Abdominal Axioms: 9 Rules For Better Abs.



  • RedHotHunter
    RedHotHunter Posts: 560 Member
    This is a decent post with reasonable advice. However, I fail to see how this is specifically helpful in the quest for abs. I clicked on this looking for some maybe new and exciting ab advice. What I got was very general weight loss information. :grumble:
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    While I appreciate the sentiment, I disagree with a lot of that list.

    Thanks but no thanks.

    If you disagree with most of that list then that may be part of the reason you still need to lose weight. try it and you will be amazed just how fast the weight comes of you.

    I disagree with some of the list as well.

    From your ticker, looks like you need to lose weigh also.

    :laugh: Ohhhhhhh, man. That really made me lol
  • Ampierce
    Ampierce Posts: 53 Member
    Bump :wink:
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Wow, I've never seen someone get attacked so quickly just for posting some tips on being healthier.

    You people clearly haven't had your coffee this morning.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I thought they were reasonable general guidelines. I'm sure they would work.

    Is it impossible to obtain leaness if you don't follow them. Of course not.


    They are a great set of general guidelines- especially for someone who has no idea of what's going on or what they are doing.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    This thread went south even faster that I expected. :drinker:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Clearly the only thing you really need to lower your BF% is a consistent calorie deficit over a sufficient period of time until you reach your desired level of leaness.

    However, I completely appreciate why some people need some additional tips / guidance to help them along the way.

    It's a bit like saying "Well, to reach your destination you simply need to travel from point A to point B using some sort of motion. So long and good luck!"

    That might be enough for some people.Others may want to know "What do you think the easiest method of travel would be for me? Should I use a map or wing it? Is walking preferable or should I use a car? What happens if I take a wrong turn?"

    And so on....

    And so on...
  • mgreen10
    mgreen10 Posts: 229 Member
    I agree with all of the points on this list.

    And guess what? If you have been able to achieve abs while avoiding certain points on this list, good for you. That does not disprove the validity of all the suggestions on the list though. There are people out there who will NOT be able to achieve defined abs through just a calorie deficit. The fact that the list has so many points just means that it is very comprehensive in nature and covers all bases.

    And before you go to my page and glance at my ticker to see if I'm at my goal in order to spew some more personal attacks at someone to make yourselves feel better, please know that I've already reached my goal and adjusted my ticker for an even better goal =)

    best of luck to all of you in your weight loss journeys, as never ending as they may be.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    bump for later
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    While I appreciate the sentiment, I disagree with a lot of that list.

    Thanks but no thanks.

    If you disagree with most of that list then that may be part of the reason you still need to lose weight. try it and you will be amazed just how fast the weight comes of you.

    I disagree with a lot of it too.

    And, oh, look at that. Looks like I have lost more weight than you and have less left to lose than you. So there goes that argument.

    How are your abs, by the way?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    To those that don't agree with the list, I'd really like to know why. Not starting a fight, just would be interesting to know as I am always up for learning new things.....

    #2) Fish vs steak makes no difference in weight loss/acquiring abs. Calorie and protein content does.

    #3) Total nonsense. You can get abs just fine with Twinkies, Wonder Bread, and, yes, Pop-Tarts.

    #4) Total nonsense. Yes, sauces and condiments have calories, but that means you need to eat them in moderation and account for them. Eliminating them entirely is not at all necessray.

    #5) Same as #4.

    #6) I'm sensing a pattern of food alarmism. He's creating a list of foods to never consume if you want abs, and it's dumb. You can get abs while having the occasional alcoholic drink just fine. Again, you just have to account for the calories.

    The others are fine. Those are "slow and steady," "lift heavy," "don't focus on ab exercises," and "get enough sleep." That's reasonable advice.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I didn't reply with anything but since I see people are wondering which ones are irrelevant. I put a TL;DR version at the end.

    Clean eating doesn't contribute to abs, it is not needed. With that said, a balanced diet is a good idea for your health. This isn't necessarily a fully 'clean' one since the word can be rather ambiguous (which foods are clean, which ones aren't, you can have a clean diet and it can be rather poor nutrient wise etc). A protein shake isn't going to kill your abs.

    3500 cals in fat - this is true. What is not true is to lose pounds you must create a deficit equal to that number. You also lose other things when you lose weight, like water, and muscle, etc. They burn different amounts of calories. Thus "Losing one pound per week, for example, would require only a 500 calorie deficit per day (3,500cals/7days)" is an average but very very flawed which, if you have been keeping a close eye on your calories and weight, you already know . That being said the more weight you're playing with the more you're likely losing fat as oppose to muscle. But you'll still be losing water and the like.

    low cal diets, don't do them - agreed.

