New to the site and embarrassed to even try



  • touchafaith
    touchafaith Posts: 112 Member
    I'm the same, I've only been to the gym once and absolutely hated it. Felt like I was the biggest one there and everyone was watching or talking about me which obviously they weren't but it's just what the mind does to you sometimes. When I'm ready to start working out I will be doing it from home until I get a little more confident in myself and then maybe I'll join a gym again. But any change to your lifestyle will be good. The past 3 weeks I've just been logging and staying in my allocated calories and I've lost 9lbs without exercise so it doesn't have to be an all or nothing kind of deal. You can make one change at a time and just ease yourself into this new lifestyle, it's what's working best for me and hopefully it will do the same for you. Just don't give up
  • srm1960
    srm1960 Posts: 281 Member
    You are in a good place here.... We're all very nice & supportive. Do this for yourself, & do not care what others think. They're too into themselves. Sending FR to you????????
  • mile626
    mile626 Posts: 29
    I know exactly what you are talking about. When I first started at the gym 8 months ago I felt terrible and moving my body at all felt bad and weird--and I couldn't do the things I wanted to do.

    Then, about 3 months in, I noticed things were much easier. Today, with 75 pounds less of me in the way, I can do a lot more. I'm a bit limited because of damage to my ankles, and I'm weak from years of a sedentary lifestyle, but that's changing.

    The only way to change it is to move.
  • zoodocgirl
    zoodocgirl Posts: 163 Member
    Remember, when you're doing yoga, people are definitely not looking at you - they aren't even looking at themselves for the most part. When you're pretzeled up and your head is between your knees.... so is everyone else's!! All they can see is their own big toes. Find the right yoga studio (I prefer not yoga at a regular gym) and you will find one of the most welcome accepting environments. Everyone is on their own path, and wherever you are on that path is exactly where you should be, as long as you are looking forward.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I swim and it's really hard to get out there in a swim suit when my waist measures 55 inches! It's hard, but I do it every day.
  • JRSchumaker
    JRSchumaker Posts: 93 Member
    If I don't sweat I don't feel like I even worked out!

    Most of my weight has always been in my belly. It flopped around relentlessly. It did not flop on the elliptical or on the stationary bike, or when I was walking. Don't limit yourself to exercises you hate, but don't make excuses. Get out there and SWEAT!
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    When I work out I look gross and sweaty and I am so afraid to have people stare at me. My tummy prevents me from yoga poses and other things I would like to do. The feel of my own body jumping around bothers me. My feet problems and Achilles tendinitis make even walking a challenge. It's discouraging.
    when i work out i look gross and sweaty too. and i pull weird faces when i'm straining with weights.

    even if strangers stare they will, by the time they get home, have forgotten all about who was sweating today.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I produce obscene amounts of sweat when I work out. I have seriously been asked why I didn't dry off before getting dressed after my shower. It wasn't a shower, it was sweat. I leave literal puddles of sweat on the floor that I have to clean up, and a fine spray in a circle around me. People look, sure, but I don't think it's judgment - I think people are impressed that I am working hard enough to generate that much sweat.

    As for the yoga poses, I have lordosis, which gives me back problems and tight hamstrings, so I can't do all of the yoga poses either. Any qualified yoga instructor should be able to provide simple modifications you can use to get into the pose and work your way towards the full pose. It's all about starting small and working your way up.
  • Mismis28
    Mismis28 Posts: 36 Member
    Lazy as I am I didn't even read the previous replies so someone has probably already suggested these :)
    What about swimming? Or running in the water with that belt-thing? The water would probably support your body so you don't need to feel it jump around. Also, don't you dare say "even" walking, walking is a huge step! ;) Just adding the amount you feel okay doing each day and increasing will take you a long way!
    Good luck!
  • Never be embarrassed for trying to better proud that you have the courage and strength to try to accomplish your goals! Be proud of yourself every day because each day you are a day closer to a healthier "you":flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    When I work out I look gross and sweaty and I am so afraid to have people stare at me. My tummy prevents me from yoga poses and other things I would like to do. The feel of my own body jumping around bothers me. My feet problems and Achilles tendinitis make even walking a challenge. It's discouraging.

    Take it slow, and KEEP doing what you are doing. My best advise is to NOT move it inside and hide.

    I had a friend who was a hotty hot hot body builder dude. Man was he cute. And built. And well you know. I told him how embarrassed I was to go to the gym, and especially to join HIS gym because he would see my fat butt trying to do all this stuff.

    You know what he said?

