Feeling like quitting this!



  • CarlaNeverGivenUp
    CarlaNeverGivenUp Posts: 108 Member
    What great encouragement that everyone shared. I was discouraged at the scale not going down and shared
    with my sons physical therapist. He shared he hates going by the scale. Fat is like feathers--it takes up a lot more
    space on the body. Muscle is like lead-it takes up a lot less space and is heavier.
    Several people encouraged me to measure although the scale didnt reflect change the tape measure did.
    I kept telling myself...I trust the system and kept reading success stories for motivation, tried to just relax
    more...this is the first week i dropped on the scale. I'm trying to keep in focus that is took me 25 years to put on this weight and its not coming off in a few weeks rather months. ALSO figure out what victory you have had? Can you walk further, carry more, clothes fit looser or just feel better about taking care of yourself and eatting healthy. I agree with others if you open your diary it might help...everyone has been so kind and gracious to help...u got thiis!
  • terilea2
    terilea2 Posts: 11
    I've been in your shoes before and now what you are going through, but don't give up! It sounds as though your body may have hit a plateau.

    Whenever I hit a plateau I go back and look at my food dairy…did I measure my portions correctly, did I count my calories correctly, am I eating enough food, and when was the last time I changed my workout routine?

    Besides what the scale says…. how do you feel?

    Hang in there and never give up!
    Teri Elkins - BS in Health and Wellness
  • Feeling discouraged, I came to MFP's Message Boards... THANKS TO ALL OF YOU for words of advice and encouragement to the original post... it has helped me today just as your words have helped others. Please know your postings matter to people.

    I've been eating healthy and at or below 1,200 calories for two weeks, with treadmill every other day for the first week and now doing Supreme 90Day workout everyday (with its recommended rest days). And the result? I've GAINED 2 lbs and no, clothes don't fit any better. This has happened before when I count calories and exercise and I don't know why, thus I end up getting so discouraged I go back to my norm (at least I don't gain weight then). Soooooo hard to stay motivated with these results.

    Anyone have the same experience? Anyone know why? Most importantly, anyone know how to stop it? :-)

    H 5’6.5” W 185 A 57 female
    Calories: 1,200/day
    Exercise: Burning anywhere from 120 to 300 per day + or – when on Supreme 90Day
  • JessicaZen
    JessicaZen Posts: 149 Member
    I have been struggling up and down with the same 4 pounds for almost a month and it is frustrating as hell but I was told to find my BMR and TDEE and go by that cuz I was eating too few calories . Check into that and see if that helps but yes it is frustrating but yes it is worth it. Plus it's hot so water retention might be a problem and bringing you down. Don't give up You have only just begun don't you wanna see this till the end?
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    H 5’6.5” W 185 A 57 female
    Calories: 1,200/day
    Exercise: Burning anywhere from 120 to 300 per day + or – when on Supreme 90Day

    As weird as it sounds, you need to eat more. I am the close to you in specs (41 F, 5'5", 183.5 lbs and burn 200-500 cals a day - sedentary if not exercising) and eat 1800ish a day. I have lost 1 lb a week since upping my cals and I dont struggle with "dieting" any more. In fact I quit dieting since joining MFP and its never been easier to lose weight.
  • MrsSenecal
    MrsSenecal Posts: 312 Member
    So you just give up? It gets hard and you give up?
  • I am no longer drinking pop (haven't for 2 1/2 weeks), been drinking 6 - 9 bottles of water, and have been working out for 4 weeks.... and now I'm so frustrated from not losing any weight...I stepped on the scales at my normal time yesterday and according to it...I gained 4 pounds....how? And in a week.... I am watching closely what I eat, i fact I probably over estimate my foods on my counts... (trying to minimize sodium intake) and working out at least 5 days a week....what gives....

    Is working out even worth it if I gain instead of lose....so depressing! I am at a point that it's just not worth it... Any suggestions?

    That happens sometimes, especially when you are working out so vigorously. Don't sweat it! I went through the same thing and although the scale didn't move much, boy did my body tone up and I was dropping pant sizes like crazy!! The number on the scale is meaningless, instead focus on all of the health benefits you will reap from getting into shape. Trust me, if you keep working out, everything else will fall into place and you won't even care about the scale - you'll measure your success by the way you feel and look - it just takes time.
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    Are you weighing your food? Are you measuring your food? If you are not then chances are you are eating too much. There are many variables as to why you are not losing weight and overeating could be one of many reasons. Are you exercising? If so what kind? Also, are you getting enough protein? In fact, are you eating enough? Your body could be on a metabolic slowdown.
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    So you just give up? It gets hard and you give up?

    That's what I said too. WTF? Sounds like this person was not 100% dedicated from the get go.
  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    Where will you be a year from now if you quit? If you don't?

