Unconditional Support Group

Hey.......ok so I'm really kind of tired of seeing posts on here where people are judging and bashing different types of weight loss. We're all here for support, that's the bottom line. Baring out and out anorexia, I pretty much support any way that works for you. Live and let live.

I'd like to see a forum for everyone, low-carb, low-cal, primal, hcg, low-gi, low-stick-a-banana-in-your-ear-and-jump-on-one-foot......whatever you are into right now.......everyone can support each other in this process which we are ALL in together, of trying to lose weight, get in shape, get healthy.

So if you're someone like me who has enough trouble keeping themselves in line and doesn't have time to worry about making others do it "MY WAY" then let's give this a shot, ok?



  • Estrie123
    I agree! :bigsmile:
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I wish I could lose weight by doing a low-stick-a-banana-in-your-ear-and-hop-on-one-foot diet! D:
  • buggaboo73
    I wish I could lose weight by doing a low-stick-a-banana-in-your-ear-and-hop-on-one-foot diet! D:

    Meeee too. In fact, I think a 'eat ice cream and drink wine and become a size 5' diet would be ideal, since we're dreaming.


    Thank you both for the replies!
  • John8188
    I tried the "Sit on your butt and watch TV" Diet. You can scratch that off your list.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I wish I could lose weight by doing a low-stick-a-banana-in-your-ear-and-hop-on-one-foot diet! D:

    Meeee too. In fact, I think a 'eat ice cream and drink wine and become a size 5' diet would be ideal, since we're dreaming.


    I'll be first in line to join that diet. Hell, I'll bring Ben & Jerry's and some $2 Chuck for everyone!
  • buggaboo73
    2 buck chuck sounds good to me! We're not fussy in this group LOL.
  • buggaboo73
    I tried the "Sit on your butt and watch TV" Diet. You can scratch that off your list.

    Oh yeah, tried that one here too!
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    The "preaching/judging" is why I don't particiapte in a lot of diet threads. Its just plain wrong IMO to tell someone thier diet is "wrong" simply because you may think it is. I cringe when I see posts like that! I don't like reading the "well they'll just gain it all back" comments either, its as if those that bash a particular diet are feeling "superior" somehow. I"m sure that really isn't true, but thats how it comes across on the internet. I dislike it when someone says they eat x amount of calories a day only to be bombarded by others telling them they are starving themselves, they need more calories, etc....bottom line is we don't know WHAT the person may need, we don't know whats going on their life. For ME I don't need near as many calories a day as I think I do:bigsmile: I workout consistantly, 5-6 days a week, wt training and cardio BUT I also have a desk job so 1300-1400 calories a day is where I need to be to lose wt. I know this for a fact! I know my body and life style better than anyone on the web does. I would normally not post the calorie thing but this is supposed to be a supportive thread right? I say to each her/his own. Do your own thing, and don't worry about what others think. So many people become judgmental without even doing research on popular diets. I recall people saying the Atkins is horrible because you can have all the fat you want...now how ridiculous is that comment? If those people had bothered to read the book they'd see how far off the mark those comments are. I'm always amazed at how willing so many people are to believe a comment and take it as gospel without first researching! Ok, I"ll shut up now but this preaching/judging issue is a sore spot with me, its why I don't participate in a lot of "fitness" boards, and I"ve visited MANY over the yrs and have yet to find one that doesn't have some bashing going on somewhere.
  • buggaboo73
    I agree Connie, it's the same for me. I don't post a lot on here because the bashing sets a tone for the community....and it's not necessarily a good one.

    The thing that got me interested in starting this group was the suspicion that there are a lot of lurkers out there like us, who don't post a lot because it's something like walking through mine field.....but who still need support.

    Glad you stopped by! :flowerforyou:
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    The old saying "opinions are like as*holes, everyones got one!" applies. If someone asks my opinion I will give it if I have something constructive to say. It may not be what you want to hear, it may spark controversy, and it may piss you off, but it is just my opinion and should not be taken as fact or law. If someone does well and is deserving of a pat on the back I will give that too, no matter how you arrived at the result. If it works for you congrats!
  • buggaboo73
    Well I agree, and just to clarify, I don't consider it bashing when someone ASKS for opinions and gets them. I consider it bashing and preaching when someone is just looking for support, not asking opinions, and they get dumped on.
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    Well I agree, and just to clarify, I don't consider it bashing when someone ASKS for opinions and gets them. I consider it bashing and preaching when someone is just looking for support, not asking opinions, and they get dumped on.

    yea if you ASK for an opionion thats a different story BUT I still think responders should be respectful in voicing their opinions

    A bit about my on going weight loss journey...I've learned the 5-6 meals a day is NOT for me. I've also learned I don't HAVE to eat breakfast!! *gasp* I have digestive disorders and if I force myself to eat when I"'m not hungry, it triggers tummy problems. So I"m done listening to the so called "experts". Trial and error is what its all about until we find what works and what we can live with.

    Many days I don't eat breakfast, and guess what...my blood sugar doesn't get all out of wack, I"m not starving later in the day, my energy is FINE. Other mornings I may be hungry, if I am then I"ll eat. Lately its been so much easier for me to stay on track by just listening to my body and using common sense. Yeah losing wt is gonna be a slow process for me (at the moment anyway) but thats ok too. I"m not beating myself up these days and peace of mind is priceless!
  • buggaboo73
    Have you ever heard of intuitive eating? It's all about learning to listen to your body, it's based on the premise that we are all hardwired to intuitively know what our bodies need. It didn't work out for me, but maybe it would for you.
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    Have you ever heard of intuitive eating? It's all about learning to listen to your body, it's based on the premise that we are all hardwired to intuitively know what our bodies need. It didn't work out for me, but maybe it would for you.

    humm, sounds interesting I'll do some research on it
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Have you ever heard of intuitive eating? It's all about learning to listen to your body, it's based on the premise that we are all hardwired to intuitively know what our bodies need. It didn't work out for me, but maybe it would for you.

    Intuitive eating happens for me once a month when I can't keep my hands off of chocolate. ;)
  • schoen185
    sounds like my kind of group :) Different ways of eating work for different people! We have different lifestyles, schedules, tastes, BODIES, etc...
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    I can appreciate this kind of group! Count me in - especially if there 2 buck chuck at the potluck :drinker:
  • azmomof2
    azmomof2 Posts: 714 Member
    Great idea! I'll check in now and then as i just begun and have another group I love but it's so nice to see people supporting one another! It really can be a make or break for some trying to be healthy they get bashed on then run for the sweets LOL!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Great idea, Buggaboo! I'm also in a group I love, but I can use all the support I can get. I'll be stopping by too - especially if there's wine involved, LOL! :laugh:
  • stephlewis
    Aw now this is my kind of support group!