New to the site and embarrassed to even try

When I work out I look gross and sweaty and I am so afraid to have people stare at me. My tummy prevents me from yoga poses and other things I would like to do. The feel of my own body jumping around bothers me. My feet problems and Achilles tendinitis make even walking a challenge. It's discouraging.


  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    Don't get discouraged. Maybe you could try DVDs or something
    easier to start? Keep trying, find something that feels right to you.
    I know it gets upsetting until it gets easier. Take it slow .. it all will
    get better. :)
  • 4pawsmom
    4pawsmom Posts: 20 Member
    I sweat when I work out - giant, huge buckets of sweat. Funny enough, I've come to look at it as a badge of honor, sort of a physical representation of how hard I'm hitting the equipment.

    Please don't worry about what other people are thinking or that they are looking at you. Almost everyone is far to into their own workout to be paying any attention to how you look.

    Best of luck to you in your journey.
  • cdelorenzo1991
    I know it can be hard :/ . There are some days I look in the mirror and feel awful for letting myself get to this point. But, when you're feeling down about yourself, think about how you will look when you reach your goal weight. Everyday when I am doing my cardio or another work out and it hurts really, really, bad, I just picture myself at my goal weight and it pushes me through. Also, it will make it easier to push forward if you accept that you are the way you are now and that it will take some time to change. Focus on the positives in yourself now and picture your negatives becoming positive and it should give you some piece of mind.

    Hope I have helped!
  • dgbaby21
    dgbaby21 Posts: 5
    Don't worry about what other people think or don't think. I completely understand where you are coming from and that is the only reason I can say that. I too felt that way when I first started working out and especially when I started running. My stomach still makes noises when I run even though I have come a long way and for a second I feel sickened and then I remember I am still out here doing it. Give yourself a break and do what you can with where you are at currently. If you want feel free to add me :)
  • Galewskih
    Galewskih Posts: 3
    I know how you feel. I love to dance and when I hear a song my body starts to move, but then I remember what all of me looks like moving. I stop immediately. My younger sister has Just Dance 4 and I would love to do it with her but it records you so I refuse. I wish I had something more encouraging to say than you are not alone. What we have to do is just do it, alone if you have to at first. The work will pay off in the end. (I'm going to try to take my own advice and get started as well.) Best of luck to you and I hope we both find the courage to succeed.
  • amyknjones
    amyknjones Posts: 21
    If you don't sweat when you workout then you aren't doing it right!! Hang in there and eventually you will love the feeling. Especially as things get easier. Plus you are doing great things for your heart. And eve. Though you feel like people are staring I promise they aren't! There is usually mutual respect in the gym. Keep it up!
  • SudoApt
    SudoApt Posts: 9
    Sometimes it helps if you have music going. When I do run (which I'm on break cause its pretty hot out) I listen to music and sing in my head. Sometimes I listen to the birds or just get really into looking at the trees. If I think about what I look like, I stop. Its a real downer. So just try not to think about what you look like :)
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    One of my friends has the motto that "Sweat is fat crying!" Sweating is much better than not sweating. You have to cool down somehow.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    :) don't care about others!!! this for YOU!!, heck I couldn't even walk 2 miles without feeling like I was going to die. Now I can do whatever I want and I have only lost 35lbs!! I have a huge disadvantage to myself, I was in car accident and had to go through two surgeries and my leg hurts all the time...but I have learned to ignore the pain and my brain and push through it. Whining about how you look and sweat is silly, I would rather have all that and in the end look sexy. Than keep all this fat I have and be held back. PUSH IT GIRL!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • chickpanda
    chickpanda Posts: 4 Member
    I know how you feel. I don't want anyone to look at me when I'm exercising (even walking). I am completely self-conscious. But really, why would we care about what anyone else thinks? I'm pretty sure other folks don't care or notice half as much as we think they do. And most people that notice are probably thinking, "Good for you. Take control!" Try not to focus on what others think. By the way, I have had terrible foot pain (arthritis) for the past year and that is what motivated me to finally do something about my weight (I am 100+ pounds overweight). My foot doctor explained to me that every extra pound we carry puts an additional 4 pounds of pressure on our knees and feet. So if you do the math, it is not pretty! On the flip side, my doctor also told me that every pound lost has the effect of losing 4 pounds when it comes to our feet and knees! I was not expecting to feel any relief until I lost about 25 pounds or so, but my feet actually feel better and I'm only down 9 pounds! It's probably not so much the 9 pounds as it is eating healthier foods that don't cause inflammation. Whatever it is . . . it's working and I am not giving up. Enjoy the process and your workout - you go girl!
  • littlewhittles
    littlewhittles Posts: 402 Member
    I felt the same way when I started, especially when I started trying to run. I felt pathetic and out of shape and sweaty and my belly was bouncing everywhere...

