I've stuck with it for a month!!



  • Mjeezy13
    Mjeezy13 Posts: 1
    What are some meals you guys have on a daily basis? I need ideas
  • ebarb74
    ebarb74 Posts: 8 Member
    I have been on this diet since the day after Easter. I have lost 10 pounds so far (Yayy!). I don't usually eat breakfast because I am usually not hungry until around 11am, but if I do eat breakfast, it is a high fiber cereal with light soy milk or skim milk. I love soy milk because it has lots of vitamins! I have also eaten yogurt with cereal mixed in it. That is pretty good. I try to keep my morning meal under 300 calories (I am only working with 1200-1300 per day!). For lunch, I like soup and salad. For the soup, I try to find one that has no more than 300 calories per can. Chicken noodle soup is very filling and has like 200 cals/per can. I definately measure out my dressing so I can keep track of the calories for the salad. Salad is very low caloried (except when you add cheese, eggs, olives, etc.) A basic calorie with just lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, celery, and cucumber can be as little as 50 calories, not including dressing. Also, nearly every fast food chain has nutritional information available online so if you go out for lunch, just plan what you are going to order (p.s. skip the cheese - that saves up to 100 calories!). For dinner, thats a little harder for me. I love dinner food! Spagetti, tacos, pizza, meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, omg, i could go on forever. I eat what I want, but I try to cut calories where I can. Like instead of flour tortillas for tacos, I will get crunchy tortillas and make a salad out of it. I will omit garlic bread with my spagetti, and pizza, well, theres not much cutting calories there except eating fewer slices. Try to eat fruit and vegetables for snack. I have discovered, that for myself, crackers, chips, or anything "carby" causes me to be more hungry after snacking. Almonds, apples n peanut butter, carrots n honey mustard dressing, and rice cakes are good snacks for me, and may work for you as well. Hope this helps a little. The main thing is to start being aware of how many calories you are eating and drinking. Remember, many drinks have calories too and you have to include them in with your calorie count.
  • cyberbri
    cyberbri Posts: 1
    One of my family members stated he had used this app to lose almost 80 lbs in about 9 months. So I tried it out and have lost 10 lbs so far. I'm on week six already. Not really sure where it went because I sware I don't look or feel any different yet. But the scale doesn't lie right? Anyway, the first week I was hungry all the time even though I was meeting my caloric daily goal. I was hungry in my sleep. The next week I wasn't so hungry. By now I think using this app is first raising awareness more than anything and helping me make better choices. Having it in your pocket keeps me from cheating. Trying to lose a total of 47 lbs. 37 more to go. Just started adding in some slight exercise the past week finally. Gotta start small. Trying to keep my breakfast and lunch around 300 cals. Irish oatmeal or Cheerios works. Tuna fish or turkey with lite wheat bread helps keep me at the 300. As for dinners, I can honestly say that this is a new challenge for me. I find myself trying new recipes using little to no butter and adding more veggies but in a good way. Exp. pork chops with Dijon herb sauce. It's basically chicken stock with grilled onions. Some how it makes the pork taste really good and under 250 cal per seving. One other is a turkey skillet dinner with potaotes, carrots and string beans for 311 cals. Have been cooking fresh every night. Don't forget, food prep for 30 minutes is considered exercise.
  • Lifting_Knitter
    Lifting_Knitter Posts: 1,025
    Great job!
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Excellent! MFP is addictive in a good way!
  • Hey guys! I've just started today and I'm hopefully going to ty and loose a stone in 2 months! Lol! Is it possible? X
  • PheonixRizing
    PheonixRizing Posts: 131 Member
    Great job! Keep it up!
  • bl303
    bl303 Posts: 1
    how did you do it? I have been on it 3 weeks and have not lost any.I also walk on treadmill at gym 45 min. every day,also work out on weight machines for 20min.daily.please let me know.
  • Yayy, well done! Keep at it (:
  • Hello there ,,,I'm new at this ,,I'm wondering if I should be concerned about being in the minus (red) for my sugar,my calories are not used up ,,I eat fruits and there is lots of natural sugars. What do you guys recommend? Thanks
  • befitnow3
    befitnow3 Posts: 62 Member
    :laugh: Four year old thread FAIL! :flowerforyou:

    I noticed that AFTER my two posts. Lol.
    It's because this post is used as an example in the FAQ section lol
  • ninacambron
    ninacambron Posts: 6 Member
    Good going! That gives me alot of hope, especially since I tend to slack in the exercise department. Congradulations!
  • ninacambron
    ninacambron Posts: 6 Member
    boosting your fiber intake helps.
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    Way to go! A month makes a habit they say. Keep at it. You're doing it right it sounds. :)
  • janeboisvert68
    janeboisvert68 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I have been using fitness plan for two weeks but lost nothing :( I do lots of walking which boosts up my calorie intake, should I still stick to the 1200 calories tho?

  • ChristineCherry20
    ChristineCherry20 Posts: 6 Member
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Excellent job, OP!!!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    To those of you are are working at this but not seeing results:

    1. Not everyone loses at the same rate.
    2. You may be retaining water which hides your weight loss, especially if you are eating a lot of sodium, or you are a lady and it's your TOM. Drink lots of water to help alleviate the water retention.
    3. You may not be logging your food accurately even though you *think* you are. The best way to log accurately is to weigh your food with a food scale, and compare it to either the food label itself, or the USDA Nutrition Database. The MFP database has many excellent and accurate entries, but also many inaccurate entries as well. You should use a scale because volume measurements like cups and tablespoons can be off by a significant amount, esp. if you are eating calorie dense food.
    4. You may be giving yourself way too many exercise calories. MFP, certain apps, and gym machines are notorious for being tooooo generous with calorie burn. I take whatever MFP or my app or the elliptical tells me I burned and cut it in half. So today I rode my bike and it said I burned 260 calories, but I only gave myself 130 to eat back.

    Hang in there - it's a challenge. You have to be meticulous with your food portions. Investing the $15-$35 in a digital food scale will be the best $ you spend on this weight loss journey.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Yvonnejace wrote: »
    Hello there ,,,I'm new at this ,,I'm wondering if I should be concerned about being in the minus (red) for my sugar,my calories are not used up ,,I eat fruits and there is lots of natural sugars. What do you guys recommend? Thanks

    I ignore the sugar when it goes over. As long as you are under your calorie goal you will be fine. Make sure to try and meet your fat and protein goals - they are minimums. Your body needs fat to work properly. I don't worry if I go over on my sugar or carbs or fat...or any macro....except sodium, I never come even close to going over on that, lol.

    I only worry if I go over my calorie goal.

  • kathi2460
    kathi2460 Posts: 1 Member
    I am counting carbs and keeping them under 40gm per day. I keep my protein up between 70-100gm every day. And I am working out twice a week. I have a total of 35 pounds to lose, I am middle aged and have a sedentary job. I have lost 11 pounds so far in one month. And plan to keep this up for as long as it takes. I don't even miss bread or donuts anymore. Once you rid your body of the extra carbs your cravings also go down.