Moms and Dads: When do you fit your exercise in?



  • wwhite72082
    wwhite72082 Posts: 36 Member
    I work from home a couple of days per week. On those days, I'm usually starting my run around 5:30am so that I can get back home and watch our 3 year old while my wife gets ready for work. The days that I go into work, I stop off at the gym on my way home. This can be a challenge but so far, so good.

    I used to set my alarm for 3:30am so that I could get to the gym before work (I'm at my desk by 6:00am) but I found that it was too much. I had to go to bed too early and was loosing out on too much family time.
  • Nishi2013
    Nishi2013 Posts: 210 Member
    I work from home. I workoit early morning while kids and hubby are in bed. Sometimes I run in the evenings. Hubby usually takes kids to gym with him. They are in childcare while he works out.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I do couch to 5k with my 7 yo and occasionally bring my 18mo along in the jogger (I go at 6am and I don't wake sleeping babies). I would think you could do the same with your ages, if running or walking is exercise that you're interested in.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I have a two week old....I'm exercising before she wakes up in the morning, and up that means a 4am wake up call. I get up with her to feed her between 3 and 4 depending on her, burp, snuggle, then she goes back down and I have to get going because I only have a 2 to 3 hour window to get coffee and get on the treadmill or to a video. If you are worried about noise waking him, could you shut his door or do something quiet like pushups/situps/etc? I'm lucky that my treadmill is downstairs and she is upstairs so I can jog on it and she cannot hear it. If anything goes wrong in the morning I try to get it in while she naps. Food prep, cleaning, etc takes third to caring for her and exercising, so I always get my exercise in first when I have a break then if I get more spare time later I catch up on house hold stuff or just rest.
  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member
    I work out in the AM and over lunch. Have you tried the Insanity videos? you can do them at home, most videos are less then an hour long.

    Also exercise with your kids. My 3 year old loves going to the park. Take them for walks, bike rides, or to the local track.
  • tfpdunn
    tfpdunn Posts: 68 Member
    I'll either workout at home at 5am before my kids wake (3 year old and 4 month old) or workout at lunchtime. We have a fitness center onsite, so it's a little easier. Also, consider taking nice long walks w/ the kids after dinner - I do that as often as possible.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    I used to get up early in the morning to workout... but I can't seem to do that anymore. Nowadays, I try to squeeze something in after work... or after the kids are asleep. I've had workouts that start at 10pm at night. I have a home gym and a stationary bike set up in front of the TV. I do not watch TV on the couch anymore.
  • HollyTsab
    HollyTsab Posts: 120 Member
    I have a Family Child care in my home plus my three kids who have various evening activities. I workout at 5am.

    If the 3 yr old wakes up while you're working out then give him something to do and set him off to the side. There's no reason why he should interfere with your workout. I know they tend ot be under foot a lot but find something he is only allowed to do while you workout. Place him where he can see you and let him know that he has to stay there so he doesn't get hurt by Daddy's equipment. I'd give him a coloring book and some crayons maybe...super heroes...tell him that Daddy is trying to be as healthy as a Superhero (or whoever his fav is)
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    Whenever you can fit it in! When my kids were little i found the best time for me to exercise was after 9 when they were all in bed and everything was quiet. Then it was MY time.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I work from home a couple of days per week. On those days, I'm usually starting my run around 5:30am so that I can get back home and watch our 3 year old while my wife gets ready for work. The days that I go into work, I stop off at the gym on my way home. This can be a challenge but so far, so good.

    I used to set my alarm for 3:30am so that I could get to the gym before work (I'm at my desk by 6:00am) but I found that it was too much. I had to go to bed too early and was loosing out on too much family time.

    I have to imagine that over the next few months, or year, your 3 year old will be a little more independent and will be able to play or possibly watch TV while your wife gets ready for work and you get in a workout. Or your 8yo may be able to help with keeping little brother occupied.
  • slaste1111
    slaste1111 Posts: 1 Member
    Personally, I would nix the hour of TV with the Mrs and exercise then. If that quality time with her is very important to you then schedule it for only once or twice per week on your rest day or something.
  • sarm1977
    sarm1977 Posts: 9
    Awesome feedback all around. I'm really enjoying this message board!

