Unable too keep up with Insanity work out!!



  • zachherda
    zachherda Posts: 47
    If you aren't getting sore from starting a work out, you are not pushing yourself. Insanity is very tough but no tougher than some of the workouts I use to perform for football in highschool. DOMS, delayed on set muscle soreness happens to everyone if they are doing something that is challenging. Telling people to not be sore is not such great advice IMO. The bar needs to be set high for people, if you don't aim for a goal that is tough what are you working out for?
  • violetcharms
    violetcharms Posts: 158 Member
    If you aren't getting sore from starting a work out, you are not pushing yourself. Insanity is very tough but no tougher than some of the workouts I use to perform for football in highschool. DOMS, delayed on set muscle soreness happens to everyone if they are doing something that is challenging. Telling people to not be sore is not such great advice IMO. The bar needs to be set high for people, if you don't aim for a goal that is tough what are you working out for?


    Sometimes, the only thing keeping you from staying the same and finally making that change is to endure a little soreness at the beginning. I was never active as a child, and just kept trying different diets throughout my teenage years to lose the weight.

    Although I nearly died the first time I tried Insanity, today I can proudly say that the improvements in my strength and stamina come would've never come true without this crazy workout! =)
  • janebshaw
    janebshaw Posts: 168
    If you aren't getting sore from starting a work out, you are not pushing yourself. Insanity is very tough but no tougher than some of the workouts I use to perform for football in highschool. DOMS, delayed on set muscle soreness happens to everyone if they are doing something that is challenging. Telling people to not be sore is not such great advice IMO. The bar needs to be set high for people, if you don't aim for a goal that is tough what are you working out for?


    Sometimes, the only thing keeping you from staying the same and finally making that change is to endure a little soreness at the beginning. I was never active as a child, and just kept trying different diets throughout my teenage years to lose the weight.

    Although I nearly died the first time I tried Insanity, today I can proudly say that the improvements in my strength and stamina come would've never come true without this crazy workout! =)

    A little soreness after a workout is to be expected, especially if it is significantly different from workouts you've previously been doing.. But from what I've been reading from people that did the workout, like you saying that you nearly died, it sounds like the Insanity coaches push people harder than necessary, and for some people, harder than is safe..

    Insanity sounds like a workout that would probably be OK for someone that is already in really good shape, but from all I've heard, I don't think it should be marketed to people that don't already have an above average fitness level. .
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member

    A little soreness after a workout is to be expected, especially if it is significantly different from workouts you've previously been doing.. But from what I've been reading from people that did the workout, like you saying that you nearly died, it sounds like the Insanity coaches push people harder than necessary, and for some people, harder than is safe..

    Insanity sounds like a workout that would probably be OK for someone that is already in really good shape, but from all I've heard, I don't think it should be marketed to people that don't already have an above average fitness level. .

    You are constantly told to go at your own pace and to rest if required.

    I thought I'd give it a go, I hadn't done ANY exercise since August 2011 and I can manage to do it. I do push myself.

    I agree it's probably not for everyone though.
  • janebshaw
    janebshaw Posts: 168
    Very timely post!

    I ran a half-marathon 2 weeks and thought I'd try Insanity for something new. And my husband is in the military, so he keeps fit too.

    Or so we thought.

    We did the fit test last night and nearly died. It brought us both to our knees. Very humbling, to say the least. :-)

    I don't understand why Insanity makes the first fitness test so rough, especially when they (should) know that many people are probably out of shape when they start the program?

    If I went to a new class at the gym and I nearly died trying to keep up, I doubt if I would come back any time soon. It's not that I don't want to work hard, but I do like for any fitness program I plan to participate in on a regular basis to feel like they are going to help me improve my fitness -- not nearly kill me and make me too sore to move for days!
  • squirrell79
    squirrell79 Posts: 154 Member
    I don't understand why Insanity makes the first fitness test so rough, especially when they (should) know that many people are probably out of shape when they start the program?

    I think it probably helps with the marketing aspect. For example, the Marines Corps has the tagline, "The few. The proud. The Marines." That tagline wasn't an accident. They have the 100%-deserved reputation of being the toughest service branch. It all adds up to an aura of awesomeness, and thus they can be a lot more selective when recruiting members (I once read that far more people wish to join than there are slots for), and they are.

