What do you put in your coffee?



  • Tiramisu1
    Tiramisu1 Posts: 15 Member
    I use about a tablespoon of Redi-Whip. It doesn't add many calories, tastes great, and I get a feeling of not depriving myself of everything...like the tiramisu I'd rather have. :)
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Coffee-Mate Sugar Free French Vanilla but only 1 Tbsp per big mug I have. I don't like it OVERLY sweet, just a little.

    Occasionally I like Half & Half with Splenda (think gas station coffee/on the go)

    I will only drink it black in an emergency. :bigsmile:
  • benno1978
    benno1978 Posts: 90 Member
    splash of skimmed milk

    I read yesterday you should melt a spoonful of butter into a cup of coffee before a workout but that sounds disgusting
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    More coffee.
  • mathera26
    mathera26 Posts: 90 Member
    someone had a recepie for coffee protien shake... something about coffee, a half a banana, protien powder, ice and almond milk...
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    I add French Vanilla Creamer (sugar free), a teaspoon of Hot Chocolate (the one with the little marshmallows) and when I'm really feel like being bad, I top it with Redi Whip......I love my coffee this way!
  • kgoodman0108
    kgoodman0108 Posts: 158
    Heavy cream, vanilla extract and two packets of Splenda over ice. Currently enjoying one now to keep me awake at work. :drinker:

    When I'm not trying to load up on fat (for keto), I use unsweetened almond milk. Good low calorie substitute, and in my opinion healthier than sugar free coffee creamer.
  • akaythelion
    akaythelion Posts: 25 Member
    Have you had bad experiences coming off of keto? I've tried and it is no bueno ~_~
  • miamisunshine
    miamisunshine Posts: 1 Member
    I used to use the liquid creamer until the hype about the hydrogenated oils being bad for you. Now I switched to french vanila soy creamer.:smile:
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Have you had bad experiences coming off of keto? I've tried and it is no bueno ~_~

    During the first week, it was certainly uncomfortable but after a couple of weeks I was doing well. How long did you try it?
  • hrshygrl00
    hrshygrl00 Posts: 66 Member
    cream (usually flavored) and sugar.
    I cant do without it.
    If I'm at home, I use evaporated milk.

    I refuse to give this up lol
  • karenertl
    karenertl Posts: 271 Member
    A shot of Jameson's Irish Whiskey. :drinker:

    I'm from Wisconsin, so I LOVE the alcohol idea! I'm not a fan of coffee, myself, but I suspect my older sister wants to convert me.

  • naprestsleep
    naprestsleep Posts: 55 Member
    Black, but this week I started adding cinnamon. Makes dirt cheap coffee taste a little more sophisticated.
  • SuzetteLB
    SuzetteLB Posts: 2
    Stevia drops..you can find in many favors, vanilla, toffee, pepperminet, etc..no calories. I LOVe my flavored coffee..and this was a good alternative for me.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    My standard morning coffee is 1/2 c. 1% milk and 1 tsp. turbinado sugar, then fill the rest of the 16 oz travel mug with fresh coffee. On weekends I use half and half instead of milk. And I've been experimenting with different types of coffee. Some require less modification than others. Finally found one I can drink without sugar... unfortunately it's $18 per pound, so only a sometimes treat.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Salted butter, heavy cream, and coconut oil. :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Nada...black, the way it was intended. Occasionally I'll put a splash of milk in there if I've made an extra strong pot or I'm just feeling froggy. Really, good coffee that is freshly ground doesn't need anything if prepared properly.
  • Woodsmoke
    Woodsmoke Posts: 360 Member
    >_> the main source of coffee is Monster X-presso... bad girl, I know.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    coconut oil
  • amruden
    amruden Posts: 228 Member
    Big train protein Powder Mocha flavor.

    Summer I pour it over ice.. Very yummy!