    I may try a 4am wake-up, I'm usually restless those last couple hours of the morn anyway.

    I'm also thinking I could take the 3yo for a walk when he wakes up at 530. I've got a child carrying backpack, and a stroller that's probably sturdy enough to jog behind.

    Love the input!
  • ChristinaOrtiz23
    ChristinaOrtiz23 Posts: 1,546 Member
    I have a 4 year old and work M-TH 830-5 and Friday 830-530. My son goes to preschool so right after work i have to pick him up because they close at 6, so no gym for me, plus i don't have the $ for the gym and don't want to have someone watch my kid when we was at school all day, i miss him while I'm at work sooooo i bought the insanity DVD. I come home and do it right away, the 1st month of DVDs is between 38-42 min the 2nd month can be up to an hr i believe. I'm home though, so when I'm done I'm already home and can start my routine of cooking ( my boyfriend doesn't get home till late from work so i don't have to cook right away), cleaning, bathing my son and me then relax.

    This week though my boyfriend is on vacation from his night job so right after work i have to start cooking then work out, so i cook in my work out clothes so when I'm done i just get to it. So that's how i fit in exercises. (my Saturdays though i do it in the morning)
  • marshmallow8978
    marshmallow8978 Posts: 57 Member
    Maybe join a gym with a daycare? Or buy a peice of equiptment so you could watch tv with your wife and workout at the same time? Its so muchharder to make time for everything with kids and a crazy work schedule
    I workout in the morning around 10am after my 9mo's first nap. I am a SaHm though, with two older kids who help entertain the baby. I will also take kids on walks/bike rides/swiming. Its sometimes easier to include them rather than find time without them.
  • F1TCH1K
    F1TCH1K Posts: 72 Member
    We are members of the YMCA, they have great kids activities (Yoga, Boot Camp, Gymnastics, etc...) so the kids do their thing while my husband and I do ours, and if there is not kids activity for that evening they go to the Kids Zone (which is child care, board games, crafts, sports stuff, etc). My husband and I are both in public safety so our schedules change (days off are different each week) and I used to feel guilty that I was away from the kids all day and then again for an hour in the evening but I know they are having a blast and I know I need to work out to be myself (happy mom = happy kids).

    Could you sign up for a local family oriented gym?
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    After work... it's a sacrifice for all of us (wife and children), but they need me around longer and feeling better when I am there.
  • Mama_Jag
    Mama_Jag Posts: 474 Member
    Morning for me, too! Early wake up, but it gets me going. My kids are older, but if your 3 yo is up at 5, get up at 4. :smile:
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    I dont think it matters what time of day you exercise as far as getting the burn on - its not like our bodies restart at midnight every day or anything.

    Im mom to a 2 year old and I too find it hard to fit in exercise sometimes. Once a week I have a zumba class after work and my husband has our son. Like you I have to get the rest of my exercise in after my son is asleep.

    Maybe you can try doing activities with them while they are awake - like bike riding. You can get that kind of thing and sit the kids in it and pull them along or something. Or swimming with them at the pool during the summer. Or hiking with them.
  • SchroederNJ
    SchroederNJ Posts: 208 Member
    Beachbody (the company that sells P90x) just put out a new video system called Focus T25 -- it's 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week --- it's by Shaun T, the guy who made the Insanity program --- if you want more info on that or other programs you can check out
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    Just whenever I find time. I do p90x and a few other videos. Mostly I try to keep it short when I'm with the kids or I'll have to pause a lot and get juice or break up fights or find a toy lol but I get it done. I COULD wake up before everyone but honestly, I'm not going to. Getting up at 4 to beat your 5 year old seems outlandish to me.. Parents get precious little sleep as it is.

    My 5 year old often mimics the workout videos that I do. Often taking the part of the trainer, checking my form and generally being a pain.