    Insanity has this "aura of tough," which isn't an accident either. Earning that t-shirt? Absolutely brilliant idea. Makes the whole thing rather like an exclusive club, which is then compelling to the rest of us -- "Hey, I'd like in too!"

    On the practical, nuts and bolts, non-business level of why it's so tough: I would guess that it's so you can see how far you have come. I'm guessing that when they were testing the program, many people almost died on Fit Test #1 (like my husband and me). I'm also going to guess that by the Final Fit Test, they had made a substantial % gain in ability. When you start at the bottom, there is nowhere to go but up.

    On the motivation aspect and not wanting to go back to the gym if it almost killed you the first time: I think the makers of the program were betting on the first test almost killing people bu the psychology of "I just bought this very expensive program and dammit I'm gonna see it through (or at least part way)!" to make them come back.

    For me, the appeal is the fact that it is a structured program. I'm not following it to a T because I'm integrating separate strength training days, but I'm still going along with most of it. I am doing it because as a runner, I've gotten way too comfortable running. It's very enjoyable but doesn't challenge me the way it should. If I were truly disciplined, I'd do some HIIT-style running workouts on my own, but I'm not truly disciplined. Thus, I grabbed Insanity off Craigslist and thought that would be a good way to introduce some HIIT-style workouts into my life--to challenge me, condition me, and give me some variety.
  • cton13
    cton13 Posts: 16 Member
    This is soooo true!!!! Insanity will humble you.... I'm a fitness instructor and I use Insanity to keep my endurance up.... but Good grief!!!!
    Very timely post!

    I ran a half-marathon 2 weeks and thought I'd try Insanity for something new. And my husband is in the military, so he keeps fit too.

    Or so we thought.

    We did the fit test last night and nearly died. It brought us both to our knees. Very humbling, to say the least. :-)
  • janebshaw
    janebshaw Posts: 168
    I don't understand why Insanity makes the first fitness test so rough, especially when they (should) know that many people are probably out of shape when they start the program?

    Insanity has this "aura of tough," which isn't an accident either. Earning that t-shirt? Absolutely brilliant idea. Makes the whole thing rather like an exclusive club, which is then compelling to the rest of us -- "Hey, I'd like in too!"

    I know that sort of "you can be in our exclusive club and everyone will know you are super tough" promotion appeals to some people, but it would make me less likely to want to get involved. That's one reason I always stayed away from Crossfit -- the majority of Crossfit people I know seem to think they are members of some kind of an exclusive club and are soooooooo much better than people that follow any other fitness program.

    i have noting against doing HITT style workouts as long as they are not overly extreme. But from the video clips I've seen of the Insanity program, it's amazing they have managed to sell so many copies. Most people that want to get in shape are looking for a fitness program that will challenge them, not kill them!

    I personally don't want to be humbled by a fitness program. I want my fitness program to contain enough variety and challenge to keep it interesting, but not be so extreme that I am too sore to function for days after I do a workout.
  • jenniferanne222
    jenniferanne222 Posts: 5 Member
    Glad to hear someone else is doing Insanity at 4:30 in the morning! I am too - so much energy all day!!
  • kaleena1983
    kaleena1983 Posts: 64 Member
    I wasn't able to keep pace with the workouts the first day, either. They are tough, and there are a lot of times where you're just trying to do it as fast as YOU are able to do it. I am on day 26, and I am keeping pace/doing better now, but it's still a struggle. My goal is always to do better than I did the last time. I've already lost 8 pounds. I love Insanity!
  • amandabcdefg
    amandabcdefg Posts: 58 Member
    im on my second go at insanity, and i STILL have to stop and catch my breath ....during the warm up. go at your own pace. even the people in the video, even shaun t, all stop at some point. its a hard workout. he tells you multiple times throughout, take a break when YOU need it, then jump back in. so stop for a few seconds, catch your breath, let your HR come down a little, and get back in there! its tough, but its a great feeling to finish each workout.
  • squirrell79
    squirrell79 Posts: 154 Member
    i have noting against doing HITT style workouts as long as they are not overly extreme. But from the video clips I've seen of the Insanity program, it's amazing they have managed to sell so many copies. Most people that want to get in shape are looking for a fitness program that will challenge them, not kill them!

