INSANITY - Support Group



  • auntiemare
    auntiemare Posts: 8 Member
    That is awesome news! It's really great to see improvements with the Fit Test's!

    I just started teaching Insanity, it is so much fun!
  • Am about to start Insanity for the first time tonight (so it will be the fit test), my husband had completed the program before, so he'll be guiding me...but I haven't worked out in over a year and have at least 50 pounds to abit nervous...any advice?
  • cramseynyc
    cramseynyc Posts: 8 Member
    Starting Insanity tonight!!! I'm really excited and nervous...I'm not at all in shape. This is also my first day of MFP. Looking forward to hearing from others on how their Insanity is going!!!! Feel free to add me.
  • jennyfitzmaurice
    jennyfitzmaurice Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! Can I join?I just started day 2. I only made it 20 minutes yesterday, I felt like I was going to puke.
  • jennyfitzmaurice
    jennyfitzmaurice Posts: 6 Member
    How is it going? I am also getting started. You said you lost 6 lbs the first week.How did you change your diet, if you don't' mind me asking.I'm looking for ideas. Sorry this was for someone on page 1
  • .
  • 18Julie
    18Julie Posts: 4
    I just finished month 1 of Insanity! I am very pleased with my results, I lost 10.8 pounds and 8.4 inches off my body! I eat 5 meals a day, (exact meals from the nutrition guide) and about 1900 calories a day! SO ready for month 2 :) I am new to this website, so feel free to add me if you are doing Insanity as well!
  • Been reading through the 4 pages of posts and hadn't considered The Insanity workout but am now curious and will be trying it. Given that I can get through Spinning (seated flat, climbing flat, standing flat, jumps & the standing climb) I believe I'll be able to get through the Insanity Workout. Like the chubby train that could: I think I can, I think I can, I think I can... :laugh:
  • i have a broken pinky and i want to start insanity tomorrow should i be i need motivation
  • jdallas69
    jdallas69 Posts: 30 Member
    Keep on it
  • 1fitnessplanner
    1fitnessplanner Posts: 63 Member
    anyone can do insanity it's all about the form- speed can come later
    you can do it :D

    and i started at 233lbs and didn't die doing it so you'll all be fine honest
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    I did the fitness test on Saturday night and my legs are still so sore I haven't been able to start day one yet! Just walking even hurts right now. Should I just start day one or wait for the pain to go? Crouching down hurts so bad!
  • 1fitnessplanner
    1fitnessplanner Posts: 63 Member
    i would say if its really bad you should use a recovery formula or chocolate milkshake and it should ease a bit and do the workout if you think you can if not rest
  • ukaggirl
    ukaggirl Posts: 70 Member
    Hubby and I finished day 2 of month 1, week 2 today and I am loving it! I can already see an improvement in the amount I am able to do. I am definitely not anywhere close to keeping up with the Insanity master but there is definitely improvement. I have lost 2lbs unofficially, I'll know more next Monday when fit test #2 rolls around. We have been getting up super early (4am early) to get our workouts in before work and it makes my day so much better!

    It is by far the toughest at-home workout I have ever done and I am one giant sweat bucket by the end of the workout. I was really sore last week but am feeling better this week.

    If you are concerned about whether or not you can do this please just give it a try! Last Monday I started at 228.5lbs and I am only 5'3" so I am in no way fit. If I can do it so can you! Just take your time and do what you can. Even a little bit of Insanity is better than nothing at all! Push yourself or, as Shaun T would say "Dig Deeper!!". :)

    I would love some friends who are on the same path so friend me if you would like.
  • Thanks all - I'm kinda bummed that I didn't get to start yesterday, but really want to, so lookslike I'll be doing it tonight - does it matter that I start on a Tuesday?
  • nicolemarthacraig
    nicolemarthacraig Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I am considering doing the Insanity programme - what happens when its finished? i.e. have people found they put weight back on?
  • Hey everyone! Just finished day 2 this morning and am I sore! I hurt so good! LOL! I'm on the beachbody web site and message board as well, but all the motivation I can get would be appreciative! Keep up the good work and DONT GIVE UP!!!!
  • viri3983
    viri3983 Posts: 1 Member
    hello i m starting insanity today is my day 2 i need friends to keep pushing my self :smile: !!! i need motivation PLEASE :sad:
  • llfretwell
    llfretwell Posts: 218 Member
    Okay ya'll, I completed 4 days of insanity but I've decided that I want a Heart rate monitor so I can accurately add back my exercise calories into my diet. So I am taking a break and completely starting the program over again on Thursday (My HRM comes in the mail tomorrow afternoon). Anyone else still haven't started yet? I thought maybe I could start with someone on the same day and we can hold each other accountable that way! Let me know!!
  • SansyPansy
    SansyPansy Posts: 17
    Off I go! Day one. I've done day one of this program about a million times.. even got to day three a couple times but never actually committed. But this time what I saw on the scale is making me do it.. and STICK TO IT! :)

    I found a website by the way called You can go in there under fitness and there's an option called How many calories burned. You put in your weight and if you put in insanity in the search bar and i usually put like 45 minutes since thats a common insanity workout length.. it comes up with a list of the workouts and how many calories you likely burned based on your weight. Now.. who knows how accurate these actually are but they look alright to me. I dont have the money right now to go get a heart rate moniter so this actually is good enough for me to put in as my calories burned! =D