Calling All tall Ladies 5'7 n up



  • tarafreeman353
    tarafreeman353 Posts: 61 Member
    5'9" here and my goal is 35 - 40. add me. good luck everyone reaching your goals =)
  • baycat107
    baycat107 Posts: 165 Member
    Hi, I'm 5' 8" and need to lose about 30 more pounds. Feel free to add me. I need all the encouragement I can get, too!
  • I'm about 5'10 or 5'11 and I've lost 55 so far, aiming to lose another 10. I don't feel comfortable posting progress pictures, but I swear they exist. [:

    EDIT: I guess my ticker disagrees! 56 lost.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    im 5ft 7in with apx 15ish lbs to lose!
  • jojo86xdd
    jojo86xdd Posts: 202 Member
    im 5'8 and i'm more than halfway to 100 so far. feel free to add me! :)
  • Sashoi
    Sashoi Posts: 295 Member
    im 5'8 and i'm more than halfway to 100 so far. feel free to add me! :)

    Oh u are almost there I know u must feel great I can't wait to get to that point.
  • PGG19
    PGG19 Posts: 63 Member
    6'0" technically by the end, I'll be losing 35 if I stick
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    I am within a 15 pound window of my initial goal weight. I have a few comparison pics in my profile. I'm 5'10" and 31 years old. I was 300# even when I started, my tentative goal is 173. I will have my body fat tested at that point to see if I need to continue cutting or go on maintenance. Good luck to you! It's a marathon, not a sprint!
  • Sashoi
    Sashoi Posts: 295 Member
    I am within a 15 pound window of my initial goal weight. I have a few comparison pics in my profile. I'm 5'10" and 31 years old. I was 300# even when I started, my tentative goal is 173. I will have my body fat tested at that point to see if I need to continue cutting or go on maintenance. Good luck to you! It's a marathon, not a sprint!

    Wow you look n are doing n awesome job. My end goal is 190 I will decide once I get there if I want to be any smaller because these dr keep telling me 145 is ideal weight for my height but I don't want to look like a crack head lol so we will see
  • beltinches
    beltinches Posts: 38 Member
    Cool will add you I'm 5'10 and have another 30 pounds to loose as well!
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    I'm 5'8" and 58 years old. Started my healthy lifestyle April 8, 2012 weighing 236. Reached my goal weight of 155 on Easter Sunday (March 31, 2013). I'm currently in maintenance with a goal weight range 155-145.

    I'm not into the social network/friending thing (old dogs, new tricks syndrome) but here's my story:

    Before 236 lbs


    May 2013: 150 lbs (before a 5K Mud Run)

  • jessiematt451
    jessiematt451 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'11 with 100 pounds to lose, but I'm only attempting 30 right now. Add me for support!! Happy to give it!! :)
  • fitlindzz
    fitlindzz Posts: 3
    5'10" with about 50 to lose. Maybe more. We'll see how it goes beyond that point. :)
  • dogprsn
    dogprsn Posts: 5
    I'm 5' 11" and I have 85 to lose. . . just starting again. Feel free to add!
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    I am 5 foot 8 inch. I am currently 245 pounds started at 285 and my goal weight is 165. So I have less than 100 pounds left but at the start of things I had more than 100 pounds. Feel free to add me, anyone really always looking for new friends :)
  • missbis
    missbis Posts: 116 Member
    I'm 5'7 and about 193lbs. I started MFP at 197, but my highest has been 222. Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    5'11 and half way there!
  • Alatariel2002
    Alatariel2002 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm 5'7 and have well over 100lbs to lose. I have always been told I don't look like I weigh as much as I really do. They may not can see it, but I feel every one of those 300+ lbs on my body. You can never have too many friends and motivators during this journey to change your life.
  • Sylvitryinghard
    Sylvitryinghard Posts: 549 Member
    Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy im 5'9 and 80 kg wanna get rid of minimum 5 kg. awesome would be 10. but well...step by step. when I see a 7 infront of the numbers Im very happy. Add me if you like :D
  • So frustrated. I want to lose 45 lbs but though I can reduce food calories, trying to give up wine kills not a drunk/alcoholic etc but I do like my champagne. Sigh. Does anyone else have that problem?