Anyone on here with hypothyroidism?



  • toothpastechica
    toothpastechica Posts: 250 Member
    I've been on synthroid since I was 11. So right here with you!
  • katscoots
    katscoots Posts: 255 Member
    yep - but those symptoms SHOULD get better as your treatment progresses and it comes under control. I say SHOULD because that can take time and the right doctor/patient combination. I have been hypo since I was 19 about 20 years now. My weight has been up and down, but more because of eating/exercise habits than the thyroid condition. I'm lucky that it stays pretty steady - except when I was pregnant. I have hashimotos disease - so my thyroid is pretty much done for. I rarely have symptoms anymore except I still get really cold after I eat. I always recommend the book called "Living Well with Hypothyroidism" - to anyone I find out is hypothyroid. Regular exercise and a low fat/good carb diet are a must. Good luck.
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    me too
  • mohanj
    mohanj Posts: 381 Member
    I take Levothyroxin 175 mcg and 150 mcg alternate days since last 1 week. Even with 150 mcg, my TSH levels were little higher and my DOC is testing the dosage combination for 6 weeks. I get tested every 3 months. I lost more than 2 lbs past week after increasing the dosage.
  • xvxCelticWandererxvx
    xvxCelticWandererxvx Posts: 2,890 Member
    Me! Ugh! :grumble:
  • Hi, how are you. sorry to hear you have hypothyroidism. I have Hashimoto's thyroid. I have been taking medicine for over 30 years. I can tell you its hard but you get used to reading your body, it will tell you when your meds need to be adjusted. I have battled with my weight ever since I started taking the meds. I can look to water and gain 2 lbs. I have an Endo Dr. as my PCP since hypothyroidism messes with every part of the body and I have my TSH checked every 4-6 months or sooner if I have any of the symptoms more then usual. Weight loss is really hard but don't give up.:smile:
  • soccerdog693
    soccerdog693 Posts: 73 Member
    Yup, I have it too. I was just diagnosed about 5 days ago and am on 50 mcg of levo. Has anyone noticed that their weight comes off more easily after balanced medication?
  • Hi_Im_Jess
    Hi_Im_Jess Posts: 347 Member
    I'm contacting my doctor today to get a new prescription for bloodwork.. Then Im going to annoy the crap out of him until he reviews the results with me over the phone. I really have to keep on top of him :-/
  • brandypenny
    brandypenny Posts: 3 Member
    I have had hypothyroidism for about 8 years now. I found out right after my first son was born, the doctors thought I had post partum depression but just on a whim they tested my thyroid and low and behold my levels were really high. My doctor put me on the generic for levothyroxine right away, I don't think I have ever felt the same. I get my thyroid tested every six months and it seems like my doctor is always changing my medication dosage. It is really hard to lose weight and especially feel like a human being. I am glad that I found this message board, it helps me to read the posts. No one else gets how tired I can be (especially my husband) and I am hoping to find people that can relate. Thank you!
  • Hi_Im_Jess
    Hi_Im_Jess Posts: 347 Member
    I feel the same way. A lot of people don't understand how it is. Some days Im too tired to do anything and I just generally feel like crap and am depressed. People think telling me to snap out of it will work, as if its that easy.. or they comment on the fact that my weightloss is very gradual, they give me advice on how to lose weight and tell me I should have lost more by now. Its comforting to see other people on here have similar experiences. I know its not impossible to lose the weight, its just not as fast as I would like. It gets discouraging at times but its nice to have friends on here on my side :happy:
  • brandypenny
    brandypenny Posts: 3 Member
    It is not hard to lose weight when you have hypothyroidism, the hard part is to get your mind right. When you have so many variables working against you, it is hard to even muster the energy and perseverance to do it. Right before my second son was conceived I had lost 20 pounds and felt great. I realized that with this disease you have to change your lifestyle and that is the hardest thing to change. I like the support and information that I am receiving on this message board. Thank you!:smile:
  • seebeexx
    seebeexx Posts: 2
    Yup ... had it for several years, along with other things like type 2 diabetes. I've had breast cancer twice but still got two - different shapes and sizes, but the dreaded C has been beaten! Arthritis is a painful nuisance but I keep on taking the painkillers when it gets bad. Most of us get rusty one way or another as we get older but so what? I'm ALIVE! :love:
  • SaraEBurns
    SaraEBurns Posts: 14 Member
    I'm currently taking synthroid 100mcg for about a year and a half now. I'm looking for friends that may be dealing with similar issues losing weight and/or similar symptoms from hypothyroidism (you know.. the random weight gain, GI problems, exhaustion, depression at times, leg pain, hair loss, all that fun stuff). Please feel free to add me so we can support eachother. Thanks in advance :happy:

