My first HALF marathon!



  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    Good luck Jay!
    I haven't signed up yet (due to $ issues lol!) but I'm planning on doing my first half (the Detroit Freep International Half) On October 20th. So nervous! I've ran several 5ks, a couple of 4 milers and one 10K....I really wasn't planning on attempting a half until next year, but during the 10K some ladies were putting the idea in my head. Then the day that I seriously started considering it, I got a magazine in the mail that fell open to the page headlined "you CAN run a half marathon" and included a training plan. Soooo..while I'd probably be better off using one of the more popular training plans, I'm going with the one in the magazine, just because it's like fate haha! Good luck to you!

    I ran the Detroit half in 2009 (well, it was really a run/walk using Jeff Galloway's training plan) and loved it! My favorite part was running through Windsor. My goal is to be able to do another half marathon next year, possibly Charleviox in June. I've heard that it is a very scenic course and I love the Petoskey/Charlevoix area! Good luck in Detroit!

    Thanks!! Not sure if you've heard, but they're doing a women's half on Belle Isle in september! I'm planning on doing the 5k and making the freep one my first half. :)
  • mother_of_brigade
    mother_of_brigade Posts: 102 Member
    I signed up for the Hershey Half this October. This will be my first half marathon and from walking the park and surrounding area, this is going to be hilly! Hershey Park is uphill any which way you go!

    Thanks for all the advice! Good luck to everyone running!
  • GaJavaGirl
    GaJavaGirl Posts: 25
    Bumping for the great information!
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    Lots of good info. I'm not a runner, but I want to do more of it. I will be running my first 5K this Sunday. The Color Run. And I'm pretty excited.
  • kopmom
    kopmom Posts: 491 Member
    Good luck ! I have done 5 half using the Hal Higdon training plans. Working now on getting my time under the 2 hour mark (My best was just at 2 hours). I do have to say cross training does help run a better race then just running as training alone
  • TrinaGoss
    TrinaGoss Posts: 198 Member
    I also am planning to do my first half marathon in October! I haven't signed up for one yet because right now there aren't any closer than 3 hours away, but last year there was a local half marathon in my city in October so I'm hoping it will happen again! If not, then I guess I'll be travelling! I'm doing a training program I found in Women's Running magazine, and I'm currently in my 2nd week. I've done 2 5k's this year and a few others in the last couple of years, but I've never ran more than 5 miles at one time. I"m looking forward to the challenge!

    Any other runners can feel free to add me! I'd love to see what everyone else is doing!
  • girlcalledryan
    girlcalledryan Posts: 241 Member
    I just started trining for the Cleveland Rock n Roll half 10/6. I am really looking forward to it but super nervous. Finished 1 5k this year. Really nervous about long runs but I really want to do this.
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    I have signed up for a half in October.. I did my first 12 years ago and my 2nd in May.

    Have a great time!
  • hkang108
    hkang108 Posts: 1
    I just signed up for my first half too set for Oct 22nd. Congrats to u!! I'm a new runner, last year I ran my first 5k and this year I ran a 4 miler, a 5k and a 10k. Before the half I have another 5k and 10k to run. So excited. Hopefully we can get some good tips :)
  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    Thanks!! Not sure if you've heard, but they're doing a women's half on Belle Isle in september! I'm planning on doing the 5k and making the freep one my first half. :)

    September will be a bit too soon for me, but I am looking for a fall 10k. My goal for this year was to run an entire 5k, which I did on Saturday! I was slow, but so happy that I did it! My next goal is to finish a 10k, walk breaks ok if needed. I would really like to run some of the races in the Michigan Half Series next year. Most of them are near where I grew up, and so far I am on track to do it!
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    Just signed up for my first half this year! I've completed two Tough Mudders, a bunch of other 5k obstacle course races, and a handful of 5k road races. I figured this would be a bit different and would keep me motivated to keep training and shooting for something. We'll see how it goes this time around and maybe next year I'll make it my goal to run the Disney half.... or full who knows?!?!
  • Carmella9
    Carmella9 Posts: 171 Member
    Signed up for my first Half in October 6th :D

    Longest Ive run is 65 minutes approx 11k, according to my training plan I have to run 75 mins this week, with also two 45 min runs and a hill session.

    For some strange reason im actually looking forward to training, having a race always makes me more determined!
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