My boring story



  • NadirToZenith
    NadirToZenith Posts: 62 Member
    Trust me, I know how you feel. But I'm 44 years old and I can tell you from many years of experience that unless you make a long term plan to fix the problems that got you here, you won't solve the problem. Starving yourself, overexercising or following any super restrictive diet plan might get you skinny faster but the very second that you stop the plan you'll zoom right back to where you are now or even higher!

    Exercise, make small changes to how you eat and love yourself a little more. Soon you'll be where you want!
  • sarahjoyt
    sarahjoyt Posts: 7
    Instead of limiting your calories choose clean healthy whole foods like fruits, vegtables and fish, avoid white breads white pasta white rice etc dont eat aftet 8:00pm and make sure you get 8+hours sleep :)
  • lilco
    lilco Posts: 19 Member
    If ABC is really that bad, what should I do? Eat fruits and vegetables? I really don't know

    Start out eating a net of 1200 calories a day. (Meaning if you exercise and burn off 400 calories you should be eating 1600), and get at least 30 minutes of exercise 4 times a week. That is the easiest way to get started. Starving is not the answer.

    Yes! Start by eating more fruits and vegetables. I find the healthier you eat, the further your calories go! Some things I try to aim for are:

    1. Try to aim to eat more whole foods, for example, whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains, grass-fed and free-range meats, low fat dairy products, unsalted nuts, and seeds. Basically,the more natural the better.

    2. Try to eat less processed foods. Processed foods are any food with a label, obviously you don't have to cut out all the processed foods at the grocery store, but you can start by cutting back slowly.

    3. Cook your own meals. Instead of buying meals in a box or fast food, cook meals from scratch. That way you know exactly what's going into what you eat. It takes more time and effort but it's worth it.

    They key is to count every calorie that goes into your mouth and every exercise you do, and enter it into MFP. It will make you more aware of what you're eating. Remember you don't have to go below your goals, the goal already has the deficit you need built in!
  • lilco
    lilco Posts: 19 Member
    And you are beautiful, there is no need to put yourself down!
  • enzifalt
    enzifalt Posts: 4
    Ok, so I broke my ABC plan and started plan which tells MyFitnessPal would be best for me. I hope it will work
  • Grenon
    Grenon Posts: 228 Member
    All you can do is take responsibility for the weight gain and turn that into motivation to burn it all off. No one here will laugh at you they are more inclined to help you! Exercise and a good round diet will help you achieve your goals. Good luck and don't get discouraged if you slip up a bit, it happens to everyone but the hard part is committing yourself to getting back on track.
  • jadermary
    jadermary Posts: 105 Member
    If ABC is really that bad, what should I do? Eat fruits and vegetables? I really don't know

    That's an easy answer...just follow what My Fitness Pal recommends for you. It has worked for a LOT of people and you will be able to eat a lot more food than on that ABC diet thing plus you will be able to stay healthy! Good luck and remember your weight does not define you so please be nice to yourself and your body :flowerforyou: You only get one
  • rdupla5501
    Hi Elizabeth. Let me start off by saying that I've NEVER replied to a message board before, so this is a 1st for me, and the reason I am posting is because today is the 1 year "anniversary" of me finally sticking to the program that My FitnessPal designed for me. My background info is as follows: 39 year old high school teacher, married w/2 amazing daughters (ages 5 and 8), former athlete/coach. Last July 17th, when I stepped on the scale I weighed 223.4 lbs--not a desirable weight for ny 5'10" frame, but most importantly I actually felt unhealthy. It was at that moment that I decided to change my life and jump into My Fitness Pal with both feet, am I glad I did.

    The first 2 weeks of following the plan were the hardest. Cutting calories and figuring the right foods to eat was a new learning experience for me. In addition, I committed to becoming more active, which was eyeopening as well, for in my mind, I was still an athlete, but in actuality, not so much. Anyway, after the 1st 2weeks, I was down 6 pounds and I was hooked. I have kept up the regimen of diet w/20 minutes of exercise each day. I have splurged, for celebrations, but I end it there and get right back to the program. My cholesterol has dropped 99 points, and my doctor has cut my blood pressure medicine in half.

