Looking for active gamers?



  • Naina_Bug
    Naina_Bug Posts: 74 Member
    I play COD games and Dance Central games on my Xbox, and sometimes Sims 3.
  • Alatariel2002
    Alatariel2002 Posts: 65 Member
    Second Life..although it's not really a game I don't think. Lots of RP to be found though.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Hi. I used to be a big time MMO player, FFXI was my choice of drug. I don't play it anymore. I don't have nor do I want to spend all the time I did before. I mostly do single player on Xbox. A little bit of everything. There's a group on MFP for gamers
  • I got way too many steam games in my backlog, ever since uni finished I'm slowly getting through them :P Fan of pretty much anything
  • StarCraft right here been playing since the beginning, along with too many other games to name. Im multiplatform as well mainly pc but i do occadionally turn on the xbox. Feel free to add me if you'd all like to.
  • tonyoconnor129
    tonyoconnor129 Posts: 46 Member
    CURSE the OP of this thread, and the Fates that made me look.
    The Monkey has reattached itself to my back, and I am back on NWN1
    on the 12 Dark Secrets server. Still finding time to walk everyday (try NOT walking with 3 dogs)
    and eating right, but me thinks that sleep will become an issue, again :smile:

    Bless the OP, I'd forgotten how much fun I used to have online :-)
    And sleep deprived halucinations can be cool....:laugh:

    Any NWN folks out there who want can friend me
  • EvilDollee
    EvilDollee Posts: 386 Member
    PC gamer here, anything I can get my hands on, I play.
  • needtoloseafewpounds
    needtoloseafewpounds Posts: 161 Member
    I play League of Legends ^^ (On the Korean and American server) Feel free to add me!
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 862 Member
    Currently grab either The secret world or neverwinter online when I have time to play. Last game I finished was the new Tomb Raider.

    Working and exercising doesnt leave much time for playing.. but I still like it. Feel free to add me ;)
  • leradoms
    leradoms Posts: 22 Member
    I am a console (ps3) gamer, I just started playing The Last of Us, but it is a little too scary for me!
  • David_Hernandez
    David_Hernandez Posts: 16 Member
    I play starcraft 2 plus other games for ps3. Last of us. Black ops 2, saints row 2 and 3 mainly right now
  • Grenon
    Grenon Posts: 228 Member
    I play a lot of Xbox most of the time, usually Halo 4, Minecraft, L4D2 or sports game or the odd other game! On Assassin's Creed 3 now, friend lent me the series so almost done playing through it.
  • aliciarose511
    aliciarose511 Posts: 37 Member
    I may have a Legend of Zelda tattoo somewhere. :)
  • crosstrich
    crosstrich Posts: 40
    I play xbox. Soul calibur v. Always looking for new souls. Also tekken and borderlands. Doom ii, unreal tournament, quake 3. If anyone is on zdaemon, I love deathmatching.
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    I played WoW heavily for years (We're talking 10-16 hours a day). Now, I go for a run or to the gym instead.

    MMO's are just not ingredients for a more-active lifestyle. Not for me anyway.
  • iconnor
    iconnor Posts: 90 Member
    Yes, LoL! Just started playing. I try to play while standing though, so I put my laptop on my bookshelf. More healthy than sitting. :)
  • jesseg1989
    jesseg1989 Posts: 49 Member
    I play PC and console games, but lately I've been playing PC more than console. I use to play StarCraft 2 then became bored with it. I guess I'm just not patient enough for strategy games lol, but lately I've been majorly addicted to The Witcher.
  • king752
    king752 Posts: 8 Member
    I actually play competitive DotA,
    and a lot of small games with friends

    I might be fit and in shape now, but I'll never let go of my nerd roots.
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    Xbox, Starcraft and red alert also the XBOX your shape evolved. Gamertag is MRBLACKSOCKS for xbox live.. add me on here or xbox!
  • Gearjammer71
    Gearjammer71 Posts: 151 Member
    WoW here too. I used to play excessively - 6-8 hours a day. I cut it down to raiding 3 nights a week.