going off birth control



  • lisitabonita
    lisitabonita Posts: 81 Member
    I was on BC for the last 15 years. I recently when off of it, due to age and the concerns of the risks. I had no issues. I did, however, supplement with Maca. It is good for helping balance the hormones. I add some to my morning smoothie.
  • Radiskull
    Radiskull Posts: 70 Member
    Weight falls off of me when I stop taking the pill. That's the only plus.
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences! I feel alot better

    remember nothing is 100%. My 10 year old son was concieved when I had the Copper T inplanted. They were unable to remove it and he came out with the IUD on his head. If you have a IUD in MAKE SURE YOU CHECK YOUR STRINGS!!! If you dont feel them you have issues and you CAN get preggers.

    I read a similar story, where the woman said her child came out holding it in one hand. I don't know if that's an exaggeration or not but it gets the point across. I always use condoms with the pill and will also with the IUD; I'm pretty terrified of getting pregnant before I'm out of school and financially stable enough to care for a child.

    The IUD will be safer than the pill for me I think, based on how often I forget pills lol. Thanks for the advice =]
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    I went off birth control after being on for years and years and the only issue I have is heavy periods. I went on Prenatal vitamins right away though. Doesn't sound like you are trying to get pregnant, but my doc said it is good for any woman in child bearing age, and I think it helped the transition of getting off of them.

    I had acne when I was on the pill in high school, but it didn't flare up after going off the pill.

    Hope it is an easy transition for you! Make sure to mark your start and end dates of your period. It will help you in the long run. I never want a surprise period! LOL.

    I've heard of taking prenatals for the hair, skin and nail benefits! I'll look into that, I need some new vitamins since I let all mine run out a while back(so bad about that lol).
  • mflinn84
    mflinn84 Posts: 35
    I went off birth control for six months in 2008. I did not gain a pound. I lost no hair. I had no mood-swings side effects, but of course did have heavier periods. Don't worry yourself about it. You may even find it's easier to LOSE weight off the birth control pill.

    That said, unless you are wanting to get pregnant be sure to use another reliable method of birth control! I have talked to so many girls who think the pill keeps working for a while after they stop it (why, why do they think this?). Anyway, they're moms now. I'm sure you know this but I just had to say.

    Anyway, yer gonna be just fine.
  • spycyginger
    Take BIO PMT!! It help regulate your hormones. It has done wonders for me! I used to break every time my period came , but now my face its clear! It also helps with over all mood and PMS.
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    I went off birth control for six months in 2008. I did not gain a pound. I lost no hair. I had no mood-swings side effects, but of course did have heavier periods. Don't worry yourself about it. You may even find it's easier to LOSE weight off the birth control pill.

    That said, unless you are wanting to get pregnant be sure to use another reliable method of birth control! I have talked to so many girls who think the pill keeps working for a while after they stop it (why, why do they think this?). Anyway, they're moms now. I'm sure you know this but I just had to say.

    Anyway, yer gonna be just fine.

    Thanks, I hope my experience is as positive as yours. I am switching to another method of birth control, no pregnancies for me any time soon.
  • lemonmon1
    lemonmon1 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm glad I found this post! I'm going off the pill in a few months after 7 years on it and I'm so excited to be hormone free! I had been looking into the copper IUD for a while with some concerns, but after just casually mentioning a vasectomy to my husvand he surprised me and is getting one in a few weeks! I've been sacrificing for so long, it is so nice that I won't have to anymore!
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    I was on the pill for over 10 years when I got of to try to have a baby I did not have any difference in weight or hair. I did break out more and oddly on my back and chest which was not very attractive! My periods became extremely painful like they were before I got put on the pill (why I went on it in the first place).

    Birth control sucks. I am debating getting back on the pill to make periods less painful.
  • chaoticrunner
    chaoticrunner Posts: 32 Member
    Increased libido, like whooa.

    Also, I didn't gain weight or lose any hair or anything. I don't even remember noticing a difference in craps or flow either.

    EXACTLY. Oh my, when I went off my birth control, my libido was out of control! It did settle down a bit though haha. Had some cramping, which was entirely new to me. Never had them before.
  • cassienoe
    cassienoe Posts: 126 Member
    just putting this out there, but you might be interested in the book TAKING CHARGE OF YOUR FERTILITY if you are looking for alternatives to hormonal birth control. :smile:

    I've done a bit of research on that, if I'd be as bad at remembering to chart as I was with taking the pill at the same time every day it wouldn't be too effective for me though lol

    I stopped taking the pill probably around January or February. I do not remember when actually. I was wanting to get off the artificial hormones because I did not like how they made me. I downloaded an app to my phone that is a period tracker. I input my start date and end date and it learns what your average cycle is. There is a calendar that shows you your fertile days as well as when you should ovulate. We make sure to be super extra cautious around those times because we do not want to take ANY chances. We also use other forms of B.C.

    When I went off the pill I found it much easier to lose weight. I also find I have more will power to stick to my diet when I am not on it. I do lose my hair but I think that is primarily due to the fact that I am always coloring it, I don't see it being related to the pill. Cramps are worse and I do break out when I am PMSing. But it is livable for me. And ya.. the libido change is great.