    This makes the most sense. I am coming up to a year and have lots of ups and downs. However, if I had quit, I would not be more than halfway to my goal.

    This is a game of patience, consistency, finding the right food plan for you, and exercise. Simple math and great results.

    Also, and not to be gauche, but I weigh after I do the morning duties in the buff about 3 times a week. I always weigh more with clothes on at the end of the day.

    Hang in there, it's worth it and find out what works for you. Besides, this isn't just about losing weight and inches, but also a healthy body and soul.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Feeling discouraged, I came to MFP's Message Boards... THANKS TO ALL OF YOU for words of advice and encouragement to the original post... it has helped me today just as your words have helped others. Please know your postings matter to people.

    I've been eating healthy and at or below 1,200 calories for two weeks, with treadmill every other day for the first week and now doing Supreme 90Day workout everyday (with its recommended rest days). And the result? I've GAINED 2 lbs and no, clothes don't fit any better. This has happened before when I count calories and exercise and I don't know why, thus I end up getting so discouraged I go back to my norm (at least I don't gain weight then). Soooooo hard to stay motivated with these results.

    Anyone have the same experience? Anyone know why? Most importantly, anyone know how to stop it? :-)

    H 5’6.5” W 185 A 57 female
    Calories: 1,200/day
    Exercise: Burning anywhere from 120 to 300 per day + or – when on Supreme 90Day

    If your MFP goal is 1,200 that's before exercise. The calories you burn should be eaten back to make sure you net 1,200. It's the way the system is set up.
  • I agree with AJinBirmingham time is going to pass anyhow-spend it figuring out what works best for you and changing things up until they do work-don't spend it giving up and being unhappy-yep its hard as hell but guess what your tough as hell or you wouldn't have decided to take that first step! PLEASE DONT GIVE UP!
  • tatasmagik
    tatasmagik Posts: 185
    Where will you be a year from now if you quit? If you don't?

    This makes the most sense. I am coming up to a year and have lots of ups and downs. However, if I had quit, I would not be more than halfway to my goal.

    This is a game of patience, consistency, finding the right food plan for you, and exercise. Simple math and great results.

    Also, and not to be gauche, but I weigh after I do the morning duties in the buff about 3 times a week. I always weigh more with clothes on at the end of the day.

    Hang in there, it's worth it and find out what works for you. Besides, this isn't just about losing weight and inches, but also a healthy body and soul.

    I agree with these people.

    Yes, I like when the numbers on the scale come down, and yes sometimes I'm discouraged when they don't. I'm in 13 long weeks of calorie counting and cardio and weightlifting and only down 10 pounds.


    I'm stronger, I have more endurance, I sleep better. I'm on my way to being a total badass. I have come sooooo far.

    Don't let a scale decide your happiness and self-worth. Keep being mindful of food and keep moving your body.
  • musicteacher40
    musicteacher40 Posts: 91 Member
    I am 50 years old; I'm about 5' 7 1/2" tall and weight 190.7 now :'(.... I have had a goal of trying to get to 150 pounds....

    I have been faithfully logging all I eat and all my exercise.... i have set to burn 350, but usually burn around 600 calories or more throughout the day...

    I have MFP set for me to eat 1700 calories per day and average about 1200 calories.

    I have been doing some weight workouts as well. I am trying to do everything right from the many articles that I have read as well as what my Doctor has told me I need to be doing...

    So with all this... I hope you can see why I'm frustrated... (this and no support from my husband...long story and don't need to go there).... By the way... I limit my calories as my husband does all the cooking and cooks a lot of preboxed meals and with a lot of fat/oil.... I have just limited the amount I eat... and once school starts up for me in 5 weeks I will not have time to eat but just meals times as I am an educator....
  • musicteacher40
    musicteacher40 Posts: 91 Member
  • musicteacher40
    musicteacher40 Posts: 91 Member
    Yes I am going through menopause... :(
  • musicteacher40
    musicteacher40 Posts: 91 Member
    Also do you have a digital scale or the old fashioned kind? My digital scale isn't worth a hoot!

    I have a digital scale... no money to go get a different one....
  • musicteacher40
    musicteacher40 Posts: 91 Member
    Do you consistantly use food scales, measuring cups and so on? Getting accurate measurements gives more accurate calorie counts.

    I use measuring cups... with my husband's cooking this about the best I can do....
  • musicteacher40
    musicteacher40 Posts: 91 Member
    One more question, since you are 49 yrs old, have you started going through menopause?

    Yes I am menopausal... including the "power surges"
  • Hellion563
    Hellion563 Posts: 2 Member
    Don't give up! How are your clothes fitting? That may be a better test of how you are doing as opposed to the actual pounds lost. Hang in there!!