Feeling Discouraged. Hate the gym. Help!

:( Feeling super discouraged today! I've had a gym membership for a few years and have put it to very little use. I HATE working out. Hate everything about being at the gym; I feel intimidated, stupid, and bored. Recently, I decided to put my membership to use by trying out a few classes. I loved Hatha Yoga (relaxing, muscles feel good after) but I tried a step aerobics class today that was INSANE. It was a 60 minute class and I survived only 30 minutes of it before I ran out of breath (literally) and my chest started to hurt. I don't know if I'm breathing right during vigorous workouts or not, but I wanted to DIE! I felt so ashamed and discouraged after. I finished my last hour at the gym on a stationary bike.

Any advice on how to start enjoying the gym. I hate going and I don't find it enjoyable or fun at ALL, but know it's something I need to make a part of my lifestyle. I feel like I just can't succeed there!


  • Booschmoop
    Booschmoop Posts: 12 Member
    Does your gym have a pool? We just started taking aqua aerobics classes and they are a good workout but fun and easier on the joints. I hate working out but I love this and it gives me a good workout.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Then take the Hatha yoga class and skip step aerobics. Can you sit in on classes? It would give you a way to check out the other available options without being ashamed or discouraged. Maybe the gym isn't for you and you'd do better working with dvd's or being outdoors?
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I'd suggest sticking with the classes but finding one that works for you. I stayed with my gym because I got to know some wonderful women and I actually enjoyed the workouts. I've worked my way up to the advanced classes now, and I come to LOVE gym day. If you can just find that one thing that sparks the fire inside you (for me, it was kettlebells) then you'll be able to get the most out of your workouts. Good luck. =)
  • tasha_1306
    tasha_1306 Posts: 35 Member

    I haven't posted much on these boards before but I can understand exactly what you feel. I went on a health kick a couple of years ago and bought a 1 year membership to a gym (at a cost of $995) and went about 3 times in that entire year. I recently signed up again and am loving it so far.

    I think the best advice I could give is to do what you like doing. If you liked Yoga then keep at it and maybe just add in some walking/jogging to get that cardio in. Eventually when you see results you will most likely love it.

    I have done about 3 step classes now and i still get really lost sometimes and i often stop for a breather. My friend tried it with me for the first time and she couldn't keep it up. You aren't alone, a lot of us struggle with these classes. The teacher says it takes several to get used to it. If you aren't fit then you will get out of breath.

    Don't be ashamed, just continue. Doing ANYTHING is better then NOTHING. Whether that's yoga or swimming or walking. Just something to get you moving. A tip if you are bored try listening to music/reading while on a stationary bike or even watching tv shows if you gym has tv. Something so you don't look at the clock and think 'how much longer'.
  • katmombama
    Does your gym have people on staff who will work out a good routine for you? If so, try that if you haven't already. Don't feel badly about not being able to keep up in a class that is new to you. Maybe classes aren't your thing. They're definitely not mine. Find an activity or two that you enjoy and stick to it (those) for a while until you feel more comfortable. Then decide if you want to branch out. You may decide that the gym is not the place for you. There are other options, like outdoor tracks or trails for walking/running/hiking.
  • saanaismom
    saanaismom Posts: 79 Member
    I'm not sure why you need to like the gym. Many people find ways to exercise outside of the gym. Perhaps cancel your gym membership and join a yoga studio or maybe try Spinga. Then look for activities that you like doing that don't involve a gym.
  • lesliefoste
    lesliefoste Posts: 137 Member
    An hour of step aerobics is pretty intense for your first week back to the gym. I agree with what some others have said- do what you like; don't do the stuff that you hate. If the classes are included in your membership, I'd suggest even planning to leave early. Like week one, do 20 minutes; week 2 do 30 minutes, etc. No shame in that.

    Who says what you can do isn't enough? It's a process, and you're getting more out of half a class than you would be if you'd just stayed home. Give yourself some grace, and expect it to take time. No one accidentally falls into a good habit, after all! :)
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Wait...Do you think that everyone who goes to the gym regularly enjoys doing it? There's your problem right there.

    I personally hate the gym 90% of the time. But it's called "sucking it up" and "getting over myself". I force myself to go, because my discomfort at the gym no longer outweighs my dislike of my fat, saggy *kitten*.

    The good news is, once you get used to it and get more comfortable being there, you'll start to to dislike it less and less.

    ETA: Legitimately not trying to be rude. Just keeping it real. Oh well if that offends any delicate constitutions.
  • maryrx59
    maryrx59 Posts: 55 Member
    I feel exactly the same..sigh.. I do what works for me...what I KNOW I CAN do. I walk, swim, and dance in my TV room. I've never been much of a cardio, sweat it out, kinda girl..so I mainly watch my diet and exercise when I feel like it. No guilt here. I do have some problems with heat intolerance and still a little bit with coordination/balance...Doctors following me with yearly MRIs ...watching for MS. (right now they're just calling it demyelination..whatever!)

    I especially like turning on the Tropicales channel on Comcast and grooving to the music! I set the oven timer to an hour, grab a water bottle and dance away!

