Looking for VSG (vertical sleeve gastrectomy) Friends



  • ToyWill14
    ToyWill14 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone, I had a sleeve done on May 6th 2013. I have lost around 26 pounds so far. I am very happy with my decision but I feel like I need friends and someone to help me. Most of my friends and family really don't understand my decision at all. They think I should have just eaten less without the surgery. If any of you are looking for friends, send me a request, I would love to support you and encourage you. Let's do this together!
  • georgiasm1
    georgiasm1 Posts: 3 Member
    www.verticalsleevetalk.com You will get all the TALK you want and more! I was sleeved 3 years ago in June. lost 100 lbs. Now in process of relosing my last few pounds that I regained over the past 2 years. Have about 10 to go. GREAT community of fellowsleevers BUT log and do it all on MFP too!
  • georgiasm1
    georgiasm1 Posts: 3 Member
    NONE! 3 YEARS OUT! Still have restriction but have to really maintain and follow guidelines after a couple years. lost 100 lbs in 8 months. No meds, no sleep apnea.
  • monkaz82
    monkaz82 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey all I was sleeved 6/19 last week. Pls add me as a friend love to follow u all
    I'm almost 31 yrs old 5'7 n currently 269
  • JustAGirlNASolution
    JustAGirlNASolution Posts: 15 Member
    Sleeved 2 1/2 years ago. No regrets....I love the restriction but have definitely learned how to "graze" to eat more. Just need to work on being more disciplined. I still have no physical hunger after 2 years:)
  • sherrievc
    sherrievc Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Sherry,
    Was sleeved On Oct 17,2012 and am almost 9 months post op, I am currently down a little over 100 lbs. It was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I am off nearly all medication I was on and feeling great. The journey is awesome.

  • loca511
    loca511 Posts: 4 Member
    Just sleeved July 11 ,2013 still in recovery :)
  • Nadikins08
    Nadikins08 Posts: 2 Member
    Nadikins08 looking for any post opera that keep a food diary to add me looking for ideas to support weightloss
  • DLJ050577
    DLJ050577 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 2 weeks post op and down 50lbs total (18 since surgery). Still eating REALLY small portions of soft foods, but I track EVERYTHING in MFP.
  • Blackcloudkygirl
    Blackcloudkygirl Posts: 8 Member
    Hi. I am 10 weeks post op and this was the best decision I ever made. I am down a total of 138 lbs...66 of which are from the date of surgery, the rest were from the liquid pre op diet (4 weeks) and the pre op nutrition classes. I started off at 438lbs, so I still have a ton to go, but I'm slowly moving along. I think I'm in a stall, I'm .4 away from being 299lbs....why the stall now...lol Let me get to 299 and then stall all you want...not really, but I just need not to weigh in the 300's.... Pretty please...lol Hope everyone is doing well. Fell free to add me, I would love to get inspiration from other vsgers.
  • Hi Everyone, My name is Kimberly and I was sleeved on Aug 5th 3013. I'm feeling good and having no real issues to speak of. I am able to eat the foods im allowed to at this point in my journey with no problems and I'm still doing the protein shakes of course. Thought it would be nice to connect with some others who are going down the same road as me. Look forward to staying in touch.
  • dridings74
    dridings74 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi all!! I was sleeved on 9/29/2010. My starting weight was 296 and I lost 127lbs but got careless and lazy and gained back 46lbs. Ugh!! I'm back on track now and have dropped almost 18lbs of my regain and I would like to take off another 30lbs. Feel free to add me!
  • tparkerc59
    tparkerc59 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I was sleeved 11/6/12 and have lost 109 lbs. I'm 54, grandma to 7 little boys, married and a quilt shop owner. Just starting maintenance phase. Always looking for sleeve buddies.
  • Hello everyone I was sleeved on 8-19-13 lost 48 lbs (pre-op) and do not really know anyone that has had WLS and was looking for some friends to kind of compare notes because I went through the nutritional visits but have zero ideas of how to meet goals once I am into the puree/mussy food stage and beyond.
  • JumpingJacs
    JumpingJacs Posts: 28 Member
    I was sleeved 12/11 and lost 105lbs. Currently losing the last 30lbs. I'm here for questions and experience, it has been GREAT for me. I could have reached the goal but, slowed down and maintained for a while. Now, I'm back and going strong.
  • shl_kgbn
    shl_kgbn Posts: 9 Member
    Hello, I was sleeved in November 2012. It was the best thing I ever did for myself. I have lost 120 pounds, I am 40 pounds away from my goal weight.
  • racingsuze
    racingsuze Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I had my surgery on July 17th... how are you doing?
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    I expect to be sleeved in early Nov. 2013.
  • I am 5 days post op. Feeling better each day.
  • losinit4evermore
    losinit4evermore Posts: 11 Member
    Hi - I was sleeved 9/9/2013. Doing great and feeling good!