't want to miss my race. I didn't have to force myself to go, I wanted to because I enjoy it. I sometimes have to give myself a pep talk before I start an Insanity session, but the reason I'm able to press play every day is because I love the way I feel immediately after a workout. I head home dripping and exhausted, but feeling like a sexy god. Experiment and find something you like. If you hate the cardio machines, try running outdoors or doing bodyweight circuits. If you hate weight machines, try free weights. If you get bored during weights, find a workout buddy to talk to during your session. Try some cardio classes or yoga classes. Try hiking or sports. Find what you like so that it's something you want to do, not something you have to. If all else fails, focus on progress goals. The pictures I take every week are a huge motivational boost to stick with Insanity. Try progress pictures, or setting a run time goal, or a maximum weight lifting goal. Give yourself something to work towards rather than just trudging along on the hamster wheel forever. It's always easier with a goal in mind.
  • umer76
    umer76 Posts: 1,272 Member
    Thanks guys for some *kitten* kicking and I appreciate your valuable comments. I guess the way forward is to commit myself to go to the gym atleast 2 days in a week minimum no matter what. It is not that i am shy of the gym or dont enjoy the exercise, once I am in I am there for atleast 90 min or more.

    I also think that bcoz of the better weather I want to burn cals outside the gym and thats what I have been doing. May be during summer i can stay outdoors and do the gym twice a week. This is the plan I am going to follow.
  • Sit down close your eyes in imagine what you will look like in 12 months time if you consistently work out at the gym 3+ times a week for the next 12 months. Then picture what you will look like 12 months from now if you don't. In which vision are you most happy and how will the decision you make affect your life? This really helps me on a bad day. :-)
  • freakymonday
    freakymonday Posts: 11 Member
    yes! exactly what i do as well. I think of the clothes i want to wear two months from now and tell myself that I don't have much time to sit back and relax if I want to wear it in 8 weeks.

    And also, what pushes me as motivation to go to the gym is that i paid for it. It's so costly and i'm just wasting my money if i won't go even thrice a week. haha
  • Omarr00
    Omarr00 Posts: 4
    Motivation is all in your head if you want some thing you must go get it for example if you want to be more lean you'll have to eat less and workout, but some people wouldn't want to eat less and just give up. yet the person that forces them self to doing it will be the one who achieves and might eventually realize they like it so maybe motivation should be what keeps you going but it's what you decide either go to the gym or not ... your kinda lucky though i'm 17 and i can't afford a gym so every morning except Sundays i go to a park near by from where i live to workout so hey maybe you should just try working out at home if you at least want to stay fit per say and don't want to bother going to the gym.
  • hmoffatt
    hmoffatt Posts: 51
    I think you've gotta find something you enjoy doing. I love cycling so I don't think of it as exercise, I just love to get out on the bike.

    Second best is to just keep going until it's a habit. It's taken me ages to get back into weight training, but I'm glad I have. I find the soreness/fatigue really satisfying.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    Sit down close your eyes in imagine what you will look like in 12 months time if you consistently work out at the gym 3+ times a week for the next 12 months. Then picture what you will look like 12 months from now if you don't. In which vision are you most happy and how will the decision you make affect your life? This really helps me on a bad day. :-)

    Visualization doesn't work for everyone.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    Thanks guys for some *kitten* kicking and I appreciate your valuable comments. I guess the way forward is to commit myself to go to the gym atleast 2 days in a week minimum no matter what. It is not that i am shy of the gym or dont enjoy the exercise, once I am in I am there for atleast 90 min or more.

    I also think that bcoz of the better weather I want to burn cals outside the gym and thats what I have been doing. May be during summer i can stay outdoors and do the gym twice a week. This is the plan I am going to follow.

    Sounds like a good plan. But if you think that you get a better workout at the gym get there twice a week as well as enjoying outdoor activities.
  • hmoffatt
    hmoffatt Posts: 51
    I also think that bcoz of the better weather I want to burn cals outside the gym and thats what I have been doing. May be during summer i can stay outdoors and do the gym twice a week. This is the plan I am going to follow.
    Well if you're working out outside the gym there's no reason to force yourself to go. Over summer when it's warm and there's lots of daylight I am riding my bike outside more than going to the gym. Come winter I'm less inclined to go out on the roads after dark.