    Adding fish will not strip fat from my diet. Also, eating something lean for a fat source doesn't make sense. We need fat to help absorb the nutrients we are getting from our food sources. Balance is key, I'd prefer people got what they were missing instead of following random statements like this one. Often one doesn't need to cut fat from a diet to get abs. My diet is rather high in fat...my friends who are ripped eat even more fat then me. Staying away from fat doesn't mean staying away from making you fat. But what is right is there are plenty of delicious things that make things tasty without fat. And if you are deficient in something that isn't fat (ie protein or iron) you're better off going the spiced fish route.

    The post seems to think insulin is the devil weight gaining thing, it is not. I posted this the other day:
    "I feel sorry for insulin. Insulin has been bullied and beaten up. It has been cast as an evil hormone that should be shunned. However, insulin doesn’t deserve the treatment it has received.
    MYTH:A High Carbohydrate Diet Leads to Chronically High Insulin Levels

    FACT:Insulin Is Only Elevated During the Time After a Meal In Healthy Individuals
    MYTH: Carbohydrate Drives Insulin, Which Drives Fat Storage

    FACT: Your Body Can Synthesize and Store Fat Even When Insulin Is Low ...
    MYTH: Insulin Makes You Hungry

    FACT: Insulin Suppresses Appetite
    MYTH: Carbohydrate Is Singularly Responsible for Driving Insulin

    FACT: Protein Is a Potent Stimulator of Insulin Too
    read the rest:

    Speaking of twinkies not belonging on your plate, a professor made up a 'twinkie' diet and his body weight, fat percentage, bad cholesterol, blood sugar/glucose levels dropped. Not that I recommend eating twinkies all day. Balance! I know many people who have lived long healthy happy stress free from food lives eating the things they enjoy, even if some of them can't be picked off a tree.

    eating packages will not land you near your six pack goals - Abs do not care if you eat packaged foods. Find the ripped abs of steel people here and send them a message, ask them if they eat pop tarts or other packaged junk. Believe it or not those people are not magic. That being said, try to get your nutrients in first before choosing something like this for the sake of your health. With that being said, you could eat very unhealthy and still get a six pack with nothing holding you back. I know a few body builders irl...they do not have a well balanced diet and eat many packaged things behind closed doors watching movies with me lol.

    get your carbs from startches - your abs do not care if you get carbs.

    condiments - if they're not wrecking your calorie deficit, it doesn't matter if you eat condiments. Salt can do a number tho, but it's very short lived and temporary.

    don't drink your calories - most people I know with abs drink a lot of calories. Most of them drink protein shakes. It depends on what you're drinking and if you're at a deficit. That being said I agree with the rest. This can kind of fit into the condiment section, if you're spending a huge portion of your calories on ketchup salt and pepsi, an juice well, you're not going to be running supper optimally to help you build much at all if you're even feeling alright. Pepsi juice etc can contain a lot of calories which could be fulfilled via healthier more nutrient dense means.

    alchhol - Yeah they can hugely eat up a bunch of cals. This is an interesting read on the topic tho (which is not all for binge drinking so don't worry lol) but imo you can still manage to be lean and drink

    lift heavy and lift hard - the best advice in this thread for the goal

    keep crunches in their place - agreed

    sleep is important - for recovery, agreed.

    TL;DR: I would change this thread to:

    Lift heavy to preserve lbm
    if you have the muscles to support abs under your fat eat at a deficit
    sleep to recover

    note: I'll also add that a lot of people throw out just keep eating at a deficit. I didn't understand this for the longest time. Then I realized it applies to the majority here, those who have weight to lose. I wasn't lifting and was doing a lot of cardio and was incredibly skinny fat. I just figured I couldn't get abs. For those people I'd recommend doing the other 2 and eating at a surplus for a while to develop some abdominal muscles and then doing the same thing with a deficit.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,633 Member
    All people with abs have one thing in common................low body fat. How does one attain that? Calorie deficit if one has higher body fat than desired.

    Many teenage boys have abs. I'm more than sure that they didn't get them from adhering to the list mentioned. Why do they have abs? Because they have low body fat.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    To those that don't agree with the list, I'd really like to know why. Not starting a fight, just would be interesting to know as I am always up for learning new things.....

    #2) Fish vs steak makes no difference in weight loss/acquiring abs. Calorie and protein content does.

    #3) Total nonsense. You can get abs just fine with Twinkies, Wonder Bread, and, yes, Pop-Tarts.

    #4) Total nonsense. Yes, sauces and condiments have calories, but that means you need to eat them in moderation and account for them. Eliminating them entirely is not at all necessray.

    #5) Same as #4.

    #6) I'm sensing a pattern of food alarmism. He's creating a list of foods to never consume if you want abs, and it's dumb. You can get abs while having the occasional alcoholic drink just fine. Again, you just have to account for the calories.

