Anyone lost weight eating lean cuisine,Smart ones etc daily?



  • USA2007
    USA2007 Posts: 18 Member
    I love the Healthy Choice Steam bowls. No preservatives and low on calories and sodium. Much better tasting than Smart Ones. Usually on sale for 5/$10 and very easy. pop in microwave for allotted time, remove combine and enjoy. None of that peel back and stir, recover and heat some more. They have tons of varieties and I eat them five days a week at work most weeks. Last week I got the Smart Ones to try something new. next week its back to healthy choice. I have lost 12 pounds so far and I just started in May. Hope that helps.

    These are about the only ones I will eat. They are quick, low calorie and fairly good. I take them to work every now and then when I don't have time to pack a lunch or when I need a cheap meal. For 300 calories or less, they are usually plenty filling too. Couldn't eat it for lunch and dinner 5 times a week but that's just me. They aren't evil, they are a quick easy convenience food that can be worked into almost anyone's diet... Nothing wrong with that.
  • JamieG8991
    JamieG8991 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I eat them everyday for lunch at work and I've lost weight with no problem.
  • mommy2313
    mommy2313 Posts: 9
    This is great y'all!! Thanks for the responses!! My plan is to eat them twice a day for a while until I get the structure under control.. I don't wan to fool with the stress of what am I gonna eat!! Ill just eat one of these for lunch & dinner & be done! And ill be eating veggies along wirh the frozen entrees ;)
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    Maybe I am strange, but I feel like I can get so much more food, that I've prepared myself, for the same amount of calories, less carbs, WAY less sodium and better taste. They are super convenient though!!
  • Losingthedamnweight
    Losingthedamnweight Posts: 535 Member
    YES YES and YES! I'll be more than happy to be in the minority of people here that eat these all the time and love it. I eat a wide variety of them from lean cuisine to healthy choice (and the steamer bowls. Ah man so tasty!) and marie calender's. I don't worry about sodium because in the end, i drink alot of water to counter it and it hasn't affected me at all. These are great for popping in the microwave without a second thought. Cheap, tasty portion controlled meals. If you're just getting started and want an easy way to count calories, these are great. People have lost a ton of weight eating these, so for all the "sodium is the enemy" and 'oh no! Water weight' people, no. That doesn't apply at all to alot of people.

    This one

    And this one are my favorite

    Losing weight consistently with them. It's only when i have cheat days or totally go over my cals that my weight stalls. Because these are so good and i'm not confined to eating a cup of steamed broccoli or something, i'm more inclined to stay low cal. But that's just me
  • DimePiece1
    DimePiece1 Posts: 6 Member
    I ate about 2 a day when I was on Weight Watchers. I lost a little over 40 1bs in a short period of time. I ate them mainly, because it made in easier to count my points. I still plan to eat them every once in a while, but I prefer only the whole wheat or grain ones that Healthy Choice has. I probably will only have one on a high carb day. I will definitely wait for the Dr. Atkins entrees to get lower in price and stock up. I just bought 5 leans cuisines that were on sale this week. I still lose weight when I eat them daily. I'm getting older now so like everyone says, I have to watch the sodium.
  • mommy2313
    mommy2313 Posts: 9
    This is exactly my way of thinking!! I recently read another thread on another mssg board where a lady said she lost 100 lb in less than a year eating these twice a day and had a cheat day once a week!! I'm just thinking this is a no brainer way to lose weight and I won't have to cook as much which I don't really have time for anyway!!!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    The problem with eating these twice a day is that it's not sustainable over your lifetime. It's easy to fall back into old eating patterns when you implement something that really isn't a long-term strategy.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    Before I started dating DH, those were my "go-to" meals for lunch and sometimes dinner, along with canned soups. (Fortunately, sodium isn't a problem for me.) I always sauteed up piles of fresh veggies and added them, along with some hot sauce. I gained weight after I started dating DH and eating his good cooking! It wasn't that he fried things or loaded them with butter and cheese; I just ate too much of them.

    So, the short answer is "yes"- portion control is a big part of it. I'm now doing 5:2 fasting and that's been great, and we now have more good food made from basic ingredients.
  • star5785
    star5785 Posts: 140
    I used to eat lean cuisine for lunch everyday of the week. They're usually between 300-400 cals so it helped keep my cals on track for the day. I don't do it anymore because my schedule changed. But if I watched sodium otherwise, and drank plenty of water, they worked great!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    As long as you're at a calorie deficit from maintenance you'll lose weight. That said, those things are disgusting and sodium out the *kitten*...but I'm also a foodie.
  • bobncass
    bobncass Posts: 3
    I eat them for lunch on a daily basis and yes I feel it has helped me quite a bit. I also buy the Weight Watchers Smart Ones. I try to eat oatmeal or a low fat cereal for breakfast. If I want bread I will eat Arnold sandwich thins toasted for breakfast. Of course a protein of some sort with dinner. I used to be a big red wine drinker but the sugars and carbs were killing me lol.
    The best of luck in your journey.
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    During the semester, these are almost the only thing I eat. I've lost 30 pounds :)
  • mirrinias
    mirrinias Posts: 80 Member
    I don't have a way to cook at my house, so I unfortunately eat them just about daily. Although they're processed, the alternatives for me right now are fast food or other super processed convenience food. Yes, I'm losing weight eating them. Once I get a new place where I can cook though, I'm not buying them unless I really need one for lunch at work sometime.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    no,, you can eat much better then that,
  • I used to eat anything and still lost weight, including lean cuisine, chocolate, cookies, etc.

    But almost 3 weeks ago, they thought I was gluten intolerant, so now I most make my own meals... but i had lost my first 10 pounds eating lean cuisines for lunch because of price and convenience, so it did work.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I eat them almost every day for lunch during the work week, because I can think of about 1,000 things I'd rather do than cook. I lose interest halfway through making a sandwich. I've lost 20 pounds.
  • boredlimodriver
    boredlimodriver Posts: 264 Member
    i eat them for lunch 3-4 times a week M-F
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    I'm thinking they'd be awesome with helping me get my portions under control! But mostly I LOVE the connivence! Im a full time working mom of 3 so I don't have much time to cook

    What do your kids eat? Couldn't you eat whatever it is you feed them?
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    I tend to stick to the Healthy Choice meals. They are under 600 mg sodium per meal and they also seem to have bigger portions for the calories. I keep a couple in the freezer at work and eat that with a salad for lunch. Great when you only have 30 minutes to eat.