    Good luck on finding what works for you!:flowerforyou:
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Totally agree with everyone on go with what you enjoy doing, but for me what I found was I don't hate the gym. What I actually hated was my old gym. I didn't feel that comfortable there, & as a result rarely went. Cue new gym & I really enjoy the atmosphere. As for classes try as many as you can till a couple click for you. If you think you'd like to continue with the step then keep plugging at it (I loathed spin the 1st few times. Now it's a class I never miss!"). If it's not for you then just do the ones you love :happy:
  • mkocol
    mkocol Posts: 18 Member
    Hello there :)

    Everyone can get discouraged at times and believe that there are thousands of people who feel the same, I was one of them. I also never enjoyed being at the gym and always watched the clock of how much longer do I have to stay there and it was a total torture. Than I saw an infomercial on tv of the home workouts dvds. They looked fun so I checked them out. I now own 5 of them and love them all. They all kick butt, provide nutrition tips and I have already lost 40lbs on them. You can view/buy them on beachbody.com or might find them somewhere on ebay or amazon. The one I worked out to was P90X, Insanity, Turbo Fire and Tapout. Check out some of their workouts on you tube. They are really awesome. Maybe this will be a solution for your problem! Hope this helps!

    Best of luck.
  • Breezy3
    Breezy3 Posts: 52 Member
    I encourage you to not be discouraged. Do you like to dance? Zumba is dance fitness and lots of fun. It can get really intense but you can do it how it works for you with no judgement.

    I did my first Zumba class last Saturday and it was a blast. And I got a great work out.

    Yeah it is part of gym membership so it doesn't cost me anything, but I really recommend it as a fun alternative.

    I do some weights as well as some sitting/standing stuff as I have really bad knees and have issues, etc.

    I wish you the best in your journey.
  • princesspea234
    princesspea234 Posts: 182 Member
    In classes like that, it's ok to take a breather and a few sips of water....Let your heart rate come down a bit and then get back into the routine when you feel ready! You know your body. You can stand in the back and push it as hard as you need to. You'll be surprised how quickly your body will adapt to the exercise.

    Also, I found I really, really enjoy getting my calorie burn outdoors. Long hikes, horseback riding, swimming, gardening... I always burn a ton of calories doing these things and never really feel like I'm working out.
  • princesspea234
    princesspea234 Posts: 182 Member
    I encourage you to not be discouraged. Do you like to dance? Zumba is dance fitness and lots of fun. It can get really intense but you can do it how it works for you with no judgement.

    I did my first Zumba class last Saturday and it was a blast. And I got a great work out.

    Yeah it is part of gym membership so it doesn't cost me anything, but I really recommend it as a fun alternative.

    I do some weights as well as some sitting/standing stuff as I have really bad knees and have issues, etc.

    I wish you the best in your journey.

    Agreed! Zumba is awesome! The instructors are always encouraging and there are ALL levels of fitness. My 69-year-old mother who had a heart attack in January 2012 even does it with me. She does what she can and pushes as far as she knows her body will let her. I burn anywhere from 375-500 calories in the class.
  • rbarragato412
    rbarragato412 Posts: 42 Member
    I hate the gym as well, but I LOVE the results I see when I go! I am a future bride (November 2014) and I constantly keep in mind how great I'll look as a fit version of myself walking down that aisle.
    The time I spend there is torture, but the endorphins/happiness I feel after a good workout can't replace anything at all. Like someone above mentioned, most people DON'T like going. Just don't make excuses and do what you are currently capable of doing!
    I wish you tons of luck and healthiness :)
  • MsDrJuris
    MsDrJuris Posts: 41
    Wait...Do you think that everyone who goes to the gym regularly enjoys doing it? There's your problem right there.

    I personally hate the gym 90% of the time. But it's called "sucking it up" and "getting over myself". I force myself to go, because my discomfort at the gym no longer outweighs my dislike of my fat, saggy *kitten*.

    The good news is, once you get used to it and get more comfortable being there, you'll start to to dislike it less and less.

    ETA: Legitimately not trying to be rude. Just keeping it real. Oh well if that offends any delicate constitutions.

    ^^^THIS. Now that I'm stronger and leaner, though, I kinda like watching my muscles ripple in the gym mirrors. ;) (Also, I view the gym as my metime. During that time, I don't look at my phone, I don't talk to anyone else, and I just go to my own special happy place.)
  • jojo86xdd
    jojo86xdd Posts: 202 Member
    I hate the gym. not because i feel lost or embarrassed but because i find it excruciatingly boring. The two times I've gone (to please the boyfriend) it seemed like most people were in there to show off and flex rather than workout and everyon elooked miserable. So I stay away.
    All the weight I've dropped has been a result of working out at home with DVD's and running around my neighborhood, which I'v taken up lately. I like variety which is why I love all kinds of workout DVD's. That's just what works for me. So if you don't like the gym, don't go. Find activities that you love to do (i.e yoga, dance, sports) throw in some cardio, walking/jogging at a park or neighborhood and make those your workouts. Don't torture yourself.
  • Katus130
    Katus130 Posts: 50 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I also hate the gym. I only go in the winter because I find running in the snow awful.

    I think the best thing you can do is to find something that you really love doing. For me that was figure skating. Everybody thought I was crazy for starting skating lessons as an adult. That was back in January and now I feel better than ever. Probably helps that I was a serious dancer until I was 17 so I dont have the flexibility and balance troubles that many adult beginners have. You need to figure out what your workout style is. For years I tried to get into yoga and I tried just about every kind I could but I just didn't find it that exciting. I felt the same about spin classes - here I am all sweaty on this bike, pedaling like I have a gun to my head and I'm not moving anywhere. Hah.

    My point is find something you enjoy and that you find challenging. Don't let yourself feel bad about hating the gym- there are many ways to keep yourself fit.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I hate the gym, I haven't been to the gym in a year. I work out at home and run outside.