    I have had thyroid problems since I was 16 and I now work for one of the best Endocrinologist's in the U.S. I can tell you that a 4 is still too low. You should talk to your PCP or your Endo about a combination of T4/T3 treatment. I take Armour Thyroid and Tirosint and it's the best I've felt in years. I've been on almost every treatment you can imagine and this is definitely one of the best. The benefit to Tirosint over Synthroid is that the Tirosint is more of a pure form, no additives, etc. It's more expensive, but definitely worth it IMO.

    Unfortunately, fixing the thyroid doesn't mean the weight will fix itself too. That becomes a different issue in itself. HOWEVER, if on the right treatment, the hair loss, depression, etc. should not only decrease, it should go away.

    Good luck!
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    I'm hypothyroid, as well. I take 75 MCG of Synthroid. I used to just see my PCM for it, but they never seemed to have me on the right dosage and my levels weren't right on blood tests. Since I've been seeing my Endocrinologist for the last year or so, my levels have greatly improved and I feel a lot better.
  • YES, I have problems with my thyroid along with other medical issues
    I have lost a lot of weight, but gave up for a while because I wasnt losing any weight. I am back trying once again
    Any suupport I can get would be greatly appreciated. Have a great day.
  • leighCJLourens
    leighCJLourens Posts: 3 Member
    HI there,
    I have an underactive thyroid as of 2010. I received the radioactive iodine treatment as I had been diagnosed overactive since 2005.
    I have a 10 week old baby and am currently on 250mcg of eltroxin (i'm in South Africa). Weight loss has been extremely difficult because of my thyroid so I can understand. There are ways to help though and it's all about your daily diet.
    It's nice to know that there are others out there!
  • ovrmihed
    ovrmihed Posts: 1
    I was diagnoised hypo in Feburary of this year after my doctor tested me because I had gained back all the weight I had lost in the previous year and a half. I'm currently taking 75 mcg levo. I did not have all the symptoms, mine were fatigue and weight. It's frustrating to be told that you levels are normal when I still don't feel normal. I am still tired all the time. I just recent switched dr's and I get to see her again in six weeks for my weight. I'm no longer gaining weight, but am having a hard time losing it.
  • emmalousmom1
    emmalousmom1 Posts: 121 Member
    I want to share with everyone here, I have no thyroid, thyroid cancer 2 years ago, I am also a nurse, felt awful, for a long time, gained 20lb, and finally figured out what needs to be done by your doctor. Your doctor needs to test your FREE t4 and free t3 along with the tsh, ask your doctor to raise your synthroid until the t4 and t3 are in the upper third of normal. When I finally done this, I have started to lose weight and feel so much better:)_
  • krisgrody
    krisgrody Posts: 13
    I am 26 years old and found out 3 years ago that I have hypothyroidism. I am on 50mcg of synthroid a day. It runs in my family, my great aunts and grandmother had it too. I found out when I gained 16 lb in 1 month and was so tired all the time where I was sleeping 12 hours at night and getting up and sitting on the couch and falling right back to sleep. I currently have lost 59.5 lb since January 1st 2013. just been counting calories and exercising and making sure I take my pill. I also am now taking adipex to help with the hunger and energy level.I started at 264 and now weigh 204.8 lbs. first 30 lbs i did it without the adipex. it can be done just make sure you are eating enough cuz if I drop below 1200 calories I stop losing cuz it just slows down my metabolism more.
  • krisgrody
    krisgrody Posts: 13
    Try going raw food vegan and eating as much food as you want. Seriously, knock back 2500-3000 calories of mostly raw, vegan foods. LOTS of fruits. It has been shown to "fix" messed up thyroids, help you lose weight, and feel way better. I eat a mostly raw vegan diet with a TON of fruits (made my way through 4 oranges and 2 large apples this morning as a SNACK) and still am losing weight and have energy to spare. Just an idea. Giver her a go!
    Just wondering if you do have hypothyroidism? cuz there is no cure out there for it once your thyroid cuts down it production. It runs in the families to so it based on your family genes and you really didn't say you actually have it?