Does anyone forgo breakfast?



  • blah2989
    blah2989 Posts: 338 Member
    I eat before the time of the day where I will be nost active. I eat when Im hungry, and I exercise. Do whats best for you.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Yes, everyone is different. Personally, I eat breakfast only if I am hungry. Some days I subscribe to the Bob Harper mindset of "eat your Quaker oatmeal to fuel your workouts...blah blah..." and some days I'm not hungry at all in the morning and save the calories for a bigger supper a'la Warrior Diet style. 6 meals or 1 meal = same deficit, so who cares.
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    I do leangains intermittent fasting. I only eat between 12pm-8pm, I do this 5-7 days/week. Good thing my body doesn't know about this "breakfast is the most important meal, or your metabolism will slow down nonsense"
  • tinylightsbelow
    tinylightsbelow Posts: 85 Member
    I eat a light breakfast because it helps me to portion. I tend to overeat when I skip breakfast.
  • ghost15026
    ghost15026 Posts: 80
    As long as you are still eating a deficit for the day, what does it matter whether you eat more at lunch because you skipped breakfast?

    It absolutely doesn't matter if you are making up for a missed meal in another meal, but the point is you're losing the energy you need in the morning by skipping those nutrients!

    umm no ...

    Again, I skipped breakfast for 8 months and had no issues with energy...I actually found that I had more energy when weight training fasted.....

    I agree with you but under different reasoning.

    I find the answers more situational than anything. You can still get shredded using mostly imperfect dieting and imperfect exercise. It just wouldn't be optimal. At the same time, I highly doubt those individuals who got shredded did it by any accepted standard of "perfect". There is absolutely nothing wrong with striving for perfection but imperfect methods or results is just human.

    I skip breakfast or insist on it depending on my daily plan. I recently skipped a breakfast on a cardio day because....I ran out of milk to go with my cereal (dumb reason). The was was a dangerously energy deprived state (dizzy, unbalanced) for the next several hours even with energy gels. I won't do that again. I find breakfast entirely inapplicable to my weight/body training days.

    I skip breakfast on mornings when I'm not hungry. Later, I just end up eating more later (an indirect reason). Consequently, when I do eat a breakfast then I have a tendency to skip/skimp lunch later. Calories/nutrient balance just end up as a wash. Here's yet another catch, though. I sometimes end up with energy issues when I skip breakfast - because I have a tendency to eat a heavier lunch ("binge" I guess).

    Nothing close to perfect about any of my habits or my response to those habits. I'm still losing body fat and generating plenty of lean muscle. It works if only that.

    I don't entirely buy into the "breakfast effects metabolism" like you but I don't entirely refute it, either. It may be true due to indirect reasons but not for direct reasons. Everyone has an opinion. This gets complicated because too much of the dietary/fitness "science" out there is just more opinion. Too many studies get debunked every day and are replaced with new ones. Studies ≠ Fact.

    My personal opinion is that binge eating is probably the main reason not to skip breakfast for the common individual. But just do what delivers the results you want at the end of the day.
  • pghtrader
    pghtrader Posts: 44 Member
    I'm glad this topic came up. I have a cup of coffee when I wake up but am not really ever hungry until around 11:30/noon. Even when I run or lift in the morning I still am not hungry.

    I used to force myself to eat something for breakfast but that didn't work out well for me. I always wondered if I was doing myself a disservice by not continuing to eat breakfast, but I think I can put that behind me after reading this thread.

    Summary: The people on this thread that have had significant success in weight loss say the same thing: "Do what works for your body. If you aren't hungry at normal breakfast times, then don't stress. Eat later when your body is ready."

    Thank you all for sharing!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    It absolutely doesn't matter if you are making up for a missed meal in another meal, but the point is you're losing the energy you need in the morning by skipping those nutrients!

    Again not true :( You may feel your losing energy if you skip it, but I Zumba in the mornings before I eat (since I don't eat till afternoon most days) and I feel the same as when I zumba in the evenings after I've eaten. My energy level is the same. So I can workout just as hard and as long on an empty tummy as I can on a full tummy (actually I'm less likely to even leave the house in the evening if I've eaten a large amount before Zumba) I'd much rather have something small to take away the grumbellys(grumbleing belly), go to Zumba then enjoy my supper after Zumba. Seriously after a good workout if you eat something protien filled your body will use it in the best possible ways, which is why weight lifters will drink a protien shake after they workout.
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    During the school year or if I wake up early during the summer I eat it. Otherwise I'm usually asleep through breakfast time.
  • sarcole530
    sarcole530 Posts: 10 Member
    I don't skip breakfast. I always eat something that's high in protein though so it keeps me full until lunch. Usually almonds, a protein bar, or a sandwich thin with peanut butter on it.
  • kaseyAnne425
    kaseyAnne425 Posts: 230
    It absolutely doesn't matter if you are making up for a missed meal in another meal, but the point is you're losing the energy you need in the morning by skipping those nutrients!

    Again not true :( You may feel your losing energy if you skip it, but I Zumba in the mornings before I eat (since I don't eat till afternoon most days) and I feel the same as when I zumba in the evenings after I've eaten. My energy level is the same. So I can workout just as hard and as long on an empty tummy as I can on a full tummy (actually I'm less likely to even leave the house in the evening if I've eaten a large amount before Zumba) I'd much rather have something small to take away the grumbellys(grumbleing belly), go to Zumba then enjoy my supper after Zumba. Seriously after a good workout if you eat something protien filled your body will use it in the best possible ways, which is why weight lifters will drink a protien shake after they workout.