    It's not as bad as it seems. I was afraid that I'd die during the first workout, but I didn't. It's basically an intense warm up, followed by a great stretching period, followed by 3 rounds of intense conditioning drills. It's definitely challenging, but it's really not too horrible. Sure, I work at my own pace, take breaks, and have to catch my breath -- just like the people in the video itself and everyone else here on MFP. Nothing terrible about that.

    In the end, it's all about different strokes for different folks. Crossfit doesn't appeal to me, but heck, there are lots of other exercise pursuits that don't appeal to me. I'd rather poke my eye out with a fork than do a spin class, but lots of people love them. Everyone likes what they like. These Insanity workouts are s a nice addition to my regular exercise pursuits.

    As long as you are pursuing an activity that works for you, that's what matters.
  • Maridinger
    Maridinger Posts: 74 Member
    I am almost done with week 2. It is the hardest workout Ive ever done, But I love it!! I have had to change some of the moves...I cant do the jumping moves so I do other moves that keep those same muscles moving. As long as your moving your burning calories. Ive already noticed that some of the moves I had to modify in week 1 Im able to do now in week 2. Stick with it. Take a break when you need to. And just keep moving.
  • squirrell79
    squirrell79 Posts: 154 Member
    And just keep moving.

    Exactly! I modify as needed, too, and I don't feel bad about it! As long as I keep plugging away, I figure it is all good.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Yes, definitely go at your own pace. Even Shaun T says that over and over. I can hardly keep up with them on the first time through a circuit. But it all seems to be getting better. My best advice is to get a heart rate monitor. That way you know how hard your heart is working and can take more efficient breaks. For example, my "I'm the zone" range is 137 to 179, anything above that and I am higher than my fat burning zone and anything below I am below. This way I know if I need a rest or not based more on my heart rate or not. :) now I still take breaks because I am tired but usually try to push it so my heart rate is up higher before I do! Keep at it!

    "fat burning zone" is a bunch of crap. Ignore that. Work out as hard as you can, for as long as you can. And then work to go harder, faster, longer than you did before.
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Hi! I'm in my second month of Insanity and I've always considered myself to be fit, but the first week I could barely walk. Now I can't believe how far I've come. The advice everyone has given has been great. Get a HRM so you know when you are over or below your heart rate zone. Go at your own pace and take the breaks when you need them. I figure if their taking breaks, even Shaun T, then I can. Personally I purchased the results & recovery formula from beachbody to help me get through the workouts, and it has made a huge difference in how my body recuperates. Now that I'm in the second month I drink it during the workouts. I am going to be doing my 3rd fit test of the program this weekend and I know I've gotten stronger. You will get there don't give up. If I can do it at the age of 51 anyone can do it. Add me as a friend and I support you through this program. Take care
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I am couldn't keep up going to try again once i am a bit better shape
  • TarPMes
    TarPMes Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Everyone, On day 26 of insanity today. Feeling good but I hear I am going to need some extra support when it comes to month two. Has anyone gotten there yet? What are you doing to get though it? I bought Beachbody's "EE" formula that they suggest, because it was on sale, and got it yesterday in the mail. I used it this morning before I did pure cardio and cardio abs and it seemed to work gave me a great boost of energy! Has anyone else used it? If you don't know what I am talking about here is the link ... http://bit.ly/15SBQcY
  • janebshaw
    janebshaw Posts: 168
    Personally I purchased the results & recovery formula from beachbody to help me get through the workouts, and it has made a huge difference in how my body recuperates. Now that I'm in the second month I drink it during the workouts. I am going to be doing my 3rd fit test of the program this weekend and I know I've gotten stronger. You will get there don't give up. If I can do it at the age of 51 anyone can do it. Add me as a friend and I support you through this program. Take care

    It sounds to me like the company that promotes the Insanity workout intentionally made it super tough so lots of people would feel like they needed to buy their expensive supplements to make it through the program. It might be a profitable business strategy, but it's not necessarily an ethical one.
  • From what I understand, You don't have to keep up at all but most important is that you try your max. It is design to make your body fail at any of the routines and that is what works the magic. From the beginners to the navy seal level you will fail at some point, your body will drop to the floor and you will have to catch your breath. At that exact point your body begins transformation. I am on day 39 and believe me, I drank about a half of gallon of water while at it. The second month is design to push you to your Maximun, not theirs.