    He said when he and his buds saw people trying, if they noticed at all because they are concentrating on their own workout, they say "Cool, she's been coming here for xyz amount of time and look what she has accomplished!!" or "Man she has a long road but it is SO cool to see her here. Wish my mom/sister/brother.......add whomever would come and get healthy"

    You would be surprised how much you are being ADMIRED for your accomplishments my dear!

    Go with your shoulders held back, you head held high and a smile on your face!! I will be right behind you thinking "Dang, I wish I could do THAT!!!"

  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    Don't worry about being sweaty! That means you are doing it right!

    Another thing to consider is just focusing on calorie counting for a few months and then adding exercise once you lose a bit of weight/gain confidence. I lost over 1/2 of the weight by just calorie counting because I kept hurting my back working out. It's also a lot to take on working out and changing your food all at once so I found doing it in stages made it really easy on me.

    However, if you are really wanting to work out, but just to embarrassed to try I would say that you just need to shop around and find a gym or a class where you feel comfortable. Lots of ladies only gyms, friendly yoga studios, and other classes and some places just feel more welcoming than others. Good luck!!
  • Chelle175
    Chelle175 Posts: 31 Member
    If you can, get yourself a one-piece bathing suit, find an indoor pool open year round and swim your butt off. If you work up a sweat, no one will know. If you're truly uncomfortable with how you look, the water hides a lot. And it's a great whole-body workout.

    The most important thing to do is not give up.
  • CathieF1964
    CathieF1964 Posts: 2 Member
    I've been doing Aquafit classes - they are great and I don't get hot and bothered. Once you are in the water no-one can see what you look like anyway.
  • jessiebritt
    jessiebritt Posts: 33 Member
    I read this blog post once, about this woman, who like many, had this fear of having people see her work out, she said she would work out, go home and cry afterwords, it became crippling. She had decided she'd make it work for her, so she'd wake up extra early, go to the local track and run when nobody was around...she began running, and to her surprise, noticed she was not the only person with this idea. She found people of all shapes and sizes, running, running slow, running fast, walking.... all with the same common goal...the goal of health and fitness. She then realized, there IS no judgement. Not when you decide YOU are worth it. Be proud, people won't notice anything except the fact that you are there, making a difference in your life. You are doing something that many decide is not worth the work/time/effort. Trust me....getting on a treadmill for the first time, or having to ask how to use the machines in a gym....everybody is there at least once! After a few'll be asking for more! It's a great feeling!!

    Sweat daily. Do what works for you. Get involved with workouts that cater to lower body injury's! You can make it work. Also, utilize the community on MFP, the support you'll get here is endless!

    We all have to start somewhere, and where we all end up is our choice!
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    When I work out I look gross and sweaty and I am so afraid to have people stare at me. My tummy prevents me from yoga poses and other things I would like to do. The feel of my own body jumping around bothers me. My feet problems and Achilles tendinitis make even walking a challenge. It's discouraging.

    You're just a face to them. They don't know you and what you're going through. And once their gaze moves onto something/one else, you're not even a distant memory to them. They don't care, quite frankly.

    You can't continue the way you are just because of what some total stranger might think of you for two seconds before they move on to some other thought.

    Edit: I sweat buckets and go beet root red just walking in the heat. My hands swell up like sausages and I get nasty sweat stains in my armpits, down my back and under by breasts, sometimes even in my groin area.

    And. I. Don't. Care.

    Some people just sweat a lot.

    I can't do all the yoga moves I want to either, so I just do what I can and believe that the rest will come. I can't run anymore because of back injuries. I just walk and believe that I might be able to run again one day.

    Just do what you can, no one will think badly of you for it.
  • phyllisgehrke
    phyllisgehrke Posts: 238 Member
    Please don't be Discouraged.
    I was as well when I first started.

    Have you thought about Wii Fit for Exercise.
    That is what I use.
    They have Aerobic Exercise, Yoga and other exercises.

    Yesterday it was so hot and humid.
    I put on my Wii Fit for Exercise and did the Free Run, they also have 5 K.
    My Free Run is for 10 mins but equals 1 mile, Good exercise if you jog with it.

    I have lost 16 pounds in 2 months doing mostly my Wii, I have trouble walking as I also have Achilles Tendonitis in both feet.

    Hope this helps
  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    Embrace the way you look and feel and get mad.. Do something about it and get fit. It will be the greatest
    gift you or anyone could give you.
    Wake up each day and say how can I be a fitter more confident person today.l:explode:
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    There are tons of chair exercise videos on you tube. I use those and some of them are quite a workout. you could try those first to get started.
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    Start at home until you feel more confident.