Any successful weight-loss runners?



  • rachelelizabeth88
    rachelelizabeth88 Posts: 73 Member
    Yup! I wasn't looking to lose weight though but when I first started running I dropped a lot of weight (I'd say 8 pounds).. it happened to be too much so I had to gain back at least half though lol
  • scunnin89
    scunnin89 Posts: 4
    The first 6 months all I was doing was running. During the colder months I was running on a tredmill but when the weather was warmer I would run outside. I will have to say that outdoor running is different than tred running. At first, I would just do a mile and half but after a while I built up to 4/5 miles. The thing with running is you don't want to keep doing the same run. Try changing it up by doing intervals, longer distances, or beating a time. After 6 months I started incorporating weight lifting and personal training and it actually helped me with my running. I also have a friend who had a kid and couldn't really shed her baby weight, so she started running with her stroller (it was one of those one's designed for that) She would go three miles and now she is half marathon ready! She also lost 65lbs doing it and it only took her about a year. Running is great tool!
  • tinydancer4
    tinydancer4 Posts: 114 Member
    i trained for several months for a half marathon and GAINED 5 lbs over 3 months of training. I was over 200lbs at the time and was running all the time but my diet wasnt in check. I was running and then eating ice cream...FAIL
    I have lost about 55lbs now and started running again at about my 40lb loss. running does wonders for your body in my opinion. however, like any other exercise.....your diet must be in check to get any success at all

    i run inside and out. I run faster on a treadmill but running outside is more difficult. I prefer to run on a treadmill mostly because I can have water right there and my phone nad music without having to hold anything. I hate holding anything when i run but cannot run without water being readily available! I run outside once a week and on the treadmill several times a week

    This was me too! I started running earlier this year and am really proud of myself for what I have achieved - I couldn't run more than two minutes when I started out and now I can run 10k (slowly, but I get through it!) But my eating didn't really improve so I didn't actually lose any weight. I plan to start focusing on my diet a bit more from now on, but will keep up the running - I'm addicted.
  • So far I have been at this for about 5 weeks, and I've lost 14 pounds by walking and running everyday. I think by next month though I am going to start going to the gym regularly to switch it up.
  • alexapatel
    alexapatel Posts: 87 Member
    This is six months of progress. I'd say four of the six months has strictly been running maybe an elliptical or two in there. 27 pounds

  • alexapatel
    alexapatel Posts: 87 Member
    Oops double post
  • Just started running having never run before, I want to make it a habit and be a runner. Am in week 4 and its going well, hope I lose weight too. Lost 7lbs but think that's more calorie control.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I just started the C25K program since I just started running. Someone at work dared me to run a 5K with them in Sep so I signed up and now I'm commited.

    I thought I was in good shape until the first day ... boy was I in for a surprise. But after only 1 week I can feel a difference in my breathing and muscle pain from lack of use in that way.

    I think C25K is a great place to start because it is structured and slowly builds up your endurance.

    Good luck!
  • sedickison
    sedickison Posts: 4 Member
    I've lost 33 pounds so far just running. I've plateaued a bit though so I'm going to have to branch out into other exercises to overcome it.
  • stevesilk
    stevesilk Posts: 204 Member
    Running, or other cardio, is a great activity to increase heart rate, improve lung capacity and add a calorie deficit to your health plan. And the best way is to start slow and gradually increase. For example, when I started, I was running for 1 minute and walking for 3 for a total of 30 minutes. The next week I ran for 3 and walked for 3, then 5 and 3, 8 and 3, 12 and 3, 15 and 3 and finally 30 and 3.

    But realize that it's the calorie deficit that's the crux of weight loss. Everything else is secondary to the deficit, and knowing how your body reacts to that deficit. You should build your exercise plan into your overall health plan, which would include an appropriate calorie count and macronutrient formula. Shoot for healthy losses and realize that you didn't get overweight in a few weeks, and changing your body will take a while.

    And then enjoy the journey!
  • rnjoe56
    rnjoe56 Posts: 1 Member
    I was 206 lbs when I started running about 10 months ago. I started running on the couch potato to 5k program and I still run 3 days a week with a long run on weekends (now up to 12 miles). I am now down to 152 lbs and in the best shape of my life. For a while I was running almost exclusively, but I found that I was losing some weight through muscle loss in my upper body. Currently, I go to the gym for strength training 3 days a week on my non running days with a focus on the upper body.
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    I have always been reasonably athletic and generally in shape, though when I trained for my first full marathon, I had been going through a very extended (i.e., multi-year) period of couch surfing. In about 7 months, I lost just shy of 30 lb. by logging my food / eating healthy and with running as my only exercise. I run outside unless there's freezing rain or ice; snow, cold, or just regular rain don't stop me, since I really prefer outdoor running. I lost body fat and gained muscle (as confirmed by pre- and post- DEXA body scans, so it wasn't just a matter of look or feel) with running as my one and only exercise.

    As others have pointed out, the running is a great exercise for conditioning and calorie burn, but you can't outrun a crappy diet. I have posted on the boards before in threads where people proclaim that you can't lose weight during marathon training, because people tend to use the high mileage as an excuse to eat whatever they want... that doesn't work if you're trying to drop pounds!

