A fair question about "eating clean"



  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I'm intrigued that you mentioned "clean eating" and there's not 3 pages of emotional outbursts at one another.

    Just wait, it's bound to happen!

    .................wait for it.....................


    Any time now...

    Hasn't happened yet. Honestly that's not what I'm after in the first place. I think if people read my responses they'll realize it's a serious and non-accusatory question.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    It is really funny when someone gets on here and says they are a clean eater and you take a look at what is in their diary. They are kidding themselves half the time.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    My thing is this: for the most part, I love whole fruits and vegetables...but...how processed is processed? I am discovering there is a broad range of options with clean eating. Some people are fine eating something like Baked blue corn tortilla chips (one of my favorites) with salsa. Other people consider that too processed...

    I'm just trying to figure out what constitutes eating clean and when it starts to turn into something else.

    Why do you care? Are you hosting a "clean eating party"?
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    My thing is this: for the most part, I love whole fruits and vegetables...but...how processed is processed? I am discovering there is a broad range of options with clean eating. Some people are fine eating something like Baked blue corn tortilla chips (one of my favorites) with salsa. Other people consider that too processed...

    I'm just trying to figure out what constitutes eating clean and when it starts to turn into something else.

    Why do you care? Are you hosting a "clean eating party"?

    In all honestly it's innocent curiosity. I started looking into more options for Pilates (a workout I thoroughly enjoy). A website an MFP friend of mine referred me to talks a good deal about clean eating. I wanted more information.

    Sorry it offends you.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I eat -mostly- clean, or try to at least. I don't consume protein powder anymore - I get my protein from clean foods like you mentioned. Eggs, nuts, meat, etc.

    To each their own, I suppose. Eating completely unprocessed and clean may not be doable by some people, and therefore they choose to get more protein in their diet with their whey proteins.
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    Careful - we know they are out there watching.... I'm beginning to be afraid to say "clean" my house in my bedroom with the door shut, alone.

    I have considered it for a protein boost to help me feel full and get enough protein. But I've not claimed 100% nothing. I just claim to be "ish"

    Mark Sisson allows it on Primal diets - might be some insight there. He talks about 80-90% plans also though - so might just be in the 10-20%.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I eat -mostly- clean, or try to at least. I don't consume protein powder anymore - I get my protein from clean foods like you mentioned. Eggs, nuts, meat, etc.

    To each their own, I suppose. Eating completely unprocessed and clean may not be doable by some people, and therefore they choose to get more protein in their diet with their whey proteins.

    I can see this maybe with people who follow a vegan diet especially. A person has to get creative to find adequate protein when consuming only fruits and vegetables. *edited to add: Grains as well*

    I have nothing against the concept of clean eating, personally-just wanted to learn more. As someone who is obsessed with nuts/nut butters and loves to eat eggs and dairy, I wouldn't be challenged by protein.

    I just didn't know if protein powder was actually considered clean or not. I saw a lot of recipes on the forums that use protein powders. I have never purchased it personally because I'm not sure it would all be used.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Careful - we know they are out there watching.... I'm beginning to be afraid to say "clean" my house in my bedroom with the door shut, alone.

    I have considered it for a protein boost to help me feel full and get enough protein. But I've not claimed 100% nothing. I just claim to be "ish"

    Mark Sisson allows it on Primal diets - might be some insight there. He talks about 80-90% plans also though - so might just be in the 10-20%.

    Thanks for the information!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    why post this? is it that hard to just worry about your own diet and not what everyone else is eating?
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I eat -mostly- clean, or try to at least. I don't consume protein powder anymore - I get my protein from clean foods like you mentioned. Eggs, nuts, meat, etc.

    To each their own, I suppose. Eating completely unprocessed and clean may not be doable by some people, and therefore they choose to get more protein in their diet with their whey proteins.

    I can see this maybe with people who follow a vegan diet especially. A person has to get creative to find adequate protein when consuming only fruits and vegetables. *edited to add: Grains as well*

    I have nothing against the concept of clean eating, personally-just wanted to learn more. As someone who is obsessed with nuts/nut butters and loves to eat eggs and dairy, I wouldn't be challenged by protein.

    I just didn't know if protein powder was actually considered clean or not. I saw a lot of recipes on the forums that use protein powders. I have never purchased it personally because I'm not sure it would all be used.

    I don't think it is actually a clean food. I think it's one of those things like... seeing cheese in Paleo recipes, for example. Just something that slides by xD
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    why post this? is it that hard to just worry about your own diet and not what everyone else is eating?

    Please read previous posts.
  • MsEndomorph
    MsEndomorph Posts: 604 Member
    I know one whole "clean eater" who consumes protein powder. His definition of "clean" doesn't mean unprocessed. Or he would never eat flour, or meat, or sauces, or any vegetables he didn't pick out of his own garden. His deal is with additives that he doesn't deem necessary. Whatever protein powder he uses only has a couple ingredients and he knows what they are and what they do.

    Not that I actually believe this isn't "bait" of some sort. But I can pretend this is purely an educational discussion, too ;)
  • ksimmons19
    ksimmons19 Posts: 223 Member
    I have a secret....I've been "eating clean" for 8 days now :( before all this madness on the forums start!! I feel dirty. But I've lost 9 lbs so SUCK IT Y'ALL!!

