Alternatives to water?`



  • lynnmc40
    lynnmc40 Posts: 8
  • lynnmc40
    lynnmc40 Posts: 8
    Not sure how to take some of the comments - I won't apologize for struggling with this. Everyone has their own struggles. No one would be here if they didn't, correct? Mine is water consumption, and I shouldn't be made to feel guilty because some countries don't have clean drinking water. Some also don't have clothing, but that doesn't mean we should all walk around naked (ok, I'm sure I just opened myself up to some jokes here). I was just asking for some suggestions and wasn't really expecting comments like this, and being told to "suck it up". I am brand new here, just signed up today, and as i said, unsure how to take these comments. Think I will choose to think that everyone is trying to be helpful.

    To those with genuine helpful responses, many thanks!!!
  • isisbryan
    isisbryan Posts: 105 Member
    I drink plenty of water now but I didn't start out drinking an abundance of water. I started on this journey drinking water with lemon at restaurants. Then when I received my meal, I would order another drink. Wait Staff would keep my cup full so I was sure to get in a good bit of water. Now I only drink water at restaurants. I also bought cute cups to drink out of. I saw an idea that might help you get started drinking the amount of water needed every day.

    water bottle idea:
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    I love water, so I can't relate at all. You can try lemon, lime, strawberries, cucumbers, mango, oranges, watermelon, etc. or a combo in your water. Put them in the night before and the water will be really tasty. Try some agua fresca recipes without the sugar (just google it). Tea is good. You can also water down juice or combine juice with carbonated water.
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
  • neongoldie
    neongoldie Posts: 11 Member
    I swear by Mio. The Mango Peach is my favorite, but I love the Berry Pomegranate and Strawberry Watermelon ones too.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    No, anything sparkling is not a good alternative.
    Try getting like liquid mio or crystal light and adding it to plain water and then slowly decrease the amount until you get used to it. It's not natural for the body to dislike water so you can learn to like it.
    Also for me it tends to be harder to drink a lot of water from like a cup, I use the camelback water bottles with the like sucky straw and it's so easy to just drink so much water without even noticing
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    Okay, serious answer. Try drinking tea. I have tea time twice a day and that just adds to my water intake. It also provides a much needed crack... I mean caffeine boost.

    DO NOT do this, if you're going to use tea as an alternative make it herbal as the caffeine will dehyrdate you which is the opposite of what you want drinking water.
  • Water is the best! Try drinking it with lots of ice. Only, don't drink it right after you eat. Drink it about an hour after eating so it doesnt mix in with the food your body is trying to digest. If you do this then the your body can use the water faster and not have to filter it out. (don't put even lemon in the water or your body will have to filter out the lemon. Lemon is great to help train you to drink plain water.)The best time to drink water is right after you wake up. The flavored mixes are awful on your body too. Ever since I've started to drink plain water, I've noticed clearer skin and less headaches. Well, the choice is yours of what you put in your body, good luck!!
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I am new here and excited to start this journey.
    One of my problems is that I HATE water. Crazy, right? I try to force some down, but it is painful. I've been drinking the Sparkling Ice drinks, which advertise themselves as "naturally flavored sparkling mountain spring water". Is this a good alternative? Anyone have any other suggestions? Propel?
    Thanks in advance!

    I haven't read all the comments. Somebody else has probably made these suggestions.

    Another water hater here (unless it's over ice). However, water curbs hunger and is incredibly good for your skin, your immune system, and everything else in your body.

    (1) add fruit slices. Fresh lemon is my favorite.

    (2) buy a cool water bottle. I bought a beautiful (BPA-free) lime green water bottle that holds 32 oz. and keep it full of filtered water with fresh lemon. I try to drink 2 of those a day.

    (3) buy a water filter. Filtered water tastes 100 percent better than tap water. I've tried different filters and am currently using the pitcher kind (the kind you fit on the faucet seem to crack over time for me).

    Water is the best thing you can drink.
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    Okay, serious answer. Try drinking tea. I have tea time twice a day and that just adds to my water intake. It also provides a much needed crack... I mean caffeine boost.

    DO NOT do this, if you're going to use tea as an alternative make it herbal as the caffeine will dehyrdate you which is the opposite of what you want drinking water.

    Recent research shows that caffeine is only dehydrating in very large doses. Tea does have large quantities of caffeine.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Okay, serious answer. Try drinking tea. I have tea time twice a day and that just adds to my water intake. It also provides a much needed crack... I mean caffeine boost.

    DO NOT do this, if you're going to use tea as an alternative make it herbal as the caffeine will dehyrdate you which is the opposite of what you want drinking water.

    Caffeinated drinks don't dehydrate people. They're diuretics. They just send you to the bathroom more often.
  • Okay, serious answer. Try drinking tea. I have tea time twice a day and that just adds to my water intake. It also provides a much needed crack... I mean caffeine boost.

    DO NOT do this, if you're going to use tea as an alternative make it herbal as the caffeine will dehyrdate you which is the opposite of what you want drinking water.


    Caffeine is only a diuretic if you consume extreme amounts. The equivalent of about 10 cups of tea in one sitting.

    I drink a total of 4 cups a day, which is the maximum recommended amount for the health benefits and is quite a bit of tea.
  • I used to only drink Ice Tea and juice so I had this problem too... now I basically only drink plain water.
    But the best thing to do is add MIO (0 cal, liquid water enhancer), they have great tasting flavours. My favourite are Fruit Punch, Lemonade and Berry blast. Crystal light is a great one too, I never like the taste very much though.

    And if that still doesn't do it for you, try low calorie Gaterade (usually 40 cal per bottle, which is pretty damn good). Awesome stuff!

    Wait? Lemonade MIO?? Where?!! Love that stuff.

    Haha yes sir! I have trouble finding it sometimes but lately it's been at Shopper's Drug Mart and Staples, believe it or not.
  • JerseyGirl081
    JerseyGirl081 Posts: 98 Member
    Just recently a friend of mine gave me the idea adding a couple slices of lime, lemon, and cucumber to a big container of cold water and it really is delicious and very refreshing. Not to mention the fact lemon, lime and cucumber are really really really good for you. Give it a try and see if that may help. Here are a few ideas.

    Drinking tea is also another option.

    I personally dont like the idea of adding flavored things to water even if it does say "naturally flavored" but if that is something that will help you down more water I guess do it.

    Plain water is so important tho, you can't live without it. So painful or not, drink it down!!!

    Good Luck! :smile:
  • MarioLozano16
    MarioLozano16 Posts: 319 Member
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    I used to only drink Ice Tea

    I pretty much only drink iced tea. I have not dried up and blown away (yet).
  • mfoster1019
    mfoster1019 Posts: 152 Member
    I also don't prefer the taste of plain water. I have been using the sugar & calorie free liquid drink mixes (Mio, Crystal Light, off brand, etc) and it is helping me drink so much more water.
  • schertz72
    schertz72 Posts: 3
    I totally agree fruit slices is wonderful.....I often use lemon or lime slices and crystal light drinks help occasionally too.