Tips on strating to run



  • smily_001
    smily_001 Posts: 135 Member
    Thank you all so much. Im starting my first day today! Wish me luck. I will use all of yout advice. Thanks again.
  • lippygidg
    lippygidg Posts: 67 Member
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Thanks guys! Do you think this program can be done by someone that is 300+ pounds.

    I'd talk to your doctor about that........... I usually go nuts when people talk about running damaging joints etc but weight is one of the significant risk factors in that particular equation.

    If you want to become a runner (I'm a runner, so I'll admit my bias) you probably could start off safely walking, after you've been walking for a while you could probably add some short (slow) running intervals and very gradually build up (C25K seems to progress fairly quickly, from zero to 5K in 9 or 10 weeks).

    I'd also suggest combining it with some non-impact cross training (biking, swimming, rowing etc) to help you build up your aerobic endurance while keeping wear and tear to a minimum.

    If you're patient with yourself and consistent in your training you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish!
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    Great advice from Brian :happy:

    My only thoughts were that, with your weight, you'll have to be even more diligent about proper shoes and running technique than most people. And no matter how much you may want to go faster, stick to a slow speed (you may feel like you can walk faster) until you run your distance comfortably without any aches or pains.
  • SpleenThief
    SpleenThief Posts: 293 Member
    Thanks guys! Do you think this program can be done by someone that is 300+ pounds.

    That's a question for your doc to answer for you specifically but in general, yes. I was 290 when I started.
  • lippygidg
    lippygidg Posts: 67 Member
    I cant thank you enough for for posting this ... Its like I wrote it myself :) Most of my friends that I workout with or we encourage each other are runners and then theres me.. Trying not to collapse a lung after 30 seconds!! I also need help in a breathing pattern. Im either holding my breath to push for another 5 seconds hahaha I cant even tell you what a bad idea that is!! LOL
    Anyways ... I read through the treads and just downloaded the C25k free version. Excited to begin it tomorrow. ( then I will be on a mon, wed, fri schedule) I'll do other workouts the other days leaving Sunday a rest day.
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you wish ...we can do this together :)
  • lippygidg
    lippygidg Posts: 67 Member
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    Hi! I have been working on getting healthy and losing weight for over 2 years now. I am working-out 5-6 days a week. I have been doing intervals on the treadmill of walking at 2.8-3.0 and at 3,8,13, 18,23, 28 mins I will jog/run at the speed of 5.0-5.5 for 30 to 60 secs. I really enjoying running, but I am not sure how to make it where I am able to do it for a longer time/distance. Can anyone give any hints that will help me with achieving this?

    Hello smily and congrats on your 2 year weight loss. I know it took a lot of effort and discipline. I am a long time runner and enjoy reading and researching its related dynamics.

    My advice to you is protect the progress you have thus far achieved. Dont rush into running. Depending on the source, up to 80% of runners will suffer a running injury in any given year. Youre over 300 lbs; it's a safe bet that currently your legs & feet are not able to handle much more stress. Plantar fasciitis can set you back months to a year rehabbing...a torn achilles tendon 3-4 months and then there are the knees and hips. You can also hurt your back if youre form is bad...and injury doesnt necessary stop at only one.

    You have a good established walking regimen and youre losing weight. Dont gamble. You must realize that an injury can put you on the couch rehabbing for a long time....and it is often injuries that demotivate and wreck all the hard earned progress we have struggled to achieve.

    I suggest you continue walking and work toward strengthening your core, legs, hips, knees, ankles, muscles, tendons AND FEET. Do lunges, squats, toe rises & box steps. Slowly incorporate barefoot walking; strengthen your feet and build the arches. Read & watch youtube and learn proper running form and gait. Learn as much as you can; you have time while losing weight & getting in shape.

    The most expensive education is wisdom. Wisdom comes from bad experience - and a lot of bad experiences come from bad decisions. I have a lot of wisdom! LOL

    JFI -
  • WhiteGirlWasted13
    WhiteGirlWasted13 Posts: 178 Member
    I started running once I'd lost 60 lbs (down from 281). For me, it hasn't been enough. I am on week 3, day 1, of the c25k program and I have decided to rest for at least a week. My legs & knees are absolutely killing me & I have a very high pain tolerance. I am so incredibly mad right now. I don't know why some can run & not have these issues, and they weigh more than me. It just doesn't make sense to me.

    I'm signed up for a 5k in September. I will do it. But how, at this point, I don't know. I hope I haven't done significant damage. I don't have insurance, so a dr's visit is a bit out of reach right now.

    I guess my advice would be to be very, very careful. Listen to your body. Don't take one step without good shoes. Try to run on a track vs concrete. And stretch till you feel like Stretch Armstrong. Very best of luck to you!

    I don't in any way want to insinuate that you aren't doing these things but this is what I would recommend to avoid/treat joint pain from running. Make sure that you have a running store fit you for proper shoes and watch you run. They can give you tips on form, posture and strike. Make sure that you are landing with your feet under your body and not extended beyond your body. Do knee exercises to strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee joint. Do additional leg exercises to strengthen the legs to better support the joints. You can use a foam roller to help relieve muscle tightness which will help prevent additional strain on the joints. Use RICE as treatment afterwards, even if you don't feel pain right away. Rest, ice, compression and elevation. Never treat sore joints with heat. Most importantly TAKE IT SLOW!!!!!!! If you want to run you can and will do it. Be kind to yourself. ❤ Running is amazing!

    Thanks for the input. I am doing most of these But, my first week, I did not. I think that's where it all started. I'm taking a week off, just doing the elliptical, and we'll see where things are at then.
  • smily_001
    smily_001 Posts: 135 Member
    I did the first day of the c25k on Sunday and it was very similar to what I was already doing. I only had to walk through one part that was supposed to be a jog. I felt like I was going slow on the jogging parts because I usually do a faster speed but since I was doing more intervals I wanted make sure I could make it through it all. Thank you all for your encouragement. This a adds a little more to My workouts and u really enjoy it.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Hi! I have been working on getting healthy and losing weight for over 2 years now. I am working-out 5-6 days a week. I have been doing intervals on the treadmill of walking at 2.8-3.0 and at 3,8,13, 18,23, 28 mins I will jog/run at the speed of 5.0-5.5 for 30 to 60 secs. I really enjoying running, but I am not sure how to make it where I am able to do it for a longer time/distance. Can anyone give any hints that will help me with achieving this?

    congratulations on your achievement!

    a lot of folks use the c25k programs. myself i did exactly what you're doing. 10 minute walking; 30-45 second running; 10 minutes walking; 30-45 second running. i gradually added more time to running and less to walking. once i got comfortable with 10 minute running i pushed myself to last longer but never increased my speed until i felt i was ready. distance has always been more important to me than speed. fyi i ran my first half marathon on june 1st.