    The others are fine. Those are "slow and steady," "lift heavy," "don't focus on ab exercises," and "get enough sleep." That's reasonable advice.

    This guy.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    To those that don't agree with the list, I'd really like to know why. Not starting a fight, just would be interesting to know as I am always up for learning new things.....

    #2) Fish vs steak makes no difference in weight loss/acquiring abs. Calorie and protein content does.

    #3) Total nonsense. You can get abs just fine with Twinkies, Wonder Bread, and, yes, Pop-Tarts.

    #4) Total nonsense. Yes, sauces and condiments have calories, but that means you need to eat them in moderation and account for them. Eliminating them entirely is not at all necessray.

    #5) Same as #4.

    #6) I'm sensing a pattern of food alarmism. He's creating a list of foods to never consume if you want abs, and it's dumb. You can get abs while having the occasional alcoholic drink just fine. Again, you just have to account for the calories.

    The others are fine. Those are "slow and steady," "lift heavy," "don't focus on ab exercises," and "get enough sleep." That's reasonable advice.

    This guy.
    Damn I didn't see this one here. This one is a lot shorter then my version :p
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    To those that don't agree with the list, I'd really like to know why. Not starting a fight, just would be interesting to know as I am always up for learning new things.....

    #2) Fish vs steak makes no difference in weight loss/acquiring abs. Calorie and protein content does.

    #3) Total nonsense. You can get abs just fine with Twinkies, Wonder Bread, and, yes, Pop-Tarts.

    #4) Total nonsense. Yes, sauces and condiments have calories, but that means you need to eat them in moderation and account for them. Eliminating them entirely is not at all necessray.

    #5) Same as #4.

    #6) I'm sensing a pattern of food alarmism. He's creating a list of foods to never consume if you want abs, and it's dumb. You can get abs while having the occasional alcoholic drink just fine. Again, you just have to account for the calories.

    The others are fine. Those are "slow and steady," "lift heavy," "don't focus on ab exercises," and "get enough sleep." That's reasonable advice.

    This guy.
    Damn I didn't see this one here. This one is a lot shorter then my version :p

    I'm into the whole brevity thing.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    To those that don't agree with the list, I'd really like to know why. Not starting a fight, just would be interesting to know as I am always up for learning new things.....

    #2) Fish vs steak makes no difference in weight loss/acquiring abs. Calorie and protein content does.

    #3) Total nonsense. You can get abs just fine with Twinkies, Wonder Bread, and, yes, Pop-Tarts.

    #4) Total nonsense. Yes, sauces and condiments have calories, but that means you need to eat them in moderation and account for them. Eliminating them entirely is not at all necessray.

    #5) Same as #4.

    #6) I'm sensing a pattern of food alarmism. He's creating a list of foods to never consume if you want abs, and it's dumb. You can get abs while having the occasional alcoholic drink just fine. Again, you just have to account for the calories.

    The others are fine. Those are "slow and steady," "lift heavy," "don't focus on ab exercises," and "get enough sleep." That's reasonable advice.

    This guy.
    Damn I didn't see this one here. This one is a lot shorter then my version :p

    I'm into the whole brevity thing.
    That can make things even worse long winded wise tho. Look at the amount of people who commented on those who said they didn't agree with some of them...because they were being short and sweet :p
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    All people with abs have one thing in common................low body fat. How does one attain that? Calorie deficit if one has higher body fat than desired.

    Many teenage boys have abs. I'm more than sure that they didn't get them from adhering to the list mentioned. Why do they have abs? Because they have low body fat.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    My 5 year old has abs and he doesn't drink booze so there :wink:
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    To those that don't agree with the list, I'd really like to know why. Not starting a fight, just would be interesting to know as I am always up for learning new things.....

    #2) Fish vs steak makes no difference in weight loss/acquiring abs. Calorie and protein content does.

    #3) Total nonsense. You can get abs just fine with Twinkies, Wonder Bread, and, yes, Pop-Tarts.

    #4) Total nonsense. Yes, sauces and condiments have calories, but that means you need to eat them in moderation and account for them. Eliminating them entirely is not at all necessray.

    #5) Same as #4.

    #6) I'm sensing a pattern of food alarmism. He's creating a list of foods to never consume if you want abs, and it's dumb. You can get abs while having the occasional alcoholic drink just fine. Again, you just have to account for the calories.

    The others are fine. Those are "slow and steady," "lift heavy," "don't focus on ab exercises," and "get enough sleep." That's reasonable advice.

    This guy.
    Damn I didn't see this one here. This one is a lot shorter then my version :p

    I'm into the whole brevity thing.
    That can make things even worse long winded wise tho. Look at the amount of people who commented on those who said they didn't agree with some of them...because they were being short and sweet :p

    No, because the response was "sorry. Don't agree" and that was all.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member