


  • crissgr
    crissgr Posts: 58 Member
    I alternate between cereal and oats.

    It looks something like this...

    First day:

    1 cup, Silk - Vanilla Soy Milk
    1 cup, Kashi - Autumn Wheat Cereal-Organic 7 Whole Grain
    1 bar, Kashi Tlc (Right Fat Amount) - Honey Almond Flax Chewy Granola Bar

    Calories: 420

    Second day:

    1/2 cup dry, Quaker - Quick Quaker Oats
    1 cup, Silk - Vanilla Soy Milk
    Medium Apple - Raw, With Skin

    Calories: 322

    But keep in mind, I eat 6 meals a day (one every 3 hours precise).
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    My go-to is a banana breakfast shake I got off of Jillian Michael's site...

    1 cup skim milk
    3/4 cup sliced bananas (I usually just go with 1 banana, but that may be slightly less than 3/4 a cup depending on size)
    2 tsp peanut butter
    and it calls for 3/4 tsp ground flax seeds, but I haven't found them yet

    Blend! :) You can add ice if you want, but I've found that freezing the bananas does the same "freezy" thing to the smoothie!

  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Usually oatmeal and boiled eggs (no yolk), but have made PB & J sandwich on the 100 cal Arnold roll, or bacon, egg and cheese sandwich, All Bran cereal and milk, string cheese and apple (on the go) . Out of all of them the oatmeal and eggs hold me the longest.
  • jhbullen
    Here are a few in my current rotation:
    - Sprouted grain cinnamon raisin toast (1 slice) with 1 TB of almond butter with flax seed (from trader joe's) and a banana
    - Greek yogurt (ff or 2%) with fresh blueberries and about 2T granola
    - Smoothie with FF yogurt, banana, frozen berries, and a little milk
    - 1 egg plus 2 whites over a slice of sprouted grain toast (add tomato slice or a bit of avocado if you need a bit more fat)
    - Lowfat cottage cheese with some fruit
    - Cereal (Kashi of some variety) with vanilla almond milk and berries
    - Once the weather starts to get cooler, oatmeal will work itself into the rotation again!
    - On weekends I'll make whole wheat pancakes, with blueberries if I've got 'em

    I tend to add a bit more protein if I've done a morning workout

    Hope this helps :smile:
  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    1/2 cup Eggbeaters
    1/4 cup fresh spinach, julienned
    1 TB feta cheese
    1 TB crumbled turkey bacon
    red pepper flakes

    8 oz. skim milk

    182 calories
  • jodie_t
    jodie_t Posts: 287 Member
    Oh lord y'all are making my hungry LOL...

    OK I usually have 2 Ryevita crispbread with Flora light spread, put low cal marmalade on one and tahini on the other. I have to have something thats almost instant, can be faffing about spending half an hour with breakfast prep. I don't mind for other meals but not breakfast, I'd pass out if I had to wait more than 5 mins :)

    I have cereal with yog, nuts, dried fruit last thing at night so don't want any of that again for brekkie.

    I'm ingtrigued by Egg Beaters - what are they?

    I love the idea of poached egg on crumpet - I keep soft boiled eggs in the fridge just for snacking on so could use one of those and just toast a crumpet, won't take more than a minute. Also the wheat pancakes with blueberries - I usually have blueberries around, either fresh or frozen, and maybe I could add some low fat Philly cream cheese in there. You can get ready made whole wheat pancakes, they're very thin, so double would be very many calories, and easy to heat if needed.

    Thanks guys that was very helpful:flowerforyou:
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    1/2 cup Eggbeaters
    1/4 cup fresh spinach, julienned
    1 TB feta cheese
    1 TB crumbled turkey bacon
    red pepper flakes

    8 oz. skim milk

    182 calories

    Yum! You make that into an omelet?
  • jodie_t
    jodie_t Posts: 287 Member
    ugh that last sentence came out gobbledegook, I had my daughter call just as I was about to finish up :os

    What I meant was " it's do-able, wouldn't be very many calories, and easy to heat if needed."