Any successful weight-loss runners?



  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    Running alongside 30 Day Shred, running doesn't really tone you, only your legs and bottom, so you do need to do some weights or other exercises that help tone your muscles. I lost 26lbs overall (I started on Fitday and only moved onto here towards the end) from 160lbs to 142, I'm 5'9". I've always gone running, but I started again following an ankle injury.

    How far do you run? i am 5'9 and 150 now.. and have not ran in a long time...
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    I did a lot of running in my weight loss. 10 years ago when I lost 120 lbs, I started with walking, then power walking, and then running. I also did cycling. Just a warning, after doing only running for several years, my knees started protesting. I didn't tear anything but they hurt 24/7 and I had to give up running. Unfortunately, I didn't replace the exercise once my knees started feeling better and I let my guard down in the kitchen and I gained 25 lbs back after 8 years at maintenance. I recently joined a gym and am enjoying the classes. I've done a lot of bootcamp like classes including strength training and have found recently that I can add some running back in:) I'm very excited but also very cautious to not overdo. So, yes running will definitely aid in your weight loss as long as you are careful with your eating. I would do some other exercise too so you don't hurt your knees. There are tons of free exercise videos on you tube that would help you with toning(with or without weights)> I think Jillian videos are really good.

    what did you find worked best to strengthen your knees or helped with the knee pain? i know i use to run and have problems with my knees hurting or tweaking my knee out.. so i was just wondering.
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    I'm almost 75 pounds lighter from just running and perhaps 5 pounds over my goal weight. I had been sedentary and started with an elliptical machine. I literally couldn't even stay on the thing for 5 minutes at first. After two weeks, I was up to half an hour. A few more weeks, I was up to 2.5 hours. A year later, I started running. Despite my year of workouts, I ran 1 mile that first day and thought I was going to die before I finished it. A month later, I finished my first 5 mile race. Three months later, my first unofficial half marathon. I now run 6 miles most mornings. For me at least, it just took time and commitment. And the pounds just fly off when I'm consistently running most days. Good luck to you!

    i am glad you posted! i think my biggest thing will be starting out... and not being able to do much/run much because my cardiovascular system is definitally out of shape! i dont want that to effect my way of thinking in terms of it not getting better/easier.. or not being able to run the distance i want to right off from the bat.
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    ALSO.... YOU RUNNERS.... are you outside runners, or treadmill runners?
  • TheBeerRunner
    TheBeerRunner Posts: 2,777 Member
    I've lost 28 lbs this year doing nothing but eating better and running. I've ran and finished two 5-mile races this year, and I try running 5-6 days a week. Once I get closer to my goal weight I'll probably start doing some other things too, but I enjoy running. It's been my exercise of choice and since it's free, I just go with it. It's pretty rough on the knees and ankles, but I'm managing and have been taking measures to make sure I don't destroy my joints. I've been doing exercises I learned from when I had my ACL repaired. Lots of good "PT" type exercises to help stabilize and strengthen the important muscles in your legs to prevent knee injury can be found here:
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    I've lost 28 lbs this year doing nothing but eating better and running. I've ran and finished two 5-mile races this year, and I try running 5-6 days a week. Once I get closer to my goal weight I'll probably start doing some other things too, but I enjoy running. It's been my exercise of choice and since it's free, I just go with it. It's pretty rough on the knees and ankles, but I'm managing and have been taking measures to make sure I don't destroy my joints. I've been doing exercises I learned from when I had my ACL repaired. Lots of good "PT" type exercises to help stabilize and strengthen the important muscles in your legs to prevent knee injury can be found here:

    thank you for this link! will check it out!
  • AngelaBianco82
    AngelaBianco82 Posts: 91 Member
    I'm still in the process of getting into a running routine.....It's more like jogging to me. I can't join a gym because I have a little one at home. I do a lot of home videos like JM and Insanity( haven't done this one in months) and than when I have a chance I do a 20 min jog/walk with the dog three times a week. I've lost almost 60 pound since last August 2012. What I have learned in my journey is for weight lost you need a combo of weight training and cardio....I like JM videos but there's not much cardio. If you get Body revolution which I'm doing now for the second time around. It's a 6 day a week program with 30 mins a day and two of the days is cardio days. I'm not a strict dieter as you can probably see in my diary which is the main reason I haven't lost more.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    My story is here (with pics):

    I do a mix of treadmill and outdoor running. Was all treadmill at the beginning, is now all outside since my treadmill died. It's been a mix for the most part though.

    I have never set foot in a gym-except a hotel gym to use the treadmill.
  • madworld1
    madworld1 Posts: 524
    When I first lost weight (back in 2005 or 2006) I lost weight only by running & The Firm Upper/Standing video. I went from about 152 to 110 in about 8 months or so. My body is used to running now so I had to change it up a bit with other stuff. Still no gym though.

    what is the firm upper/standing?

    The Firm is an exercise system... basically just a bunch of different videos. I like the Upper/Standing the best bc it has more static moves. I'm very uncoordinated & it doesn't require a lot of aerobic moves. The Upper is for upper body and the Standing is for lower body. It's one of their older videos, but you can get in online still. In fact, they made it available on DVD.