    As for me, I dropped the weight, getting basically right to where I wanted to be weight-wise and eventually stopped logging and training as consistently. So I'm back for round two now, training for another race and trying to drop those pounds again with running (and maybe I'll throw some lifting in there at some point in the near future, since I'm not getting any younger and the muscle mass is going to need some work moving forward).

    Happy running! :flowerforyou:
  • Sasaic
    Sasaic Posts: 3
    I started at 139kg just over 18 months ago when I decide to take control. I started with the gym but it was slow going. My daughter then asked me to do the comic relief mile run with her as she was too young to do it on her own. I duly agreed and found I quite enjoyed it. At the event there was a group called parkrun promoting a free 5k run every Saturday morning in our local park. I decided to give it a go and haven't looked back since. I have now lost 38 kg and gave up on the gym ages ago. I have completed over 50 parkruns and also run several 10k and half marathons as well as a few triathlons and duathlons as well. Running and cycling is now my thing and come rain or shine you'll find me outside putting in a few extra miles to trim a few extra pounds. :)
  • brandilc
    brandilc Posts: 12 Member
    When I first lost weight (back in 2005 or 2006) I lost weight only by running & The Firm Upper/Standing video. I went from about 152 to 110 in about 8 months or so. My body is used to running now so I had to change it up a bit with other stuff. Still no gym though.

    what is the firm upper/standing?

    The Firm is an exercise system... basically just a bunch of different videos. I like the Upper/Standing the best bc it has more static moves. I'm very uncoordinated & it doesn't require a lot of aerobic moves. The Upper is for upper body and the Standing is for lower body. It's one of their older videos, but you can get in online still. In fact, they made it available on DVD.

    I run on the tm and outside... depending on the day.

    Hope this helps.

    Mad, I think you might be my long lost twin. I too lost weight around that same time period with running and The Firm (I've gained it back : ( And I also did the Firm videos that didn't require a lot of aerobic moves because I also am very uncoordinated.
    Sorry All if I screwed up this reply... I've never quoted before. Hoping it posts like I want it to.
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    Prior to June 2012 I had not ever really run. I played sports and ran a 5k in HS, but never just ran. In June 2012 when I started my journey I took my son out in his stroller 1-3 times a day for 1 mile of "death on earth" a combination of walking and jogging (wogging). Before long I got up to 3 miles in a single wog. My 3 mile time with my kiddo in the stroller was 52 minutes. It was long and hard at 300 pounds. I just somehow KNEW it was going to work out. Now fast forward to July 2013, I've done 15 races this year, mostly 5k's, some longer and some shorter. I've run a half marathon (2.5 hours straight running) in training runs. I adore running and racing. It's definitely helped me reach some of my goals. (I combine running with strength training.) See my ticker ⬇⬇⬇

    ETA: my last race (Sunday) I ran a 9:19 pace ????????????
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member

    I lost my first 20lbs by just cardio only, mostly doing C25K program. AND watching my food.
    Then added strength training which at the time was mostly Body Pump class 3x a week. Then lost another 25lbs.

    Just recently starting lifting more heavier weights, but not stopping my runs.

    The cardio helped me keep a good deficit in my calories, which is the real reason for the weight loss.
    I continue to run cuz I LOVE IT!!! Hope to get better at it. I only run 2-3 miles at a time right now, 3-4 times a week.
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    I'm a barefoot runner but I also lift. You can lose weight on running and diet alone but you can't recomp on that. You need to lift weights and watch your protein intake if you want to end up firm.

    ^^^ Yes. This is pretty much what I'm trying to do now, run+lift.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I'm a barefoot runner but I also lift. You can lose weight on running and diet alone but you can't recomp on that. You need to lift weights and watch your protein intake if you want to end up firm.

    Interested in what you said... How much is the recommended protein intake for healthy/best results?

    I follow the general guidelines for lifters of 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass, and I also make sure that my fat intake is at least 0.35 grams per pound of total body weight.
  • madworld1
    madworld1 Posts: 524
    When I first lost weight (back in 2005 or 2006) I lost weight only by running & The Firm Upper/Standing video. I went from about 152 to 110 in about 8 months or so. My body is used to running now so I had to change it up a bit with other stuff. Still no gym though.

    what is the firm upper/standing?

    The Firm is an exercise system... basically just a bunch of different videos. I like the Upper/Standing the best bc it has more static moves. I'm very uncoordinated & it doesn't require a lot of aerobic moves. The Upper is for upper body and the Standing is for lower body. It's one of their older videos, but you can get in online still. In fact, they made it available on DVD.

    I run on the tm and outside... depending on the day.

    Hope this helps.

    Mad, I think you might be my long lost twin. I too lost weight around that same time period with running and The Firm (I've gained it back : ( And I also did the Firm videos that didn't require a lot of aerobic moves because I also am very uncoordinated.
    Sorry All if I screwed up this reply... I've never quoted before. Hoping it posts like I want it to.

    We may very well be long lost twins because I have also gained some of the weight back. I am also VERY uncoordinated... I even have a hard time doing Richard Simmons dance moves without tripping over my own two feet. :/ While I have continued to workout consistently, I started eating fast food and sugary foods again. It's harder this time around because I am 33. I still love The Firm though- I'd have to say it is one of my all time faves. :)
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