    I kept doing it, though. And now I don't feel so awkward. I still feel like people stare (I sweat lots and turn tomato red in the face), but I'm doing it!

    Maybe start by doing things you're comfortable with - like another poster suggested, DVDs at home. Or just long walks. Once the weight starts coming off, you will be more comfortable and confident.
  • youcantfoolme
    youcantfoolme Posts: 79 Member
    I also sweat rather profusely when I work out so I just take a shower pryer to going and make sure I smell good. As soon as I get there I hang a towel around my neck so when I start sweating really bad I have something to mop it up with and to wipe off any equiptment that may also get damp. Others sweating doesn't bother me . Now body odor is a whole nother issue.
  • laurynwithawhy
    laurynwithawhy Posts: 385 Member
    When I exercise I literally drip with sweat. Actually, I sweat all the time, even if I'm not exercising. It's a good sign - your body is doing what it's supposed to to cool you off. I know it can be embarrassing, but don't feel self conscious about it. You are bettering yourself. Also, I hate the feeling of my body moving too. Get tight leggings and spandex - you can put them under your normal workout clothes or work out at home if you don't want people to see you just yet. We start where we start and we work our way up. Even if you can just make little improvements, it's way better than nothing. Oh, I have also torn both of my achilles and the first thing you should do is go to a running shoe/athletic shoe store and get fitted. Also get some insoles, I use Spenco cross trainer insoles (you can find them in athletic shoe stores or on amazon) and they are fantastic. If you can get to an orthopedic doctor, ask about some heel lifts to take the pressure off your achilles. You can do this!
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    It's discouraging.
    You've come to the right place. Lots of people have felt the same way. You'll do great. I can just tell.
  • kellzi89
    kellzi89 Posts: 65 Member
    Don't stress everyone sweats! And honestly most people probably don't even notice. The fitness fanatics are to focused on doing their own workouts to notice and anyone else is probably just as embarrassed as you are.
  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member
    what is worse: maybe being embarrassed or feeling uncomfortable when exercising (but getting healthier every time) ....Or do nothing and live your entire life feeling uncomfortable and restricted buy your body.

    Yep you might feel awkward... but honestly most people don't really care what you do or how you look while doing it....they are too worried about how they look and what they are doing.

    if you look cute and all put together when working didn't work out very hard....I'm red faced, sweaty and I probably look like I could cry ,

    swimming is great for joint problems, water running can be a great workout! and there are exercise classes specifically for people with injuries or mobility challenges .... restorative yoga classes are great.

    don't let the thoughts dominate you. you feel gross or the feeling of your own body jumping around bothers you, focus on what you can do and what you like to do. Don't give up on you.
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    When I first started I only used the treadmill at my house & calisthenics. I was too disgusted w/myself to go back to Zumba, ashamed of my weight gain & long absence from the gym. Now I don't care. I go to the gym, sweat like a pig & love every minute of it. I now do kickboxing, Zumba, spinning, etc @ the gym & don't care who is watching. I still use my home treadmill too on the non gym days, but I honestly just don't care now. I'm there for me. Take it a step at a time, start w/home workouts & move on from there. You can do it!
  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member

    when I started back into running this year I seriously could of used a belly bra, the feeling of it bouncing sucked! but it's getting WAY WAY better. Super tight shirt under a loose shirt gave me the feeling of it being contained ;)
  • SmallestGoal
    SmallestGoal Posts: 20 Member
    When I was 100lbs, I still had days when I didn't want to go to the gym because I felt too fat to be bending my body all kinds of funny ways doing yoga in a mirrored room. Gyms are scary, until you realize that nobody is looking at anyone but themselves. I stood next to one of my professors in my Body Pump group fitness class two weeks in a row before even realizing. That's probably an extreme example, but in my experience, nobody cares. And nobody is going to look down on anyone else for trying, whatever their skill level is at the beginning.
  • kkdelduca
    kkdelduca Posts: 73
    Why not try the leslie sansone dvds, or on you tube. Its like low impact aerobics. No bouncing or jiggling really because its walking and other various exercises. She has them where you can walk from one mile up to five miles in one workout session