    I run on the tm and outside... depending on the day.

    Hope this helps.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    I've lost 40 lbs so far, I started with walking in January, and it eventually wasn't enough so I started running. It's not all I do, I like zumba and bike riding with my kids as well. Did my first 5K last month, and next month I'll be doing an 8K. And only once have I gotten on my treadmill to run. I love to go outside to run.
  • Hatchling84
    Hatchling84 Posts: 24 Member
    I started at 300lbs now at 210lbs, always been an outside runner even during the winter months. However I will run treadmill if the weather is too severe or if I am going to do weight training and need 12-20 minutes of cardio before I start lifting.
  • daniellealys
    daniellealys Posts: 301 Member
    i trained for several months for a half marathon and GAINED 5 lbs over 3 months of training. I was over 200lbs at the time and was running all the time but my diet wasnt in check. I was running and then eating ice cream...FAIL
    I have lost about 55lbs now and started running again at about my 40lb loss. running does wonders for your body in my opinion. however, like any other exercise.....your diet must be in check to get any success at all

    i run inside and out. I run faster on a treadmill but running outside is more difficult. I prefer to run on a treadmill mostly because I can have water right there and my phone nad music without having to hold anything. I hate holding anything when i run but cannot run without water being readily available! I run outside once a week and on the treadmill several times a week
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    I run and cross train doing a lot of weights and slimmed right now.
  • saroknight
    saroknight Posts: 19
    I have lost 40lbs since January with running being my main source of physical activity. I have also become a lot more aware of what and how much I have been eating. As well as just trying to be more active in everyday life - such as walking or biking to and from destinations if possible. I run anywhere from 3-5 days a week from 1-5km at a time. Really I just push myself to keep going and take a break if I need one.

    I started running by doing the Couch25k app and then just went from there. I now track using the runkeeper app. Both have really helped to to stay on track. Plus watching yourself progress really helps to keep you motivated.

    Good luck with your health and fitness goals and I hope you can also find a love in running :)
  • jgonza132
    jgonza132 Posts: 14
    I never really exercised nor play any sports when I was growing up. I have been overweight being from 195 to 200lbs all this time. Since I'm not that tall well the weight shows quite a bit. Then in my late 20's I started running. I had a friend who I would run quite a bit with then my sister got into running big time as well so we both keep each other motivated. I managed to go down to 175lb. I was running doing 5ks, 10ks, and relays and several half marathons. I was an inside (treadmill) runner. I also didn't watch what I ate at that time. I can tell you I didn't eat very healthy. Eating out every day every other day! But I would go to the gym 5-6 times a week and run also did spin classes.

    I lost my job so I stopped my gym membership. I guess with that job loss I ended up with a depression and have now gained all that weight plus about 15lbs more! That's been about a year now that I lost my job. I started to watch my diet and started running once again. This time outside since I still don't have a job and don't want to pay gym membership. But anyway to date I've lost about 6lbs. in about 1.5wks

    Hope to increase my running because I'm back down to just running 1-2mi! and getting tired! Where before I used to run 6-8mile easily.

    Good luck on your running
  • rachie590
    rachie590 Posts: 107 Member
    I have been running for 6 years. Initially I lost 75 lbs. I added the gym only because it was icy out one day and I wanted to run so badly that I joined my local gym to use the treadmill. I started using the weights only because I was paying for the membership and thought I should take advantage of everything. I think my body changed more when I used weights along with running. I actually got faster and fatigued much slower after I started lifting weights.

    Bottom line, if you want to protect your knees, you should do some type of leg and core strengthening exercises a few times a week with your running. So many friends of mine have knee trouble from running, but I never have. I really believe it is because all of the leg work that I have put in.
  • kaabruur19
    kaabruur19 Posts: 12 Member
    Ive lost 30 pounds with just running. The weight is coming off, but unfortunately its not going away in the lower belly area. I think I need to add in some strength training and ab exercises to get that to go away. Im just starting jillian michaels body revolution, and am going to do that on top of my running. I run probably 4 times a week between 1.5-3 miles each time.
  • Kellybeth16
    Kellybeth16 Posts: 57 Member
    ALSO.... YOU RUNNERS.... are you outside runners, or treadmill runners?

    I lost all my weight so far (34 pounds) by only running and changing my diet a bit. I run about 3-4 miles 4 times a week. I run on the treadmill because I'm not comfortable enough yet to run outside. Also, I have recently switched it up and been using an elliptical, but haven't had as much luck with weight loss. Hope this helps. :)
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I lost 75-ish pounds with just running (size 22/24 to 6/8). Pics and stuff are here:
  • devinbear
    devinbear Posts: 38 Member
    I've lost about 8 pounds by running. (141.5 to 133) I used to go on really long walks, and then just decided one day to start. However, I no longer run outside due to the painful vericose veins I get from running on pavement. I might try again after a few months of running inside, and some compression wear. If you are looking to start running, good luck. Even though I was an athlete all through school, I always hated running just for the sake of running. Now I love it! Hope you do too!
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