    In all seriousness...for ME, "clean eating" is a way for me to try and "retrain" my brain to start liking healthy whole foods and not have to drench them in butter/sugar/salt/artificial sweeteners anymore and actually crave healthy foods again. I feel like years of eating crap foods has dulled my senses for healthy foods. And not to mention, I can eat WAY more of it than the "dirrrrrrrty foods" so if I can eat more then I'm all in. :) So compared to my previous lifestyle? A protein shake isn't the end of the world although I would try whole foods to get it in first and resort to that for when I'm not hungry and I need to just get something down the gullet.

    ok....bring it on.

  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I know one whole "clean eater" who consumes protein powder. His definition of "clean" doesn't mean unprocessed. Or he would never eat flour, or meat, or sauces, or any vegetables he didn't pick out of his own garden. His deal is with additives that he doesn't deem necessary. Whatever protein powder he uses only has a couple ingredients and he knows what they are and what they do.

    Not that I actually believe this isn't "bait" of some sort. But I can pretend this is purely an educational discussion, too ;)

    Well I'm grateful you don't believe it's a bait like some people do. It's a legitimate question.

    And you actually provided me with some good information...Some people consider clean eating to be nothing processed...others consider it to be no additives...

    One interesting thing to note is that there's a farmer's market at work every Friday at work. I buy produce from them but have found (unfortunately) that the produce spoils rather quickly...the stuff from the grocery store doesn't. Obviously there are additives or preservatives in most produce (particularly things like bagged lettuce)...it's frustrating because it can be a waste of money to buy things that are completely untouched.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member


    I just love that you posted this picture...that is all.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    why post this? is it that hard to just worry about your own diet and not what everyone else is eating?

    Please read previous posts.
    I did, I guess I'm just not buying that your intentions are as noble as you say they are! But hey, I'll take your word for it!
    To actually answer your question, I am trying to eat *cleaner* (I don't care what you call it) and I've been making protein shakes lately as well as eating a lot of protein rich foods (because I like them)! I'm probably getting more protein than I actually need, but I'm full all day and everything I eat tastes good to me.

    I don't go around claiming to eat clean though, but I am working on eating an 80/20 which of course leaves a little room for indulgent food. A lot of people follow that, maybe they count their protein powder in with the 20%?

    Idk, it's processed obviously, but I feel a lot different after drinking my protein shake (I make it with skim milk, greek yogurt, a banana and a scoop of chocolate protein powder) than I do after eating taco bell (which I love also but am trying to cut down)!
  • siqiniq
    siqiniq Posts: 237 Member
    My thing is this: for the most part, I love whole fruits and vegetables...but...how processed is processed? I am discovering there is a broad range of options with clean eating. Some people are fine eating something like Baked blue corn tortilla chips (one of my favorites) with salsa. Other people consider that too processed...

    I'm just trying to figure out what constitutes eating clean and when it starts to turn into something else.

    Why do you care? Are you hosting a "clean eating party"?

    That was rude and unnecessary. Perhaps OP is wondering if clean eating is an option for her.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I consider protein powder clean. I don't know how to describe clean eating but I know it when I see it. I think the takeaway is worry about yourself and what you eat, not what others do. If it's clean to you then it's CLEAN. PERIOD.
  • jessieraefitness
    jessieraefitness Posts: 4 Member
    You're kinda mean.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    why post this? is it that hard to just worry about your own diet and not what everyone else is eating?

    Please read previous posts.
    I did, I guess I'm just not buying that your intentions are as noble as you say they are! But hey, I'll take your word for it!
    To actually answer your question, I am trying to eat *cleaner* (I don't care what you call it) and I've been making protein shakes lately as well as eating a lot of protein rich foods (because I like them)! I'm probably getting more protein than I actually need, but I'm full all day and everything I eat tastes good to me.

    I don't go around claiming to eat clean though, but I am working on eating an 80/20 which of course leaves a little room for indulgent food. A lot of people follow that, maybe they count their protein powder in with the 20%?

    Idk, it's processed obviously, but I feel a lot different after drinking my protein shake (I make it with skim milk, greek yogurt, a banana and a scoop of chocolate protein powder) than I do after eating taco bell (which I love also but am trying to cut down)!

    Well and my question about the protein supplement/powder is also a personal one.

    I have Type I/ "Juvenile" diabetes and have since I was 15. I have had some concerns about early signs of kidney damage.

    Overloading on protein is a concern for me because it can make what are now small problems much worse.

    I was intrigued by the idea because it is such a common topic on the forums-then when I started some of these new Pilates routines, the creator of the website is big advocate of eating clean.

    But I know me, and I know I'd struggle too much with never eating any processed foods (like I mentioned, blue corn tortilla chips with salsa or pico de gallo...one of my true weaknesses), so I know I could never go completely 100% clean...

    A protein shake in the morning (berries, protein powder, greek yogurt, etc) sounds like a fantastic idea for me to try to eat before I go to work/after I work out in the morning...but again, the idea of getting large amounts of protein would worry me a bit because of my kidney issues.

    Thank you for taking my question seriously. I'm not sure how I could have phrased it that people would not have had one severe reaction or another.
