Runners... How do you stay motivated to RUN?!??



  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I have only been running for two years and have never taken a break.

    - I run races. They keep it exciting.
    - I run for cause like cancer and heart disease. That makes it meaningful.
    - I switch up the music, or go without. Gives a change of pace.
    - I was really sick and my cardiologist says my echo-cardiogram was excellent! It makes running a privilege.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 430 Member
    One of the things that helps me is to find some people to run with. I find running with a buddy or two is very motivating, and helps keeps the pace of the whole group up.

    Music is a must as well.
  • kmclame
    kmclame Posts: 7 Member
    I'm definitely no expert, but I can only run if I have some good music to listen to. I almost forget that I'm exercising if the music is good enough. :) Also, have you thought about investing in a treadmill? That way you can run indoors, and not have to worry about the humid weather outside.
  • jamielynas
    jamielynas Posts: 366 Member
    the impending zombie apocalypse
  • redyo
    redyo Posts: 11
    Definitely seeing my friends' running workouts pop up on my newsfeed helps! Like others have said, signing up for races helps a lot too. Knowing I get to eat more. I think I've been a lot more motivated since buying my Garmin-- I love being able to look through the history and seeing my distances/paces and trying to "beat" my records. If anyone here is looking for a runner friend, feel free to add me! :smile:
  • SaraC1977
    SaraC1977 Posts: 51
    I honestly think it's just something you like or you don't. When I was much heavier, I loathed it. Now I love it. I used to have to force myself to go to the gym to do elliptical, biking and treadmill. Then...I started running outside and something changed. I actually couldn't wait to go out for a run and it's been like that for about 6 months now. I am by no means fast nor do I do long distance. I usually go 3-4 times a week and do 2-4 miles. I don't stress myself out about doing a 10 minute mile or running a 10K. I just go out for a run thinking I'll do 2 miles and if I feel good, I'll do more.
    My runs, as of late, have been much shorter just because of the humidity and heat here in Chicago..not too mention it's been raining a lot. I supposed I could go to the gym to do it on the treadmill, but then I just start dreading it again. A few things that make me excited to run are new clothes. They are pretty price but there's nothing like a great fitting top or new sports bra or comfy socks to motivate to want to get out there. The baggy sweats and t shirt just don't do it for me anymore. Also, as some others have mentioned, I have to have music. I often run late at night (8:30-11 pm) so I don't use headphones. I just use my runkeeper app on my phone and have music playing out loud. That is more safe late at night. I also carry a mini-mace with me for protection. I will admit that I am the rare runner who prefers it colder out. My husband is a marathoner and he loves 70-90 degree weather. I prefer low 50-low 60's. I like when it'a little brisk out and I have to wear some fingerless gloves and maybe a hoodie. That's when I tend to really push myself and am able to do 4-5 miles.
    I say if you don't like it, don't force yourself. Do what you like and you're more likely to stick with it. I should be cross training but the idea of going to the gym now, just makes me cringe. I don't want to be stuck next to the person running at 7.0 on the treadmill and getting stuck watching CNN or a baseball game...that's just me though. :yawn:
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    I like to eat, so I run.
  • lindsayk324
    lindsayk324 Posts: 54 Member
    Like another poster said, try running up for a "fun" 5k, like a mud run or a color run.
    For me, having a fresh new playlist helps on days I'm dreading going out -- try or look up bootleg/VIP/remixes on
    Treat yourself to a new running outfit or new running shoes! Getting into a hot new running outfit helps me look forward to getting out there.
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    I pay for 5K's in advances and practice for them. Most times i don't mind running, but it could get really humid and hot here!!
  • veganlisa
    veganlisa Posts: 50 Member
    I signed up with a training group- it keeps me going because the group meets twice a week and I also need to run on my own to keep up on the days we meet!
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    nah, I say if you have to force yourself to run, look for another exercise that fulfills you.

    What made you happy 2 years ago, isn't going to do that for you now. Chemicals changes in the brain. People change.
  • tiffanyraylene
    tiffanyraylene Posts: 97 Member
    Most of my motivation comes from the fact that I already registered myself for my first 5k in September lol It was a strategic move and its working! :)
  • PepePants
    PepePants Posts: 47 Member
    Sometimes I struggle with motivation, too. I try to think about how I feel when I'm done, if that doesn't work, I'll try to talk myself into just going for five minutes which usually turns into a full run. I also use my running time as alone time and meditation. I don't listen to music or bring my phone and I often run in the woods. So, it's all an opportunity to re-charge, ground myself and be in nature. So much more than just a run. I also run with my two dogs--I try to be like them, up for a run anytime, anywhere! Lastly, having a running buddy really helps with motivation, too. Knowing I'm meeting someone for a run really gets me out there. If you still find yourself struggling, maybe trying a different exercise and mixing it up will help. Good luck!
  • Tiznonay
    Tiznonay Posts: 124 Member
    For me improvement is a big motivator. Lowering my mile or 5k times always feels good.

    Plus a lot of times I weigh myself before and after a run. I know, I know... its not actual fat loss, but still - seeing it drop 3-4 lbs in an hour is kinda cool.
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot Posts: 596 Member
    Lots of interesting responses here. I think perhaps the most important thing is to not despise it. I started running 3+ years ago purely to lose weight, and I hated it with every fiber of my being. I was always winded, my legs were hurting terribly, couldn't do more than a mile and thought my chest was going to explode like a supernova.

    After a few weeks of that, I started actually reading up on form, stride, gate. I found that I was going far too fast. So I slowed down, worked on form, and sure enough, I started finding it less terrible, and eventually even enjoyable, as I started seeing the weight drop and my distance & pace gradually get better. Here I am 3+ years later having done over a dozen races, including a few 13.1s, and working towards my first 26.2 in October.

    Do I enjoy it every day? Not a chance. But overall, I enjoy not only the health benefits, but also the downtime of having an hour or so to myself. Overall, the benefits far outweight the negatives. Perhaps the best benefit is that by enjoying it, I continue to try to improve.

    Best of luck!
  • ylor89
    ylor89 Posts: 105 Member
    Thank you everyone! On my days when I don't run (and on some days when I do), I play 1-3 hours of tennis, which I absolutely LOVE. Unfortunately, my partners don't enjoy it as much so I don't get to play it as often as I'd like... But with running, it's free and I can do it by myself. I guess when I first started running a few years back, I had a lot on my plate so it was definitely my "alone time." But now that I'm not working and I'm done with school, I have WAY too much "alone time" and maybe that's why it makes running boring. I used to run with music, but I gave my ipod to my brother. I've been reading about "running meditation" though and I gave that a try today. They say it takes 21 days to pick up a habit so maybe I'll update you guys in 20 days to see how it's going! Thanks again! :)