    You bring up some great points. Unfortunately, it's true for me.. maybe since I'm conditioned to eating breakfast in the morning. I also need something small before a workout.. because again, for me, I find myself not having enough energy to get through it without food.
  • appleg1rl
    appleg1rl Posts: 28 Member
    I eat breakfast almost every day because I'm more likely to binge for lunch if I don't. Like others said, I don't think it's necessary. Just personal preference. :)
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    It absolutely doesn't matter if you are making up for a missed meal in another meal, but the point is you're losing the energy you need in the morning by skipping those nutrients!

    Again not true :( You may feel your losing energy if you skip it, but I Zumba in the mornings before I eat (since I don't eat till afternoon most days) and I feel the same as when I zumba in the evenings after I've eaten. My energy level is the same. So I can workout just as hard and as long on an empty tummy as I can on a full tummy (actually I'm less likely to even leave the house in the evening if I've eaten a large amount before Zumba) I'd much rather have something small to take away the grumbellys(grumbleing belly), go to Zumba then enjoy my supper after Zumba. Seriously after a good workout if you eat something protien filled your body will use it in the best possible ways, which is why weight lifters will drink a protien shake after they workout.

    You bring up some great points. Unfortunately, it's true for me.. maybe since I'm conditioned to eating breakfast in the morning. I also need something small before a workout.. because again, for me, I find myself not having enough energy to get through it without food.

    The point is it's true for YOU, not for everyone. You most def. left out that this is what works for you. I'm sure had you mentioned that point people would not be on attack. Everyone is different and what works for you may not work for everyone, but to say this IS the truth and you should or shouldn't do it, is putting out bad information that is not true for everyone. :)
  • mike37130
    mike37130 Posts: 15 Member
    I like to skip breakfast because it saves the calories for later in the day when I am most likely to get hungry. I typically eat 600 calories for lunch and around 600 for dinner. My goal calorie intake is 2000 right now so I have plenty left over for a snack here and there. It has been working for me. I eat a fiber one bar if I find my self hungry when I wake up. It is only a 120 calories.
  • PhattiPhat
    PhattiPhat Posts: 349 Member
    I did not tell anyone they would be "in big trouble" I've just read articles on this and how eating breakfast contributes energy needed for the body. I'm sorry.. It kind of makes me sad that these forums should be supportive since we are all here for the same reason, however it's usually nothing but people attacking other people and what they say. I'm entitled to my opinion and I stand by it, like the rest of you.

    So me disagreeing with the article that you quoted and disagreeing with your lecture to non-breakfast eaters (who clearly have had success) is attacking you. 10-4 Roger that.
  • FineFitFatty
    I cringe everytime I hear about someone skipping breakfast or anyone advising that one should skip breakfast. You obviously know how important it is to your health, so try just having a piece of fruit or a handful of almonds on your way out the door in the morning. Not only is it good for your metabolism, but breakfast is giving you the substantial amount of energy that your body needs to work through the morning. Please eat something!

    please post a study showing that "eating breakfast is important to your health". Breakfast has nothing to do with metabolism.

    How do people do IF/Lean Gains, skip breakfast, and get absolutely shredded??

    exactly. whether i eat at 9am "breakfast" (when im not hungry at all) or wait until 11am "lunch" when i finally get hungry) my body only known one thing... "i told her i was hungry, and shes feeding me..."

    This makes sense to me. Thank you everyone for your responses! Breakfast sounds like a very subjective topic. Guess I will just start listening to my body instead.
  • kaseyAnne425
    kaseyAnne425 Posts: 230
    I did not tell anyone they would be "in big trouble" I've just read articles on this and how eating breakfast contributes energy needed for the body. I'm sorry.. It kind of makes me sad that these forums should be supportive since we are all here for the same reason, however it's usually nothing but people attacking other people and what they say. I'm entitled to my opinion and I stand by it, like the rest of you.

    So me disagreeing with the article that you quoted and disagreeing with your lecture to non-breakfast eaters (who clearly have had success) is attacking you. 10-4 Roger that.

    No it's the way people word things; people don't have to have sarcasm in their disagreements or make people feel foolish for thinking a certain way or having a certain opinion. Maybe I could of worded my opinion better, in that sense I understand.
  • NoraisTreble
    NoraisTreble Posts: 25 Member
    Breakfast is a big "bugaboo" for me. I am on summer break (a teacher) and sometimes I don't even get out of bed until after 9am. Then, I take my thyroid meds and am not supposed to eat for least an hour. Therefore, my breakfast often becomes a "brunch." All told - I eat when I am hungry and never stuff myself just to get my calories in. On the downside, I do lose very slowly, but I do not know if it is my eating, my thyroid, menopause - or a combination. I do know that I am happy, even losing slowly and look and feel better than I have in 4 years - so I'll keep on keeping on.
  • FineFitFatty
    I don't eat in the morning. I really just don't care about food first thing when I get up, I've never been one of those people who are starving as soon as they open their eyes. All I want is a nice strong cup of coffee and to not have to interact with other human beings for an hour or so, until I get my bearings. I could get myself to eat breakfast if I tried to, but I don't see the point of wasting my limited calories on a meal I don't even really want.

    THIS exactly
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I've been losing at a very steady rate, without eating anything before 11 or 12. I wake up at 3:30 am, have my coffee and start my day. The last thing I want is food.

    When I eat breakfast in the morning I feel hungry all day long. So if you don't want breakfast don't force yourself to eat.