    So, like I said, today makes 1 year and my weigh in this morning was 157.0--66 lbs less than this time last year. I actually reared up this morning when I weighed in; not because of how much I have lost (I'm certainly proud of that), but because I stuck w/it. Too many times in my life I found reasons to stop trying, but this time I didn't. That being said, I am living proof that willpower can prevail. I love the new me, and strangely, I have had 3 friends contact me over the last 5 weeks to ask me how I lost the weight--because they said I'm an inspiration to them. That has been the most amazing compliment.

    I wish you well in your journey, and I hope you don't perceive my post as bragging, but 13 months ago, I too was filled w/doubt.
  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    Instead of limiting your calories choose clean healthy whole foods like fruits, vegtables and fish, avoid white breads white pasta white rice etc dont eat aftet 8:00pm and make sure you get 8+hours sleep :)

    There is no reason to not eat after 8PM (or any other time of the day). In other words: it doesn't matter what time you eat.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    Ok, so I broke my ABC plan and started plan which tells MyFitnessPal would be best for me. I hope it will work
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    The good news is, you can fix this problem.

    In the meantime, don't say anything to yourself that you wouldn't say to a friend. You may not have realized it, but you're being very mean to yourself right now. Instead, think about what you would say to a close friend in your position. :)

    I totally agree!
  • lilco
    lilco Posts: 19 Member
    Ok, so I broke my ABC plan and started plan which tells MyFitnessPal would be best for me. I hope it will work
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    The ABC diet seems really restrictive. If you want to lose weight and keep it off while being healthy you should stick to the 1200 cal/day and add in some strength training/cardio


    Eat less, move more. It's really that simple. If you find yourself wanting more calories, start lifting weights, which can support a high caloric intake.

    The problem with diets like ABC is that they can't be sustained indefinitely.
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    put all the money you save on food into a fund to replace your teeth and get a wig when your hair and teeth fall out from malnutrition. Also, prepare to start fainting at random.

    tsk tsk
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    Ok, so I broke my ABC plan and started plan which tells MyFitnessPal would be best for me. I hope it will work

    The good news here is that whether or not it will work is dependent on you. Not always easy to hear, until you realize that you can take control.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I just sent you a friend request. It does not help to speak so negatively about yourself. It only makes things worse. Try a simple low calorie diet and exercise plan for a couple of weeks and see if you don't feel better.
  • Holmesfamily26037
    Holmesfamily26037 Posts: 18 Member
    ABC stands for Ana Boot Camp diet. The goal is to trick your metabolism into believing you're not going into starvation mode. It's an extremely unhealthy way to lose weight and Elizabeth I really hope you read more information on this site and choose a more healthy way to lose weight by changing your lifestyle and eating healthy and exercising, not starving yourself! That diet is very bad for your health! You shouldn't be eating less than 1200 a day and that's the minimum!

    Day 1: 500 calories (or less)
    Day 2: 500 calories (or less)
    3:300 calories
    4:400 calories
    5: 100 calories
    6: 200 calories
    7: 300 calories
    8: 400 calories
    9: 500 calories
    10: fast
    11: 150 calories
    12: 200 calories
    13: 400 calories
    14: 350 calories
  • Holmesfamily26037
    Holmesfamily26037 Posts: 18 Member
    Why on earth would anyone wanna try this!!??? The damage you are gonna do to your body is outrageous!!! All you gonna end up doing is making yourself sick or something and definitely not gonna help with weight loss! GEEEZ

    If your gonna do something, do it right!
  • AliceA2013
    AliceA2013 Posts: 65 Member
    I am glad you broke your dangerous ABC diet but it was bound to happen: our bodies are programmed to give up on torturing restrictive diets. With a sensible, gradual weight loss and frequent exercise programme, your chances of success are greatly increased, as this forum shows you. The first week is the hardest as your body gets used to going with less sugar but then it feels fine and you are in control. Good luck.
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    Ok, so I broke my ABC plan and started plan which tells MyFitnessPal would be best for me. I hope it will work
